Tutorial Sheet Two-2 092724

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Tutorial Sheet Two

Differential Equation 1
January 31, 2024

Homogeneous DE
Degree of Homogeneous Test
A first-order differential equation
M (x, y)dx + N (x, y)dy = 0
is said to be homogeneous if M (x, y) and N (x, y) are both homogeneous functions of the same degree.
M (λx, λy) = N (λx, λy) (1)
n n
λ M (x, y) = λ N (x, y) (2)

Check the homogeneity of the following DE and state the degree.

1. y − y = 0
2. (4x + 5y)dx + (y − x)dy
3. (x2 − y 2 )dx + xydy

Solution to homogeneous FODE

Reduction to separable
Given Homogeneous Equation
y ′ = f (x, y) (3)
1. Transform into Differential form
M (x, y)dx + N (x, y)dy = 0 (4)

2. Use Substitution Approach (Change of Variables)

y = xu(x) (5)

3. Differentiate (5) w.r.t ’x’ using Product rule

dy = xdu + udx (6)

4. Substitute (5), (6) into Original DE (4)

5. Homogeneous Equation =⇒ Reduced to Separable Equation
1. Solve 2xy = x2 + y 2 given that y = 0 at x = 1
dy 2
2. Find the general solution of = xy+y
x 2

Linear Equations
Standard Form:
+ P (x)y = Q(x) (7)
Steps for solving Linear Equation using the integrating factor:

1. Write the differential equation in Standard Form: y ′ + p(x)y = q(x)

2. Find the Integrating Factor :I(x) = e
3. Multiply Equation by the integrating factor.
4. Find derivative computed by the Product Rule: [I(x)y]
5. Integrate both sides
6. Solve for the unknown function(solution)


1. Solve x = t − 4y
2. Find the solution to the differential equation .
= 9.8 − 0.19v
3. Solve the DE .

cos (x)y + sin (x)y = 2 cos3 (x) sin (x) − 1
4. A ball is hit straight upward with an initial velocity of 2m/s. The mass of the ball is is approx-
imately 0.0427kg. Air resistance acts on the ball with a force numerically equal to 0.5v, where
v represents the velocity of the ball at time t.The velocity of the model with w.r.t t is given as:
m = −kv − mg.
(a) Find the velocity of the ball as a function of time.
(b) How long does it take for the ball to reach its maximum height?
(c) If the ball is hit from an initial height of 1 meter, how high will it reach.
5. The weight of a penny is 2.5grams and the upper observation deck of the Empire State Building is
369meters above the street. Since the penny is a small and relatively smooth object, air resistance
acting on the penny is actually quite small. We assume the air resistance is numerically equal to
0.0025v. Furthermore, the penny is dropped with no initial velocity imparted to it.
(a) Set up an initial-value problem that represents the falling penny.
(b) Solve the problem for v(t).
(c) What is the terminal velocity of the penny (i.e., calculate the limit of the velocity as t
approaches infinity).

6. The velocity of a particle v ms−1 at time t satisfies the differential equation

t = v + t, t > 0
Given that when t = 2, v = 8 .
(a) Solve for the velocity of the particle at the time t.
(b) Find the velue of the velocity v when t = 8.

Bernoulli Equations
In this section we are going to take a look at non-linear differential equations in the form,

y ′ + p(x)y = q(x)y n (8)

where p(x) and q(x) are continuous functions on the interval we’re working on and n is a real number.
First notice that if n = 0 or n = 1 then the equation is linear.

1. Solve the DE, y + x4 y = x3 y 2

2. Solve y = 5y + e−2x y −2

3. Solve 6y − 2y = xy 4

Exact First Order Differential Equation

Given the general FODE: y ′ = f (x, y)
The differential equation is exact if and only if :
∂M ∂N
= (9)
∂y ∂x
Steps for solving Exact FODE:

1. Write the Differential Form: M (x, y)dx + N (x, y)dy = 0

2. Test for Exactness of Equation My = Nx

if Not-Exact: Reduce to Exact (Integrating factor)

3. Integrate terms M (x, y)dx : N (x, y)dy

4. Find the Union of both Solutions and at the constant of integration

Examples - Exact
Solve the following Differential Equation
1. Solve 2xy − 9x2 + (2y + x2 + 1) =0

2. Solve 2xy 2 + 4 = 2(3 − x2 y)y

Examples - Non-Exact
Solve the following Differential Equation

1. Solve the DE xydx + (2x2 + 3y 2 − 20)dy = 0

2. Solve (x2 − y 2 )dx + (x2 − 2xy)dy = 0

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