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Name: Gonzaga, Francis Ian Y.

Course & Year: BSChem-2

Offering No.: M682 Date: February 22, 2024

Learning Task
Module 2: The Development of World Politics
Lesson 2.2: Global Governance

Direction: Provide a concise and comprehensive answer in each item.

1. Explain the concept of global governance. (5 points)

- Global governance refers to the totality of laws, norms, policies and

institutions. It also refers to purposeful systems of rules or norms that ensure
order beyond what occurs nationally.

2. Explain why there is no such thing as a global government but only global
governance. (10 points)

- There is no global government but there is global governance because when

we hear the word "governance", it is far different from politics because politics
is more about making compromises.

3. Give at least one (1) challenge to global governance and expound why such is
construed as a challenge. (5 points)

- One example of challenge to global governance is the Korean War that

erupted from 1950-1953 just after the Second World War because diplomatic
means fail to resolve initial complicts among states.

4. Explain the nature of environmental governance. (5 points)

- Collective approaches from governments and people are required to tackle

the challenge brought on by rapid change and irreversible impact on nature on
human activity. State governments and sectoral institutions have undertaken an
initiative that has allowed nature to transcend political and social barriers to the
effects of the global crises ignoring its consequences. Climate change is one of the
most significant challenges that the world is facing right now. The framework of
globalization challenges most systems of states competing with each other. Among
the fields of environmental governance, environmental management is the most
wanting in urgent answers in the form of collective action by the whole of the human
5. Explain the importance of the United Nations to global governance. (5 points)

- the United Nations sponsored the Universal Declaration on Human Rights in

1948. It emphasized the values of liberalism as a mechanism to thwart national self-
interest through the "recognition of the intrinsic nature of the rule of law and the
basic freedoms and civil rights of all members of the human family and equal and
inalienable rights. It served as the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the
world." The United Nations continued to promote these values through various
institutions like the United Nations Scientific and Cultural Educational Organization
(UNESCO). UNESCO was founded in 1946 with the mandate "to contribute to peace
and security by cultivating cooperation among nations through education, science,
and culture to further universal respect for justice, the rule of law and the basic
freedoms and civil rights upheld for the world's peoples, without distinction of race,
sex, language or religion.

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