Marking Sheme Agric

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Past exam papers

BY THABILE 2002-2012


1. Use the illustration below to answer the questions that follow.

(a) What stage of agricultural development is shown in the illustration.

(b) Give one reason for your answer to (a).

THE MAN IS SHOOTING A N ANIMAL usin a bow and an arrow while the woman
is collecting fruits in a tree

(c) What impact might this stage of agricultural development have on the
depletion of wild animals
seed dispersal
2. Describe how each of the following factors is likely to affect plant growth.
(a) Frost
frost can break seed dormancy of some plants leading to quick growth
frost can freeze plant cells and cause injuries and death of sensitive plants
frost kills of sensitive pest and pathogen which will enhance the growth of plants

(b) Humidity
low humidity increases the rate of evapo-transpiration leading to poor growth
high humidity increases the rate of fungal diseases leading to reduced growth

(c) Photoperiodism
3. The table below compares wind-pollinated flowers with insect-pollinated
glowers. Compare the table.
Description Wind pollinated flowers Insect pollinated flowers

Example of plant Maize


Nature of pollen grains light and smooth Heavy and sticky

anthers enclosed firmly anthers hang loosely outside

Position of anthers inside the petals the petals

Size of flowers Small


Presence of nectar
has plenty of nectar
have no nectar
4 (a) i) Name one common weed found in Botswana.
black jack

(ii) State three methods of cultural control which are used in

controlling the weed you have named in (a)(i).
1. …...…………………………..............................................................................
crop rotation
establishment of a good crop cover
3…………………………………………………………………….…….……...……………….... [3]

(b) Describe and explain one method of controlling weeds biologically.

use of a plant canopy-this is done to shade the weeds underneath and reduce their
ability to photosynthesis carbohydrates finally the weeds will lose their competative


5 (a) (I) State one important difference between contact chemicals and
systemic chemicals used on farms.
contact hemicals are pesticides which when applied are absorbed through the skin or
curticle of the pest while systemic pesticides are those that are absorbed into the host
plant and move throughtout the plant tissue by the sap

ii) What is the most important difference between herbicides which are
selective and those which are non-selective?
selective herbicides are chemicals which kill certain types of weeds while non-selective
are chemicals that kill any type of weed

iii) State one difference between the use of farm chemicals in the form of
granules compared to those contained in aerosols.
farm chemicals in the form of granules are which active ingridient is formulated as small
solid particle while aerosols are which the active ingredient is dissolved in an inert liquid
under pressure the pesticide is released as a gas
(b) (I) Suggest one item of protective clothing, other than overall, gloves and
boots that should be worn when using fumigants and sprays.
face musk

(ii) Give one reason for your answer to (b)(I).

to prevent entry of spray into the face

(c) Suggest two ways in which the pollution caused by the use of farm chemicals
may be reduced.

6. Define each of the following terms.

(a) Land tenure

(b) Tropism
(c) Landscaping

(d) Game farming


(e) Genetics

7. State three reasons why game farming is important in Botswana.

8. Describe three factors that influence the likehood that ostrich eggs will

9. The table shows some data referring to the demand for spinach and the
amount of spinach supplied, as the price changes.
Price (P) Quantity demanded (kg) Quantity
Supplied (kg)

2 47 4
4 40 10
6 30 26
8 20 41
10 14 49

(a) Use the data in the table to sketch graphs on the same axes to show how
the quality demanded and the quantity supplied change as the price changes.
(b) (i) State the condition which applies at the point where the two graphs

(ii) Explain the significance of this point.


10. Figure below shows the water cycle.

Name the processes occurring at A, B, C and D

A...…………………………....................................... [1]
B...…………………………........…………….................. [1]
C...………………………….......……………................... [1]
D...…………………………........…………….................. [1]
(11) (a) For either bacterial bright of cowpeas, black rot of cabbage or bacterial
wilt of tomatoes, state
(I) The mode if infection,
(ii) Two harmful effects,

(iii) Prevention and control


(b) (i) Draw and label the life cycle of a named boring pest.
Name of pest ………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..[1]

Life cycle
(ii) Name one appropriate pesticide used for controlling the named boring pest in

(12) (a) List three reasons why lawns are important.


(c) Describe two types of landscape designs.

1. Type…………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Type……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
(13) Figure below shows the digestive system of a ruminant.

(a) (i) Name part


(ii) State the function of M.


(b)A farm of 88 hectares has 4 mature bulls, 8 mature cows, 60 goats, 72

sheep, 20 young cows of 16 months old and suckling calves.
Use the information in the table below to answer the following questions.

Livestock Number of animals

to one livestock unit
Goats/sheep 6
Suckling calf 0
Cattle 12-24 months old 2
Mature cow/bull 1
(i) Determine the total number of livestock units in the farm.

(ii) Calculate the stocking rate in livestock units (LSU) per hectare.

(iii) If the carrying capacity of the farm is 0.25 LSU/ha, explain what conclusion
can be made about the stocking rate of this farm?

14. Explain the difference between the following.

(a) Cross breeding and inbreeding

(b) Selection and upgrading

(c) Recessive genes and dominant genes

(d) Homozygous and heterozygous


15. (a) Explain, with examples, the difference between supplementary and
complementary products.

(c) Figure below shows the relationship between price a d quantity of a

State what A, B and C represent.

16. (a) State three effects of water logging on crops.


(b) Describe one method used to drain the soil

17. Look at the diagrams of the four stroke petrol engine cycle.
Complete the table by naming and describing each stroke.
18. Figure below shows the water cycle. Use it to answer questions (a) and (b)

(a) State two environmental factors which encourage the process at Z.


(b) Explain how farmers can reduce the rate of Y in crops.

19. (a) Describe how plants manufacture their own food.

(b) Describe how carbohydrates are used by plants.


20. (a,) State three reasons for growing a lawn.


(b) Explain how land is prepared for planting a lawn.

21. (a) Complete the table to show enzymes and the products of the digestion in a
ruminant animal.
Part of digestive system Enzyme Product

Abomasum ………...... Peptides

Duodenum …………………………………. Maltose

Lipase …………………………………………

…………………………………… Peptides

Ileum ………………………………… Simple sugars

Peptidase ………………………………..

(b) Which animal species prefer the following areas?

(i) Chobe ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
(ii) Tuli block…………………………………………………………………………………………….……………
(iii) Kalahari……………………………………………………………………………………………….……..[3]
22. Figure below is a map showing the natural vegetation found in Botswana.

Describe the type of natural vegetation found at A and B.

22. Figure below shows a pair of chromosomes with the position of corresponding
genes on each. Use it to answer questions (a)(I) to (iii).

(a) (i) Label any part of alleles on the diagram. [1]

(ii) State if pairs of alleles labeled in (I) above are homozygous or

(iii) State if alleles shown in the chromosome W above are dominant or


(b) Complete the table to show two differences between meiosis and mitosis.

Meiosis Mitosis

1...........………………………………................ 1.……………………………………………………………
.............................................................. ……………………………………………………………..

2………………………………………………………… 2………………………………………………….…………
…………………………………………………....... ………………………………………………………………
(c) Explain how the following cause variation in organisms.
(i) Genetic factors

(ii) Environmental factors


23. (a) Figure below shows the supply and demand curves. Use it to answer (I) and

Indicate equilibrium price by using the letter X on the diagram [1]

Explain how equilibrium price is determined.

(b) State three reasons for carrying out the following:

Market Research,


24. (a) State three ways in which agricultural engineering is important in crop

(b) State three ways of maintaining farm roads.

25. Figure below shows a cross section of a small, earth dam. Use it to answer
parts (a) and (b).

Complete the structure by adding and labeling any two missing features. [4]

What is the small earth dam used for?


Describe the following processes in the water cycle.


What is the role of the Sun in the water cycle?


26. Figure below shows a cross section through a monocotyledonous stem. Use it
to answer parts (I) to (iii)

Name and state the function of the part labelled W, X and Y.

Name W …………………………………………………………………………………………
(i) Name X………………………………………………………………………..

(ii) Name Y …………………………………………………………………………………………….

27. Figure below shows a seedling placed in a well lit house and adequately
supplied with moisture through a wet board. A shows the seedling grown in a
vertical position. B is the same seedling placed in a horizontal position, and C
shows the response of seedling B a few days later. Use the figure to answer parts
(a) and (b) below.

What tropic response is shown by the plant in illustration C?

What is the significance of the tropic response in (a) to the growth of a plant?

Name the tropic response which results in plants coiling around stakes.
27. (a) Name two pre-planting operations carried out to remove any surface
obstructions from the land.
(b) State three reasons why it is important to prepare the soil before planting
28. (a) Complete the table below on crop pest by giving an example of the pest
and an appropriate class of pesticide
Type of pest Example Appropriate class
of pesticide

Biting and sucking

Piercing and sucking

(b) Define inert material as used in farm chemicals

29. Figure below shows the reproductive system of a cow. Use it to answer part
(a) below.

Name part W.
Name one hormone produced in Y.
What is the function of part X?
(a) State three signs of a heat in a cow.

(b) Why is it important to detect the signs of heat in a cow?


(c) State the hormone that sustains pregnancy in a cow.


30. (a) Describe two methods of preserving fodder.


(b) (i) What is creep feeding?

(iii) State three advantages of creep feeding

(c) Explain two factors that will lead to pasture deterioration.


31. Describe the following processes as they apply to the movement if water and
dissolved substances into the plant.
Active transport
31. (a) (i) State two effects of high temperature has on animal growth.
(ii) State two indirect effects rainfall has on animal growth.

(b)Describe ways of growing crops that help in modifying the effects of humidity.

32. Figure below shows a bean flower.

Name parts labeled A, B, C and D.

State the function of parts labelled X and Y.

State two features that indicate that the flower above is insect pollinated.

33. The following are methods of plant propagation:

Grafting, cutting, budding, layering.

Name of method………………………………………………

Name of method…………………………………………….
34. For either maize or sorghum or millet, state the following:
Name of crop…………………………………………
Three signs of maturity

Two methods of storage,


Three uses of the crop.


35. (a) Explain the difference between the following:

Plotting plants and bedding plants,
Scarification and spiking,

(i) State two features of pots that need to be considered when planting
ornamental plants.

State two ways in which pots should be made ready for planting ornamental
The diagram shows an ornamental shrub before and after a management practice
has been carried out
(i) Name the management practice that has been carried out.

(ii) Which tool can be used to carry out this practice.


(iii) State four reasons for carrying out this practice.


36. (a) Complete the table to show the causal agent and a host animal for the
following diseases.
Diseases Causal agent Host animal

Coccidiosis Protozoa ………………………………………

Trypanosomiasis …………………………………. ………………………………………..

Botulism ………………………………… Cattle

Heart waterr …………………………………. ………………………………………….

37. Explain how the following might affect the management of a game farm:
(i) size of area
Flow of energy

Carrying capacity

38. Figure below shows water cooling system of an engine. Use it to answer
question 8(a).

(i) Name the parts labelled A, B and C.

(ii) What is the function of X and Y?

State two reasons why the lubrication system in an engine is important


39. (a) State how frost affects plant growth

Complete the table by writing the characteristics and/or use of the USDA land
classes listed







40. Figure below is a cross section of a dicotyledonous root. Use it to answer
question (a)

(a) Outline the functions of the parts labelled W, X and Y.


(b) State two factors necessary for plant growth.

41. Figure below shows a maize plant.

(i) Label, on figure above the following parts on the diagram:

Anther, ovary, style, filament. [4]

(c) Given that the seed rate for maize is 25 kg/ha. Determine the amount of
seeds required for a plot of 4 m by 1 m. Show all workings.

(d) A 20-hectare farm has 400 livestock units.

Determine the stocking rate of the farm in LSU/ha.

If the carrying capacity if the farm is 18 LSU/ha, what conclusion can be made
about the farm's stocking rate? Give a reason for your answer.

32. (a) What type of damage is caused by rate of crops.


(b) State two ways that can be used to control rats.


Which type of ornamental plants are permanently grown as shown in the figure

Name three materials that can be used to

Prepare a medium (soil mix) in which to grow ornamental plants.

33. (a) Give two examples of good stockman ship when handling one of the
following livestock.
Broiler, layer, pig, dairy cattle, rabbit
Name of livestock ………………………………………………………………..
(b) Complete the table by writing a hormone and/or function in the reproductive
system of a ruminant animal.

Ovary Oestrogen

Ovary …… Prepares
lining/endometrium of
uterus for

Pituitary gland Follicle stimulating …….

hormone ..

Testes ……… Develops male

secondary sex

34. (a) what is meant by genetic engineering?

(b) (i) Give one example of biotechnology used in animal production.
(ii) Describe how you have named in (b)(I) can be applied in animal

In cattle the allele for palledness (H) is dominant to the allele for horned (h).
What will be the offspring’s phenotypic ratio when mating two heterozygous
polled cattle.

35. In a 4 hectare vegetable farm, the total revenue is P14 000; the total fixed
costs are P7 000; the total variable costs are P6 000.
(a) Calculate the gross margin for the farm. Show your working.
(b) For each of the following diseases, complete the table by stating the causative
agent and the animal affected.

Contagious bovine
Pleuro pneumonia

Swine fever


36. (a) Give two reasons for fencing a livestock farm.


(b) (i) List two materials that are used in the construction of a wooden fence.

(iii) Give one disadvantage of living fences.

Make a diagram of a section of a standard cattle wire fence showing all important

What is the recommended depth of a corner post hole?


(e) State two factors to be considered when siting a farm road.

(f) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

37. (a) (i) What are day-neutral plants?


(ii) State two effects of photoperiodism in plants

(b) (i) Explain the difference between a communal lease and a freehold lease as
used in land tenure.

(ii) State two advantages of freehold land.


(iv) State two disadvantages of state land.


38 (a) (i) State one difference between sexual and asexual propagation in plants.

(ii) State two parts of the plant used for asexual propagation.
(iii) Name two plant species that can be used for lawn propagation.

(b) The diagram below shows the longitudinal section of a root.

(i) Name region Z……………………………………………………………………………………..

(ii) State two ways in which parts X and Y differ.

Part X Part Y
39. (a) A knapsack sprayer was filled with 250 liters of water and used to spray a
200 m² area. After spraying, 150 liters of water remained in the sprayer.
Calculate the spray rate. Show all working.

Use the information below to answer the question below.

A 565 hectare farm has 3 bulls, 80 cows, 60 suckling calves, 36 heifer between 12
to 24 months, and 72 sheep.

Sheep 6
Suckling calf 0
Heifer 12-24 months 2
Mature cow/bull 1

(b) Calculate the stocking rate of the farm. Show all working.
40. (a) (i) The diagram below shows the structure of an animal cell. Label a

State two differences between phenotype and genotype.

Name one example of biotechnology.

State three disadvantages of biotechnology.

41. (a) Name two poisonous plants found in Botswana.
(b) List three factors affecting range management in Botswana.

Outline three general methods of preventing diseases in livestock.


42. (a) State two ways in which agricultural engineering is important in plants

(b) Complete the table below about farm equipment and their power sources.

Tool ………………………………………………………..

…………………………………………………….. Self powered

Implement ………………………………………………………….
(c) (i) State the difference between chemical digestion and mechanical digestion.
Discuss digestion of food in the proventriculus of a chicken.
43. The diagram below shows two types of fences. Use them to answer part (a).

State two advantages of using the materials in fence A compared to the materials
in fence B.
Name two ground water sources for UAR in the farm.
Describe how water is treated to make it suitable for human consumption.

State how the treated water can be stored to prevent further contamination.

44. (a) Define the following terms.

(i) Agricultural economics,
Variable costs

(b) The information below was extracted from the records of a broiler farmer in
Tswapong for the year ending 31st March 2006.

200 broiler chicks brought @ P2.00 each

15 bags of poultry manure @ P10.00 each

10 bags of starter mash @ P100.00 each

5 packets of medicine @ P50.00 each

175 manure broilers @P100.00 each

Labour P600.00

6 bags of finisher mash ,@ ,P90.00 each

Use the information to prepare a profit/loss account. [3]

45. Figure below shows a tractor and harrow being used on a commercial farm.
Use it to answer question (a)

List three ways commercial farming can harm the environment.


How is leasehold practiced under state land tenure system?


Name the class of USDA land capability classification.

46. Figure below shows the cross section of the stem of a dicotyledonous plant.

Name the parts labelled:


47. (a) Name the process by which manufacturer food is carried out to storage
organs in plants.

(b) In what form of food in plants for future use?


(a) For a named vegetable crop, state the organ where food is stored.
48. Figure below shows the seeds of some weeds

(a) Name the method by which seeds represented by A, B and C are dispersed.

(b) Explain how the following weed control methods are carried out, giving an
example for each.
(i) Cultural

(ii) Mechanical
(c) Complete the table below about pesticides and pests they control.

Pesticides Target Pest

Herbicides ……………………………………….

Aphicides ………………………………….…..

…………………………………… Ticks

(d) What name is given to the following forms of pesticides:

(i) A tablet which turns into gas when exposed to air,

(ii) One stored as a pressurised liquid.


49. (a) State the frequency of irrigation needed for a named flower cutting or
potted ornamental plant.
Name of flower/ornamental plant………………………………………………………………….……..
Frequency of irrigation

(b) Outline two ways of controlling a named common pest.

Name of common pest ……………………………………………………………………………………..…..
(c) Complete the table below by identifying and stating the function of the
following equipment used in the management of lawn.

(e) Describe how technology is transferred through farming systems.

50. (a) Sort the parasites listed below as either internal or external parasites.
Flea Tsetse fly
Stable fly Roundworm
Tapeworm Mite
Tick Liver fluke


(b) State two characteristics of extensive range management.


(c) Outline three disadvantages of extensive range management.

(b) A ranch is characterised by the following.

- bare land
- severe soil erosion
- rapid bush encroachment
- a lot of invaders species

Discuss three measures that can be put in place to avoid further

degradation of the ranch.

51. (a) Explain the process of hybridization in plants.


(b) How can the yield of a crop be enhanced through selection?

(c) How can beef production be improved through upgrading?

Explain what is meant by:

Traditional biotechnology

Modern technology

52. (a) (i) Explain the difference between risk and uncertainty.

Classify the following circumstances as either risk or uncertainty:

Drought Change in policies
Pest attack Fire damage
Availability of labour Hailstorm
Risks Uncertainty

(b) The table below shows a balance sheet of a mixed farm as at 31/10/09.
Complete the balance sheet with the help of the following entries:
Creditors of P300.00
Debtors of P300.00
Owner’s contribution of P200.00
Bank balance of P200.00

(i) Interest payable P1 000.00 (I) Maize in stock P800.00

(ii) Taxes payable. P500.00 (II) Broiler sales P900.00

(iii) Wages payable P200.00 (III) _______________

(iv) _________________________ (IV) _______________


(v) _________________________

___________ ____________
(c) Complete the table below which shows two stroke of a four stroke engine.
Indicate the direction of the piston movement and the status of the valves.


53. (a) What is land tenure?

Figure below shows equipment used in one of the stages of agricultural

(b) (i) Identify the agricultural development stage shown above.


Give one reason for your answer.


State any two impact this stage of agricultural development might have on the
54. Figure below shows plants being exposed to an environment factor.

(a) Suggest two ways of modifying the effects shown by the environmental
factor above.

(b) Give three reasons for stumping a field.

(c) Complete the table below.
The first has been done for you.
Maize Seed
Irish potato
Sugar cane
(d) The seed rate for maize is 25 kg/ha. How much seed will a maize farner
require to plant on 7 hectares of land? Show your working in the space

55. The diagram shows a lawn management practice that is being carried out.

(a) Name the management practice that is being carried out.


(b) Which tool is approximate for carrying out the practice shown above.

(c) State two reasons for carrying out this practice.

56. (a) State three advantages of strip grazing.

(b) State the difference between the following terms as used in livestock
range and pasture
Decreasers and increaser

Describe how 3 named practices may improve pasture or range condition.


57. (a) Define the following terms giving a relevant example for each.
(i) Co-dominance
(ii) Complete dominance

The illustrations, A and B, show two types of cell division in cattle.

(b) (i) Which type of cell division is shown in illustration B?


(ii) Give reason for your answer.

68. Figure below shows the dismantled parts of a knapsack sprayer.

(a) (i) Place the number of the parts of the figure above in the boxes
below to show the connections when the knapsack sprayer is fully
(b) (ii) Name the structure X.

(c) What is irrigation?


69. (a) How long is the incubation period of an ostrich egg?

Suggest three ways an incubator can be managed to improve the hatch ability of
fertilised ostrich eggs.
70. (a) Define the following terms as used in Agriculture.
Land tenure

(b) Figure below shows a cow under a tree.

What environmental factor is responsible for this type of animal behavior?

What can a farmer do to reduce the effect of this factor on livestock?
List two benefits of practicing pastoral commercial agriculture.
Suggest two through which commercial pastoral farming could affect the
71. Figure below shows a method of pollination in maize. Use it to answer the

(a) What type of pollination is taking place?


(b) State three features of maize that enable this type of pollination.
(c) Explain how the processes of pollination and seed formation are related.

72. The illustrations show some ornamental plants.

Name the type of ornamental plants shown and describe what distinguishes these

A type……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
B type……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
C type………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

B) Name the appropriate tool for carrying out the following activities in a lawn:
(I) spiking ………………………………………………………………………………
(II) Scarification ……………………………………………………………………..
C) Why is undecomposed kraal manure not recommended for use when growing
a law?

shows the mouthparts of some crop pests.

(b) What are the visible features of the mouthpart of the pest led you to classify
it this way?
Pest A……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Pest B…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
73. Botswana has a wide range of vegetation that supports many different
livestock enterprises.
Describe the vegetation found in the following:
Arid/shrub Savannah,

Keeping ostriches is one type of livestock enterprise
Name one breed of ostrich found in Botswana.
Give two reasons why ostrich meat should be preferred over beef.
74. (a) What is the name given to a unit of inheritance found in every cell of living
(a) In the table given, compare and contrast the processes of mitosis and

The first one is already done for you.

Mitosis Meiosis

1 Occurs in the division of Occurs in the division of

normal body cells gametes cells

(b) (i) Name two environmental factors that can cause variation in plants.

(ii) Explain how one of these environmental factors can cause variation in plants.

75. (a) (i) what is an uncertainty as compared to risk?

(ii) Give two examples of uncertainties when producing a named crop.
Name of crop……………………………………………………………………

b) Table below shows balance sheet for an agribusiness.

Liabilities Assets

Current liabilities Current assets

Tax payable P2 500.00 Finished goods

P50 000.00
Wage P16 800.00
…………. P……
……. P….............
Cheques received
P13 000.00

Long term liabilities Fixed assets

Loans Land P 90
P110 700.00 000.00

Mortgage ……………………… P………..

P6 000.00
(i) Place the entries below in the table above
Equipment: P60 000 Work in progress: P20 000 Annual
interest: P8 000

(ii) Calculate the total liabilities and total assets.


(iii) What is owner equity


(iv) Calculate owner equity for this business.

78. (a) Compare the environment induction and the power strokes in a four stroke
petrol engine and a diesel engine, by completing the table.

Stroke Diesel engine Petrol engine



(b) An electrical system is very important in the operation of a petrol engine

(i) Which part is the main source of electrical power in the system?

(ii) Name two uses of power from the electrical system.


(iii) Suggest three routine checks to ensure proper functioning of the

electrical system.
79. Figure below is a diagram of the water cycle.

Name two environmental factors necessary for plant growth observed in the

Name the tropic response stimulated by:

(i) W…………………………………………………………………………………..
(ii) X……………………………………………………………………………………

80. (a) Give three reasons for clearing and stumping a field.
(a) Figure below shows a maize plant.

(i) Label the parts A, B and C.

(ii) What is the main food storage organs of a maize plant?

(iii) In what form is food stored in a maize plant.

81. (a) What is landscaping?


(b) State three reasons why lawn is important in a landscape.

Some ornamental plants require well drained growth media.
Describe how a standard soil mix can be prepared for them.

82 (a) Name and describe the three ways of classifying weeds according to the
length of their life cycle.

(b) Describe two ways in which weeds can be beneficial to plants.

83. Figure below shows a tractor pulling a plough.
Explain how this operation reduces weeds

(a) What is meant by stockmanship in livestock production?


(b) Use the statements about the levels of hormones in the reproductive
system of a ruminant to complete the table below.

Increased level of progesterone Reduced level of progesterone

Increased level of oestrogen Reduced level of oestroge
Increased level of testosterone Reduced level of testosterone
Increased level of luteinising hormone Reduced level of luteinising

Stage of reproductive Hormone level





(c) State three signs of good health in farm animals.

(d) Different environmental conditions affect the hatch ability of an ostrich

Suggest an explanation for reduced hatch ability when:
(i) The relative humidity below 20%

(ii) The temperature above 42°C.

85. (a) Explain the meaning of the following terms as used in livestock
(i) Breeding
Co dominance
Genetic engineering

Differentiate between the following terms.

phenotype and genotype

Traditional biotechnology and modern biotechnology.

Figure below shows a pair of chromosomes.

(d) On the drawing, label allele that are ; (I) Heterozygous

(ii) Homozygous recessive
(e) The gene for chinchilla in rabbits (R) is dominant over the gene for white fur
A heterozygous male Rabbit is crossed with a homozygous recessive
What will be the genotypic ratio of this cross?

86. The information below was extracted from the records of a groat farm
in Tsetsebjwe for the year ending December 2009. Use the information to
answer the question.

Cost of electricity to pump water P3 500

200 bags of kraal manure sold @P10 each
60 bags of calf and goat meal @P86 each
20 castrated male goats sold to the buttery @P750 each
10 females sold at breeding stock @P800 each
Labour P6 000
40 bags of finisher feed @ P90 each
200 bales of Lucerne @ P55 each
Drugs cost. P600

(a) In the table provided, prepare a complete profit and loss account of
this farm.
(The first one has been done for you).
Cost / Expenses Income / Returns

Description Amount Description Amount



(b) Is the goat project viable? Give a reason for your answer.

12. (a) Describe two ways in which a fodder crop can be preserved for future use. [7]


(b) For a named pasture legume, state

(I) Form and habit of growth,


(I) persistence of the crop,


(iii) Nutritive value of the crop.

13. (a) State the difference between the following:

(I) planned economy and free market economy,


(Ii) Fixed costs and variable costs.


(b) For a named agricultural enterprise give two entries for each of these records:

(I) Production ,

(ii) Financial.


14. (a) With the aid of a well labelled diagram, describe the construction of a simple, earth road.
(b) Describe the maintenance necessary for an earth road.


15. (a) Describe the Communal LL and Tenure system

the following headings:

(I) Definition of the system.


(ii) Advantages of the system.


(iii) Disadvantages of the system.


(b) Explain farming system as a technology transfer approach.

16. With the aid of a well labelled diagram, describe any one of the following plant propagation
methods: budding, grafting, cuttings or layering.

(b) Describe the following forms of pesticides

(I) Dusts


(Ii) Fumigants.


17. (a) Outline the importance of plants in a landscape design.

(b) Discuss pruning of ornamental plants.


18. (a) Explain how man contributes to the destruction of rangeland.


(b) Write short note on the following:

(I) Range


(Ii) Stocking rate

(iii) Decreases

19. (a) Explain how modern biotechnology improves production of crops.


(b) Describe hybridisation in plants


20. Discuss the following economic systems:

(a) Planned economy


(b) Free market.

21. (a) Describe the steps in the construction of a wire fence.


(b) Outline the importance of crushes in the handling livestock.


22. Discuss the following when potting ornamental plants

(a) Preparation of standard soil mixes.


(b) Hardening off of seedlings

(c) a suitable irrigation method


(d) Preparation of the plant for marketing.

23. Outline Advantages and Disadvantages of the following systems of ostrich rearing.

(a) An extensive system


(b) An intensive system


24. Discuss animal breeding under the following sub headings.

(a) The meaning of breeding

(b) The importance of breeding


(c) The Disadvantages of breeding.


25. (a) Explain how water logging affects plant growth.


(b) With the aid of a well labeled diagram, describe one method of draining water logged soils.
26. for the operation of a tractor

(a) Describe the water cooling system of an engine

(b) Outline routine checks to be carried out before use.

27. Discuss sole proprietorship of a agribusiness enterprise under the following sub headings.

(a) the meaning of sole proprietorship


(b) the advantages and Disadvantages of sole proprietorship


(c) The skills required to start an agribusiness.

(d) The resources required to start an agribusiness.


28. Discuss hunting and gathering and commercial stages of agricultural development under the
following sub headings.

(a) Description

(b) Impact on the environment.


29. Describe how enzymes bring about digestion in the small intestine of a non-ruminant.

30. (a) Describe the composition of rangelands in Botswana.


(b) Describe environmental hazards that can be caused by farm chemicals.


31. (a) Describe the process of photosynthesis in a plant.

(b) Describe water absorption and movement inside the plant


32. (a) Describe a named plant from either plotting or bedding or flower cutting under the following.)

(I) type of plant and example.


(Ii) Method of irrigation


(iii) Preparation for marketing

(b) Explain the importance of using plants in the landscape design.


33. (a) Describe how genetic and environmental factors lead to variation between parents and offspring.


(b) Explain what genetic engineering is and how it can benefit mankind.

34. Read the following description of a business enterprise.

The business enterprise that exists as a legal entity is owned by shareholders and is controlled by the
Managing Director. It produces vegetables and sells them to retailers. A Production Manager reports to
the Production Director about issues concerning production and his employees. The Marketing Director
is responsible for promotion and distribution of the products, and these duties are carried out by
managers. There are employees in each of the promotion and distribution divisions.

(a) State the type of business organization for this enterprise.


(b) State two advantages of this business enterprise


(c) Draw an organization structure for this business enterprise

35. (a) Describe the operation of an electrical system of a petrol engine.

(b) Outline the routine checks before and during the operation of a tractor that will keep it in good
working condition.


36.(a) State how day length affects the growth of plants


(b) Explain how a knap sprayer is calibrated before spraying on a 500m² plot.

37. (a) Draw and label the diagram of the reproductive system of a hen.
(b) State the function of four of the parts labelled in (a).


38 (a) Describe the process of pricking out of seedlings.


(b) Explain how five different materials are used in landscape design.


39. (a) Describe how the following factors affect the demand of a product

(i) Price of a product

(ii) Consumer’s income


(iii) Change in population


(b) With the aid of a well labelled diagram discuss elasticity of demand of a named product.

40. (a) Choose a pest from the following list.

Grasshopper, leaf miner, beetle, locust, termite.

For a named pest:

(I) state the damage it causes.

(II) Describe it’s life cycle


(III) Explain how it is controlled


41. (a) Describe the effort that the government of Botswana make to promote game farming.


(b) Explain how the legislative measures, taken by the Botswana government ensure sustainable use of

42. for the lubrication system of a 4 stroke engine:

(a) Give the importance of the lubrication system


(b) State the parts of the lubrication system


(c) Explain how the lubrication system should be maintained.


43. (a) For a named field crop describe the following:

(I) preparation of a suitable seedbed.


(Ii) Appropriate planting time and method.

(iii) Recommend varieties in Botswana

(b) Discuss relevant legislation relating to the named field crop in Botswana.


44.(a) Describe the process of fertilization in bean flower.


(b) Explain how sexual reproduction differs from asexual reproduction.


45. (a) Give four reasons for housing livestock.

(b) Describe with reasons the qualities of a good livestock house .


46. With the aid of clear illustrations, explain:

(a) the law of demand

(b) the law of supply.

47. (a) State the importance of farm roads

(b) Describe the maintenance necessary for as n earth road.


(c) Suggest how damage to roads could be reduced.


48. (a) State four uses of cattle crushes.


(b) Describe the steps in the construction of a wire fence t contain cattle.


49. (a) What is meant by landscaping and why it is carried out?

(b) Explain what landscaping involves.

(c) Describe in detail one form of landscape design from the list below.

(Formal, garden, rockery, Civic space, Cemetery Park)


50. Choose one pasture grass from the list below.

Chloride gayana (Rhodes grass), Pennisetum clandestinum (Kikuyu), Panicum maximum (Guinea grass),
Eragrostis circular (weeping love grass), Eragrostis teff (Teff grass), Hyparrhenia SP (Thatching grass),
Cynodon dactylon (stargrass), cenchrus ciliaris (Buffel grass)

Discuss the grass chosen under the following:

(a) Planting time and method


(b) Form of growth


(c) Nutritive value


(d) Persistence
51. (a) Describe capture of game by the use of either movable capture corrals or crossbows, dart guns
and game capture drugs.


(b) Write short notes on the semi intensive rearing of ostriches


52. (a) Describe essential features of a building used for a stated purpose.


(b) Explain three factors to consider when choosing a site for a farm building.

53. Discuss the following

(a) Agricultural production is affected by available land, labour, capital BC and management.

Describe the features of two of the above.


(b) Explain what is meant by the following terms in Agricultural economics.

(I) opportunity cost


(Ii) complementary goods


(Ii) supplementary goods


54. (a) For a named vegetable crop which is either a root bulb or bulb or legume or leaf or fruit discuss

(I) climatic requirements

(Ii) preparation for marketing


(b) Describe how harrowing is done in soil preparation.


55. (a) Outline the advantages of cultural weed control.


(b) Explain the difference between selective and non selective herbicides.


(d) Describe four precautions necessary to take when handling herbicides to reduce pollution in the

56. (a) Describe two management practices that will help improve the appearance of an overgrown and
untidy lawn


(b) Discuss the positive environmental impacts of landscape design.


57. Discuss a named field crop under the following:

(a) soil and fertilizer requirements


(b) Factors to consider in choosing varieties to plant.

(c) Marketing after harvesting.


58. (a) Write brief notes on tropisms in plants


(b) For the establishment of a new lawn describe in detail

(I) how a named planting material is used.


(Ii) the proper use of a named fertilizer.

59. (a) Outline the qualities of a good livestock house.


(b) for raising either broilers, layers, rabbits, dairy animals or pigs, describe the type of housing required.


60 Choose one pasture grass from the list below.

Chloride gayana (Rhodes grass), Pennisetum clandestinum (Kikuyu), Panicum maximum (Guinea grass),
Eragrostis circular (weeping love grass), Eragrostis teff (Teff grass), Hyparrhenia SP (Thatching grass),
Cynodon dactylon (stargrass), cenchrus ciliaris (Buffel grass)

Discuss the grass chosen with reference to:

(a) Soil and climatic requirements


(b) Form and habit of growth

(c) Fertilizer treatment and nutritional value

(d) Persistence

61. Explain the following economic laws using relevant examples.

(I) demand


(Ii) Supply


(iii) Diminishing returns


62. (a) Outline farm operations that require the use of a crush.

(b) with the aid of a labelled diagram, describe the construction of an earth road.

63. (a) Describe three types of irrigation


(b) Explain how irrigation differs from drainage and how it affects crop yield and quality.

by Boago Genald
Snisky Sedimo

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