DPM 91

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DPM 91

A to E

A. Words along with their meaning, Pronunciation and usage


RIGID [ rij-id ]
stiff or unyielding; not pliant or flexible; hard:
a rigid strip of metal.
firmly fixed or set.
inflexible, strict, or severe:
a rigid disciplinarian; rigid rules of social behavior.
exacting; thorough; rigorous:
a rigid examination.
so as to meet precise standards; stringent:
lenses ground to rigid specifications.
Mechanics. of, relating to, or noting a body in which the distance between any pair of points
remains fixed under all forces; having infinite values for its shear modulus, bulk modulus, and
Young's modulus.
(of an airship or dirigible) having a form maintained by a stiff, unyielding structure
contained within the envelope.
pertaining to a helicopter rotor that is held fixedly at its root.


ADAMANT [ ad-uh-muhnt, -mant ]

utterly unyielding in attitude or opinion in spite of all appeals, urgings, etc.
too hard to cut, break, or pierce.
any impenetrably or unyieldingly hard substance.
a legendary stone of impenetrable hardness, formerly sometimes identified with the diamond.

AUSTERE [ aw-steer ]
severe in manner or appearance; uncompromising; strict; forbidding:
an austere teacher.
rigorously self-disciplined and severely moral; ascetic; abstinent:
the austere quality of life in the convent.
grave; sober; solemn; serious:
an austere manner.
without excess, luxury, or ease; simple; limited; severe:
an austere life.
severely simple; without ornament:
austere writing.
lacking softness; hard:
an austere bed of straw.

INTRANSIGENT [ in-tran-si-juh nt ]
refusing to agree or compromise; uncompromising; inflexible.
a person who refuses to agree or compromise, as in politics.

STRINGENT [ strin-juhnt ]
rigorously binding or exacting; strict; severe:
stringent laws.
compelling, constraining, or urgent:
stringent necessity.
convincing or forcible:
stringent arguments.
(of the money market) characterized by a shortage in money for loan or investment purposes;

CHISELED [ chiz-uh ld ]
cut, shaped, etc., with a chisel:
chiseled stone.
sharply or clearly shaped; clear-cut:
She has finely chiseled features.

INEXORABLE [ in-ek-ser-uh-buhl ]
unyielding; unalterable:
inexorable truth; inexorable justice.
not to be persuaded, moved, or affected by prayers or entreaties:
an inexorable creditor.

OBDURATE [ ob-doo-rit, -dyoo- ]

unmoved by persuasion, pity, or tender feelings; stubborn; unyielding.
stubbornly resistant to moral influence; persistently impenitent:
an obdurate sinner.

STATIC [ stat-ik ]
adjective Also stat·i·cal.
pertaining to or characterized by a fixed or stationary condition.
showing little or no change:
a static concept; a static relationship.
lacking movement, development, or vitality:
The novel was marred by static characterizations, especially in its central figures.
Sociology. referring to a condition of social life bound by tradition.
Electricity. pertaining to or noting static electricity.
noting or pertaining to atmospheric electricity interfering with radar, radio, the sending and
receiving of wireless messages, etc.
Physics. acting by mere weight without producing motion:
static pressure.
Economics. pertaining to fixed relations, or different combinations of fixed quantities:
static population.
Computers. (of data storage, processing, or programming) unaffected by the passage of time or
the presence or absence of power:
A static website contains Web pages with fixed content that does not change as the user
interacts with it.

UNRELENTING [ uhn-ri-len-ting ]
not relenting; not yielding or swerving in determination or resolution, as of or from opinions,
convictions, ambitions, ideals, etc.; inflexible:
an unrelenting opponent of the Equal Rights Amendment.
not easing or slackening in severity:
an unrelenting rain.
maintaining speed, effort, vigor, intensity, rate of advance, etc.:
an unrelenting attack.

STRAIT-LACED [ streyt-leys ]
verb (used with object), strait-laced, strait-lac·ing.
to bind, confine, or restrain with or as if with laces.
B. RC Passage (with Link)

Article 1 : Education, unchained by James Brooke-Smith


Summary : Rousseau’s child-centred ideals are now commonplace but his truly radical vision of
educational freedom still eludes us.

Article 2 : Alaskan volcano sealed the fate of the Roman Republic, led to rise of the

Summary : Many factors contributed to the fall of the Roman Republic, but Okmok's eruption
and the climate change that followed may have been the straw that broke the Republic's back,
according to the study.

Article 3 : Predicting Behavior by Scanning the Brain: Does Task-FMRI Really Resonate?

Summary : Perhaps one of the MRI’s most intriguing applications is in mapping activity inside
the human brain, in near real-time. As this application, known as functional MRI (fMRI), has
grown over the past two decades, a number of studies have hinted at its potential to predict
certain human behaviors and neurological responses to specific situations. These tantalizing
studies suggest that fMRI may eventually lead to innovative therapeutic interventions in areas
ranging from mitigating depression, anxiety, and dementia to curtailing antisocial or even
criminal behaviors.
Article 4 : The Lost City of Z By David Grann

Summary : For centuries, adventurers have searched for evidence of a lost civilization in the
Mato Grosso region of Brazil. Many of them have been swallowed up by the “green hell” of the
Amazonian rain forest—which has been described as “the last great blank space in the world.”

Article 5 : Reducing dependence on China would be prudent for India’s pharmaceutical

industry, but it must be strategic—Rory Horner

Summary : In India, any decoupling from China must be strategic, with significant policy support,
and it will take time for a paced indigenization. An ad hoc or reactive decoupling could disrupt
the production of a wide range of medicines which currently require ingredients from China.
C. RC Passage (with Questions)


Q1. (a) to go for warlike bellicosity towards India

(b) that emboldened Pakistan

(c) it needs to be added that

(d) it was the bountiful supply of sophisticated arms

(A) bacd (B) dcba (C) cdab (D) cdba

Q2. (a) in writing themes of the required length

(b) that students almost always have difficulty

(c) because their ideas give out after a paragraph or two

(d) it is a common observation among teachers

(A) dacb (B) dabc (C) dbac (D) dbca

Q3. (a) than an equal quantity of iron in meat

(b) iron from vegetables than from meat products

(c) because the body is less efficient at absorbing

(d) iron in any vegetable is less valuable

(A) dbac (B) dacb (C) dbca (D) cbda

Q4. (a) to pick his way through the brains' complex tissues

(b) so that the surgeon can enlist the patient's help

(c) while the patient is conscious

(d) surgical operations on the brain sometimes have to be carried out

(A) dcab (B) acbd (C) dcba (D) adbc

Q5. (a) that they have been cheated of the best thing

(b) young men who have reason to fear that they will he killed in battle

(c) may justifiably feel bitter in the thought

(d) that life has to offer

(A) bcda (B) bcad (C) bdac (D) bacd

D. Quantitative Aptitude

Q.1 In ∆ ABC, side AB= 20 unit, AC = 11 unit, BC = 13 unit. Semicircle is tangent to AC and BC.
Find diameter of the semicircle inscribed in ∆ ABC ( diameter lies on AB).
(A) 15 (B) 16 (C) 12 (D) 11

Q.2 ∆ ABC is right angled at A. D is a point on AB such that CD =1. AE is the altitude from A to
BC. If BD = BE =1, then the length of AD equals

(A) 3 2  1 (B) 2 (C) 0.5 (D) 3 2

Q.3 20 litre and 35 litre of two different kinds of milk water solution are mixed to obtain a 90%
milk solution. What may be the minimum possible ratio of milk and water in the solutions that
were initially taken?
(A) 19 : 1 (B) 29 : 11 (C) 17 : 6 (D) 11 : 4

Directions for Questions 4 to 5 :

Restle company is setting up a new manufacturing unit to produce soft drinks with no
pesticides. Investment for the project installment is Rs. 10 crore. The following information is
known about the different bottle sizes planned.

Cost of cost (in Dealer
Bottle size Bottling cost Liquid paise per sale price (in margin (in
(in ml) (in Rs.) (in Rs.) bottle) Rs.) Rs)
300 2 0.6 10 10 3
500 5 1 15 18 6
1500 10 3 20 40 12
Q.4 For which bottle should Restle try to maximise sales to maximise its profit? (Assume that
the total number of litres of soft drink sold is constant irrespective of the breakup of the sales in
terms of bottle sizes)
(A) 300 ml (B) 500 ml (C) 1500 ml (D) size of the bottle does not matter

Q.5 If company sells only 300 ml bottles in the first year, then how many bottles should it sell to
recover the investment made in the first year only?
(A) 23255814 (B) 232558140 (C) 32255814 (D) 322558140

x 2 + 6x +1
Q.6 What is the maximum and minimum value of respectively?
2x 2 + 2 x + 2
(A) 2, -4/3 (B) 4/3, -2 (C) 2, 1/3 (D) None of these

Q.7 A positive whole number M less than 100 is represented in base 2 notation, base 3
notation, and base 5 notation. It is found that in all three cases the last digit is 1, while in exactly
two out of the three cases the leading digit is 1. Which of the following may be the value of M?
(A) 31 (B) 63 (C) 75 (D) 91

Q.8 how many odd integers from 1000 to 7000(exclusive) have distinct digits?
(A) 1512 (B) 1736 (C) 1344 (D) 840

Q.9 In how many ways can 16 student be seated around two identical round tables, each having
the capacity to accommodate 8 students?
1 
(A)   C8   7!  C8  7!  C8  7! 7! 
16 2 16 2 16
(B) (C) (D) None of these
2 

Q.10 A borrows Rs 30000 from a bank at 15 % per annum simple interest. He repays 15% of
the principal at the end of every year except the last year. At the end of last year he pays
complete remaining principal. What is the simple interest that has accrued for the entire period?
(A) 29000 (B) 16875 (C) 17325 (D) 18125
E. DILR – 1 Set

Directions for Questions 1 to 4 :

Six candidates who were interviewed for faculty positions in a reputed coaching institute are
ranked according to their performances in six parameters- Educational qualification(E),
Analytical Ability(A), Logical ability(L), Communication skills(V), Teaching skills(T), and
creativity(C ). No two candidates got the same rank in any single parameter and the ranks of a
candidate in no two parameters are the same. The six candidates considered for selection were
Vani, Pallavi, Raju, Martin, Asma and Scarlet and the ranks obtained by them in some of the
parameters are given below.

Vani Pallavi Rajiv Martin Asma Scarlet
Educational qualification(E) 3 1
Analytical Ability(A) 2 4
Logical ability(L) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Communication skills(V) 4
Teaching skills(T) 6 3
creativity(C ) 1 3 2

A candidate gets 12 points for each parameter in which he/she gets the first rank, 8 points for
rank 2, 5 points for rank 3, 3 points for rank 4, 2 points for rank 5 and 1 point for rank 6.

Q.1 If only parameters A, C, V and T are considered, then which candidate got the fourth
highest total score?
(A) Vani (B) Pallavi (C) Rajiv (D) Martin

Q.2 If only parameters E, A, L and T are considered, then which candidate got the second
highest total score?
(A) Pallavi (B) Rajiv (C) Vani (D) Martin
Q.3 If the parameters other than L and T are considered, then the difference between the
scores of the candidates getting the highest score and the least score is___
(A) 6 (B) 8 (C) 10 (D) 14

Q.4 If only parameters E, A and V are considered and only the candidates getting the top four
scores are selected, then which of the candidates are not selected?
(A) Martin and Rajiv (B) Rajiv and Scarlet
(C) Scarlet and Martin (D) Rajiv and Vani

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