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EU/MK/IRD/88659/2024 28/03/2024
Our Ref:.................................................... Your Ref:.................................................... Date:....................................................

To whom it may concern:


Today, Agent Logan Ma : who is a legal Diploma working with Delivery Global Express DGP Company
Was in our office to make an arrangement with our Spanish Customs on how his fund $1.85 Million
Will be delivered to you in your receiving address: AT: PAN SERVICE SRL adresse: CORSO NAZIONALE
N.222 ZIP CODE:19125 city: LA SPEZIA province: SP na on: ITALY, Phone number:
+39 3482400215 For the delivery to commence safely without hindrance from any government
Authori es in Spain/Italy Border, However you are required to procure An -terrorist Clearance
Cer ficate and Money Laundering Cer ficate. These Two Cer ficates will prove that this
Funds is not earned from drug or terrorism related transac ons. This fund is a legi mate
Fund from Delivery Global Express DGP Company, To procure these documents In our office,
It will cost you the total Sum of EUROS 35,000.00 (Thirty five thousand) Only. As soon as the Two
Cer ficates are processed in Agent Logan Ma . Name and the Custom can fully allow Agent Logan
Ma to Leave…

Please be informed that upon receipt of this document, we will proceed with the clearance.

Yours Faithfully,


28 /03 /2024
Faustino Carlito
Permanent Representative of Spain to the united Kingdom

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