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Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 65, No. 2, 2002, Pages 415–418

Copyright Q, International Association for Food Protection

Research Note

The In uence of Nisin on the Thermal Resistance of

Bacillus cereus

Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of São Paulo, Rua Antonio de Macedo Soares, 452,
São Paulo, SP, Brazil 04607-000

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MS 01-215: Received 15 June 2001/Accepted 10 September 2001

Decimal reduction times (D-values) at cooking and autoclaving temperatures (80 to 1208C) of spores of Bacillus cereus
ATCC 1479-8 in rice and milk (13% wt/vol) supplemented with nisin (25 mg/ml) were evaluated. The mean D-values at
97.88C in cooked white rice, phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), and rice water (pH 6.7) were 3.62, 1.99, and 1.34 min, respectively.
From 80 to 1008C, the mean reduction in D-values due to the addition of nisin to milk was 40%. The D-value at 1108C was
;0.86 min for milk (control) and milk with nisin. The z-values ranged from 7.328C (phosphate buffer) to 10.378C (milk

The child patient is highly subject to diseases, and (pH 7.0); (ii) rice water and rice at cooking temperatures;
feeding thus becomes a therapeutic factor. Cleaning and hy- and (iii) reconstituted milk (control), along with the addi-
gienic controls are indispensable and should be incorporat- tion of nisin, the associated in uence of which was also
ed in all of the operations carried out in the hospital’s milk studied.
bottle preparation room (lactarium). Such controls help re-
duce the initial bioburden in food, guaranteeing the smallest
probability of pathogen survival after terminal bottle auto- Spores of B. cereus (ATCC 14579-8) were developed (338C/
claving (15). 72 h) on Trypticase soy agar (TSA; Difco Laboratories, Detroit,
The main survivors are Bacillus cereus spores (5), Mich.), harvested, centrifuged (2,000 3 g/30 min), and suspended
which are relatively common contaminants of foods, such in chilled (i) phosphate buffer, pH 7.0 (aqueous mixture in a pro-
portion of 2:3 of sodium phosphate monobasic at 2.78% [wt/vol]
as dairy and cereal products (10) and dried spices (8). Rice
and sodium phosphate dibasic at 5.365% [wt/vol]); (ii) rice water,
water and cooked rice are used in the lactarium as an al-
pH 6.7 (Ž ltered mixture obtained from trituration to homogeni-
ternative source of carbohydrates to feed weak babies and zation of 50 g of sterile grains of rice in 500 ml of sterile water);
also to control diarrhea in infants. According to the Bra- and (iii) distilled and deionized (1.0 mS) water, pH 6.7 6 0.1,
zilian Sanitary Food Vigilance Agency (1), the maximum stored at 48C. The viability of heat-shocked (808C/10 min) spore
permitted population of B. cereus is 2 3 102 CFU/g in suspensions (CFU ml2 1) was estimated by the pour plate tech-
ready-to-eat foods. nique on TSA (338C/24 h).
Nisin, an antimicrobial natural additive produced by Three milliliters of inoculated (106 spores per ml2 1) phos-
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, is the only bacteriocin with phate buffer and rice water was dispensed into each of 32 serum
practical (14) and legalized (2) application for preserving bottles (Wheaton SB205A, SP, Br), which were sealed and sub-
foodstuffs (7). Considering an initial load of 102 -activated mitted to total heating treatments with the following come-up
times: (i) 60 and 10 min at 82 and 858C; (ii) 42 and 6 min at 88.5
(808C/10 min) spores, populations greater than 105 B. ce-
and 908C; (iii) 24 and 5 min at 928C; and (iv) 24 and 0.5 min at
reus/ml, which are considered critical for infants (5), were
95 and 98.78C. Every 10 min at 82 to 858C, every 3.0 min at
attained after 12 h at 258C, 8 h at 308C, 6 h at 35 and 408C 928C, and every 2.0 min at 95 to 97.88C, two bottles were chilled
for milk (control), and 12 h at 30 and 358C, and no viable and immediately assayed for survivors (CFU ml2 1) by the pour
cells were detected at 408C for milk with nisin added (16). plate technique on TSA (338C/24 h). An inoculated (106 spores
In reconstituted rice cereal with milk, inoculated with 102 per ml2 1) mixture of 698 g of sterile rice grains in 2 liters of
B. cereus/g and stored at 15 (72 h), 21 (48 h), and 308C sterile water, transferred into a stainless steel container, was sub-
(12 h), enterotoxin was detected for a population .7 log10 mitted to standard cooking. The temperature was controlled by a
CFU/g (11). PT 100 thermocouple (IOPE, SP, Br, calibrated to 1.0 6 0.18C)
For comparison, thermal resistance parameters were inserted in the center of the mixture. The come-up time of 20 min
evaluated for spores of B. cereus in (i) phosphate buffer to reach the boiling point (97.88C) was equivalent to the estimated
cooking time (F value) of 10.45 min (z 5 7.918C), from the be-
* Author for correspondence. Tel: (55-11) 3818-3694; Fax: (55-11) 3815- ginning of heating up to the boiling point. At 97.88C, the timer
6386; E-mail: was turned on, the cooking time was recorded for 22 min, and
416 PENNA AND MORAES J. Food Prot., Vol. 65, No. 2

TABLE 1. Thermal destruction curves [Log N 5 Log N0 2 slope·t (min)] and decimal reduction times (D-values) at heating temper-
atures for spores of B. cereus into milk (group 1, control); milk with nisin added (group 2); phosphate buffer at pH 7.0; rice water
(pH 6.7); and cooking ricea
Temperature D-Value
Heating menstrum (8C) Slope (2b) SE (b) R2 (min) V(D) SE(D)

Cooking rice 97.8 20.2905 0.0205 0.9569 3.44 5.90 3 102 2 2.43 3 102 1
97.8 20.2930 0.0299 0.9144 3.41 1.21 3 102 1 3.48 3 102 1
97.8 20.2700 0.0205 0.9715 3.70 7.91 3 102 2 2.81 3 102 1
97.8 20.2859 0.0280 0.9575 3.50 1.17 3 102 1 3.43 3 102 1
97.8 20.2909 0.0299 0.9653 3.44 1.25 3 102 1 3.53 3 102 1
97.8 20.2639 0.0301 0.9561 3.79 1.87 3 102 1 4.32 3 102 1
Phosphate buffer 82 20.0030 0.0002 0.9826 333.33 6.53 3 102 2.56 3 101
pH 5 7.0 85 20.0093 0.0062 1.0000 107.53 5.16 3 103 7.18 3 101

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88.5 20.0456 0.0050 0.8780 21.93 5.85 3 100 2.42 3 100
90 20.0709 0.0118 0.9371 14.10 5.51 3 100 2.35 3 100
92 20.1265 0.0145 0.9493 7.91 8.24 3 102 1 9.08 3 102 1
95 20.1842 0.0196 0.9365 5.43 3.33 3 102 1 5.77 3 102 1
97.8 20.5027 0.0419 0.9665 1.99 2.75 3 102 2 1.66 3 102 1
Rice water 82 20.0087 0.0000 0.9812 114.55 1.75 3 102 2 1.32 3 102 1
pH 5 6.7 85 20.0110 0.0008 0.9856 90.91 3.84 3 101 6.20 3 100
90 20.0963 0.0030 0.9954 10.38 1.05 3 102 1 3.23 3 102 1
92 20.1544 0.0147 0.9562 6.48 3.81 3 102 1 6.17 3 102 1
95 20.1764 0.0164 0.9508 5.69 2.77 3 102 1 5.27 3 102 1
97.8 20.7471 0.0643 0.9575 1.34 1.33 3 102 2 1.15 3 102 1
Milk (control) 80 20.0377 0.0030 0.9756 26.53 4.39 3 100 2.20 3 100
90 20.1003 0.0109 0.9546 9.97 1.18 3 100 1.09 3 100
97.8 20.5559 0.0711 0.9386 1.80 5.29 3 102 2 2.30 3 102 1
100 21.0969 0.0722 0.9585 0.91 3.60 3 102 3 6.01 3 102 2
110 21.1665 0.0226 0.9989 0.86 2.76 3 102 4 1.66 3 102 2
120 22.4026 0.2325 0.9816 0.24 1.62 3 102 3 4.03 3 102 2
Milk with nisin 80 20.0628 0.0072 0.9496 15.92 3.37 3 100 1.84 3 100
90 20.1201 0.0121 0.9611 8.33 7.01 3 102 1 8.37 3 102 1
97.8 21.0303 0.1889 0.9706 0.97 3.17 3 102 2 1.78 3 102 1
100 20.9153 0.0579 0.9804 1.09 4.78 3 102 3 6.91 3 102 2
110 21.1381 0.0597 0.9891 0.88 2.12 3 102 3 4.61 3 102 2
120 22.3855 0.3286 0.9461 0.42 3.33 3 102 3 5.77 3 102 2
a Log10 N, spore population; SE, standard error (P , 0.05); R2, multiple determination coefŽ cient (P , 0.05); (2b), slope (P , 0.05);
D-value, (21/b), decimal reduction time (min); V(D), variance, [(1/b2)2 3 [SE(b)]2]; SE(D), V(D)1/2; t, time of exposition (min).

the come-up time was 2 to 4 min. Under constant homogenization, 110, and 1208C, two bottles were chilled and immediately assayed
10-g samples (pH 5 5.8 6 0.1; aw 5 0.956 to 0.968) were taken for survivors (CFU ml2 1) by the pour plate technique on TSA
at regular 2.0-min intervals and immediately chilled, and the spore (338C/24 h). Treatments up to 97.88C were carried out in a water
survivors (CFU g2 1) were estimated by the pour plate technique bath, and those above 1008C were carried out in a silicone (200/
on TSA (338C/24 h). 220 CS, r 5 0.948 g/cm3) oil (Dow Corning, SP, Br) bath. The
A sterile stock solution of 250 mg nisin per ml2 1 (104 IU assays were repeated at least three times for each heating men-
ml2 1) was prepared with Nisaplin (Aplin & Barrett Ltd., Sigma struum and temperature.
Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo., at an activity of 106 IU g2 1) in The decimal reduction times (D-values) were determined
0.02 N HCl solution, to which 0.75% (wt/vol) NaCl solution was from the negative reciprocal of the slopes (b) of the regression
added (13), the Ž nal pH being adjusted to 3.0 (6). lines, using the linear portions of the survivor curves (log10 pop-
Three milliliters of inoculated (106 spores per ml2 1) recon- ulation versus time of exhibition at a constant temperature). The
stituted milk (13% wt/vol, pH 6.71 6 0.05) was dispensed into slope standard error [SE(b)] and the multiple determination co-
each of twelve 5-ml glass serum bottles (Wheaton SB205A, Br), efŽ cient (R2) were also calculated. The estimated value of the D-
forming group 1 (control). Then, 2.7 ml of inoculated milk was value standard error [SE(D)] was obtained from the root of the
dispensed into each of 12 serum bottles plus 0.3 ml of the stock variance [V(D)] , which was calculated by V(D) 5 {(1/b2)2 3
solution of nisin, forming group 2, which contained 25 mg nisin [SE(b)]2} (Table 1). The z-value was calculated by the negative
per ml (103 IU ml2 1), with a Ž nal pH value of 6.62 6 0.02. The reciprocal of the Thermal Death Time curve slope, obtained by
24 serum bottles were sealed and heat treated with the following means of regression analysis applied to the decimal logarithm of
come-up times: (i) 60 and 10 min at 808C; (ii) 30 and 5 min at the D-values and respective heating temperatures. Simple regres-
908C; and (iii) 6 and 1 to 1.5 min at 97.8, 110, and 1208C. Every sion variance analysis, estimated parameters, and respective con-
10 min at 808C, every 5.0 min at 908C, and every 0.5 min at 97.8, Ž dence intervals at signiŽ cant levels (P , 0.05) were calculated

each other. The spores showed greater thermal resistance in

the phosphate buffer, the z-values being 7.32 and 7.918C
for phosphate buffer and rice water, respectively. At 97.88C,
the spores in the rice-cooking procedure presented almost
three times greater thermal resistance.
Gaillard et al. (9) observed a signiŽ cant variation in
the D-values (2.0 to 5.4 min) of 25 different strains of B.
cereus, the spores of which were treated in citrate-phos-
phate buffer with pH 7.0 at 1008C (average z-value of
9.28C). The combined variation of pH (4.5 to 6.5), water
activity (aw 5 0.80 to 1.0), and temperature (85 to 1058C)
on the D-values for B. cereus in citrate-phosphate buffer is
remarkably relevant to our work. In the present study, the

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D-value at the boiling water point ranged from 3.55 6 0.17
min (cooked rice) to 1.5 6 0.58 min (milk) due to the
FIGURE 1. Survivor curves of Bacillus cereus spores in rice cook-
variation in composition of the heating menstruum.
ing for 22 min at 97.88C, taking into consideration both shoulders
and tailing in semilogarithmic linear declines in the log CFU/g
The average D-values obtained for each menstruum at
with time for (1 ) maximum, (O) mean, and (2) minimum popu- different temperatures were signiŽ cantly different (P ,
lations of survivors. 0.05). The presence of nisin (25 mg ml2 1 , group 2) in milk
lowered the mean D-values of B. cereus, compared with
milk control (group 1), to ca. 40% at 808C, 16% at 908C,
through the SGWIN program (Statgraphics Plus for Windows, and 46% at 98.78C, respectively. At 100 and 1108C, the D-
version 1.4, Statistical Graphics Corporation, Englewood Cliffs, values were signiŽ cantly similar (P , 0.05), and at 1208C,
N.J.). the D-value of 0.42 min was equal for both groups, the z-
values being 10.378C (group 1) and 9.118C (group 2). The
range of D808C -values (15.92 to 26.53 min) is an indication
Spores of B. cereus ATCC 14579-8 were selected as of the thermal resistance of the activated spores in milk,
biological reference indicators to evaluate the efŽ ciency of equivalent to the Ž rst 4 min of rice cooking at 97.88C. Ther-
(i) cooked rice, (ii) heat treatment of phosphate buffer at mal activation of the spores of B. cereus at 808C generally
pH 7.0, and (iii) rice water with the synergetic in uence of occurs after 10 to 20 min of exposure (3).
nisin added to reconstituted milk. Wandling et al. (17) and Beard et al. (4) observed that
Rice cooked for 22 min at 97.88C was able to reduce the addition of 2,000 IU nisin per ml of milk preparations
the spore populations to less than 102 CFU g2 1 (Fig. 1). lowered the thermal resistance of Bacillus spores. For
The survivor curves of B. cereus spores in rice cooked for spores of B. cereus in skim milk (control) and in skim milk
22 min at 97.88C were represented, taking into considera- with nisin added, Wandling et al. (17) obtained mean D-
tion both shoulders and tailing in semilogarithmic linear values of 7.0 and 4.8 min at 978C, 2.7 and 2.2 min at
declines, with time in the maximum, mean, and minimum 1008C, and 1.5 and 0.85 min at 1038C, respectively. Be-
populations of survivors. cause of the addition of nisin, the corresponding reductions
During the Ž rst 4 min of cooking, no reduction in the in D-values in relation to the controls were 32% (978C),
population occurred because of the thermal activation of 20% (1008C), and 42% (1038C). For spores of Bacillus
the spores. The decimal reduction time (D-value) during the stearothermophilus in chocolate milk (with 10 to 12% fat
last 18 min of rice cooking (decreasing portion of the sur- cocoa powder) supplemented with nisin, Beard et al. (4)
vivor curve) ranged from 3.41 to 3.79 min. The smooth veriŽ ed that the increasing effect of nisin with a decreasing
tailing deviations of the survivor curves were considered in pH caused reductions of D1308C of 19.30, 30, and 38.2% at
the calculation of D-values. pH 6.4, 5.7, and 5.0, respectively.
For an initial bioburden of 6 log10, a total interval of In the hospital lactarium, autoclaving (1108C/10 min),
31 min (including the Ž rst 4 min of thermal activation) followed by cooling and storing of the bottles, determines
would provide a reduction of at least 7 log10, for a Ž nal the microbiological quality of the milk preparation. For a
population #102 1 CFU g2 1 , guaranteeing reasonable safety bioburden of 6 log10 with a D-value of 0.87 6 0.01 min,
for consumers. Since cooked rice forms part of the daily the equivalent time, F, of 10 min at 1108C would provide
diet of Brazilians, the selection of rice grains and ingredi- a reduction of at least 10 logarithmic cycles of spores (Ž nal
ents and their hygienic manipulation are important factors population, #102 4 CFU ml2 1 ), ensuring the level of safety
in the safety of the cooked product. for every lot of 1,000 bottles being autoclaved. Nisin,
The lower pH of rice water (pH 6.7) compared with which alters the membrane permeability by dissipating pro-
that of phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) coincided with a D-value ton motive force in gram-positive cells (14), was shown to
signiŽ cantly (P , 0.05; three times lower) at 828C and a prolong the lag phase of microbial growth (12) and also to
difference between D-values of 16.62 min at 858C, respec- reduce the thermal resistance of Bacillus spores and vege-
tively. The effect of pH was not felt at higher temperatures, tative cells (4, 7). The addition of nisin to milk before it is
when the D-values for buffer and rice water approached blended into rice water or cooked white rice prevents re-
418 PENNA AND MORAES J. Food Prot., Vol. 65, No. 2

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Norah Duncan for the English revision of the manuscript. psychrotrophic Bacillus cereus in dry reconstituted infant rice cereal.
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