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Mark Andrew D.

Ancot Grade 2–Pascal

Activity 7.1
Observation : The land part of Earth is made up of highlands and lowlands. The highlands are the
mountains, plateaus, hills, and volcanoes. The lowlands are the valleys and plains.

 Mountain–it is the highest landform on earth. The top of a mountain is called a peak. The side
is called a slope. The highest mountain in the world is Mt. Everest. It is found between Tibet and

Mt. Everest is the Earth’s highest mountain.

 Volcano–it is a special kind of mountain. It has an opening called a crater. Lava, burning stones,
and ashes come out of the crater during an eruption. Magma is a very hot molten or semi molten
rock. Some volcanoes are active. Active volcanoes can erupt anytime. Other volcanoes are
dormant. Dormant volcanoes have not erupted for a long time.

Mt. Mayon is an active volcano in Bicol.

 Hill–it is a highland that is lower than a mountain. Bohol has a beautiful group of hills known as
the Chocolate Hills. This group of hills have smooth slopes.

Chocolate Hills in Bohol

 Plateau–it is an elevated land area that is surrounded by a lower land area. It is different from a
hill or a mountain because it has a flat top. Some plateaus are very wide and are used as

A Plateau


 Valley–it is a flat land between mountains or hills. A river usually flows through it. Cagayan
Valley is the largest valley in the Philippines.

Cagayan Valley

 Plain–it is a flat level land. A plain is a good place for putting up buildings, airports, and
railroads. Most kinds of crops are planted on plains.

A Plain

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