Criminology Edited1

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Identify the reasons teenagers are prone to committing crimes.

Teenagers are prone to committing crimes because of several factors. To begin with,

biological factors such as age, gender, and intelligence. Youths are at an age where they are

physically active and can participate in criminal activities because of the extra energy that they

possess. Closely tied to age is gender. The males are the gender who are prone to committing

crimes more than their female counterparts. In the same vein, youths who commit violent crimes

are less intelligent. However, intelligence youths have been associated with criminal cases that

require knowledge to operate. The second reason why the youths are prone to committing crimes

can be justified by social factors such as quality of parenting, family structure, low parental

income, and criminal background (Columbia Southern University, 2023b). Poor quality parenting

results in a raised child who enjoys unethical behaviors such rape, robbery, and drug usage. The

background and family history can justify the behavior of a child since teenagers who are raised

in a family with criminal history records have a high chance of picking the habits as they grow.

Lastly is the criminal justice system factor, which refers to the role of punishments, level of

policing, and past imprisonment.

Explain how the information from the Uniform Crime Report provides data relating to

typical juvenile crimes.

A close examination of criminal participation statistical data by the Uniform Crime

Report (State police) reveals the following findings (Columbia Southern University, 2023b). The

report suggests that the juveniles who are from single-parent families, were born to teen mothers,

have less educated parents, come from a family with low income, and are black in complexation

have been recorded with high rates of criminal activities. These subject teens have been

associated with violent crimes and property crimes. Property crimes refer to stealing something

or selling hard drugs, while violent crimes refer to injuring an individual or engaging in force to

obtain something. The data information from the uniform crime reports clearly supports the

identified reasons why teenagers are prone to committing crimes.

What is the aging out effect, and how does it influence transitions to becoming adult


The crime report data illustrate that there is a decline in the crime rate as a person ages

(the aging out effect). Men show a decline in property crime and violent crime. Property crime

drops from 41% to 17% as a person ages, while violent crime shows a drop from 18% to 11%.

The women show a substantially negligible crime rate from the information data (Columbia

Southern University, 2023b). The information supports that as men age, the rate of committing

crime reduces gradually across the years. However, despite the gradual drop in violent crime

over the years, the rate is substantially small, showing that men and women are more likely to

commit violent crimes than property crimes. The aging out effect, therefore, influences adults

from becoming criminals rather than transitioning into offenders.

Explain how offenders rely on the Internet to locate and entice victims to fall prey to

human trafficking.

The Internet provides a platform for communication through social media such as

Facebook and Instagram. The offenders always take advantage of social media to entice people

to commit crimes. The offenders always engage in clever tricks to entice the victims to

participate in performing criminal acts. For the offenders to fully attract the attention of the

victims and convince them, they always make false promises that closely resemble the truth

(Columbia Southern University, 2023a). In fact, it is hard to distinguish false promises from the truth

unless one is intellectually smart. Part of the promises are grand jobs, the best payments, and a

better life. Additionally, the offenders can go to the extent of obtaining the victim's personal

information from the Internet, including contacts, to reach the prey directly. Therefore, the

offenders have utilized the Internet to entice their prey.

Discuss the various crimes children and juveniles are forced to commit as victims of human


Children and teens have become the major victims of human trafficking since the

founding era of the act. Children and teens have been forced to commit various crimes by the

offenders. Some of the exploitation in which children and teens have been forced to are

prostitution, exploitation through survival sex, sex tourism, and forcing the teens and children to

participate in sexual venues such as strip clubs. The juveniles and children have been forced by

the offenders of human trafficking to participate in the above unethical act, making the victims

suffer psychologically and emotionally.

What methods can law enforcement and community leaders employ to combat human


In order to control and prevent human trafficking, law enforcement and community

leaders have employed various methods to combat human trafficking. The method that has been

put in place at the law enforcement level was the formulation of The Trafficking Victims

Protection Act of 2000, which directed three approaches against human trafficking. The

approaches were prevention, protection, and persecution (Sanchez & Pacquiao, 2018). At the

community level, some of the methods that have been put in place are the creation of public

awareness against human trafficking by forensic nurses and comprehensive service provisions

such as medical services, drug counseling, and mental illness therapy to people within the

community by health officers.



Columbia Southern University. (2023a). CSU. https://research-ebsco-


Columbia Southern University. (2023b). CSU. https://research-ebsco-


Sanchez, R. V., & Pacquiao, D. F. (2018). An Ecological Approach Toward Prevention and Care

of Victims of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking. Journal of Forensic Nursing, 14(2), 98–


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