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2-minute speech

This practice of a 2-minute speech enhances your public speaking/conversation

skills. The given topic could be about a current event, a social issue, or something
humorous you can enjoy. A two-minute speech is a great way to make a concise
and effective presentation.
1. Choose a slip of paper
2. Brainstorm ideas for about 1 minute or so.
3. Speak for 2 minutes straight.
4. When done presenting, ask 1 person from the audience. (1 min)
5. One person from the audience will ask you a question as well. (1 min)
6. That’s it! Next!

Tips to prepare and present this impromptu speech. You might want to keep the
following in mind:
 Analyze your topic (put the ideas together)
 Use an intro – an attention grabber, hook, or a rhetorical question
 Highlight the core message or main idea
 Frame a conclusion

Once you have randomly chosen a topic, it’s up to you to either agree or disagree
with the given topic. You may tackle your topic from multiple perspectives. You
can inform, persuade, motivate, or demonstrate your audience about your point of

You are now ready to present your 2-minute narration.

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