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Marking Criteria for DEN233 - Piercy Aerofoil Laboratory Report

Front sheet/Title page should only have the following and in the format below:
Student ID:
Module Code:
Module Title:
Coursework Name:

5 Page limit (excluding Title page and Reference List). No Appendix is required. Anything above
5 pages will be penalized (see additional information).

- The front sheet will not count towards the page limit.

- Do not include a table of content.

- Do not include aims, objectives, and description of how the experiment was carried out.

- 3-4 pages should cover sections a & b in the table below, and 1 final page for the discussion section should be added. Ensure consistency of units

throughout the provision of raw data and any calculations. References are essential to show that you have understood the data and the theory.

- Professional layout/format of the report should be maintained.

- Format: Single line, font 12, Times New Roman, Page margins normal (Top 2.54 cm, Bottom 2.54 cm, Left: 2.54 cm, Right 2.54 cm)
a. Measurement technique, tabulated raw data, sample calculation, tabulated processed data. (23)

A description of the apparatus and instrumentation and how they work. A figure of the experimental setup is not needed. 5

The raw results from the experiments suitably tabulated. 3

Sample calculation with the correct usage of SI units and significant figures (s.f.) as appropriate to the measurement techniques. 5
The processed data from the experiments suitably tabulated. Students should aim to have all the processed data on a table on a 5
single page and make it easier to read.
A logical approach to describing this section using an appropriate engineering style. 5

b. Graphical presentation of the results. Plot separate graphs as required with clear symbols and convenient scaling. (17)

Plot all the necessary graphs as indicated in the laboratory sheet. 12

Plot should have a suitable key, outliers should be identified, correct formatting on the axis titles, units, and should be easy to 5
distinguish between each plotline.
c. Learning outcome, discussion, limitation, errors, and possible improvements in the experiment (not more than 1page) (35)

Learning outcome. 2
Perceived difficulties encountered (if any) and how they might have affected the results. What do you think would be a sourceof
difficulty were you to conduct the experiment? 3
Comments on the general trends in the data. Comparison between theory and experiment data. Discussion on methods usedfor 10
estimating values and identifying other mathematical techniques that can be used.
Errors and uncertainty calculations. 3

Possible improvements. 4

Discussion section flows logically in an appropriate engineering style. 4

Appropriate use of references for an in-depth discussion. 4

A summary of the main conclusions. 5

d. The format of the report (10)

Correct format of equations. 2

Correctly formatted references and reference list. 2

Accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar. 4

Professional layout/format of the report. Format: Single line, font 12, Times New Roman, Page margins normal (Top 2.54 cm,
Bottom 2.54 cm, Left: 2.54 cm, Right 2.54 cm)

e. Understanding and Analysis (scientific awareness, justification) (15)

Demonstrates essentially no understanding of experiment; no meaningful analysis. 0-1 Fail

2-3 borderline
Very limited grasp of key scientific issues; little evidence of critical analysis.
Some comprehension of scientific issues; attempts to apply reason-based analysis. 4-6 pass

Appreciation of scientific challenges; reasoned justification of strategic decisions taken (or choice of papers referenced). 7-9 merit
Clear awareness of scientific challenges; logical approach to problem solving.
Lucid presentation of nub of challenges faced, reasoning-based analysis. Student can show critical thinking skills and is 13-15
confidently able to assess the experiment. exceptional
Total Marks /100
Additional Information
1. This marking guidance applies to DEN233-Piercy Aerofoil Laboratory Report 1 only.
2. 15% of the total mark will be deducted for first page going over the 5-page limit. Any subsequent pages will be deducted by 5% per page.
This will exclude the first title page and the final reference page.
3. Graphs should be legible and easy to understand. Use the page limit wisely.
4. Error analysis should be based on your understanding of the data collected and measurement devices. This should then be used for making
recommendations for improvements.
5. Follow all instructions as set out on the laboratory sheet and the supporting information provided in this marking scheme.
6. This scheme is to be used as a guidance. Students are expected to use some of the engineering skills and methods acquired over the years
to submit a report that not only satisfies the guidance but shows effort in terms of understanding, preparing, and delivering a scientific
laboratory report. The marks in section (e) will reflect that.
7. References should be relevant to the experiment and should be formatted properly.

5 Page limit (excluding Title page and Reference List). No Appendix. Anything above 5
pages will be penalized (see additional notes).

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