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CLAT MOCK-18 Answer and explanation

Answer and explanation
Section - I: English 5. Option (D).

1. Option (B). Refer to the lines: “Every day of my working week

in my early 20s I was reminded how incredibly
Refer to the line, “Amnesty mobilises thousands of fortunate I was, to live in a country with a
people who have never been tortured or imprisoned democratically elected government, where legal
for their beliefs to act on behalf of those who representation and a public trial were the rights of
have.” So, (b) is correct. (a) is mentioned in a everyone.” So, all the options are mentioned.
different context. It’s not about Amnesty Hence, (d) is the correct answer.
International, but the author’s experience of
working there. It’s also too narrow in scope. (c) is 6. Option (D).
wrong. Amnesty is not a testament to this. The Refer to the part – “But democracy includes far
violence the narrator sees is the testament to this more than just elections…” So, we can rule out (a)
fact. (d) is definitely wrong. Fugitives – not and (b). (c) is not mentioned anywhere in the
necessarily political fugitive. The second part is passage. (d) is correct. Refer to the line:
distorted. “Democracy is better understood as something that
2. Option (C). we can always have more – or less – of, rather than
something that either is, or is not.”
Refer to the line: “One of the greatest formative
experiences of my life preceded Harry Potter, 7. Option (C).
though it informed much of what I subsequently (a) is too generic. The passage doesn’t talk about
wrote in those books.” So, (c) is the direct answer. the evolution of democracy. (b) is too narrow. This
(a) is mentioned in the context of Amnesty is highlighted in the last paragraph. The author
International. The author also calls it ‘one of the doesn’t list the pitfalls either. (c) is correct. The
most…’. (b) is also mentioned with respect to the author tells us that democracy is not just the power
author’s experience of working at Amnesty to vote. It’s much more than that. (d) is part of only
International. (d) is mentioned in a different context paragraph. The passage also doesn’t give a history
in the passage.
of suffrage. So, (c) is the answer.
3. Option (A).
8. Option (C).
Refer to the lines: “I was given the job of escorting
him back to the Underground Station afterwards, Refer to the line: “Struggles for democracy
and this man whose life had been shattered by throughout history have normally concentrated on
cruelty took my hand with exquisite courtesy to one or the other of these elements.” The lines
wish me future happiness.” So, (a) is the best preceding this line contain the elements –
choice. (b) is too narrow and doesn’t capture the inclusivity or right to be part of the legislative
essence of the author’s intention. (c) is definitely group. So, (c) is the correct answer. (a) is vague
wrong. It’s not about war; it’s about authoritarian and irrelevant. (d) is too negative to be the answer.
regime and human rights violations. (d) is too (b) is partly correct. The author says that
extreme. democracy should be more reflective, not people.

4. Option (D). 9. Option (D).

The best choice is (d). The author talks about her Refer to the lines: “Today even in established
experience of working at the Amnesty democracies, there are other sections of society,
International, what she saw there, and how she was which commonly include immigrants, migrant
impacted by the events (had nightmare, appreciated workers, prisoners, and children, who are not given
my democratic nation more, understood the power the right to vote, even though many of them might
of humans joining together to do good). So, (d) is pay taxes and all are obliged to obey the laws of the
the best answer. (a) is wrong. The author never land.” So, (d) is the correct answer. (a) is too
makes any such statement. (b) is vague. (c) is narrow. (b) is wrong. These groups don’t have
mentioned in the passage in passing, and also in a voting rights to begin with. (c) is out of scope.
different context. Justice system is not part of the voting process.

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CLAT MOCK-18 Answer and explanation
10. Option (A). correct choice. (b) is illogical. Addy says that
Indians accepted the superiority of the lighter skin
The word in the context means ‘tough or difficult’.
tone due to the British rule, not their rule itself. (c)
So, (a) is the answer. The other options are also
is a distorted interpretation of a line Addy mentions
synonyms of the word but in different contexts.
as a way of explanation. (d) is illogical.
11. Option (A).
15. Option (B).
This question needs to be solved by the method of
As the passage suggests, pulchritude means
elimination. (a) is correct. All the parts are factually
attractiveness. So, (b) is the correct choice. The other
and thematically correct. (b) is wrong. There is no
options are thematic mismatches. Pulchritude is a term
root cause analysis of the success story. The author
that is normally used in literature to refer to ‘beauty’.
narrates how Menon was rejected by the Indian
fashion industry. There is no bold prediction about 16. Option (C).
Bollywood. The author only makes an assertion. (c)
Refer to the first paragraph: - “That's because
is partly wrong. The narrative doesn’t end on an
renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind,
uplifting note. At the end, the author blames
don't emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
Bollywood for continuing to propagate prejudicial
gases that contribute to global warming.” So, (c) is
views on dark skin colour. (d) is wrong. Menon’s
the best answer. (a) is not mentioned in this
story is not a case in point for the effectiveness of
context. (b) is wrong. The passage doesn’t mention
the views against people who have darker skin
cost in a comprehensive manner and hints that
tone. The rest of the options are also partly wrong.
renewable doesn’t mean sustainable. (d) is
Bollywood didn’t start the practice. It just enabled
mentioned in a different context in the text.
the practice to continue.
17. Option (C).
12. Option (D).
Refer to the lines: “Clean energy has far more to
(a) is wrong. The author shows that Menon’s story
recommend it than just being "green." The growing
shows how India has not changed in rejecting
sector creates jobs, makes electric grids more
models who don’t have lighter skin tone. (b) is
resilient, expands energy access in developing
wrong. The author says the colonial era might have
countries, and helps lower energy bills. All of those
ended, but people’s views have not changed. (c) is
factors have contributed to a renewable energy
not mentioned in the passage. (d) is the answer. In
renaissance in recent years, with wind and solar
the passage, this example is preceded by the lines
setting new records for electricity generation.” So,
“But in today's India – an economic powerhouse
(a), (b), and (d) are mentioned as advantages. (c) is
with an ever-growing middle class who are proud
distorted. It means that people will have less money
of their Indian identity – there is a feeling that
to spend on domestic needs. The lines show that it
attitudes are beginning to change.” So, (d) is the
will reduce the energy bill of customers. Hence, (c)
correct answer.
is not an advantage.
13. Option (C).
18. Option (A).
Refer to the lines: “Think of a history peppered with
Refer to the lines: “Climate change encompasses
colonization by lighter-skinned invaders from the
not only rising average temperatures but also
west, inequalities introduced by the caste system and
extreme weather events, shifting wildlife
200 years of British rule, and it becomes clear why
populations and habitats, rising seas, and a range of
the concept of fairness being superior is embedded
other impacts.” We can answer it by elimination.
deep within the Indian psyche.” So, (a), (b), and (d)
(a) covers the negative effects. (b) and (d) mentions
are clearly mentioned. (c) is not there anywhere in
the renaissance of renewable energy. This point is
the passage. So, it is the answer.
wrong. It’s not a problem. Similarly, (c) talks about
14. Option (A). popularity of renewable energy measures. So, (a) is
the only factually correct option.
Refer to the lines: “The "During the Raj, the idea
that those with fair skin were superior came with 19. Option (D).
the packaging. It was never spoken about and there
The main problem the author highlights is the
were no propaganda campaigns – it was just
negative impacts of global warming. So, (d) is the
understood. The very fact the you were being ruled
correct answer. (a) is not a problem. (b) is a minor
by pale skinned people meant that they were
point which doesn’t match the author’s overall tone
superior to the natives – you looked up to the white
towards renewable energy. So, it can be eliminated.
man," explains Dr Premen Addy, a senior lecturer
(c) too is not the central problem.
in Asian and international history.” (a) is the

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CLAT MOCK-18 Answer and explanation
20. Option (B). or not. But her older sister is the most likely
candidate. We can’t ascertain what has transpired
The author has used the term in a non-literal sense.
between the sisters. But we can be sure that the
The statement means, if we want to stay on our
narrator is talking about her older sister.
planet for long, we need to harness renewable
energy. So, (b) is the closest match. The other 25. Option (D).
options are too literal to match the theme of the
We can’t determine the reason. We are simply
informed that the narrator underwent bullying. But
21. Option (C). now things look better for her. People are more
friendly towards her. But we can’t be sure as to
Refer to the lines: “This upset a lot of the kids at
why this change has taken place. There is not
school – especially Valerie. Valerie didn’t like to
enough data. We can’t say her sister is dead. We
hear that simply by sitting there, wearing the shoes
haven’t been given that information in this passage.
and the shirts and the socks that she was wearing,
So, (d) is the best choice.
she was oppressing children in Indonesia.” So, (c)
is surely correct. (a) can’t be determined as we Section – II: Current Affairs including GK
don’t have enough data about her general
relationship with her mother. (b) is wrong. We 26. Option (D).
can’t say that she was faking her sympathy. The 27. Option (A).
reasoning is also wrong. (d) is irrelevant.
28. Option (B).
22. Option (A).
29. Option (C).
Refer to the lines: “But I was starting to believe in
the things that upset me; I was starting to realize 30. Option (B).
that it was much more likely that all the bad things 31. Option (A).
were true. That civilization was the worst.” So, (a)
32. Option (D).
is surely correct.
33. Option (A).
We may think that she is a teenager, but we can’t
be sure. (b) is wrong as ‘about her surroundings’ is 34. Option (C).
too narrow. She is thinking of broader issues 35. Option (C).
(Indonesia is a clue). (c) can’t be determined. (d) is
too extreme. Her identify has not been discussed. 36. Option (D).
23. Option (B). 37. Option (B).

The entire discussion about the dinner and her chat 38. Option (A).
with her dad give us more context about the 39. Option (C).
passage. Till the dinner scene is mentioned, the
40. Option (C).
passage just discusses her school life. But we can’t
say that her father doesn’t care for her. So, (a) is 41. Option (B).
eliminated. (c) is wrong as this one incident is not 42. Option (B).
enough data about her dad’s general parenting
style. (d) is wrong as we just get a glimpse, there 43. Option (C).
are no details. 44. Option (A).
(b) is the best choice. Refer to the line: “Dad had 45. Option (A).
always accepted “Good” as a response before, when
school was not good, when all those terrible bullying 46. Option (D).
took place. But now that people were actually 47. Option (A).
friendly to me, now that people wanted to be my lab
48. Option (A).
partner and sit with me at lunch, he was acting
suspicious, as if school could not be possibly good. “ 49. Option (C).
24. Option (B). 50. Option (A).
The key is the line: “I had always planned on 51. Option (C).
inheriting your things.” So, the other person can’t 52. Option (C).
be her twin sister. We also can’t say it’s her cousin
as we generally don’t wear the clothes of our 53. Option (A).
cousins. We also don’t know if the cousin is older 54. Option (D).
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CLAT MOCK-18 Answer and explanation
55. Option (C). defense of necessity is often associated with larger
56. Option (C). public interests; it can also apply to situations
where individual rights need to be balanced against
57. Option (A). potential harm. In this case, Lily acted to save her
daughter's life, which could be seen as a valid
Section – III: Legal Reasoning
reason for invoking the defense of necessity.
58. Option (D). Option B is incorrect as Lily's immediate concern
was her collapsing daughter, and the defense of
Option D is correct as the defense of necessity is necessity considers whether her actions were
provided in cases where the person is allowed to act reasonable given the circumstances. Option D is
in a wrongful way to prevent greater harm. Here, incorrect as the principle often focuses on excusing
causing damage to Sarah's house was NOT actions taken to prevent harm and doesn't
necessary to prevent greater damage. Thus, the necessarily entail compensation for damages.
defense of necessity cannot be sought and the court
has correctly interpreted the principle. Option A is 62. Option (D).
incorrect as the damage was not required for the Option D is correct as the privilege of necessity as a
prevention as per the Court. Option B is incorrect defense is granted to a trespasser when the risk of
as the damage was in excess of necessity but the harm to an individual or society is apparently and
villagers would be liable. Option C is incorrect as reasonably greater than the harm to the property.
to prevent the damage, the demolishing of Sarah’s Here, the conversion of the car was committed to
house was not necessary. Therefore, it cannot be pre-vent greater harm, that is, his friend’s life.
inferred from the passage. Thus, the defense shall apply. Option A is incorrect
59. Option (D). as while the defense of necessity is often associated
with larger public interests, it can also apply to
Option D is correct as the necessity defense applies situations where individual rights need to be
to emergency situations where a person was balanced against potential harm. Mark's actions
allowed to act in a wrongful way so as to prevent were taken to save his friend's life, which could be
greater harm. Since the flooding of Tom’s farm was seen as a valid reason for invoking the defense of
a necessity to prevent greater harm to the entire necessity. Option B is incorrect as the principle
town, the defense can be claimed. Option A is often focuses on excusing actions taken to prevent
incorrect as the act was a necessity to prevent harm and doesn't necessarily entail compensation
greater harm. Option B is incorrect as the damage for damages. Option C is incorrect as it was a state
caused was much less as compared to what would of emergency and thus, the defense can be sought.
have occurred had the measure not been taken.
Option C is incorrect as the court may determine 63. Option (A).
the case of necessity. Option A is correct as Section 21 ensures that non-
60. Option (C). settlement reports by the mediator do not disclose
the cause of non-settlement. The mediator has
Option C is correct as the privilege of necessity as a unveiled the facts in his report and thus, the suit for
defense is granted to a trespasser when the risk of losses can be allowed. Option B is incorrect as the
harm to an individual or society is apparently and media-tor has violated the provision of non-
reasonably greater than the harm to the property. disclosure and thus, the suit shall be allowed.
Here, there was no greater public interest involved Option C is incorrect as the suit can be brought
and thus, the defense cannot be sought. Option A is since the provisions of the Act have been violated.
incorrect, it is beyond the scope of the passage. Option D is incorrect as it is not a case of
Option B is incorrect as Sarah committed trespass. dissatisfaction but of disclosure made by the
Causing damage is not necessary for the same. mediator.
Option D is incorrect as the conclusion can be
validly inferred from the passage. 64. Option (C).
61. Option (C). Option C is correct as under Section 24, any party
can, at any point in the mediation, voluntarily opt
Option C is correct as the privilege of necessity as a out of the process. Thus, Max can leave the
defense is granted to a trespasser when the risk of process. Option A is incorrect as the reasons for
harm to an individual or society is apparently and opting out are not required under the Act. Option B
reasonably greater than the harm to the property. is incorrect as it cannot be inferred from the
Here, the trespass was committed to prevent greater passage.
harm, that is, Lily’s daughter’s life. Thus, the
defense shall apply. Option A is incorrect as the
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CLAT MOCK-18 Answer and explanation
65. Option (D). information being personal cannot be sought under
the Amended Act. Option B is incorrect as the
Option D is correct as the passage does not specify
information qualifies as personal information and
the domain of dispute for private mediation. Thus,
thus, cannot be disclosed. Option D is incorrect as
it cannot be inferred from the passage. Option A is
it is too farfetched and cannot be inferred from the
incorrect as Section 23 affords protection against
principle of the passage.
admissibility and privilege against disclosure. The
statement can be inferred from the passage. Option 70. Option (B).
B is incorrect as the core features of self-
Option B is correct as the Act shall apply to
determination, and voluntariness have not been
processing digital personal data outside India if it
followed here, due to Olivia’s dominance. Option C
relates to offering goods and services to individuals
is incorrect as under Section 24, any party can, at
within India. However, here the services are offered
any point in the mediation, voluntarily opt out of
though to Indian citizens, but to those who are
the process.
individuals outside India. Thus, it is beyond the
66. Option (C). jurisdiction of the Act and consequently, the Board.
Option A is incorrect as Indian expatriates are
Option C is correct as in case of disputes with the
individuals outside India and thus, the Act shall not
government the bill only applies to disputes of
apply to them. Option C is incorrect as the Board
commercial nature. Here, the dispute was not
does not have jurisdiction in the said matter.
commercial, and thus, cannot be resolved by
mediation unless guidelines are framed for the 71. Option (B).
same. Option A is incorrect disputes of non-
Option B is correct as the Act does not apply to
commercial nature cannot be resolved by
personal data processed for personal or domestic
mediation. Option B is incorrect as the dispute is
purposes. Here, the pictures were taken by John for
beyond the scope of the Act. Option D is incorrect
personal purposes and thus, will not be governed by
as this matter cannot be dealt with by way of
the provisions of this Act. Option A is incorrect as
con-sent need not be required since the data in this
67. Option (C). instance is not governed by the Act. Option C is
incorrect as his intentions are not a valid
Option C is correct as the bill aims to offer
justification to avoid liability. He shall not be liable
mediation for all kinds of disputes amongst
as the data is collected for personal purposes.
individuals and not necessarily commercial
Option D is incorrect as the conclusion can clearly
disputes. Thus, the neighbourhood dispute can be
be inferred from the passage.
said to have been mediated. Option A is incorrect
as it can be validly inferred. Option B is correct as 72. Option (D).
Section 2(h) provides for both registered and
Option D is correct as the Act shall not apply to
unregistered mediators.
personal data that has been made publicly available
68. Option (A). by the individual to whom it relates. Here, the data
had been made publicly available by him on his
Option A is correct as information that relates to
blog. The website controller has no responsibility in
personal information cannot be collected under the
the matter. Option A is incorrect because while the
amended legislation. Here, financial assets qualify
data might have been accessible, the burglary was
as personal information, and disclosing the same
an unforeseeable criminal act not directly caused by
can be denied. Option B is incorrect as it is too far-
the website controllers' actions. Option B is
fetched and cannot be inferred from the principle of
incorrect as the platform type does not determine
the passage. Option C is incorrect as even though it
the Data Protection Board's jurisdiction. The data
is related to public functions, the information being
was already in the public domain and thus, it shall
personal cannot be sought under the Amended Act.
fall out of the purview of this Act. Option C is
Option D is incorrect as the information qualifies as
incorrect as Alex's status as a traveler does not
personal information and thus, cannot be disclosed.
imply his exemption from the Act. Further, the
69. Option (C). question of territory cannot be inferred in the
Option C is correct as information that relates to present instance.
personal information cannot be collected under the 73. Option (A).
amended legislation. Here, personal communication
Option A is correct as a ‘suit for price’ under
qualifies as personal information, and disclosing
Section 55 of the SOGA is nothing but disguised
the same can be denied. Option A is incorrect as
specific performance. Here, the suit was filed by
even though it is related to public functions, the

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CLAT MOCK-18 Answer and explanation
XYZ Appliances to recover the unpaid price and 77. Option (B).
thus, the same when allowed on merits would be an
Option B is correct as a ‘suit for price’ under
order for specific performance. Option B is
Section 55 of the SOGA is nothing but disguised
incorrect as the same cannot be said in light of the
specific performance. Here, the damage was caused
principle in the passage. Option C is incorrect as
due to the fault of Globe Traders themselves and
the breach cannot be inferred from the question
thus, the suit for the price shall succeed resulting in
stem. XYZ alleged the inferior quality of the goods.
specific performance from the Globe Traders.
The same was not established and thus, it cannot be
Option A is incorrect as the contract has not been
said that there has been a breach. Option D is
breached. The damage was caused due to
incorrect as it is not a case of breach of contract.
mishandling by the Globe Traders. Option C is
74. Option (B). incorrect as the suit for the price shall not fail.
Option D is incorrect as the suit for the price shall
Option B is correct as the legal consequence of a
succeed but Tech Equip denying the defects is not a
‘suit for price’ is that a suit can only be brought if
valid justification. The suit shall succeed because
the contract has not been terminated since specific
the damage was due to Globe trader’s mishandling.
performance means the enforcement of a contract.
Here, the contract was terminated and thus, a suit 78. Option (C).
for the price cannot be brought. The damages can,
Option C is correct as when under Indian Law, the
however, be claimed. Option A is incorrect as the
subject matter of the award cannot be settled by
suit for the price cannot be allowed in the present
arbitration, the Indian Court can object and refuse
case. Option C is incorrect as the suit for the price
to enforce foreign arbitral awards. Here, Indian
shall fail due to the termination of the contract and
Law allows such damages only through court
not the breach. Further, the suit cannot be initiated
proceedings and not through arbitration. Thus, the
in the first place, let alone fail. Option D is
subject matter is out of purview of arbitration here
incorrect as the course of action here, shall be a suit
and the enforcement of the award can be refused
for damages which can be inferred from the
under the Act. Option A is in-correct as the arbitral
principle in the passage.
award cannot be enforced. Option B is incorrect as
75. Option (A). the decision is within the scope of the arbitral
agreement but the same is restricted under Indian
Option A is correct as the legal consequence of a
Law. Option D is incorrect as the same cannot be
‘suit for price’ is that a suit can only be brought if
inferred from the principle in the passage.
the contract has not been terminated since specific
performance means the enforcement of a contract. 79. Option (B).
Here, the contract was terminated and thus, a suit
Option B is correct as the Indian Court can object
for the price cannot be brought. The damages can,
and refuse to enforce foreign arbitral awards if the
however, be claimed. Option B is incorrect as the
arbitral award has been set aside or suspended by a
contract has been terminated and the statement is
competent authority as given in the last paragraph
thus, true in the context of the passage. Option C is
of the passage. Here, the award has been set aside
incorrect as the aggrieved party can claim damages
and thus, Build Co cannot seek its enforcement.
for infringement which is true in the context of the
Option A is incorrect as the arbitral award cannot
passage. Option D is incorrect as the courts have
be enforced as it has been set aside. Option C is
the power to determine the damages which is true
incorrect as the reason for the non-enforcement of
in the context of the passage.
the award is that it has been set aside. Option D is
76. Option (A). incorrect as the Dev estate need not approach the
High Court as the award has already been set aside
Option A is correct as a ‘suit for price’ under
by the competent authority.
Section 55 of the SOGA is nothing but disguised
specific performance. Here, the suit for the price 80. Option (B).
was won by XYZ Corporation. Thus, an order of
Option B is correct as the Indian Court can object
payment shall act like an order of specific
and refuse to enforce foreign arbitral awards when
performance. Option B is incorrect as the same is
the award contains a decision on the matter which
beyond the scope of the principle of this passage.
is beyond the arbitration agreement's scope. Here,
Option C is incorrect as it is again beyond the scope
the dispute over additional expenses was beyond
of the principle of the passage. Option D is
the scope of the agreement and thus, the arbitral
incorrect as the course of action can be rightly
award cannot be enforced. Option A is incorrect as
inferred from the passage.
the arbitral award cannot be enforced since it was
beyond the scope of the agreement. Option C is

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CLAT MOCK-18 Answer and explanation
incorrect as the award, though of commercial study scenario. The animal rights body is urging the
nature, was beyond the scope of the agreement and government to amend the Prevention of Cruelty to
thus, cannot be enforced. Option D is incorrect as it Animals Act to prohibit the use of lethal chambers
is incorrect in the context of the given situation. or other prescribed methods for the destruction of
stray animals. Option A is incorrect option as it
81. Option (A).
suggests increasing the penalties for animal cruelty
Option A is correct as according to the new Act, to a maximum imprisonment of up to 10 years.
only in High Court, the application for enforcement Option B is also incorrect option as Bestiality is the
of foreign awards will lie. There is no discussion act of engaging in sexual activities with animals.
given related to approaching Supreme Court. Here, While this is indeed an important issue related to
the arbitral award was of the American Arbitration animal rights and welfare, it is not the specific
Tribunal and thus, the application shall lie with the amendment being advocated in the Question.
High Court and not the Supreme Court. Option B is Option C is incorrect as Section 503 IPC deals with
incorrect as the issue of copyright was not a part of criminal intimidation, which includes acts of
the arbitral award. Thus, the award is within the threatening someone to cause them alarm or
scope of the agreement. Option C is incorrect as the apprehension. This option suggests holding
award can be enforced but only in the High Courts. individuals liable for scaring pet owners, which is
82. Option (A). not directly related to the specific amendment being
sought in the Question.
Option A is incorrect according to section 49 of the
Act, if the court is satisfied that under parts II and 85. Option (D).
III the foreign award is enforceable then the court Option D is the correct option as it advocates for
can declare it as its decree. Here, all the essentials responsible pet ownership by ensuring that pet
under the Act were met and thus, the awards can be owners undergo training and obtain a license,
enforced by the Court. Option B is incorrect as the thereby promoting better care and understanding of
said situation is not covered under any of the animals. The other options A, B, and C are not as
grounds of Section 48 and thus, the enforcement effective, as Option A offers rewards but might not
shall not be refused. Option C is incorrect as the address responsible ownership, Option B restricts
enforcement of the award in this case does not go pets without addressing the root cause, and Option
against the Indian Public policy and hence, the C, though encouraging adoption, may not ensure
enforcement shall not be enforced. Option D is responsible pet care.
incorrect as the agreement is not void under the
86. Option (C).
applicable laws.
Option C is the correct option because the activists
83. Option (C).
wanted animal cruelty made a standalone
Section 429 of the Indian Penal Code imposes a cognizable offense with harsh penalties not based
higher punishment for the offense of killing or on the animal's value un-der Sections 428 and 429.
maiming an animal based on the value of the Option A is incorrect because the activists did not
animal. If the value of the animal is Rs. 50 or more, advocate for abolishing Sections 428 and 429. They
the punishment can extend up to five years of wanted animal cruelty made a separate cognizable
imprisonment. Option A is incorrect because the offense. Option B is incorrect because the activists
petition challenging provisions of the Prevention of wanted animal cruelty penalties strengthened in
Cruelty to Animals Act was filed by Kapil Dev general. They did not specifically lobby for
along with two other activists, not solely by him. enhanced Section 503 penalties for sharing cruelty
Option B is incorrect option because Section 377 of online. Option D is incorrect because the activists
the Indian Penal Code does not address extreme did not petition for expanding Section 377. They
cruelty meted out against animals. It criminalizes wanted a separate animal cruelty offense, not an
penetrative sexual intercourse with an animal. expanded definition of bestiality.
Option D is incorrect because Section 9(f) of the
87. Option (D).
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960,
empowers the Animal Welfare Board to take steps Option D is the correct option Section 428 of IPC is
to ensure that unwanted animals are destroyed by for killing or maiming an animal of value Rs.10 or
local authorities, not to enforce the entire Act. more. This section does not apply in this case as the
dog was not killed or maimed. Section 429 of IPC
84. Option (D).
is for killing or maiming an animal of value Rs.50
Option D is the correct option and aligns with the or more. This section also does not apply here.
specific amendment being advocated in the case Section 377 of IPC is for the of-fence of bestiality

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CLAT MOCK-18 Answer and explanation
or penetrative sexual intercourse with an animal. It Given that profit% for Gland in 2017 = 45%
does not cover cruelty against animals. Section 503 So, 45% of x = 32.4 Cr
of IPC criminalizes threatening or intimidating X = 72 Cr
someone to deter them from keeping or dealing Hence, the revenue generated by Gland pharma in
with an animal they own. This aptly covers Raju's 2017 = 72 + 32.4 = 104.4 Cr
actions of regularly beating the dog to scare Suresh
from keeping it, so it is the correct option. 95. Option (B).
Let the expenditure of Biocon and Gland in 2020
Section – IV: Quantitative Techniques = Rs 300 Cr and Rs 200 Cr respectively.
Solution for questions 88-92: Then, the revenue of Biocon in 2020
Let the runs scored by Rohit, Gill, Kohli, Surya and = 300×1.25 = 375 Cr
Axar be denoted by A, B, C, D and E respectively. From Revenue of Gland in 2020 = 200×1.6 = 320 Cr
the replies of the players, we have following equations Required ratio = 375 : 320 = 75 : 64
B + D + E = 154 … (i)
C + E + A = 120 … (ii) 96. Option (C).
A + B + D = 116 … (iii) Let the revenue generated by Biocon in 2020 and
E + B + C = 138 … (iv) revenue generated by Gland in 2021 was Rs 200 Cr
A + C + D = 108 … (v) and Rs 100 Cr respectively.
Adding all the above equations, we get And Expenditure of Biocon in 2020 = x
3(A + B + C + D + E) = 636 Expenditure of Gland in 2021 = y
Or (A + B + C + D + E) = 636/3 = 212 … (vi) So, 1.25x = 200
Subtracting (vi) – (i) Or x = 160
A + C = 58 And 1.2y = 100
A + C + D = 108 Y = 250/3
So, D = 108 – 58 = 50 Required ratio = 160 : 250/3 = 48 : 25
Similarly, we can find other values,
Rohit (A) = 24; Gill (B) = 42; Kohli (C) = 34; Surya (D) 97. Option (B).
= 50; Axar (E) = 62 Revenue = Expenditure + Profit
Since Revenue and Expenditure both are increased
88. Option (C). by 20% over the previous year, profit will also
increase by 20% over the previous year.
89. Option (A).
Section – V: Logical Reasoning
90. Option (B).
Only these mentioned five batters batted from 98. Option (D).
Indian side so the total runs scored by India = 212 Ricchuiti says if the U.S. were to enter a recession
and Australia scored 203 runs. Hence India won by it wouldn't be a huge surprise. So, the US may or
9 runs may not enter an economic recession. So, (a) and
(b) are out. Ricchiuti is not likely to either support
91. Option (C). or oppose this. He is likely to take a cautious
approach. (c) is wrong because the new agencies
92. Option (D). have been forecasting an economic recession for
Total runs scored by Warner and Smith some time now. (d) is the best choice.
= 36 + 48 = 84
Average runs scored by Indian batters = 212/5 99. Option (B).
Required ratio = 84 : 212/5 = 21 : 53/5 = 105 : 53 Refer to the line: “You get an economy that grows
and grows and then it overheats and then it has to
93. Option (D). be lowered back down again," said Ricchuiti.” So,
Let the expenditure of Biocon in 2018 = x (b) is the correct answer. The other options can’t be
When x is increased by 14.28% it is equal to 240 Cr determined from the data given in the passage.
8x/7 = 240, x = 210 Cr
100. Option (A).
Profit percentage of Biocon in 2018 = 60%
Revenue of Biocon in 2018 = 210×1.6 = 336 Cr What we need to weaken is the argument that we
may just create a recession by worrying too much
94. Option (A). about it. (a), if true, weakens this by stating that
Let the expenditure of Gland Pharma in 2017 people behave more wisely when they are warned
= Rs x of a recession. The other options don’t logically

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CLAT MOCK-18 Answer and explanation
affect the given argument. The passage is not about 109. Option (C).
the government or elected officials. So, we can
110. Option (A).
eliminate (b) and (c). (d) is an assumption and
hence strengthens the argument. The crux of the passage is that by reading romance
novels, people tend to indulge in unrealistic
101. Option (C).
expectations. They make people chase an
Refer to the last two paragraphs. As per Ricchiuti, unrealistic goal and not be content with what they
an economy grows, overheats, and then slows down have. So, (a) is the correct answer.
to achieve normalcy. So, (c) is the most logical
inference. (a) and (d) are restatements of the given (b) cannot be inferred from the passage. (c) is not
lines. (b) is irrelevant. mentioned in the passage in a generic way. This
passage focuses on relationships. (d) talks about
102. Option (D). ambitions; so, it’s irrelevant.
The best choice is (d). The passage states that 111. Option (D).
recession is when everyone else (one’s neighbours)
is out of job, and depression is when one is out of We can’t infer (a) or (c) as they indicate a positive
work. So, (d) best captures it. (a) says the opposite. relationship between fantasy and reality. The
(b) and (c) are factually wrong. sentence indicates a negative relationship. (b) is
illogical. (d) is the best answer as it captures the
103. Option (C). negative association between fantasy and living in
104. Option (C). the real world.
105. Option (B). 112. Option (D).
(a) is correct. Refer to the line, “Why do so many Refer to the lines: “Susan Quilliam, a relationship
religious people want so fervently to believe that psychologist, states that people tend to use these
death isn't the end?” (b) is wrong. The first novels as escape routes, and later feel bad for not
paragraph mentions at least one book that was having the ideal love life. They ignore the fact that
written in the past and talked about living forever. reality may be different, and you cannot
(c) is correct. It is mentioned in the last paragraph. ‘romanticize’ all things.” So, (d) is what she would
(d) is true. Refer to the line, “It would be rash to agree with. (a) is too extreme. Quilliam is not
assume that such far-fetched ideas will never be predicting the difference between reality and
feasible.” So, (b) is the answer. imagination. (b) is wrong. It is an exaggeration from
106. Option (B). the passage. (c) is wrong as there is no discussion of
‘sympathy’ or the lack of it in the passage.
(a) is wrong. The assertion doesn’t talk about
dreaming in general. (b) is the correct assumption. 113. Option (D).
If we negate it, then the assertion becomes weak. 114. Option (C).
(c) is irrelevant. (d) can’t be determined.
In the last paragraph, the author talks about how
107. Option (C). one can enjoy romance novels without losing a grip
The paradox in the given sentence talks about not on one’s reality. So, (c) is the best choice. (a) is
wanting to die and yet the importance of dying to wrong as this is not a hypothesis. (b) is wrong as
appreciate immortality. So, (c) is the correct the author’s tone is not negative. (d) is partly
answer. The other options are factually wrong. (a) correct. The author implies the reasons how
can’t be determined. (b) distorts the author’s romance novels can affect the reader. But it doesn’t
intention. (d) is wrong as the author does not focus on the hurdles. It tells us how to avoid these.
suggest that desire to live forever is unfounded.
115. Option (A).
108. Option (D).
116. Option (B).
(a) is wrong. The passage says that people follow
diets and exercise regimes to live a long life, not to The quotation talks about the duty of comedy. Then
live forever. (b) is wrong too. Religions, the the passage talks about political satire and its
passage states, gave people an idea of an afterlife, effectiveness in making people more informed. So,
not a mean to escape death. (c) is distorted. The (b) is the correct answer. (a) is wrong as the
passage states that a computer-generated preserved quotation is not irrelevant. (c) is wrong as the
memory of a human being is a shadow, not the real passage doesn’t discredit the ideas of Molière (who,
human. It says nothing about a computer-generated by the way, is known as the French Shakespeare).
image. (d) is true. Refer to the last paragraph. (d) is wrong as this idea is not contradicted later.
It’s put to test and the result is shown to be mixed.

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CLAT MOCK-18 Answer and explanation
117. Option (A).
Refer to the line: “The results of a recent study
show that political humour makes political
information more accessible by increasing our
capacity to remember and share it.” So, (a) was the
main aim of the study. (b) is wrong as popularity
was not measured by the experiment. (c) is wrong
as it talks about all kinds of news items whereas the
study focused on political news. (d) is wrong as the
interpretation part makes it irrelevant.
118. Option (C).
The last but one paragraph suggests the limitation
of the study. Check the line: “…people actually
have a hard time figuring out whether satirical
information is true or false.” So, (c) best states this.
The other options are either wrong or unrelated.
119. Option (C).
What needs to be weakened is the claim that when
an event demands your attention, you remember it
the best. (c) weakens it the most. (a) and (b) don’t
weaken the argument. They somewhat support it.
(d) doesn’t impact the argument.
120. Option (D).
The main meaning of the statement is that people
can benefit from satirical news about politics. But
people don’t get the right information because the
past behaviour of politicians looks satirical. So, (c)
when negated affects the statement the most. (a)
doesn’t impact as we are not talking about the
difference between what’s funny and what’s not.
(b) is irrelevant. (d) talks about plays. We are
discussing politics here.

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