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george beradze

1.role of jury in criminal trial is to decide if a person is guilty or no. or maybe who is guilty.
2. 12 jurors must agree in order to reach a verdict.
3. I think in situation when jury don’t reach a verdict judge will make a decision.
4. IN order to get a guilty verdict prosecution should prove evidences. One or two cannot be enough
it should be more..
5. for criminal slums are breeding ground as juror N4 said.
6. communication between jurors is depended on their personality. There cant be same emotions, tone
and so on.. some people are calm but others can be talking in angry way and so on..
For me it is difficult when I cant prove my truth. Its part of my personality. If im right I will do my best in
order to prove it.. in that situation I might be angry and its difficult for me to calm down that’s my
problem I think and I have to work on it.
7. maybe N3 was sarcastic the most.. his communication is the worst between this 12, for me :D.
8. I don’t know maybe all of them (nearly) .. but yes there can be one who was the most concerned .. I
cant say which one could be.
9. I didn’t like N7’s decisions and speech itself.. its like that he doesn’t care ..
10. no, in the beginning it was 11/1 but in the and they all agreed on one decision.
11. All that arguments was not enough for me to prove persons guilty .. there were many ‘’mistakes’’ in
there arguments …
12. the knife can be the most persuasive pieces of evidence, I think.
13. Evidence of woman who didn’t had her glasses with her .. ar eketa)
14.First of all we should realize that we might be wrong.. we should discuss thing in 2 ways, maybe we
are wrong.. we should be a professional on a job , that we are working, it contains many thing: high
sense of responsibility, hard working, group work , listening , nice style of communication .. especially
when we are talking to someone’s death and live, you should just leave job when u don’t feel well or
interested and so on.. critical thinking of our own ideas and decisions is important aswell.

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