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Focuses on integrating computer technology with decision-making and problem-solving skills.

Computer Aided Design (CAD) involves the use of computer hardware and graphics software to
generate design drawings. Modern CAD equipment enables the designer to quickly produce very
accurate and realistic images of products to be manufactured.
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) is a system of automatically producing finished products
by using computer controlled production machines. CAD and CAM work together in that the
digital model generated in CAD is inputted to the CAM software package. The CAM software
needs to know the physical shape of the product (CAD model) before it can compose a proper set
of fabrication instructions to a production machine.
CAD Advantages:
Accurate; precise; & immediately alterable; computer Modelling can test stress failure/ efficiency;
Can be easily erased and changed; Can be zoomed in for more detailed sections; Can be copied
and pasted many times depending on skill, can be neater; can be quicker; can be sent to elsewhere
quickly; can be stored in a safe place; can be checked for measurements by the computer; can
easily mass produce identical products.
CAD Disadvantages
Have to train people to use the software Expensive Implementation; If computer problem, all data
will be lost; If not checked properly, the object created can go very wrong; can be very expensive;
can be hard to do and handling needs training; since not manual, can be slightly irritating because
if not familiar with technology, lots of people lost their jobs when CAD CAM originally came out
CAM Advantages
Precise, allowing tighter tolerances for machine work. Hugely more efficient Consistent results
(every one is the same) Less waste Fewer people to pay
CAM disadvantages
VERY expensive implementation, High maintenance costs
Different Types of CAD software
There are different types of CAD software for different purposes ie CAD tool for a Mechanical
engineer is different to the one needed by an electronic engineer or a civil engineer.
FreeCAD is a general purpose 3D CAD modeler. It is free software. FreeCAD is aimed directly at
mechanical engineering and product design but also fits in a wider range of uses around
engineering, such as architecture or other engineering specialties. Other CAD software include
CivilCAD,CATIA, SolidWorks or Solid Edge,
Others include
Archimedes (CAD); Blender (software); BRL-CAD; Calculix; HeeksCAD; MeshLab; QCad;
Mathworks ( Matlab & Simulink); VHDL; Multism etc

Software Matlab simulink for design of models

The interactive languages: C, C++
Write notes on the dia below

Fig 1.1 model using CATIA

Fig 1.2 CivilCad Design

Fig 1.2.2 CivilCAD Design

Fig 1.3 AutoCAD Design

Fig 1.4
The SEED (Pugh) model is the one we will be following throughout the text. As
by the return lines, design is an iterative process involving much back tracking and
parallel activity. This is normal. The principle of iteration is the fundamental principle
the design process. Designing something new is like a voyage of discovery. As the
progresses, more and more information is discovered and more knowledge gained. If
designer does not iterate the new information, concepts emerging would not be acted
The systematic approach is not a series of instructions to be followed blindly. There is
never a unique solution.
Some words of caution. Engineering design is not always a sequential process, nor
it be neatly divided into discrete activities each of which must be fully completed
the next is begun. This is why feedback loops are always included on any diagram of
design process. However, the reader should be aware that even this does not do justice
the necessary continual iteration and that all steps in the design process are often
going on
simultaneously. Also, an engineering designer is rarely completely satisfied with the
arrived at. This is partly due to the principle of time. If a company is to maximize its
profits from the labours of a design team then the shortest possible time must be taken
getting the product launched. It is inevitable therefore that with a second look the
could be improved. This lack of perfection often causes dissatisfaction and must be
accepted as a consequence of working as an engineering designer.

Complexity Engineering is a technology, not a science, so along with the engineering

science knowledge used the importance of communication, teamwork, project
and ergonomics cannot be underestimated.
Responsibility There is the potential for many failures to occur due to negligence or
oversight and the ultimate responsibility for safe and correct 'products' rests squarely
the shoulders of the professional engineering designer.
Simplification In general the simplest solution is the best and all professional
engineers seek elegant and simple solutions.
Introduction to computer graphic and data base design

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