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Wqhnjn The quality of education in Bangladesh has been a topic of

debate for many years. Some believe that the quality of education is
decreasing day by day, while others believe that it is improving. In my
opinion, I agree with the view that the quality of education in our country is
decreasing day by day.

The curriculum is often outdated and exam-oriented. Which is heavily

focused on memorization and rote learning. This approach does not
encourage critical thinking or creativity among students,. This has impacted
students' analytical abilities and creativity negatively. This also leads to a
skills mismatch, with many graduates struggling to find jobs that match their

The examination system tests only memorization skills rather than real-
world skills. Lack of access to the latest technologies, digital learning tools,
and well-equipped labs further stagnates the learning experience. Mass
cheating in public exams has become commonplace, raising concerns
about the integrity of the evaluation system.

One of the main reasons for the decline in the quality of education is the
lack of qualified teachers. Many teachers in Bangladesh are not properly
trained or qualified to teach their subjects. This leads to a lack of
understanding among students, which ultimately affects their academic
In conclusion, the quality of education in Bangladesh is decreasing day by
day due to various factors such as the lack of qualified teachers, inadequate
infrastructure, and a focus on rote learning. Although the new curriculum has
been updated, the government is focusing on technical education and training
teachers. Hopefully, these will play a role in improving the quality of education.

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