Zamă de Baraboi Cu Roșii

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My Favourite Dish: Potato and Tomato Soup

Bulz Nicolae


In the heart of Romanian cuisine lies a dish that is both comforting and nourishing - the potato and tomato
soup, known locally as ‘ciorba de cartofi cu roșii’. This dish, with its rich flavours and simple ingredients,
represents the essence of home cooking and brings back memories of family gatherings and warm,
laughter-filled kitchens.

Personal Connection

My earliest memory of this soup is intertwined with the image of my grandmother, standing by the stove,
stirring the pot with a wooden spoon, the steam carrying the scent of simmering tomatoes and earthy
potatoes. It was a ritual, a symbol of her love and care, a tradition passed down through generations.

Ingredients and Preparation

The beauty of this soup lies in its simplicity:

Potatoes: Peeled and cubed, they form the hearty base of the soup.

Tomatoes: Fresh, ripe tomatoes, pureed to lend a tangy sweetness.

Onions and Carrots: Finely chopped, they add depth to the flavour.

Parsley and Lovage: Fresh herbs that brighten the dish with their vibrant green and aromatic touch.

Broth: A good quality vegetable or chicken broth that envelops all the ingredients in warmth.

The preparation is a labour of love, starting with sautéing onions, adding tomatoes and potatoes, and
letting it all simmer to perfection.

Cultural Significance

This soup is more than just a dish; it’s a cultural marker, a staple in Romanian households. It’s a testament
to the resourcefulness of Romanian cooks, making use of locally available ingredients to create something
that’s both filling and delicious.
Nutritional Value and Health Benefits

The potato and tomato soup is not only a treat for the taste buds but also a boon for health. Here’s why:

Potatoes: A source of vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber, potatoes contribute to heart health and

Tomatoes: Rich in antioxidants like lycopene, vitamins A and C, and potassium, tomatoes support skin
health and provide cancer-fighting properties.

Onions: With their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, onions can help reduce the risk of heart

Carrots: Loaded with beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A, carrots are vital for vision
and immune function.

Herbs: Parsley and lovage not only add flavor but also offer vitamins and minerals that promote
detoxification and support the immune system.

This soup is a perfect example of how traditional dishes can be both delicious and nutritious, offering a
balanced meal that supports overall well-being.


As I sit down to a bowl of this soup, it’s not just the flavours that fill me up but also the memories and the
sense of belonging. It’s a reminder of my roots, my heritage, and the simple pleasures of life. This soup,
with its humble beginnings, has a special place in my heart, and I hope it will find one in yours too.

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