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Original Reports | Radiation Oncology

Status of Government-Funded Radiotherapy Services

in Nigeria
Simeon C. Aruah, MBBS, MPH, MD1,2 ; Runcie C.W. Chidebe, BSc, MSc3,4,5 ; Tochukwu C. Orjiakor, PhD3,6 ; Fatima Uba, MBBS, FMCR, MD7;
Uchechukwu N. Shagaya, MBBS, MD1; Charles Ugwanyi, MBBS, MD8; Aisha A. Umar, MBBCh, FMCR, MD9; Taofeeq Ige, PhD10 ;
Obinna C. Asogwa, BSc10,11; Oiza T. Ahmadu, MBBS12; Musa Ali-Gombe, MBBS13,14 ; Alabi Adewumi, MBBS15; Vitalis C. Okwor, MBBS, MSc, MD16;
Jimoh A. Mutiu, MBChB, MSc, MD17 ; Basheer Bello, MBBS18; Lucy O. Eriba, MBBS, MD19; Yusuf A. Ahmed, PhD20,21; Awwal Bisalla, MBBS21;
Ukamaka Itanyi, MBBS, MD22; Ramatallah A. Balogun, MBBS23; Suleiman Alabi, MBBS7; David Pistenmaa, MD, PhD24;
C. Norman Coleman, MD24 ; and Dosanjh Manjit, MD, PhD25,26


Accepted April 18, 2023

Copyright © 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology. See for reuse terms.

Published June 22, 2023

PURPOSE Access to radiotherapy (RT) is now one of the stark examples of global cancer JCO Global Oncol 9:e2200406
inequities. More than 800,000 new cancer cases require potentially curative or © 2023 by American Society of
palliative RT services in Africa, arguably <15% of these patients currently have Clinical Oncology
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access to this important service. For a population of more than 206 million,
Nigeria requires a minimum of 280 RT machines for the increasing number of
cancer cases. Painfully, the country has only eight Government-funded RT
machines. This study aimed to evaluate the status of the eight Government-
funded RT services in Nigeria and their ability to deliver effective RT to their
METHODS A survey addressing 10 critical areas was used to assess the eight Government-
funded RT services in Nigeria.
RESULTS Unfortunately, six of the eight centers (75%) surveyed have not treated pa-
tients with RT because they do not have functioning teletherapy machines in
2021. Only two RT centers have the capability of treating patients using ad-
vanced RT techniques. There is no positron emission tomography-computed
tomography scan in any of the Government-funded RT centers. The workforce
capacity and infrastructure across the eight centers are limited. All of the
centers lack residency training programs for medical physicists and radiation
therapy technologists resulting in very few well-trained staff.
CONCLUSION As the Nigerian Government plans for the new National Cancer Control Plan,
there is an urgent need to scale up access to RT by upgrading the RT equipment,
workforce, and infrastructure to meet the current needs of Nigerian patients
with cancer. Although the shortfall is apparent from a variety of RT-capacity
databases, this detailed analysis provides essential information for an imple-
mentation plan involving solutions from within Nigeria and with global
partners. Licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 License

INTRODUCTION non-Hodgkin lymphoma—5.9%, and other cancers—53.1%4

while the most common cancers treated with RT were breast
Radiotherapy (RT) is an essential component of the curative (37.5%), uterine cervix (16.3%), head and neck (11.9%), and
and palliative treatment of patients with cancer. However, this prostate (10.9%).6
important modality is not readily available in many African
countries including Nigeria.1 More than 800,000 new cancer Access to RT is a significant challenge globally because of
cases require potentially curative or palliative RT services in deficiencies in equipment and RT workforce.7 In addition to
Africa, arguably <15% of these patients currently have workforce shortages, another critical challenge in delivering
access to this important service.2,3 With 125,000 new cancer quality RT services in Nigeria is poor RT infrastructure. This
cases and 79,000 cancer death in 20204 in Nigeria, cancer makes transition from the two-dimensional (2D) to three-
is becoming a growing public health challenge for its pop- dimensional (3D) RT treatment technique difficult in most of
ulation of 206 million people.5 The four most common cancers the Government-established RT services.6 There is also a
were breast—22.7%, prostate—12.3%, colorectal—6%, lack of Government commitment especially in terms of | 1
Aruah et al


Key Objective
This study evaluated the status of Government-funded radiotherapy (RT) services in Nigeria regarding equipment and
workforce and quantified their ability to deliver effective RT to patients.

Knowledge Generated
Only two Government-funded RT centers have modern three-dimensional computed tomography (CT) simulation
There are limited service contracts or maintenance engineers to repair linear accelerators (LINACs) in Nigeria. Thus, when a
LINAC breaks down, there is a long waiting time for maintenance which, in turn, leads to treatment delay.
Copyright © 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology. See for reuse terms.

There is no positron emission tomography-CT scan in any of the Government-funded RT centers.

There is a lack of residency training programs for medical physicists and radiation therapy technologists in Nigeria.

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This study provided empirical evidence of the poor state of Government-funded RT centers and the need for more budgetary
The findings will guide clinicians, patient advocates, health care leaders, and the Nigeria Federal Ministry of Health as they
plan for the new National Cancer Control Plan.

budget allocation, budget releases, monitoring, and imple- one of the largest technology gaps in health care today with
mentation of financing for RT infrastructure. The current many patients with cancer lacking access to RT.
widely accepted standard for a basic RT center includes at
least two teletherapy units, a high-dose rate (HDR) after- To the best of our knowledge, many of the studies published
loading brachytherapy system, a treatment planning system on the status of RT in Nigeria have not taken a close look at
(TPS), a mould room, a computed tomography (CT) simu- the status of the existing Government-funded RT services.
lator, adequate dosimetry, and quality assurance equip- There is a lack of holistic assessment of the status of RT
ment.8 Arguably, there is no Government-funded RT center machines, workforce, and other elements of the RT infra-
in Nigeria that meets this standard. Presently, most of the structure for centers in Nigeria. To update this information,
Government-funded centers have yet to experience an up- we have surveyed the current status of RT machines,
grade of their RT services as seen in other African countries workforce, and infrastructure in the eight Government-
such as South Africa and Egypt. funded RT centers in Nigeria.

The Nigeria Federal Ministry of Health established the Na- METHODS

tional Cancer Control Program (NCCP) in 2006 to develop,
coordinate, and implement activities, policies, and programs This was a multicenter study of the eight Government-
to address the trend of increasing cancers in Nigeria.9 To funded RT centers encompassing all six geopolitical zones
achieve its goals, the NCCP launched a National Cancer of Nigeria as of 2021. The RT centers surveyed are the Na-
Control Plan for 2008-2013 and another plan for 2018-2022 tional Hospital Abuja (NHA), the Usman Danfodio University
with priorities for treatment and for hospice and palliative Teaching Hospital (UDUTH) Sokoto, the Ahmadu Bello
care as goals 2 and 3, respectively. The objectives of goal 2 University Teaching Hospital (ABUTH) Zaria, the University
were to increase by at least 50% the functionality of the of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH) Ituku Ozalla—the
comprehensive cancer care centers (which includes RT) and Enugu, Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority—Lagos
to increase the workforce by 60% by the year 2022 with a University Teaching Hospital (NSIA-LUTH) Lagos, the
budget of N59,508,662.50 ($188,916.39 [USD]).10 However, Federal Teaching Hospital (FTH) Gombe, the University
such an important national policy has not taken a firm stand College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan, and the University of Benin
in addressing the challenge of access to cancer care, espe- Teaching Hospital (UBTH) Benin (Fig 1). The study involved
cially RT services. Arguably, RT is one of the most important multistage sampling of services in the RT centers. A survey
parts of a cancer control plan, and its availability to patients tool was developed by the investigators to assess 10 critical
globally is quite desirable.11 It is also a critical and cost-effective areas pertaining to the status of RT machines, the RT
component of a comprehensive cancer control plan that offers workforce, and the RT infrastructure in the eight centers. A
the potential for cure, control, and palliation of disease in>50% pilot study of the survey tool was conducted in ABUTH,
of patients with cancer.12,13 Yet, the disparities in RT access are UNTH, and LUTH to ascertain the feasibility of a national

2 | © 2023 by American Society of Clinical Oncology

Status of Public Radiotherapy in Nigeria



Zamfara Yobe
Copyright © 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology. See for reuse terms.

Kaduna Bauchi Gombe


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Federal Capital Plateau


Osun Kogi
Ondo Enugu
Lagos Edo Ebonyi

Cross Key:
Delta Abia
Imo River Red = COBALT (EBT)

Green = LINACS (EBT)

Rivers Akwa Blue = Brachytherapy(INT)
Bayelsa Ibom

FIG 1. Map showing the location of the Government-funded radiotherapy centers located in all the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria. EBT,
External Beam Therapy; INT, Intracavitary Brachytherapy for Gynaecological Cancers; LINACS, linear accelerators

study. After the analysis of the results of the pilot study, the working in the Government-funded RT centers. None of the
tool was expanded with the addition of items assessing RT centers has a medical physics residency training program
electron energies and diagnostic radiology support. The (Table 1). Six of the eight RT centers have radiation oncology
survey tool was completed by radiation oncologists and residency programs, the exceptions being FTH and UBTH.
medical physicists in the centers in 2021. Six surveys were Seventy-five (75%) of the Government-funded RT centers
completed online while two were completed in paper copies. do not have a designated dosimetrist including UNTH Enugu,
The collected data were double-checked, cleaned, and an- FTH, NHA, ABUTH, NSIA-LUTH, and UCH. There were no
alyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of the pilot nuclear medicine physicians in FTH and UBTH. There is no
study are not included in the results of the main study. mould room technician in FTH, NSIA-LUTH and UCH. NHA
has the highest number of oncology nurses. There was no
RESULTS input from UCH regarding the number of oncology nurses.

Oncology Workforce in the Radiotherapy Centers Technologies Available in the Radiotherapy Centers

Our results showed that Nigeria has 44 radiation oncologists, Number of Teletherapy Machines
45 radiation oncology residents, 44 medical physicists, eight
dosimetrists, 42 radiation therapy technologists (RTTs), 57 Only five of the eight RT centers have linear accelerators
oncology nurses, seven mould room technicians, 15 bio- (LINACs) namely NHA, NSIA-LUTH, UDUTH, UBTH, and
medical engineers, and eight nuclear medical physicians UNTH. Only three (60%) of the five centers have functional

JCO Global Oncology | 3

Aruah et al

TABLE 1. Workforce in the Radiotherapy Centers


Cancer Center Workforce Enugu Gombe Benin Abuja Zaria Lagos Sokoto Ibadan Total
No. of radiation 4 2 5 7 5 9 3 9 44
Radiation oncologist 4 0 0 7 10 12 2 10 45
Medical physicists 6 2 3 10 5 7 5 8 44
Dosimetrists 0 0 3 0 NA 0 5 NA 8
Therapy radiographers 5 3 5 7 7 9 2 6 42
Oncology nurses 6 4 2 23 9 7 6 No input 57
Mould room technicians 1 0 1 1 1 0 3 NA 7
Biomedical engineers 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 4 15
Copyright © 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology. See for reuse terms.

Nuclear medicine 1 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 8
Medical physics residents 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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Abbreviations: ABUTH, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital; FTH, Federal Teaching Hospital; NA, not applicable; NHA, National Hospital
Abuja; NSIA-LUTH, Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority-Lagos University Teaching Hospital; UBTH, University of Benin Teaching Hospital; UCH,
University College Hospital; UDUTH, Usman Danfodio University Teaching Hospital; UNTH, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital.

LINACs, namely UNTH, NHA, and NSIA-LUTH. Thirty Radiotherapy Treatment Planning
percent of the LINACs have broken down. Two centers,
UCH and ABUTH, have old unused cobalt-60 teletherapy Availability of Simulation Equipment in the RT Centers
machines. Four (50%) of the Government-funded RT
centers (UBTH, ABUTH, UDUTH, and UCH) do not have a Only NHA and NSIA-LUTH have modern 3D CT simulation
functional teletherapy machine. FTH has neither a cobalt- equipment, a requirement for modern RT treatment plan-
60 machine nor a LINAC. In total, in the Government- ning. Other centers, UNTH, UBTH, UCH, UDUTH, FTH, and
funded RT centers in Nigeria, there are nine teletherapy ABUTH, have only 2D conventional simulators using both
machines, seven LINACs, and two cobalt-60 machines static and fluoroscopic modes, which are typically limited.
(Table 2 and Fig 1). Without a CT simulator, it is impossible to deliver a 3D
treatment.14 The latter technique allows more precise
treatment, dose escalation, and reduction of radiation to
Energy of photons
organ at risk (Table 4).

Only three of the eight RT centers, UNTH, NHA, and

NSIA-LUTH, have multienergy photon LINACs. Having only
Availability of TPS
monoenergy LINACs limits treatment capability.
Computerized TPSs are used in teletherapy to generate
precise external beam radiation therapy dose distributions
Electron Therapy that deliver tumoricidal doses to the tumor while sparing
normal organs at risk. This important RT system is only
Only NHA and NSIA-LUTH have electron capability for available in NHA and NSIA-LUTH. UDUTH has a PRECISE
treatment of superficial cancers and benign skin diseases. Six TPS, but it is not functional. UCH has a TPS for brachytherapy
(75%) of the Government-funded RT centers cannot treat (HDR). Four (50%) of the RT centers (UNTH, FTH, UBTH,
superficial tumors adequately because they lack the necessary and ABUTH) have no TPS. Thus, it is possible less accurate
treatment machine capabilities. dose calculations could compromise treatment delivery
(Table 5).
Availability of Brachytherapy Machines
3D Conformal RT Capacity
Although all the RT centers have brachytherapy machines,
only UCH, FTH, and UBTH have functional HDR brachy- Of the eight RT centers, only two centers, NHA and NSIA-
therapy machines. Five (63%) of the RT centers with bra- LUTH, can provide 3D conformal RT services. Only NSIA-
chytherapy have yet to migrate from 2D to 3D brachytherapy LUTH has the capacity to provide advanced techniques such
because of lack of CT or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as volumetric-modulated arc therapy and intensity-
simulators which are necessary for image acquisition for modulated RT (IMRT). Thus, six (75%) of the RT centers
their TPSs (Table 3 and Fig 1). do not have the capacity to deliver modern RT treatments.

4 | © 2023 by American Society of Clinical Oncology

JCO Global Oncology

TABLE 2. Technologies in Use in the Radiotherapy Centers

Technology Information UNTH, Enugu FTH, Gombe UBTH, Benin NHA, Abuja ABUTH, Zaria NSIA-LUTH, Lagos UDUTH, Sokoto UCH, Ibadan
a. Type of radiotherapy machine
LINAC 1 0 1 2 0 2 1 0
Copyright © 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology. See for reuse terms.

Cobalt-60 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
LINAC 1 cobalt-60 1 (cobalt-60, 1 (cobalt-60,
nonfunctional/ nonfunctional/
obsolete since obsolete)
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Functionality Yes 0 0 Yes 0 Yes 0 0

b. Treatment techniques available
1 0 1
3D CRT 0 0 1 N/F 1 0 1 0 0
2D conventional 1 NF 0 1 NF 1 NF 0 0 1 1 NF
Hand marking 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Status of Public Radiotherapy in Nigeria

IMRT 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
VMAT 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
IGRT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NA 1
c. Manufacturer and model of machine
Name of manufacturer Elekta 0 Elekta Elekta Cobalt Cirus Varian Elekta Bhabhatron
Model Elekta Precise 0 Elekta Precise Elekta Synergy 1. Vitalbeam 3638 Elekta Precise Bhabhatron II
2. Halcyon 1040
Year acquired 2007 0 2010 2019 2000 Vitalbeam 4150, 2019,201 2008 2011
9, 2020
d. Available photon beam energies, MV
1.25 No. 1 NF 1 NF
4 1 1
6 1 1 NF 1 1 1
10 1 1 1
15 1 NF 1 1 1 | 5

25 1 1
NA 1
e. Electron energies, MeV
4 1 1
(continued on following page)
TABLE 2. Technologies in Use in the Radiotherapy Centers (continued)
6 | © 2023 by American Society of Clinical Oncology

Technology Information UNTH, Enugu FTH, Gombe UBTH, Benin NHA, Abuja ABUTH, Zaria NSIA-LUTH, Lagos UDUTH, Sokoto UCH, Ibadan
6 1 1 1 1
9 1 1
10 1 1
Copyright © 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology. See for reuse terms.

12 1 1 1
15 1 16 1
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25 1
Functionality NF 0 0 Yes 0 Yes NF 0

Abbreviations: 0, not available; 2D, two-dimensional; 3D, three-dimensional; ABUTH, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital; CRT, conformal external beam radiation therapy; FTH, Federal
Teaching Hospital; IGRT, image-guided radiotherapy; IMRT, intensity-modulated radiotherapy; LINAC, linear accelerator; NA, not applicable; NF, not functional; NHA, National Hospital Abuja;
NSIA-LUTH, Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority-Lagos University Teaching Hospital; UBTH, University of Benin Teaching Hospital; UCH, University College Hospital; UDUTH, Usman Danfodio
University Teaching Hospital; UNTH, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital; VMAT, volumetric-modulated arc therapy.

Aruah et al
JCO Global Oncology
Copyright © 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology. See for reuse terms.
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TABLE 3. Brachytherapy Machines Available in the Radiotherapy Centers

Machine Information UNTH, Enugu FTH, Gombe UBTH, Benin NHA, Abuja ABUTH, Zaria NSIA-LUTH, Lagos UDUTH, Sokoto UCH, Ibadan

Status of Public Radiotherapy in Nigeria

HDR Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Name of manufacturer Eckert & Ziegler Bebig Varian Eckert & Ziegler Bebig Eckert & Ziegler Bebig Eckert & Ziegler Bebig Eckert & Ziegler Bebig Eckert & Ziegler Bebig Eckert & Ziegler Bebig
Year of acquisition 2018 2010 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018
Functionality NF F F NF NF NF NF F
LDR 0 0 0 Amra Ceasium Cis-Bio 0 0 Bhabhatron-II
Name of manufacturer Panacea Medical Technologies Ltd India
Year of acquisition 1999 1998 2013
Functionality NF NF NF

Abbreviations: ABUTH, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital; FTH, Federal Teaching Hospital; HDR, high dose rate; LDR, low dose rate; NF, not functional; NHA, National Hospital Abuja; NSIA-
LUTH, Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority-Lagos University Teaching Hospital; UBTH, University of Benin Teaching Hospital; UCH, University College Hospital; UDUTH, Usman Danfodio University
Teaching Hospital; UNTH, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital. | 7
Aruah et al

TABLE 4. Simulation Equipment Available in the Radiotherapy Centers

Simulation Type UNTH, Enugu FTH, Gombe UBTH, Benin NHA, Abuja ABUTH, Zaria NSIA-LUTH, Lagos UDUTH, Sokoto UCH, Ibadan
CT simulator 1 NF 0 1 NF 1 Available but not installed 1 1 NF 0
Conventional simulator 0 1 1 NF 0 0 0 0 0
Hand marking 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Abbreviations: ABUTH, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital; CT, computed tomography; FTH, Federal Teaching Hospital; NF, not functional;
NHA, National Hospital Abuja; NSIA-LUTH, Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority-Lagos University Teaching Hospital; UBTH, University of Benin
Teaching Hospital; UCH, University College Hospital; UDUTH, Usman Danfodio University Teaching Hospital; UNTH, University of Nigeria Teaching
Copyright © 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology. See for reuse terms.

Availability of Record and Verify Systems brachytherapy machine for the treatment of gynecological
malignancies such as cervical, vaginal, and endometrial
Record and verify (R&V) systems were developed to reduce cancers. In both NHA and NSIA-LUTH, the most common
the risk of treatment errors in radiation oncology. These cancer treated by teletherapy was breast cancer. Because
have evolved into complete RT information management of frequent downtime and treatment delays, UNTH Enugu
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systems integrating treatment planning computers and has been inconsistent in treating patients. According to
treatment delivery systems. Only two centers, NHA and the hospital-based cancer registries at five (63%) of the
NSIA-LUTH, have R&V systems. NHA uses the Mosaiq RT centers (UBTH, UCH, ABUTH, UDUTH, and FTH), they
system while NSIA-LUTH uses ARIA oncology information have not treated patients with cancer with RT in most of
system. Six (75%) of the RT centers (UNTH, UDUTH, UCH, 2021 (Table 7).
FTH, UBTH, and ABUTH) do not have R&V systems. Hence,
they are more likely to experience errors in their treatment of Estimated Cost of Radiotherapy Treatment in
patients with cancer. the Government-Funded RT Centers

Diagnostic Imaging Resources Only FTH, NHA, and NSIA-LUTH reported cost estimates for
both curative and palliative treatments. FTH Gombe pre-
Availability of radiological imaging support sented costs for only gynecological treatments. NSIA-LUTH
is a public-private partnership (PPP) RT center with higher
Radiological imaging is critical in making cancer diagnoses, cost of treatment compared with NHA which is completely
for treatment planning, and for follow-up to assess the funded by the Government and whose services are provided
results of curative and palliative RT. All the centers sur- at subsidized rates. There is no price uniformity for tele-
veyed have functional ultrasound, x-ray, and fluoroscopy therapy services hence making affordability a huge challenge
machines. All except UNTH have functional CT scanners. for much of the population. There were no available records
MRI is available only in NHA, FTH, NSIA-LUTH, and from UNTH although it is being operated as PPP. Four (50%)
UDUTH. There is no MRI in UNTH, ABUTH, nor UCH. Our of the RT centers (UBTH, ABUTH, UDUTH, and UCH) have no
results show that most of the radiology imaging machines records on the cost of RT services as these centers have not
in the RT centers are not linked by digital communication in been treating patients.
medicine (Table 6).
Availability of radionuclide scans
Across all the Government-funded RT centers in Nigeria,
Only NHA and UCH have single photon emission tomography there is an overall picture of poor workforce strength relative
(SPECT) machines although the current imaging of choice is to the number of patients with cancer being managed at the
with positron emission tomography (PET)-CT scanners various centers. This has resulted in high clinical workload,
because of their molecular characterization of cancer. None treatment delays, and long waiting times to start treatment.
of the Government-funded RT centers have a PET-CT Our results show that Nigeria lacks well-structured training
scanner, hence making diagnoses and follow-up of treat- programs for the essential oncology workforce for RT de-
ment challenging in those RT centers (Table 6). livery such as those for medical physicists, RTTs, and bio-
medical engineers. Some RT centers lack radiation oncology
Number of Patients Treated With RT and Their Cancer residency training programs necessitating their sending
Types in the Past 2 Years trainees to other RT centers. Our results suggest that there is
an urgent need for RT workforce training and continuing
As of 2021, only two centers, NHA and NSIA-LUTH, have education which would be of great benefit to patients. This is
been consistently treating patients with cancer with in line with a previous study which identified that expert
teletherapy machines. FTH has only a functional HDR knowledge has an impact on quality of patient care at all

8 | © 2023 by American Society of Clinical Oncology

JCO Global Oncology
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TABLE 5. TPSs Available in the Radiotherapy Centers

Treatment Planning System (TPS) UNTH, Enugu FTH, Gombe UBTH, Benin NHA, Abuja ABUTH, Zaria NSIA-LUTH, Lagos UDUTH, Sokoto UCH, Ibadan

Status of Public Radiotherapy in Nigeria

Monaco 1
Eclipse 1
Brainlab’s iPlan
NA 1 1 1 (available but not yet installed) Precise HDR plus TPS (for brachytherapy)

Abbreviations: ABUTH, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital; FTH, Federal Teaching Hospital; HDR, high-dose rate; NA, not applicable; NHA, National Hospital Abuja; NSIA-LUTH, Nigeria
Sovereign Investment Authority-Lagos University Teaching Hospital; TPS, treatment planning system; UBTH, University of Benin Teaching Hospital; UCH, University College Hospital; UDUTH, Usman
Danfodio University Teaching Hospital; UNTH, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital. | 9
Aruah et al

TABLE 6. Radiological Imaging Available to the Radiotherapy Centers

Imaging System UNTH, Enugu FTH, Gombe UBTH, Benin NHA, Abuja ABUTH, Zaria NSIA-LUTH, Lagos UDUTH, Sokoto UCH, Ibadan
Ultrasound Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
X-ray machines Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CT scan Yes (not functional) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
MRI No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes (not functional) No
Fluoroscopy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SPECT 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
PET-CT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NA 1 1 1 1 1
Copyright © 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology. See for reuse terms.

NOTE. Percentage for no. of dosimetrist. No. of centers without dos 5 6. N 5 8. 6/8 3 100/1 5 75.
Abbreviations: ABUTH, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital; CT, computed tomography; FTH, Federal Teaching Hospital; MRI, magnetic
resonance imaging; NA, not applicable; NHA, National Hospital Abuja; NSIA-LUTH, Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority-Lagos University
Teaching Hospital; PET, positron emission tomography; SPECT, single-photon emission tomography; UBTH, University of Benin Teaching Hospital;
UCH, University College Hospital; UDUTH, Usman Danfodio University Teaching Hospital; UNTH, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital.
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levels.15 A radiation oncology center should have at least a RT involves potential risks because even a small error in
teletherapy machine, a radiation oncologist, a medical treatment planning (dosimetry) or treatment can lead to
physicist, and two RTTs per 250,000 people.8,16 Our results significant negative consequences. These potential risks are
showed that there is no Government-funded RT center in magnified in the use of modern radiation therapy techniques
Nigeria that has all the recommended workforce needed for such as IMRT, image-guided RT, and stereotactic radio-
RT services based on that International Atomic Energy surgery that represent an entirely new paradigm that also
Agency recommendation. Clearly, in Nigeria, there is requires extensive knowledge and understanding of the
shortage of necessary workforce for effective RT service latest imaging systems, set up uncertainties, radiobiological
delivery. response of healthy tissues, 3D dose calculations, optimi-
zation of variable intensity beam delivery, and internal organ
Our reported findings depict an abysmal state of access to RT motion.22 More than 75% of the RT centers in our survey
services in Nigeria. As of 2021, only two Government-funded lacked all the necessary equipment to deliver treatment with
RT centers, NHA and NSIA-LUTH, were delivering tele- complex advanced RT techniques. Our findings are sup-
therapy services using LINACs. Most of the Government- ported by other studies.16,18
funded RT centers in Nigeria do not have a service contract or
maintenance engineers to repair LINACs. Thus, when a Our survey showed that Nigerian patients with cancer have
LINAC breaks down, there is a long waiting time for limited access to radionuclide scans. Only two centers offer
maintenance which, in turn, leads to treatment delay. Our SPECT services, but they rely on importation of the radio-
results agree with reports from other investigators.6,17-19 Our pharmaceuticals from overseas. There is no PET-CT scanner
findings also showed that Nigeria has a total of nine in the Government-funded RT centers. This lack of avail-
Government-funded teletherapy machines, seven LINACs, ability of modern imaging for the diagnosis of cancer and for
and two cobalt-60 machines. However, maintaining func- RT treatment planning adversely affects treatment out-
tionality of these RT machines is a huge challenge. NHA and comes, including survival, has been reported by several
NSIA-LUTH have LINACs with multienergy photons and researchers.23,24 As of the time of writing this report, MeCure
electrons, 3D conformal RT capability, modern CT simula- Healthcare, a private center, started operating a PET/CT
tors, TPSs, and R&V systems for optimal RT service delivery. scanner in Lagos, Nigeria (September 2021). However, major
Although NHA and NSIA-LUTH are the most modern barriers to its use are the cost of the procedure and a lack of
Government-funded RT centers in Nigeria, the other 75% of awareness by the public of its importance.
the Government-funded RT centers do not have the capacity
or capability to deliver RT with modern techniques. Our Our survey highlights the total number and the most
findings are consistent with previous studies.6,20 Although common types of patients with cancer treated with tele-
we found that there were no working cobalt-60 as of 2021, a therapy machines in the past 2 years in the Government-
study found that all cobalt-60s were in clinical use in 2020 funded RT centers in Nigeria. Our results show that breast
and that all four cobalt-60 machines in Nigeria are cancer is the most common cancer treated in the functional
Government-funded.21 Our finding further confirms the RT centers. Our results are in congruity with GLOBOCAN and
frequent breakdown of RT machines in Nigeria. On the other other studies whose findings showed that breast cancer is
hand, we argue that only two cobalt-60 machines are among the five most common cancers seen in Nigerian
Government-funded in Nigeria. cancer centers.4

10 | © 2023 by American Society of Clinical Oncology

JCO Global Oncology
Copyright © 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology. See for reuse terms.

TABLE 7. Number and Types of Patients With Cancer Treated With RT in the Past 2 Years

Cancer Type UNTH, Enugu FTH, Gombe UBTH, Benin NHA, Abuja ABUTH, Zaria NSIA-LUTH, Lagos UDUTH, Sokoto UCH, Ibadan
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Cancer type No available data No available data

Head and neck Not available M 5 120 No available data M 5 35 No available data No available data
F 5 54 F 5 25
Total 5 174 Total 5 60
Gynecological oncology for Brachy M50 M50 M50
F 5 202 F 5 211 F 5 135
Total 5 202 Total 5 211 Total 5 135

Status of Public Radiotherapy in Nigeria

GI malignancies Not available M 5 24 M 5 34
F 5 16 F 5 20
Total 5 30 Total 5 54
Sarcomas M 5 10 M 5 26
F59 F59
Total 5 19 Total 5 35
Blood cancers M58 M 5 10
F56 F53
Total 5 14 Total 5 13
Breast cancer M55 M50
F 5 229 F 5 150
Total 5 234 Total 5 150
Prostate M 5 68

NOTE. Only FTH Gombe, NHA, and NSIA-LUTH have available data on RT treatment for the past 2 years.
Abbreviations: ABUTH, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital; F, female; FTH, Federal Teaching Hospital; M, male; NHA, National Hospital Abuja; NSIA-LUTH, Nigeria Sovereign Investment
Authority-Lagos University Teaching Hospital; RT, radiotherapy; UBTH, University of Benin Teaching Hospital; UCH, University College Hospital; UDUTH, Usman Danfodio University Teaching
Hospital; UNTH, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital. | 11
Aruah et al

Our study confirmed nonuniformity in the cost of RT services RT centers. In addition, some of the data are likely to change
in Nigeria. For instance, in NHA the cost of RT ranges from on the basis of RT workforce migration and installation of
$760 in US dollars (USD) for palliative treatment to $1,304 new HDR brachytherapy centers that were not captured in
(USD) for radical treatment. While in NSIA-LUTH, which is PPP our report. Poor record keeping by hospital-based cancer
RT center, the cost of RT ranges from $1,300 (USD) for pal- registries has influenced the accuracy of patient numbers.
liative treatment to $2,200 (USD) for radical treatment. That The use of only quantitative research methodology is also a
such a price variation exists between Government-funded and limitation. An exploratory qualitative data set can match the
PPP RT centers was supported by a previous study that found quantitative data with robust meaning to the challenges and
that the average cost of a 20-fraction course of external beam generate sustainable solutions. Hence, future studies should
RT (EBRT) using PPP RT equipment was $1,810 (USD), which consider using mixed-method research approach.
represents a 335% increase when compared with EBRT in
Government-funded RT facilities where the average cost is In conclusion, Nigerian RT services are in crisis mode as noted
$416 (USD).21 Our findings were further strengthened by re- in this study. However, there is great potential to improve
Copyright © 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology. See for reuse terms.

ports from other studies.25 The high cost of RT treatment has these services in this country of 206 million people. Therefore,
been a major challenge for patients in accessing RT there is a need to scale up the number of medical LINACs,
treatment when the treatment machines are operational, improve workforce capacity through training and education
a status often jeopardized by frequent breakdown of RT programs, and strengthen basic infrastructure in all the
machines. 22 To improve access to RT, we recommend that Government-funded RT centers using national resources,
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the cost of RT services be subsidized in Government- donors, nongovernmental organizations’ support, PPP,21 and
funded and PPP RT centers, and there is a need for a other private investment. RT is a critical component of a
new model where availability and affordability needs can comprehensive national cancer control plan and health in-
be met while maintaining high standard of care. vestment. We hope that our findings will stimulate increased
budget allocations in the future for health care in general and
Part of the limitations of this study was noninclusion of especially for RT centers to bring the best RT services possible
private RT centers. We are seeking funds to survey the private to patients with cancer in Nigeria.

Centre for Energy Research and Training, Ahmadu Bello University,
1 Zaria, Nigeria
Radiation Oncology Department, National Hospital Abuja, Abuja, 21
Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission (NAEC), Abuja, Nigeria
Nigeria 22
2 Radiology Department, University of Abuja Teaching Hospital (UATH),
College of Medicine, University of Abuja, Gwagwalada, Abuja, Nigeria
3 Gwagwalada, Abuja, Nigeria
Project PINK BLUE—Health & Psychological Trust Centre, Abuja, 23
University of Abuja Teaching Hosiptal (UATH), Gwagwalada, Abuja,
4 Nigeria
Department of Sociology & Gerontology, Miami University, Oxford, OH 24
5 International Cancer Expert Corps (ICEC) Inc, Washington, DC
Scripps Gerontology Center, Miami University, Oxford, OH 25
6 University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
Department of Psychology, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Enugu, 26
European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva, Switzerland
Radiation and Clinical Oncology Department, National Hospital Abuja,
Neurosurgery Department, National Hospital Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria Runcie C.W. Chidebe, BSc, MSc, Project PINK BLUE—Health &
Department of Radiology, National Hospital Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria Psychological Trust Centre, 11 Moses Majekodunmi Crescent, Utako,
Medical Physics Department, National Hospital Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria Abuja 900001, Nigeria; e-mail:
Radiotherapy Department, Asi Ukpo Comprehensive Cancer Center,
Radiation Oncology Department, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching
Conception and design: Simeon C. Aruah
Hospital (ABUTH), Zaria, Nigeria
13 Provision of study materials or patients: Simeon C. Aruah, David
Radiology Department, Gombe State University, Gombe, Nigeria
14 Pistenmaa, Dosanjh Manjit
Department of Radiotherapy and Oncology, Federal Teaching Hospital
Collection and assembly of data: Simeon C. Aruah, Runcie C.W. Chidebe,
Gombe, Gombe, Nigeria
15 Tochukwu C. Orjiakor, Fatima Uba, Uchechukwu N. Shagaya, Charles
Radiation Oncology Department, Nigeria Sovereign Investment
Ugwanyi, Aisha A. Umar, Taofeeq Ige, Obinna C. Asogwa, Oiza T.
Authority-Lagos University Teaching Hospital (NSIA-LUTH), Lagos,
Ahmadu, Musa Ali-Gombe, Alabi Adewumi, Vitalis C. Okwor, Jimoh A.
16 Mutiu, Basheer Bello, Lucy O. Eriba, Yusuf A. Ahmed, Awwal Bisalla,
Radiation Oncology Department, University of Nigeria Teaching
Ukamaka Itanyi, Ramatallah A. Balogun, Suleiman Alabi
Hospital (UNTH), Ituku Ozalla, Enugu, Nigeria
17 Data analysis and interpretation: Simeon C. Aruah, Runcie C.W. Chidebe,
University of Ibadan/University College Hospital Ibadan, Ibadan,
Tochukwu C. Orjiakor, David Pistenmaa, C. Norman Coleman, Dosanjh
18 Manjit
Radiation Oncology Department, Usman Danfodio University
Manuscript writing: All authors
Teaching Hospital (UDUTH), Sokoto, Nigeria
19 Final approval of manuscript: All authors
Radiation Oncology Department, University of Benin Teaching
Accountable for all aspects of the work: All authors
Hospital (UBTH), Edo State, Nigeria

12 | © 2023 by American Society of Clinical Oncology

Status of Public Radiotherapy in Nigeria


OF INTEREST Research Funding: Roche Product Limited (Nigeria) (Inst)
Travel, Accommodations, Expenses: Novartis, Janssen
The following represents disclosure information provided by authors of
Uchechukwu N. Shagaya
this manuscript. All relationships are considered compensated unless
Honoraria: AstraZeneca, Janssen Oncology
otherwise noted. Relationships are self-held unless noted. I 5
Speakers’ Bureau: Roche
Immediate Family Member, Inst 5 My Institution. Relationships may
Travel, Accommodations, Expenses: AstraZeneca
not relate to the subject matter of this manuscript. For more information
about ASCO’s conflict of interest policy, please refer to C. Norman Coleman
rwc or This author is a member of the JCO Global Oncology Editorial Board. Journal
policy recused the author from having any role in the peer review of this
Open Payments is a public database containing information reported by
companies about payments made to US-licensed physicians (Open
Consulting or Advisory Role: International Cancer Expert Corps, Inc
No other potential conflicts of interest were reported.
Runcie C.W. Chidebe
Copyright © 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology. See for reuse terms.

Honoraria: Janssen, Novartis (Inst)

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