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50ton sugar processing line Training schedule

Condition (prepare by owner )

1. 人员准备.Personnel preparation

因为是新建项目糖厂 It is a newly built sugar factory project

1).要有三班倒的人员配置。There should be a personnel configuration with three shifts.(Quantity based on actual production needs)
2).上岗人员都要经过按照要求培训合格。所有工段的操作人员上岗就位参与。All personnel on duty must undergo training and pass the requirements. All operators in each
section are on duty and in place to participate.
3).经过进厂前的各项教育。After various education before entering the factory.
In order for the training to proceed smoothly and meet production needs, the owner needs to prepare professional translators

2. 试机 Test running

1).以水代料串通各工段,消除跑冒滴漏,改进不合理的流程工艺。串通整个工艺流程,将发现的问题全部解决消除,为投料生产做准备。时间 20 小时。Using water

instead of materials to connect various sections, eliminating running, dripping, and leaking, and improving unreasonable process technology. Integrate the entire process flow,
solve and eliminate all problems found, and prepare for feeding production. Time is 20 hours.
2)按照流程由前至后走通,具体每个工段按照操作流程执行。 Follow the process from front to back, and execute each section according to the operating procedures.
3).生产所需的各种辅助材料准备到位。All necessary auxiliary materials for production are prepared in place.
石 灰 、 二 氧 化 碳 、 外 电 、 供 水 、 硫 磺 、 滤 布 、 易 损 件 的 备 品 备 件 等 。 Lime, carbon dioxide, external electricity, water supply, sulfur, filter cloth, spare parts for
vulnerable parts, etc.
4)没有串通工艺流程不得投料生产。Production cannot be carried out without colluding with the process flow.
5)生产前的准备工作很重要,一定要注意安全,防止出现人员及设备的事故。The preparation work before production is very important, and safety must be paid attention
to to prevent accidents involving personnel and equipment.
6)试机要统一指挥,请有经验的人员指导下进行。The trial operation should be conducted under unified command and guidance from experienced personnel.
Training content

培训讲师 培训课时 培训形式 培训时间 培训考核

Item 培训主题 Training theme 培训对象 Training targets Training Course Training Training time Training Remark
instructor hours format On site arrangements assessment
全厂法规制度进厂教育 Education on regulations and Technical in-house 现 场 考 核 On site
1 全员 All staff 2hours
systems for the entire factory personnel training assessment
车 间 各 岗 位 操 作 员 工
基础化学知识普及 Professional in-house 试卷考试
2 Operators of various positions 2hours
Popularization of basic chemical knowledge personnel training Exam paper
in the workshop
车 间 岗 位 操 作 人 员 Operators
全厂安全、防火、自救 Security in-house 试卷考试
3 of various positions in the 2hours
Factory wide safety, fire prevention, and self rescue department training Exam paper
甜菜制糖基本工艺流程原理 Process in-house 试卷考试
4 全员 All staff 2hours
Basic process principle of sugar beet production Engineer training Exam paper
车间设备操作要点及维护培训 Workshop equipment 有 关设 备 操 作人 员 Regarding Equipment in-house 试卷考试
5 3hours
operation points and maintenance training equipment operators Engineer training Exam paper
各岗位之间操作及如何相互 联系及配合 制糖车间岗位操作人员 主操评估打分 Main
Production 班中现场培
6 Operations between different positions and how to Operating personnel in the 3hours operator evaluation
Engineer 训
connect and cooperate with each other sugar production workshop scoring
生产系统员工 Process in-house 试卷考试
7 Control principles and operational requirements for 3hours
Production system employees Engineer training Exam paper
various process indicators
engineers with in-house 现场考核
8 How to complete the interconnection of various 全员培训 All staff 4hours
production training On site assessment
Equipment in-house 试卷考试
6 设备开停机操作 Equipment on/off operation 生产系统员工 2hours
Engineer training Exam paper
设备解体操作要求 Equipment in-house 试卷考试
10 全员 All staff 2hours
Equipment disassembly operation requirements Engineer training Exam paper
如何提高个人的立争力 Management in-house 现场考核
11 全员 All staff 1hours
How to improve personal competitiveness Engineer training On site assessment
对不正常工艺指标的判断和处理调整 Produce in-house 现场考核
12 全员 All staff 2hours
Judgment and adjustment of abnormal process engineers with training On site assessment
indicators production
设备异常情况的处理 市场部经理 Management in-house
13 2hours 现场考核
Handling of equipment anomalies Manager Engineer training
in-house 试卷考试
14 Troubleshooting and disposal of equipment 全体操作人员 All operators 3hours
training Exam paper
Workshop 观后感
Learning and understanding of operating procedures in-house
15 全体操作人员 All operators management 4hours impressions after
for various positions in the sugar production training
personnel training
质量体系文件控制培训 Quality in-house 试卷考试
16 操作人员 operators 1hours
Quality System Document Control Training Engineer training Exam paper
标准化管理基础知识 Quality in-house 试卷考试
17 技术人员 operators 1hours
Basic knowledge of standardized management Engineer training Exam paper
全厂自动化及自动控制原理 Equipment
生 产 系 统 Production System in-house 试卷考试
18 Factory wide automation and automatic control department 1hours
staff training Exam paper
principles head
到现有的糖厂实习 On site sugar beet on-site 观后感 impressions
Internship at an existing sugar factory internship production training after training

Training Form for Production Department Sugar (Workshop)

Item 培 训 类 别 Training 计 划 时 间 培训对象 参加人数 主要内容 预计课时 使 用 数 材 讲师 lecturer 是否需要考核

category scheduled Training Number of Main Content Estimate Using digital to be assessed
time targets participants d hours materials
1 全厂规章 Factory wide 全员 All staff 厂 规 厂 紀 Factory 2hours in-plant Factory 是 yes
regulations regulations and management
2 制糖化学基础 全员 All staff 基 础 化 学 Basic 3hours self made engineer 是 yes
Fundamentals of Sugar Chemistry
3 设备及原理 Equipment 全体操作人员 设 备 基 础 3hours self made engineer 是 yes
and principle All operators Equipment
4 制图基础知识 全体设备操作 制图基础知识 2hours self made Equipment 是 yes
Fundamentals of 人鱼 Fundamentals of Engineer
Cartography All equipment Cartography
5 制糖化验基础 化验员 制糖分析基础 3hours self made Laboratory 是 yes
Fundamentals of Sugar All Laboratory Fundamentals of Director
Analysis personnel Sugar Analysis
6 制糖车间岗位操作规程 All personnel in 甜菜糖厂岗位操 30hours self made Sugar workshop 是 yes
Operating procedures for the 作 规程 Operating management
sugar production sugar procedures for personnel
workshop positions production sugar beet factory
workshop positions
7 制糖设备维护保险 Sugar 全体操作人员 制糖设备操作规 20hours self made Equipment 是 yes
making equipment All operators 程 Operating Engineer
maintenance procedures for
sugar making
8 甜菜预处理 Beet 车间预处理岗 procedures 糖车间预处理规 15hours self made Workshop 是 yes
pretreatment 位 Workshop 程 Sugar management
pretreatment workshop personnel
position pretreatment
9 切丝操作与维护 Cutting 糖车间切丝操 切丝机操作规程 10hours self made Workshop 是 yes
operation and 作 人 员 Sugar 与 维护 Operating management
maintenance workshop Procedures and personnel
shredding Maintenance of
operators Cutting Machine
10 连浸操作 Continuous 连浸操作人员 连 浸 操 作 10hours self made Workshop 是 yes
immersion operation Continuous Continuous management
immersion immersion
operators operation
11 清净操作 Purification 清净操作人员 清 净 操 作 15hours self made Workshop 是 yes
operation Purification Purification management
operation operation personnel
12 蒸发操作 Evaporation 蒸发操作人员 蒸 发 操 作 15hours self made Workshop 是 yes
operation Evaporation Evaporation management
operator operation personnel
13 煮糖与助晶 Cooking sugar 煮糖与助晶操 煮糖与助晶操作 20hours self made Workshop 是 yes
and assisting crystallization 作人员 Sugar Cooking management
Sugar boiling and Crystal personnel
and crystal Assisting
assisting Operations
14 分离 separate 分离机操作人 分离机操作与维 10hours self made Workshop 是 yes
员 Centrifuge 护 Centrifuge management
operator operation and personnel
15 筛选包装 包装操作人员 包 装 操 作 10hours self made Workshop 是 yes
Screening packaging Packaging Packaging management
operators operations personnel
16 车 间 设 备 维 护 Workshop 设备维护人员 设备维护抢修 20hours self made Equipment 是 yes
equipment maintenance Equipment Equipment Engineer
maintenance maintenance and
personnel repair

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