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Viu Web Deployment Architecture

This document gives a high level overview of how the OTT Web Application is hosted on AWS infrastructure. It also explains what measures
have been taken care and handled around web app.

AWS Services to be used: AWS Amplify

Version Control: Bitbucket

1. Code Hosting
Source code to be hosted on either Bitbucket, Github, Gitlab. These version control software have a good support for AWS Amplify.

2. Automated Build Triggers

On every commit, automated CI/CD build will be triggered from the corresponding branch. A webhook will be attached to the repository. Amplify
will assign a machine for the build. Specs: 8 Core. 4Gb Memory will be provisioned for the build.

3. Continuous Delivery

Once the Angular app is built, build files are then replaced with old build files. Cache at the CDN will be invalidated on all the edge locations.

Builds can also be previewed before delivery and for each stage(QA, PREPROD, PROD)

4. App Delivered

App can be used on the supported browsers

Google Chrome: v79.0+

Mozilla Firefox: v73.0+
Microsoft Edge: v79.0+
Apple Safari: v13.0+

Zero Downtime during delivery.

Since the proposed infra is deployed through an automated process involving Amplify, there will be no downtime of the application while rolling
out a new build. While deployment, the Old build will be replaced only when the new built is invalidated across all the edge locations.

Typically, when the app is deployed and made publicly available, there is a risk that the API frontend could be targeted by a DDoS attack
AWS offers a WAF (Web Application Firewall), helps protect traffic (surge protection by means of standard and burst rate limits) and protects the
services and servers going into Denial of Service Attack. Rate-based rules for HTTP flood protection will be used and configured to 200 requests
per IP


The proposed solution will be high in performance due to its nature of components and arrangement. The solution uses a “highly available”
managed service from AWS.

Supported Browsers

As per the knowledge and specifications provided by Kaltura, following are the browsers on which the web application is supported.

Google Chrome: v79.0+

Mozilla Firefox: v73.0+
Microsoft Edge: v79.0+
Apple Safari: v13.0+


Will log, every user session, 2xx, 4xx, 5xx errors.

Cost Implications

Build & Deploy: $0.01 per minute

Data Storage: $0.023 per GB per month

Data transfer out: $0.15 per GB served

Request Count (SSR): $0.30 per 1 million requests

Request Duration (SSR): $0.20 per hour (GB-hour)

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