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Shahjalal University of Science and ‘Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 1* year 1* Semester Final Examination—June 2022 (Session 2021-22) - atte No CSE 133 Jourse Title—Structured Programming Language ne—3 Hours Credit: 8.00 "Total Marks##100 {Answer All the Questions) Group A. 1, Answer the following Questions in short (Any Five). 5x2 is the following a valid program? If yes, then what will be the output? If no, then why? include int sain() {int x = 5.S;evitch(x >= 5 kk x <= 6){default:pute("rs! return 0;} Morse these two function calls: realioc (HULL, size) ; and reallec(ptr,0); — Can nu rewrite theso function calls without using zeallee function? If yes, then show how. fe input 2441139, if we use scant (“e2en1axeraiiahidted” sa, kb, ed; where abe are three integers, and the output of primes (*Maala\n" a,b,c); is 143, hen what wil be in tho gaps? fi ‘Ada just one line in the following program to compile it and print: Tue pitch ds batting friendly today." said by the expert "So we expect so many runs!" said by the conmentater ‘The program: include nt sain ( disp(The pitch is batting friendly today. ,expert); isp(So ve expect so many runs! ,comnentator); return 0; ; ‘Write the complexity of the followings: Bubble Sort, Binary Search. fr he sera dered y ong tong Sot, 21811910) [34] (211. How to access the value ‘of x(1) (0) (71 (5) (21) with pointer notation? (g) Can you make the following code compilable by adding only one line? Remember, you could not remove or change anything else. include int aain() { int 2-9, y yi Roxy who ee re 2, Answer the following Questions (Any Four), 4x5=20 ve binary search. yer in an array named are with Foo Write a program to find a nm (b) Write a program to print the following sequence (where every ... means rest of the similar strings are skipped) ABC ABD ... ABZ ACD ACE... ACZ ADE ADF... ... AWK AWY AWZ AKY AXZ AYZ BoD BCE ... BCZ BDE SOF ... BDZ BEF BEG... ... BUX BwY BWZ BXY BXZ BYZ DE CF ... CO2 CEF CEG .., CEZ CFG CFH ... ... CWK CMY CWZ CKY Ckz CYZ way Wx2 WZ 2 Jo cuere the following two structure declarations for a Singly Linked List. Are they syntactically correct? Compare them visualizing their memory representations. Scanned with CamScanner (i) struct nodeé (ii) struct nodes int x nt x struct node 3; struct node *n; h h prise f program that wil ealeulate end print the value of y in the fllowing equation ‘Tak two integers n and r from the standard input. (n, x — pairs will always be valid and they can be up to 10%) The value of y modulo 1000000 should be printed as the output of the pogrn Note that, efit solution may erry beter masks but you have show the volved calaltions 7 a Find the output of your program for n = 10000 and r = 4000. ‘Write a program that generates 1000 random numbers and shows the average of them. Change the seed relating to time. (f) Suppose, you are given the memory representation of a 2-byte floating point number 01011011 10001110. Here, § bits for mantissa and 7 bits for exponent. Reconstruct the number retrieving it from this memory representation. 3, Answer the following Questions (Any Two), 2x 10=20 (a) Write the output of the following program where the output of the line #9 is given. Output of the line#9: sizeof (struct info) = 64 and y = 120 1 #ineludecetdio.b> 2 struet infot 3 int val[10) char nane [10]; double 4 5): 6 int main 7 @ struct info yl10]=({52, 36, 44}, (52, 68, 93}, 152, 68, 999), *P, ta *F 9 print#(*sizeof (struct info) = 4a and y = %d\n", sizeof (struct into), y) 10 AL PE yi ge HDL FH gHlQ2I-G-D); pind: 42 printt("p = Ma, q = a, r= Malo" aur spiqird: 13 44 prs regi w(p->valti) = ylOl.valla}+ «(q-oval)srttiptt: 35 itGemnyeS 11 - -paye4) gre 16 printf(*p = Yd, q = Wd, x= Wn" r.p.q.rsp)s 17 18 pre; rept; r->vall0] = #(p->val) + #(q>valel); 19 printf("p = Yd, q = Md, r= Ma\n",p,qr.q7); 20 21 for Gnt = 0; <2; 14) 2 print#(pCid) = 4d, q{%a) = Yd, x(a) = Ya\n", 23 valli, dq>val li], i,r-oval (iD): 4 2s 5 13; 444) 26 prineg(y(ia] (0] = Yd, yCha) (1) = ta, yC%a) (2) = Ya\n a SyC6) vai fo), ‘suy Ci) wan (1), t,yCe] vad (20); 28 29 return 0; > Wa {Find all prime numbers below 100 using Sieve of Eratosthenes with step by step iustration. 5 \AC Wit a proram aC that allows the procedure you flowed nthe above gustion Your program should print those 100 primes. AF i Sort the following numbers using bubble sort and show each step ive 5 50,53, 65, 78,3 6,17, 6,82, 54 4 Fa @HQD) 38,1 ing bay sch the sorted numbers fond in the above question 5 Page 2 Scanned with CamScanner Group B > Answer the following Questions in short (Any Five). Sxteut 6) Write two logic in C to check whether a number w is even or not. (True for even, false for odd). (b) Suppose, musi, num2 and nun3 are integer type variables and are assigned the values 8, 16, ~4, respectively. Now evaluate the following expression: 2+ (mum % 5) (4 + (aun? - 3)/((aun3 + 2) + (num3 + 2)))) (6) Anarray is declared by double x10} [34] (21) where &x[0] (0) (1) = BFB. What would be the address of x(7) (5) [11]? What is the output generated by the following prograrn’? #includecstdio.h> int ain) { ant xeL, ys *Pe, “PY! pe = bx! y= spe + 2; ») printt("%é Ya\n",y, *Px05 printf(%d Yd\n",x, *py): return 0 > (e) or enar nasatt00); seaat(mhferkae]*, sasa);—What would be in mama ifthe fren input caedednaaa ? fil oe weitere ) would i be comple without any error? Explain your “Ub Wat she deren tween «and => Incase of accsing the cements of a structure? ‘eat 4+ 8.9;int n= xy Sot p = (9663); printt RA\a",p);—What woud be the output? 2, Answer the following Questions (Any Four). 4x5=20 (8) Write a program to find the Abundant numbers (integers) between N and M [1 < Ny M < 1000} Note: An Abundant Number or Excessive Number is a number for which the sura £ ts proper divisors is greater than the number itself f ‘Take an integer x, count the zeros x in x and output x — 10% ‘Write a program that takes two strings of DNA from the input and prints the number of point mutations. Write the output of your program for the following input taacratoaceTcoc (GTCACTATCTCATCGA Explained Terms: DNA: A string containing the characters A, 7, G, C where the characters represent different nucleotides. Point Mutation: Between two DNAs of same length, if there are diferent nucleotides at i-th position for a specific position i then itis called a point mutation. Here, é is an integer that indicates any position within the length, Define pass by value and pass by reference. Give an example for exch ~Q asc esting endindome no cats foun int rin post it xerseS, Write a program that takes a string and cheeks whether the string it sadindrome or not Noite the output of the following program: sinciudecstdio.b> sdofine SZ 746 define 522 5269 int sain t Tard Scanned with CamScanner Ant x = 56482262; > for (; 220; m>=1) printf ("fa\a" x); return 0; > 3. Answer the following Questions (Any Two). Consider the square below. Suppose, the length of each side of the outer square is a ‘There are several circles with the same radius each touching the outer square from the {inside and adjacent circles are touching each other's surface. Let ni be the number of circles touching each side (n is an odd number and n > 2). Now, we want to place a square rotating 45° comparing to the outer square which would fit inside and just only touch the 4 circles, See the figure for better understanding, Note that, no shapes are crossing one another, some of them ere just touching instead. Answer the following questions 5. Calculate the maximum area of the inner square provided that a and n are given. Ao Implement the function float area_inner_square(int m, float a); based on the calculation you have done for the question above. 2x 10=20 Figure for Q3(a) (0) Define a structure named Person to store the following data in a C program. For keeping addresses in this structure, define another structure named Address whieh will contain House number, Road Number, Atea, Then write one statement to declare and initialize an ‘nay of structure Person named x which will contain the given to data inthe following, table. ‘Then eal qsort function to sort the data firstly on salary in descending order, then the house number of the present address. You can write the compare function afterward. Remember, you have to chocse appropriate data types while defining structures ‘Name [Cell Present Address _| Permanent Address | salary “Ton Doe [ +8801 20507801 | H#Z, RWS, Surma_| HBS, R#S1, Satchari [50000 Don To. | +880215078012 [H¥14, RAS, Uttara | H#54, RH2S, Dirai [6500 (©) Consider the following graph. j. Wite a program to find the nodes which have at least two adjacent edges weighted more than 4. You have to take the graph as input in a convenient way and store it ‘as an adjacency matrix, ii. Find the output of your program for the provided graph. 3 Figure for Qa(e) Page 4 Scanned with CamScanner 4 Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Year 1* Semester Final Examination’ Jun 2022 (Session: 2021-22} Course Code: EEE 109D Credits: 3 Course Title: Electrical Circuits Time: 3 hrs. Total Marks: 100 Group A [Answer all the questions] Answer any FIVE sx2=10 L 4 What is current divider rule? Write down the equations A Cu wire has diameter of 032 em and length of 3048 om. If Pey= 1.723*10*Q.em. ‘What is the resistance of the wire? ah air Write the difference between real source and ideal source? What are meant by active and passive elements? Inductor behaves as short circuit in DC. Is it true or false? Justify the statementwith proper equations ‘The distance between two capacitor plate is 1.5mm and voltage difference is 450 v. Determine the electric field strength(E) and charge(c) on each plate. °) d) is h se Explain Super Mesh. Vv ‘What is the difference between Node & Super Node? ‘ Answer any FOUR 4x5=20 A Find the Thevenin equivalent of the circuit shown in Fig.1 5 Find the magnitude R, for the maximum power transfer in the circuit shown in Also find out the maximum power. Page V4 Scanned with CamScanner 4an@) Date Fig3 ©) Using Kirchhoff"s Current Law and Ohm’s Law, find the magnitude and polarity of voltage V in Fig.4. Directions of the two current sources are as shown 1) Prove that the energy stored in a inductor is W = 3Li? where the symbols have their usual meaning. 2x10=20 Answer any TWO Mo Use nodal analysis to determine the voltage across 5 © resistance shown in Fis 10 Figs ‘Two resistors of Values 1 KOand 4 KG are connecied in series across a constant voltage supply of 100 V. A voltmeter having an internal resistance of 12 KQ is connected across the 4 KQ resistor. Draw the circuit and calculate (1) True voltage across 4 KQ resistor before the voltmeter was connected (2) Actual voltage across 4 KQ resistor after the voltmeter is connected and the voltage recorded by the voltmeter (3) Change in supply current when voltmeter is connected (A) Percentage error in voltage across 4 KQ resistor . mesh analysis to determine ii ») inand iin Fig.6 10 Page 2/4 Scanned with CamScanner Fig6 Group B [Answer all the questions) 4. Answer any FIVE of Define current, potential b) What is the power dissipation in a capacitor, inductor and resistor? ference, energy and power. oe What is voltage divider rule? Write down the equations d) Capacitor behaves as open circuit in DC. Is it true or false? Justify the statement with proper equations YS sate Superposition Theorem JT How do you convert a current soure into voltage source? 2) What is the significance of Thevenin’sTheorem os Explain how Norton’s theorem can be developed from Thevenin’s theorem 5S. Answer any FOUR a) Show thatthe energy stored in the capacitor is w= ¥% CV? ‘The voltage across and current through a certain device are given by: v(t) = Seos(4*n"t) i(Q) = 0.leos(4*n*t) Determine : £4, The instantaneous power p(t) at =0 and t=0.25 seconds ‘The average power Pav, defined as the average value of p(t) over a full-time period of the cosine function (0 to 0.5 seconds) mei Ve, isand the energy stored in the capacitor and inductor in the circuit of Fig. 7. Under de conditions. a GH a a 4a(q 6Q 22 % | 4F WU Fig.7 4d) Calculate the phase angle between V; = -10 cos (wt+50") and V2= 12 sin (wt-10%), State which sinusoid is leading. Sx2=10 4x5=20 5 Page 3/4 Scanned with CamScanner ig in the circuit of Fig.8 using nodal analysis 100 un 4 > 20 cos 4eV ' one $> 2 os Ow 4 Figs s 1) Calculate Zr , Land total power factor. 4 we ae 2x10=20 a Answer any TWO . Find Ip using Mesh-Analysis. 9 70° -3200 ia 2 loZ3eV ‘ol Fig.10 ee For the circuit in Fig.11, i(t) = 4 (2 - e"") mA. If in(0) = -1 mA, find (a) in(0); (b) ¥ 10 vi (#) and v2 (1); (©) in(®) and inf), Zhe ae ax i ao th la a ' ago. 3 ~ S = oe | A ws Fig.11 Le * the switch in the circuit in figure below has been closed for a long time and it is opened ©) att=0.Find V(t) fort >=0.Calculate the initial energy stored in the capacitor. 10 Bu 1a + 20v gn VaR ZomP Page 4/4 Scanned with CamScanner wt Shahjalal University of Science & technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering 1 Year I" Semester Examit Course Code: ENG 101 D Session: 2021-22, Course Title: Effective Communication in English ‘Time: 2 Hours Full Marks: 60 PART-A 1. Supply suitable verbs to make the wooly sentences effective. (any five) $ (pa. He said that he was totally unwilling to discuss the matter. “AE, The crisis is becoming gradually deep. Z The police decided to make the seeret open. ‘A J0b loss will make the situation comple. . Mary said totaly opposite of what her mother said f. She goes to work on foot. . Heis saying things against the authorities again and again. 1h. Uhave rarely seer her make a show of emotion. ‘Supply idiomatic expression for the underlined parts. (any five) 3 Doctors said she is now not likely to die 'b. She was beginning to fee] that she was getting old. e. I didn't finish the test~ time was not enough for me, a f ‘The school punishes cheating severely. I find his attitude very difficult to agcept Whenever he is around he always manages to cause arguments or AA te loving to, emo sl pttn and rendre ering whew ss: : Currently, these days, fastfood is growing in popularity. Fast food is a kind of food that people they ean buy oF cook quickly. This essay examines the advantages of fast food and the drawbacks of fastfood. First above all, the fastfood is usually tasty. Most ofthe people who ‘work in offices are very busy, so that they do not have time to goto their homes for lunch, But the people who work in offces can eat tasty and delicious food in McDonald's restaurants, Which ae franchised in hundreds of counties. In addition, the second benefit of fastfood is its cheapness, As itis produced in large quantities, this high volume means that the comp: can Keep costs down. As a result fist food is usually less expensive than a meal in a conventional restaurant ~ Correct any error you find in the following paragraph, 7 ‘There are many similarities to the UK and Taiwan, for example course fees, assessment and so on. Firstly, both UK universities and Taiwan universities charge fees from students, but cours fees in the UK is as expensive as that in Taiwan, In addition, teaching methods are very similar to both countries. Students should attend lectures and seminars. Moreover they have the same system to assess students, which are examed at the end of semester. Nevertheless, there are three main differences: how students can entry a university and how much percentage ‘of'tudents are in higher education. Students in higher education in Taiwan are twice more than inthe UK, 5. Write a paragraph on Artificial Intelligence no more than 150 words. Scanned with CamScanner Part B ve the following first underline the examples of poor style and then rewrite them in more suitable way. Awe] Myes 5 Z% Lots of people think that the railways are getting worse. VW: Saaly, serious crime like murder is going up. ¢. Yu cannot always trust the numbers in that report QP The second thing is that most kids in that district wil become criminals ©. think that there isa big risk of more strikes, disorder ete. A Afow years ago they allowed vote. 8. Regrettably, the inflation will lead to increased poverty, illness and s0 on, ‘h, Sometime soon they will find a vaccine for malaria. @ What were the main causes of American Revolution? 4. Research shows that we are now getting storms etc. all the time. 7. Look at these sentences extr . Improve the style of any two sentences by replacing the words in italics with the word in brackets that forms the best collosatjon, (Use each word only once.) 5 ‘8. Our new family hotel is set in a nice location and all the rooms have nice furnishings and nice views over the surrounding countryside. (stylish / secluded / breathtaking) b. Visitors will enjoy(goodyeception and the good atmosphere in either of our good dining rooms, both serving good food to both residents and non-residents and good entertainment. (deliefous / relaxing / spacious/ heart-warming) ¢. We organize tours to beautiful surrounding villages where you'll have the opportunity to take some beautiful photogryphs and savour the beautiful local cuisine, (mouth-watering / pieturesq ve / stunning) eplace informal words with formal and slangs with staidard expression. (any 5) ‘The space available is not enough for our needs. {og 1 didn’t mean that 1 was only kidding, >. Two members decided to quitin protest. Ag Three meter readers were sacked for unlawful acivit 4. Theateck was bsedon basen © r. A fishy-looking bomb frightened the pedestrians The caption ofthe artile is very calchy. He dida’t have the guts to protest. 9A. Correct the following sentences: 3 i) Almost students think that earning a language is diel because ofthe mew ‘There are another reasons why study a language is dit‘ieult for overseas students iii) Lam very exciting with the chance of studying compuser science in the forcign ‘country. 9B. Add the missing linking or sequencing words from the box. to complete the 3 passage. although owever, even though, but.such as.and,in spite of,like Wuclear Power stations . provide’an important source of cheap power for many industriatsed nations and some developing counties. i)__thereis always the danger of radiation leaking from these plants. i)___safety precaution have been taken there have t2en numerous disasters A)__ the explosion of a nuclear plant in Russia not long age Nuclear Technolo is even used to help cure some diseases jp__cancer-Raiaticn ean be applied the body 10 burn away cancerous cells-Thisis,¥)__, a dangerous procedure. 10. Write paragraph on “A event that had a great impact on your life’ in 150 words. 7 ee Scanned with CamScanner Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering 1* Year 1* Semester Final Examination, June 2023 (Session: 2021-22) Course Code: SSS 100 Credits: 3 Course Title: History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh Time: 3hrs Total Marks: 60 [Answer Four Questions taking Two from each Group] Group A VC a) What is two-nation theory? 6 b) Discuss the issues and problems of the newly-created Pakistan in 1947 (10) J 20, Discuss the background of Language Movement in 1952, 8) YO" Evaluate its significance inthe light of independence of Bangladesh. a 3. a) What do you know about the establishment of the United Front in 19542 6) b) Critically discuss the manifesto of the United Front in 1954. (10) 4. a) Whatis six-point movement? ©) b) Discuss the programs that spearheaded the six-point movement in the (10) 1960s in Pakistan. Group B AE. a) Whatis the Mass Upsurge of 1969? 6) b) Discuss the 11-point program taken during the Mass Upsurge of 1969. (a0) Ua a) What do you know about the 1970's general election in Pakistan? ©) b) Discuss the results and consequences of the 1970s general election in (a0) Pakistan. J a) What do you know about the 7 March Speech of Bangabandhu Sheikh () Mujibur Rahman? b) Discuss the significance of the 7 March Speech with regard to the (10) independence of Bangladesh, 8, Analyse the disparities between two wings of Pakistan before 1971. (15) a een ee eee Scanned with CamScanner Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering 1% Year 1° Semester Final Examination - July 2022 Course: MAT101D _ Course Title: Coordinate Geometry and Linear Algebra Credits: 3.0 Full Marks: 60 ‘Time: 3 Hours Answer Siz questions from the following taking at least Three from each group. Group A Qe ea wcll Nee ett eee Wampler tet, hrvlotory mateie; and ‘orthogonal matrix with examples. @) ‘non-singular. QQ) 10 2 (©) Define an invertible matrix. Find the inverse of A= (2 -1 3, if exists. co) aa 6 2-43 1 0 : aft 2 1 42) pce ands ' (ZY ones esol om o 4 = 1 8 1-4 2). sence find its rank. 0) at dee 6) JS Find a general flow pattern of the network shown in the following figure. Assuming that the flows are all non-negative, what is the largest possible value of z3? (3) 29-4 2 a B ™ o~—>—o 97 When propane gas bums, the propane(CsH,) combines with oxygen(O,) to form carbon dioxide (COz) and water(H20), according to the equation of the form: ) (21)CsHe + (22)O2 > (#3)CO2 + (x4) 20. Balance the equation by finding the whole mumbers of 21, 22,73, 24 by vector equation approach. 3. (a) Write the polynomial U = 4222-45 as alincar combination of the polynomials P, = 227+-2-+1, Pym at 22 $2, yma? +3246 @) gs (b) Determine the spanning sets for the row and column spaces of matrix A=({-2 -1 3 5]. (3) 34 3 -1 3-3 4 {e) B= (2 —3 4), find the two non-singular matrices P and Q such that PBQ =I, where I 0-11 stands for identity matrix. 0) 126 : BA 1) 1. Find an orthogonal basis for the column space of A= |-1 4 -3] using the Gram- 1-47 yo Schanidt process @ fi, Find QR factorization of A. (Hints: normalize the findings of (ai) i 2 PF Orta es square solution of Ars b where A= |) 3 | and b= constructing 25 a normal equation for & and finally salve it for z. (4) Scanned with CamScanner Group B 5. (a) Let T be the linear transformation of R? defined by T(2,y) = (42 ~2y,22-+y). Find the matrix representation of T' relative to the basis {e1,¢2), where e1 = (1,0) and e2 = (0,1). 6) () State Cayley-Hamiton theorem, Use this theorem to find the inverse ofthe mati © ia A=(310 1.393, LK $offina sve maximum value of Q(z) where Q(2) = Sef +204 + 2a + 2x12 + Azazs subject to she constraint 27x = 1. Finally, obtain the unit vector u where the maximum is attained. (8) Prove that 32 — Sry — 3y? = 0 and x +2y = 3 enclose a right angle isosceles triangle. 6 Gf Fi ll common tangents to the ctces 28 +y* 2x —Gy+9=Oand 2?+y?+6z—2y+1=0. (4) ind the equation of the circle having'the par of lines 22-4 2ry4 82+ 6y = O us its normals and having the size just sulcont to contain the cirle 2(2 =A) + yly ~3) = 0. ® oa that the area of a triangle inscribed in the parabola y* = a3 (3) [a(n — a2)» ~ 9) - where yas vas and ys are the ordinates of the vertices. A, frre direction cosines and direction ratios of a line, Find the angle between the lines whose direction ratios are 1, 1, 2and V3 —1, =V3=1, 4 ) _Apv Aina the equation ofthe plane passing through the intersection ofthe planes 2429-432 + and 42 +3y-+2z+1=0 and the point (1,2,3). 6) Page 2 Scanned with CamScanner xy halal University of Sclence and Technology ent of Computer Science and Engineering Dee 2022 (Session: 2021-22) Course Code: CSEH3——Credits:3)- Course Title: Diserete Mathematis ‘Time: 3 hes Total Marks: 100 Group Answer all he questions} ‘ 1 Answer any FIVE, sx2-10 ‘A basket contains five green balls and three red balls. What isthe probability tha a ball 07 _- chosen at random from the basket is green? Find the prime factorization of 707. Lex fe the function from {a,} to {1,2,3.45 with la)=4, f(b) =2, fled = 1, and id) = 3. Is fabijecive function? Draw the planner representation ofthe following graph. YR Figure~1 SE hats the east common smatpte of 235° and 2°57 wi rite down the recursive equation of Fibonaeei m 2) Drawa graph with the adjacency matrix ee p11 ol 2. Answer any FOUR. 4x5920 a) Find the contrapositive, the converse, and the inverse othe conditional statement, “Bangladesh team wins whenever the match is played inthe hometown by ZShow that A.M (BUC) =(ANB)U(ANC). ‘What is the valu of the prefix expression ~~ + 246/7 23.4? ‘What are the negations ofthe statements Wa(a? > x) and x(x2= 2)? eg Ae aoe 02h 00, races aaa yatta tecene Wore stot ait atecnes ea aT) ena i 3. Answer any TWO. 2x10°20 7 iin ie res path om verter fxn ise’ for te lowing oH graph- Page V3 Scanned with CamScanner li Find the chromatic numberof the following graph showing detailed steps. ‘ Figure - 3 i. Show that pV (q A) and (pV q) A (p V1) ae logically equivalent What isthe minimum spanning ee? Find the railway network of minimal eost forthe 10 cities inthe following graph using prim's, 446 ce) Group Answer all the questions) 4, Answer any FIVE. sxt10 A. Draw aVean diagram and shade to show AU(BNC) YF Wha sthe cremate amber of anh Ka? 2) nan examination there are 15 questions of {ype Tre or False. How many sequences of answers are possible? Find the tth vale of VaGx+1 >), where xs areal number S97 eAxte tembethat comes phe ee. Wha st expec as ox? 1) Translate the statement Wx(S(x) V 3y(S(Y) A F(X, y)) into English, where S(x) is" studies in he fist semester,” FCs, 3) 8 and ye fries,” andthe domain for both x andy consists of all students in your clas. o Let @ be a Boolean operation defined by A@B = AB + AiF, then value of A@A is 5. Answer any FOUR ax5-20 2) Ine group of 100 students 82 stents cam speak Banghy and 42 sens an spook English, Find the numberof students who ean speak }) Ranta only.) English oly, and i both Banga and English 1) Consider the recurrence elation su-an.+2; with ay= 3 and a. Finda ‘Use Ksmaps to simply the sumo iapea wie eae eg Page 23 Scanned with CamScanner of soumatyy=rinst 209?) : : pope eth © Bi 6. Answer any TWO FA. Fin the values of the Boolean funeton represented by FS. 2)= xy +7 aes A Find the sum-ot products expansion forthe function Hs. 9.2) (8) 6 Draw the citcuit ofthe half adder. 1) i How many pemmutations of the teers ABCDEFGH conan the string ABC? 46 i. Five women and eight men are working s ficuly members in the CSE department at SUST. Hiow many ways are there to select an examination commie ofa semester taking five culty members ofthe department iat east one woman must bei he connie? a spanning ee (show the tps) forthe following eaph- 55 Figue~6 i Using Breads search algorithm i, Using Depth-irst search algorithm: Page V3 Scanned with CamScanner

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