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Assessment Product Manager

1. What is your opinion about such a business need? Do you really feel that
your organization should target such a market segment?

No, Ideally not. This will go against the mission and vision of the company that sells products to customer
to make them happy customers.
Ecommerce products are specific for the reason. If the market is saturated, there are other options.

But for the sake of this use case, I will assume a need and talk about a product I built 1 year ago.
The product was "service as a product(SAAP)" in which we built out:
a. Repair and Maintainence of products already sold - This was an integration to existing platform
Users were able to select a product that no longer exists and order upgrades and software
updates. Say LCD broke for the user and they use one of those chinese LCD display, due to non availability
from original company for this product, which breaks in 2 weeks ramping up costs for users, would that
be a good experience? No, so upgrades is suggested. Except if it is a phone such as Samsung A series
which just involves software updates and no hardware changes for 5 years.
Users were able to select a product that exists and order service, repair and replacements
b. additional services sold as a product - Doctor/plumber/education, etc. with online/zoom session

Due to covid, this was the very good market timing to launch. It is worth exploring this market.

2. If you feel that it is worth exploring this market segment, then answer
the following questions:
a. Create a user journey map which explains how a user of the platform will
avail this service.

- Please find the mockup prototype - assume doctors, education are all services and for
existing products - repair, maintenance, update and replace option. We can discuss more on call.
Creating a user journey roadmap is the easy part.s
b. What are the critical success factors in the user journey for this new
category to succeed?

1. New Market - easy to capture greater market share - Repair and service of an electronic
product has a huge potential in India as well as globally. The numbers are greater than 30% of
entire e-commerce market, as per my research. Average ticket size is 500rs based on
2. Time/number of clicks taken for entire journey
3. Engagement,
4. user journey to complete seamlessly.
5. Large market share.
6. Repair shops outsourcing/inhouse over time
7. Parts Manufacturing unit partnership
8. MOU needed with raw material manufacturer
9. Reusable parts with multiple models
10. Bulk Ordering at minimum cost for parts.

c. Describe the above business requirement in 5 to 6 high level use cases. The use
case definition should include the following. Add any wireframe if you think it
is necessary.

Note -For this use case, I have used CIRCLES framework for a high level overview and posted the results
below after introspection. Persona types are buyer, seller and admin

- Please find the mockup prototype - assume doctors, education are all services and for
existing products - repair, maintenance, update and replace option

Assumptions below -

questio Inside of Existing app?
ns Yes
Separate app? No
Geo graphical launch?
Social vs commercial ?
Web or mobile? Both
ios or andriod launch?
Any constriants? 5+ years
old Parts module cannot
be built
n User Type Parents Buyers Sellers Influencers Creators

Kids Shops Advertisers Schools Hospitals

Consumer customer SMEs


1 i Life Stage Single Married Married with kids

ii Money Low to High

iii Time Low High

iv Location Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4/ Rural

v Age Gen Z Millenials Baby Boomers

vi Sex Male Female

vii Device Type Android iOS Web Symbian

viii Occupation IT Sales House Wife work from home

ix Health Status Healthy to Unhealthy Specially-Abled

Engagement Low Mid High

Movitation Low to High

Repair of Existin prduct at less cost Social Local

i. Summary:

1. We are targeting specific users - Sales people married and who are expert in mobile device
domain , who advertise on our platform

2. They offer competitive repair or maintenance at a subsidized rate.

3. Users can book a service at the click of a button within the comforts of their homes.

ii. Assumptions (if any):

 Sales people are first ones to use the service at a global level. They have money to
spend on upgrades and replacement as well.
 They are tech-savy.
 They love advertising their services.
 Service centers and partners are nearby to customer.

iii. Steps in the use case:

 Sales people log on to our platform via web or mobile
 They can setup coupon discount via seller mode and also include competitve prices
for products.
 They can put up parts pics in different formats and for different devices.
 They should be able to manage the inventory that they have uploaded.
 They should be able to see how many parts are sold on daily/weekly/ monthly basis
and optimize accordingly. REPORTS feature is deployed.
 They will have contacts with external advertiserement agency.
 The sellers will need to provide coupon codes and discounts that can be applied
to specific parts. The platform takes a commission out of it.

iv. Pre-condition:
 Procurement of serviceable part
 Leveraging platform with multiple functions to generate coupon code
 Preparing of common part list to make solution more useful
 Training and marketing planning

v. Post condition
 Providing the good quality of product
 Maintained the service quality of the electronics goods
 GTM to validate the on-ground situations
 Perform market survey with our existing and new on boarded customers for
their feedback
 Focus on revenue generation model and KPI’s

vi. Alternate Flows (if any)

A disability functionality can be provided so that the app is disable-friendly.
I. Summary:

 We are targeting specific users - IT people who have kids and are baby boomers.

 All the users of the platform who have bought an electronic item in the past are
eligible to book any repair or maintenance for the same at a subsidized rate.

 Users can book a service at the click of a button within the comforts of their homes.

 Your organization will tie up with various repair agencies

 A user books a repair service

 A certified technician will visit your home

 evaluate the current issue(s) and suggest a repair

II. Assumptions (if any):

 Baby Boomers/IT people are first ones to use the service at a global level. They have
money to spend on upgrades and replacement as well.
 They are tech-savy.
 They love old devices.
 Service centers and partners are nearby to customer.

III. Steps in the use case:

 Baby boomers log on to our platform via web or mobile
 They are interested in repairing their fav mobile.
 Give them options to select the parts for devices that they select.
 Add details and let them add to cart and checkout
 The sellers will need to provide coupon codes and discounts that can be applied
to specific parts. The platform takes a commission out of it.

IV. Pre-condition:
 Procurement of serviceable part
 Finding good service provider agency
 Leveraging platform with multiple functions to generate coupon code
 Preparing of common part list to make solution more useful
 Training and marketing planning

V. Post condition
 Providing the good quality of product
 Maintained the service quality of the electronics goods
 GTM to validate the on-ground situations
 Perform market survey with our existing and new on boarded customers for
their feedback
 Focus on revenue generation model and KPI’s

VI. Alternate Flows (if any)

A disability functionality can be provided so that the app is disable-friendly.

1. Summary:

4. We are targeting specific users - Teenagers in age group 15-18 who don’t have enough
money to buy new phones but can get the old ones repaired.

5. Users can book a service at the click of a button within the comforts of their homes.

Ii. Assumptions (if any):

 Teenagers are first ones to use the service at a global level. They have money to
spend on upgrades and replacement as well.
 They are tech-savy.
 They love the discounts.

Iii. Steps in the use case:

 Teenagers log on to our platform via web or mobile
 They can select coupon discount and also include competitve prices for products.
 They should be able to see how many purchases they have done on daily/weekly/
monthly basis and optimize accordingly. REPORTS feature is deployed.
 They will have do free advertisement to their peers via instagram/facebook
 The sellers will need to provide coupon codes and discounts that can be applied
to specific parts. The platform takes a commission out of it.

Iv. . Pre-condition:
 Teenagers should have a user friendly platform.
 Leveraging platform with multiple functions to generate coupon code
 Preparing of common part list to make solution more useful
 Training and marketing planning

V. Post condition
 Providing the good quality of product
 Maintained the service quality of the electronics goods
 GTM to validate the on-ground situations
 Perform market survey with our existing and new on boarded customers for
their feedback
 Focus on revenue generation model and KPI’s

Vi. Alternate Flows (if any)

A disability functionality can be provided so that the app is disable-friendly.

d. Assume that this category has been rolled out on the platform. What are
the KPIs that you would be tracking to gauge the performance of the
Metrics -

Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) - the optimum number of Ads in relevance to the number of
Orders in any period of a business concern
Click-Through Rate (CTR) - metric showing the percentage of people who view ads with a
call to action that leads to clicks.
Average Order Value (AOV) - Daily/Weekly/Monthly
Organic Conversion Rate - Conversion Rate KPI regarding Total order Items/Sessions in
the Detail Page Sales and Traffic Report
• Year-over-year revenue growth
• Revenue/product line or service delivered
• Cost of acquiring a customer
• Cost of service delivery
• Revenue/customer
• NPS or customer satisfaction score
• Service Conversion Rate - informs you about the number of buyers who purchased
your service after landing on your product page.
• Engagement
• Revenue growth.
• Revenue per Customer.
• Profit margin.
• Customer retention rate.
• Amount of up-sell opportunities
• Customer lifetime value
• Number of customer complaints
• Number of open service requests
• Service Level Agreement (SLA) failures
• Number of customer testimonials
• Number of referrals

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