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“There is 0 veal danger tha in the ye Population 9 90005000800900000000000800000000005 2000 a loge part ofthe worl’ popututin wt st be vung th paves. Phe ‘World may beconte ovepopulaia av wil ceraly be overcrowded.” ty et igen eb ‘tw 1999, 600 milion chive in the word lived iu poverty 50 lint nore than in 1990. ern eg Population bts Jn demography ~ the study of human popultion =itisimponancto remember hat the sitation ‘seyname, not stati Population numbers ds Ibuton,seactresand monements constantly ‘change in ime, in space and at ee eels (emir, meso ana macro tals Disvibution and density Population dstbution descibes te way in which people ste spend out across the forth Sua. The dsebuson Ironeven and thetete ‘often considerable changes over perf tine opulaton estan canbe show by means of dot map, where ach dat eeensa ‘ven number af people For example nique 12. thismethod etetvely shows the concent tion of prope inthe Ne valley in ype here 99 par cent ofthe eauntys popaation liveon pe cet ofthe total lsat towere, gure 13.1 salo mieading becuse ug. et ncorety tha test ay om the Ne setotly united: In at, parte popes ied ut have insufisent mumbo want symbol. When drawing dot map thereto is Important to sek the best posible dot alien tobearin mind slintations, ea ‘Ding eine Population de people living in sven are, uly a square ‘omette m®. Population densities se eten shown by means ofa choropeth map, of wih igures 13.2 and 13.5 are eximpls, Beraites, ate obtained by dividing the total population of county (or adainstentve area by the foal, ‘ex ofthat county (or epon), The denies are then grouped into clases, each of which Ss coloued ighte or darker to fleet lesser of arate density. Although these mas tees) ‘orcad, they hide conceneations of popalaton ‘within ech unitate. Figure 13.2, for example ses the Impression that the poputatign of aypt is equally aisubated across the county, ining eh ah Y tol oh Ieaso suggests that het isan abrupt change tn Population density at the national Mounds. A Dootl designed system afcstouing or shasing an make quite snall spatial dleenecs seem large or make huge dtferences look salle igus 13.1 and 15.2 both show tha there rept ofthe word whieh are pasey pope Inte and oes whieh ate densely populste, One wl generalisation that may be made remembering the pital o generalisation (Pramevori 1, page 247) isthat athe lob) scale this dstibution saeted may by physical epportanses ad constants; Whereas, attegional and loca sae, time itl to be influenced by economic, palit and sos eto, [Land accounts tor bout 30 per centof the ant surface 70.9 percent rete) OF the Jand ates, only about 11 percent presents no Secious limitations to setdement a agree (igure 13.3). Much ofthe ema tse ‘sot and ice high or tgp sed mountains and forest, Usually there ate several seasons why nate sparsely or densely populted ‘ae Pavulneste ‘had Population 345, ae awe oes) Sparsely ancl enesaly popinisrdoree Figue 13.4 sts some ofthe many factors that pert a the gible aud which may lend oan tet being sparsely or densely popelated ‘Compare these ators th the pattersshown ‘inte sate verre ueseandts ei oseetanineneeae Fs (teem bip ste ene fan doe td ined sep, ascomycetes, ene oxen aera peta op oat ata ue os ae ingeimaebangaei Sebaxerioessseineeta atone ‘eveoleahasergomsecloton Gide esseknancntonsiucsletin tant tnéetibeiir on athena eH tinea itn cierto esas Me hei Bane Feasts besed unas tenga det hose, stemtnineeimaeta tacts, Rae peer oro sh Pest anu ese ‘eres rtnen inetan oe ‘ues ces yids ln iat feed elt Telanagetanaynbecnn a rast as Tears anes Insomnia athafearay Seach tie ‘anette ‘release eS be i Fa te Ievdtanebsbeat el Rehman beri ‘pear epi nee eaten mpetenetedtspeie ‘Bia omen itntedainserthencet ‘in Figues 133) and 18.2 Then, having red Framework 1 eppeste comment cally qn fhe acuray and wale of the iste tes ng Spgs foreach factor an aerate carpe {orexamples) eee Funpiaexinte ste teh Inks oes pe eae ‘ees ese ete abet {Senescence oo sethantes 9, ‘Gunite lente et, nine yaaa ae tomate Ste ‘enmencanonanertor tenance | {Shnesmiepeedenet (lh eoh {Srysnct emma nt, pessoa tape ‘Sheplceytdonnetrs epee ta, nue pases aloe, vevten ‘en kde enor creamed tyne Ras 8570 snes oomtet tampa | fercineataceensiehotnpanPon. et | reap erublndnonpdbitnecennisensly Ryser demagontiy oruret edigesesfdtaoetsse ret ‘eo epaea A h einer smal edit foe rte rontaeraicocs eet tte ‘Soe engi Irowsbeetsitabatet eta Dt a pin i, 3. se teopecrtlyosiay ese ecko PO ftpvttenreitan ae Sone te detente ge, wore psn, sta Population ines s eeessges Lorenz curves tens curves aewsed to show inequalities in Liseibstons, Population, industey and land vse freee topics o interest to dhe eograpiee ve hlch show uneyual lstbutons ove agien wingt Srea.Hgure 13.8 loses the unevenness of Population distibtion over the world. The Population changes in time thas aready been stated page 348 that Dopulitons ae dynamic, etic numbs, Entbtions, srt and movernent (ge ton coastal change overtime an space. Population change sanoter example of ‘pea system (Farewor 3, paged) wth ns, processes and output (gue 139). birth rates, death ratos and natural Increase “Te total populition of an ara sth lance Teton tv foes change: natura Eerease nd migration gue 13.9 The tual ineresse tomn Bai bent 7 tite The crude bith rates due numberof ve eee Sepa emanate See ce ep 0 = wee inet afore agonal line presents pesfecty even ds fon, wl theconeave curve (tay De Conver nother examples lstates the degree ‘Sreoneentation of pepelation within the Sasious continents. The greater he concavity of {he top, the rete the snequalty of pops tion eiition fr industy land ws, ee tutes st SR ene sm te people per year-Taonghou story unt the Eestfew years small numberof the econom- tally mot developed counts, birth ateshave Seay lays exceed death ates. Exceptions have followed major outeak of disease he tribont plague and ADS, page 622) or was (0s fn vada. Any natal changein the popula ton etter aa incense oa decease wally cups ss percentage and refered 1205 he Snmual growth ate, Population change ao ‘Mtectedby engation. Akhough migration does Unoaffec old popltion tetas, does fect the way people are stab across he world ‘Migtion leads to ian crease nthe pops fio —ovhen the numberof immigrants exceeds Ihe mone of enigants (sin Spain and Congo) Mera decreve in population hen te umber ot emigrants exceeds the numberof bnmistants (Gsinting soa Rand) Population 349 Fhe demographic creasition wvndsl ‘Thedemnoprpltansion model describe ‘Raesteo anges over yeriod of time seaman between bt sd death mtesand penn Selgin change. Te nose oon Sean cermin! a eage mame SLR geass, Sesto eh sae Ca wh ' | wee tN a \ 7 r ra ‘wulveraten | seems | arose | \ mn” a \ See.) coke } ; | ON | i wa Nahe L-~! ive ms j | Bi on [Toremgein | ecg, Tima, | osentem | merch? cy imsor Sea. aaa ne pe Zn | Behe psec | pao stage Bre eric nse Eines Sodio peas e120 ogg that counties ps trough sina “Faopmphie anton ges population cee ew do, even time. Figs 13.10 ston he model and ves reasons fr the hanes at each transton tage 1 0 eciereron Seem wea Neaiemntee = ‘rainoateon vane reson coer RETEST gy, eianbemmnarnse i ace ‘nee rags ad scenic ° cr hare a Stage 5 whee i Tommaso ps Serpent, | [Preten eT a I | Ges Lectin i Stages in economicgrowth and cultural ferences. One ofthe st models {etcenunt for economia probly ‘TheRostow medal Steps as tht pt oan y ‘arousmode’s with avlde range ofc, WW onto in beh Reng ta 15 havebecn sugcsted when ing o secant for Got muily in Europe he uggested hat twcsa fren ior deepen Tes nce slleourts the pte ork the cc vemamce’” —honebnedoncoptalstantMamsstspsemse yor and devdop tough einer ‘empath las thenemorconeed wih wea socal stages ure 21.2) = sirnas —) _Porinte te ctratignren siesta developement “ sone] 2 4 s | ae | Verauela | 1920 | 1950 | 1970] — ena Development and lobasation 615, Cann ugh er ee set ‘sage vonineity verte ingen wee ae tn eons tny es sage 1 Taitona soley Assbinoe Sa et enaiy a arming oth YY cea gy oF capil 1 SE Uns or developansises a8 SEES (Pique Cis econtons Forsaken Nouns Sage Cea stn of xtra lp © TOME ht tage Entra ties ID, ames rr fine TH tanto anspon Se eM evel tndsty (ete texte) BSS ae AA ester aout er cent of COP arate Marlin go ea pss os asa cay elastase neces 0 rato ene way Feces say ot one oro aso Te OTT gO ase Sd) andor ets mee) Numbers in aster deci (re creases 10-1 percent of GDR, lero rn wei ans rave mati By 9 aro. se peuaussningEeosorice ‘hens apricot andes 2 spread he mbes anatypexor aust De Ince, page 0) ore comple tS arene devop and anctocsng tant om ology proves Some eat HKU ieee her spl wtbanston nage of gh ass conse™mpio® See Papetonof estuary undoes 208 ear ae, Emoyment in serie ns yee st ecg ta manuals mes ruts oe procs of S06 forsee g008 Criticisms of Rostow's model Cre pat ea 8. 196 ses Me Ros oars a sever tet model, of PANE ar ated ane ovesinpitid racer 12 vein tough, avenectcconeds the ena eee est oo ct 1 expan 3 see fu sale ava HOWE of 516 vali etic aero assume, ncosety mat ah “unten offatthe ame eve Bie Development and globalisation sie apts need Nada | ne prom ts atonal cet te | cout of ab hasbeen vated yeh \ toes hi dead, aid as 0 | yan coutes expecially 7 A), \ evening the takE- st55 | eet unesestinates th exten 10 i | Tae ne development of some comnts eps was atthe expense oF 1D sgh enoniaism and impetai | arpa to short ecale Dtee the teetenagot rth and hese sen 2 | ae eyelet. KONE | ca ste eft the arnINE CHE crm ne ake fora coanty to develop ‘| ‘fogs a coantles een Fm OTR i i eeedy develped. Whi thee 1 Ace tne Cs page 7 the te 20 eer anf Resi la and China n e cys ser to supp Reston’ Ci ae eke mot pene to wnderesta | the fete of obistion. yer ns not een nites sequence rae pigecoding to Bark apd OHatE AONE thers too EOE arke and O'Hare's modelfor West 1 Aiea, i aver and race (The Third Waid, 198) ne. ae ough developed ingest counts ara uve moved tough Roow’ vests | sy jean unity tat cues a Seder economically wt iow te ‘are Tatra, Tsay be becuse capita lon sare Feat to promote whet. Psp 1st istowaadaentl sical cBANBE vey ich encourages opie 0 3#66 ad saci eo develop a eicerencsi DUST. ine ante casein ong Kons Posty Ne se ch ss tanstin fom anton! ate avarice insta oe, we puppet only tote el Indus being cha undies ure e won soared nits. Bake and OE HE area urstage mode finds SON aac, pots ot Sate ie dierent tages ten exit VY i, providing lector GET mattnat rafts These we Stn ene before Eozopean ctoisaion. ei te evi ron werking wood cating sn? ‘etn: gods a northern Nien 30) ‘Seca cotta andthe processing of ae ry prauets Rae mata ete ered prose fo e082) Pei we he etimpons (eae 298 racine eam fom he colonial pomerand, Daing cheaper, destiyed many lea eat ind tres Later, some processing ook pace, usually In porta the primate city (page 405), ii redced the weight for expos (Vegetable cs and Saga), twas ool to impor (emen, ‘or ifthere war age local market (exe). 10 help ova aw material om ter colonies, ‘he Baropean powers bulk pots (Acer and ago) tt aay were only consteucted i thee were sufcent orl resource to make "hem promi, bution, ang wa he development of instal and management shill, as nepected Sage 3-npot substttion Dung the Second ‘Werk War and te fllsing ts ep ne, counties ad to replat mer of ext, uc, avaare an simple machinery et theown manutace goods. Peducion vas in sal sth ited apa a technol ‘contumer durables As standards fing ost Inseveral counties (socal inthe NICS Tata America and South at as, ther as ‘am intensed demand for henser inde ad Wester-stye darable consume goods. These nda, often because of the investment nda needed, were developed by ansoa ‘ona companies wishing wo take advantage ‘of cheap labour ta concessions ad ent to large focal make! (page 73) The American ‘Yaleo company, fr example, nthe mid 19505 consracea dam on Ghana’ River Vo, a yoke power station at Ako, an st alumi eter a es, net for duty sndtax exemptions onthe import ofbauste nde export of lumi, and the purchase ‘of eteap lett Projects developed by tans atonal ae uvaly prestigious, of limited ate fo he county snd maybe witht {aliswagen have stopped operating in Nga) Should word sales drop In ether ese, where private capital was nt forthcoming or whese {hedominanc of transnational corporations tres felttobeundestable, asin Chin and i, lange scale induct devetopment was promoted {hugh five year nin plans for economic development (case study 18), Core-periphary modal eononc growth anl development aresacly ‘even, We have alten ser ow yal (page So entifed growth pote which, be claimed, ‘developed int cove exons: ow nthe 19h Century was the coils that formed Btls ‘msjrndstal teas and since 1980, how tes spe ‘eresesewme fy ie uo andse ince HTP ERY fats the ally cent Spec Economie Zanes became groin centes in China (Case toy 19), Feemosne activity, ching the lee of ndus- nalsation and intensity of farming, decreases ‘apily wit distance fom the core repos and tovrards the periphery ~asshowa in the core- periphery mode (gure 21.22) “he core forms the mos prosperous 2nd develope pat of county, of ein. ts key to contain the aptly vith sadn ‘lon nd financial fnesons) techie port the ‘country asa coasing) and the major ssed ndings ares. Usually aves of wealth ‘conomie aii ad development decrease wth ‘tance from the cores hat paces tas he peripery become increasingly poet. ‘Ars county develop economically, one of too proces lkely to oe 1 Heanor sty nthe coe contincs 0 owas tata es ndsrs and serves {banking lance, governmentfie) As evel capital and ecology intense, he reion wile bl toaford schoo hospital {hepping conta, good hoes a= mer transport pte, Thee"pall actos encou genial n.ngation gage 6). Meanie, inthe pepe obs willbe selaurel fev, Tene une ae ainy nthe pelray ‘Hcy wil teres and govenmentivest- nen belies Tete ps actos page 1) fore peop a migate towards theca ‘This proces st soos toopeatein the NICS tnd Inmnany ofthe ewoaomcly es developed eure enya, Per, Backend O'Hare ave ‘gta hat tsps conte ‘foes (MDC) and pens (LDC) ona Development and globalisation 617 ‘heer ° oo q e 4 Sind emai © conaty on Suen Sobre nes © mpm base canbe anode tatoo © nro Shannen ooo) ae SS moe | fetes en sc hn {heel sl be per se a ees ‘rt wd cont tenses slots proses arora nant SS minycrs ? Insp mdeaineegnowmeadoutmoe conan now tee a ‘enya aaron {4 Uskand open gue 19.20 anne TD oewney | Sevelopfolmdoy seers sconsywpions “etn the emeng Chia ces 38), ve) ite China: core-periphery q — Goremicdelomentnutiveyethy sna teeniecomtinethbesinctengna We. enimesjmumadnoiapstyanhe omen guel 20) beneath tnimally —unyvetsnemdpatyasetophacataes bryan betenSemergend “nk Schamonunanddeasinbeesiy0n”—derentantocind chong eripie ConuynonetChnaieasionnerslathty ingens aad asconesitedoerdiveecoeegonsigue_farltathehigepeibey. 21.20 These te ein the capt ne not Shang he enjsematoralpeandcy est lotheneuthathetngaRernthecsand ‘atone GurghaijndePen vet ‘ewthinteat wot decades chat developed tosahanentet tattered ine rec eras become howe tlage: “Soong tt fons scutes Tatamntemornoicergianged Matinee omens ters ‘windustratseChinabuthis eforsonty further cee tee eater ee Inpoverbhatanakenyecononialypootconnty ext poncsandthe ngs where 94peF ‘ata etlyated tomtherte wo “et olhepopatonnouive Tbe vngeetean feaproesony skaters dein ‘wher he ree Gages Dam page ts roe WreyienCinaslnlybeantocpenrscoosto_leictyfommewigh echoes andthe ent ‘ovis In 9 vespelEeanarieZanesfgue_betnathsimgrve er navnon sates innipajuy "RIES ceatnganewinduslcow Chong gue? 24th ogee 68 Gaueigertt clengpatttiesoutreotcomt Aboatetine tohavecenopad rand. oo open cir pont are degated tinea Te {618 Development and giabalation Falecpnat ‘Gana Sut Health and development Heath according tothe UN Millen ‘ght Gigute 217). This pariclarbasieright terest ikely tobe denied prope ia ‘omically develope cout where there may Beales, hanger andalack fae water and Adequate aitton, elt clot ink wits uresof development named oa page 608 were Dich and deat rates infant mova ie expec ancy, bance det andthe aber of people ‘er doctor or hosp bed, Good healt, seco tothe World Health Oxgatzaton (WHO), 8'4 nie ofcomplete hye, mental sola trl and not mes the absence of dense Sia nimi’ —a statement tat impis compe intertons beeen humans and te vrs ‘envonmenss gue 2.25) esi in ind Pili ern gure 21.25 concerning difiaties in ying 0c late esti conone develope, tee do appear uke dlteencesin the ype olin (Fhgute 2.27) andes cae gure 2.28) bergen he mere tees economy developed cute Is ben suse that 353 unity devote ps thr eet "Mages epidemiologiat oy healt tansiton. Development and globaisavon 619, eopimslogiattotaveontion acct te og sopionok inn ae gic nyt at gw 30) gue. Ra ye spec | emanating < scutes me, ) gt ming etiam aoe nxt Scopriemnmeaat Sueaera cong ne cums Sn pa hae ns sce. Mo wing consitons and alt st- OF cues navel he : a cpummcegss MAMPI eget es have sugested te re 4 eel pogaps stat wath orn iene or anincesingalvene ond cxpecty yer leet ese or alent Proble we peng of aay degenerative tines ee wth engenng ie, POO ath on natggestt tat there eee variaonsi ‘het ede Peels a Wester! model hie ook rong been cose i ii pas ah EN Me yr an doe) an el ae Fe a ecops rces etna al mR ace ver profengs peso’ 20010200, Sex enn) om eel, Neth SENS eo ne ay sce oy era csc Te mcterted! wel whlch oct i mati eee campos eee Japon ater se Seana Wort War and te eee can, 1970) ne ect teem eth Japan en Kong (Piaces 92), Sapo ait ee cones a waste Cs n Southeast Asa. Tas showed tree oss om heh er NS nse oesnmoray at plc tpn inci m3 Teel me w : ‘etn ecu cerscns Setegtonn tn cs toi tenon» wa anes aae Heng Pines me, acs the ark ection eos iRaseyexperiencedin te Wester’ mete '

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