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(percentage and linear equation)

Time: 45 min Maximum Marks: 20

General Instruction:
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) The questions paper consists of 13 questions
(iii) Q1 to Q7 are of 1 mark each and Q8 to Q13 are of 2 marks each
(iv) Use of calculators is not permitted.

Q.1 What is 45% in fraction?

a) 9/20 b) 8/20

c) 7/5 d) Undefined

Q 2. Express 11:125 in %

a) 56/23 b) 44/5

c) 45/50 d) 44/6

Q 3. the root of 3x – 5 = 7?

a)4 b) 5

c) 6 d) 3

Q5. x – (3/5) = (7/5) value of x is ?

a) 1 b) 4

c) 16 d) 2

Q6. 3x = 0 then x is

a)infinity b) not defined

c)0 d) None of the above

Q7. Express 0.005% as decimal

Q8 . If 5 is subtracted from three times a number, the result is 16. Find the number.

Q9. Solve (x/2) + (3/2) = (2x/5) – 1

Q10. Find the following:

(i) 8 is 4% of which number? (ii) 6 is 60% of which number? (iii) 10 is 60 1/3% of which number?

Q 11 . . The difference between two numbers is 7. Six times the smaller plus the larger is 77.

Find the numbers.

Q 12 . A box contains 60 eggs. Out of which 16 2/3 % are rotten ones. How many eggs are


Q 13 . Convert each of the following pairs into percentages and find out which is more?

(i) 25 marks out of 30, 35 marks out of 40

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