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Exercise 1: Filling the gaps with these words:

hardworking creative boring lazy pessimistic

stubborn humorous intelligent extroverted aggressive
careless unkind optimistic brave friendly
haughty introverted sociable bad-tempered
1. My friend is ___________ and always makes everyone laugh with his jokes.
2. She is ___________ enough to face her fears and skydived from a plane.
3. The new student is very ___________ and makes friends easily.
4. My sister is very ___________ and always puts in extra effort in her studies.
5. He is the most ___________ students in my class. He can answer all the teacher’s
6. Sarah is very ___________ and loves being around people.
7. The __________ student believed that hard work and dedication would lead to positive
8. Tom is ___________ and comes up with innovative ideas for his art projects.
9. Mark is quite ___________ and prefers spending time alone rather than socializing.
10. Lisa is extremely ___________ and enjoys being the center of attention at parties.
11. Paul is always in a bad mood and easily loses his temper. He is very ___________.
12. The lecture was so boring that I fell asleep. It was really ___________.
13. Jack is always ___________ with his belongings and often loses his keys.
14. My brother is so ___________ that he never helps with household chores.
15. John's __________ mindset limited his ability to see the opportunities and possibilities
that lay ahead.
16. She is so ___________ that she never listens to other people's opinions.
17. The actress is known for her ___________ behavior and looks down on others.
18. He is ___________ and often bully others.
19. Tom can be very ___________ and always tries to win arguments.
Exercise 2: Filling the gaps with these words:
rural hustle and bustle urban grow up suburban
1. I was born and raised in a big ___________ city.
2. My grandparents live in a small ___________ village.
3. I live in a _________ neighborhood surrounded by quiet streets and family homes.
4. I prefer the silence of the countryside over the ___________ of the city.
5. What do you want to do in the future after __________?
Exercise 3: Filling the gaps with these words:
flying kite collecting stamp walk the dog camping playing computer games

hanging out drawing reading book cooking watching television

1. On the weekend, I love ___________________ with my friends. We usually go to the
cinema and watch a new movie.
2. My sister loves dog. She often ________________ in the park every evening.
3. My grandfather's hobby is ___________________. He has a big collection of stamps
from all over the world.
4. My younger brother loves ___________________ with his friends.
5. In the summer, our family loves ___________________. We pack our tents, sleeping
bags, and food, and spend the weekend in nature.
6. My mom is a great chef. She enjoys ___________________ and trying out new recipes
all the time.
7. He spends his evenings ___________________ and watching his favorite shows.
8. When the wind is strong, I like ___________________. It is fun to see the colorful kites
flying high in the sky.
9. My best friend is a bookworm. She spends hours ___________________ and getting lost
in different stories and worlds.
10. He spends his afternoons ____________ in his sketchbook.

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