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In the last decade, learning online has become widespread.

It has been welcomed as an opportunity for

students to finish their studies during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, other students claim that these
courses are less effective than learning directly.Now, I’m going to talk about the advantages and
disadvantages of distance learning.

On the one hand, studying an online course provides flexible timing schedules and less budgeted
learning for students. They can save on transportation and money on facilities. Besides, electronic
learning is beneficial when a person wants to attend the classes of good teachers but for the distance. In
addition, online courses create a comfortable learning space for students. Students can choose to study
in the ideal place to unleash their creativity. Moreover, online learning reduces the possibility of
infection during this outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic.

On the other hand, online learning has drawbacks as well. Online courses give more emphasis on the
theoretical part of learning. There is less interaction between teachers and students. It lacks the
practical aspects of learning and encourages passive learning. This is obvious that students find it less
effective learning than in the classroom. A recent study has shown that a great number of students
found classroom teaching more effective than distance learning teaching.

In conclusion, the ever-growing availability of online learning has gained popularity among young adults
for many years, which is perceived as beneficial by many people while others find it to be less effective. I
think the benefits of learning online outweigh its drawbacks.

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