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​ he unique aspect of this renewed effort to decide scientific ethics lies in the inclusion of individuals

directly affected by hereditary diseases in the decision-making process. Unlike previous discussions
led by policymakers or professionals, this citizens' jury provided a platform for those with personal
experiences of genetic conditions to voice their views on the complex issue of genome editing of
human embryos.

The article presents two main perspectives on this contentious issue: those in favor of allowing
genome editing of human embryos for treating genetic conditions and those who are cautious or
against it. Those in favor argue that such technology could offer hope for individuals and families
affected by serious genetic disorders, potentially alleviating suffering and improving quality of life.
On the other hand, those cautious or against genome editing raise concerns about ethical
implications, potential widening of societal inequalities, and the need for careful consideration of
the long-term consequences.

In my personal opinion, I align more with the perspective of cautiousness or skepticism regarding
genome editing of human embryos. While I acknowledge the potential benefits it could offer for
individuals with genetic conditions, I believe there are significant ethical and societal concerns that
need to be carefully addressed before moving forward with such interventions. The implications of
altering the genetic makeup of future generations raise complex questions about autonomy,
equality, and the value of human diversity.

My opinion is influenced by a combination of ethical considerations and an understanding of the

potential risks involved in altering human genetics. Additionally, my background in ethics and
bioethics has shaped my perspective on the importance of considering the broader implications of
emerging technologies on society as a whole.

Overall, while I recognize the potential for genome editing to offer solutions for genetic disorders, I
believe it is crucial to proceed with caution, ensuring that ethical principles and considerations of
societal impact guide decision-making in this rapidly advancing field of science.

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