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All questions carry equal marks.

Q1. Mention the powers and functions of Rajya Sabha.

Answer; Powers of Parliament

The “Indian parliament” is given enormous power from formulation of legislations to make
amendments to the articles which are incorporated within the Indian constitution. The “Rajya
Sabha” and “Lok Sabha” both the houses related to the parliament have been found to enjoy
equal amounts of power in terms of amending the constitutional articles.

The parliament of India is found as an apex body in terms of formulating legislation for its citizens of India.
Any kind of amendments regarding the articles which are incorporated within the Indian constitution can be
done with the support and voting of members of parliament. All the residual power is also vested to the
parliament of india. All kinds of legislation are passed through the intervention of different ministers and MPs
who are in the parliament session. In this report, different powers of parliament and its members and its
structure have been highlighted.

Functions of Rajya Sabha

The upper house of India’s bicameral Parliament is known as the Rajya
Sabha, or Council of States in accordance with its constitution. The Rajya
Sabha performs more than just the aforementioned tasks. The Rajya
Sabha serves as both a federal chamber and a forum for debate. In
addition to these, the Rajya Sabha has two additional exclusive powers,
which are listed below:

 Rajya Sabha can create or abolish an All India Service.

 Rajya Sabha can announce a State List of subjects of national
Functions of Rajya Sabha
A bill cannot be passed without the Rajya Sabha.
Executive Rajya Sabha members can criticize, ask questions, and
Functions move adjournment.
Judicial Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha can impeach the President in
Functions case of violation of the constitution.
Rajya Sabha members, along with Lok Sabha and State
Legislative Assembly members, can elect the President
and Vice President of India.
Rajya Sabha can pass a constitutional amendment bill
together with the Lok Sabha, with a 2/3 majority in each

Q2. Describing the organization of the Federal Council of Ministers, explain the differences between the
Cabinet (Cabinet) and the Council of Ministers.

Answer; The Cabinet is a smaller body composed of senior ministers chosen by the head of
government, responsible for making important policy decisions and advising the head of
government. On the other hand, the Council of Ministers is a broader body that includes all
ministers in the government, representing a wider range of political parties and providing a forum
for discussion, coordination, and advisory functions.

 Cabinet consists of senior ministers, while Council of Ministers includes all ministers.
 Cabinet focuses on decision-making and policy formulation, while Council of Ministers
serves as a consultative and coordinating body.
 Cabinet meetings are regular and pivotal for policy discussions, while Council of Ministers
may meet less frequently.
 Cabinet is regarded as more influential and important within the government structure.
Cabinet Council of Ministers
Consists of senior ministers holding important Comprises all members of the government,
portfolios like finance, home, defense etc. including Cabinet members and junior ministers.
Led by the Prime Minister. Led by the Prime Minister.
Responsible for making important policy Responsible for implementing the policies and
decisions and setting the overall direction of the programs established by the Cabinet.
Consists of senior government officials who are Consists of a mix of senior and junior government
appointed by the Prime Minister. officials who are appointed by the Prime
Typically meets on a weekly basis. Typically meets on a less frequent basis than the
Has the power to make binding decisions on Has the power to implement and administer
behalf of the government. government policies and programs.
Its members are collectively responsible to the Its members are collectively responsible to the
Parliament. Parliament.
Cabinet ministers are appointed on the advice of Council of Ministers are appointed by the
the Prime Minister President on the advice of the Prime Minister.
Q3. Discuss different factors responsible for secessionist tendencies in India.

Answer; Secession is the process of pullout or moving down from the union by a lower state or home.
There have been secessionist tendencies in India gave birth to the nation in 1947. The multi-artistic,
multi-religious, multi-lingual country has colourful factors which led to these tendencies are;

1. Literal-

With the end of British rule in 1947 the kingly countries of Hyderabad, Travancore, and J&K wanted to
remain autonomous and outside the Indian union.

2. Artistic and political-

Duty of Hindi as sanctioned language hurt the Southern countries. It was felt as assessing maturity rule
and discourteousness to their culture. exploited politically this led to secessionist tendencies. The
demand for Khalistan was political in nature. The geographical extent of India makes diversity and
inequalities in society.

3. Profitable neglect-

nonstop neglect by governments and in bringing sustainable profitable development in North East, J&K
has brought secessionist tendencies

4. Foreign hindrance and unreasonableness-

The hindrance and stimulant by China, Pakistan and the unreasonableness of Naxals have added up.

Q4. Critically examine politics of Development in India.


DEVELOPMENT POLITICS The politics of development, or

development politics, has always been at the core of modern
economic activity, despite claims to the contrary. In India, a
developing and democratic country, one can never fully understand
the process of economic development, or of liberalization, without
deciphering the politics and power that envelop it, even if market-
oriented reforms pretend to rid economic activity of "political
Development Theory and India

India's developmental experiment is unique for a number of reasons:

for its grand ambitions, in aiming to achieve simultaneous economic
progress with social and distributional equity, but also for its attempt
to achieve these goals through democratic means. Thus, India's
developmental trajectory figures prominently in larger comparative
debates about the role of the state in economic development, the
contests between states and markets as prime movers of growth, the
complementarity or lack thereof between democracy and
development, as well as the impact of overt centralization in
subverting local and market potentials.
Q5. Define Secularism Critically analyze the role of Indian state in the practice of secularism.

Answer; Secularism in India means the separation of religion from state. Religious laws in personal domain,
for Muslim Indians; and currently, in some situations such as religious indoctrination schools the state
partially finances certain religious schools. These differences have led a number of scholars to declare that
India is not a secular state, as the word secularism is widely understood in the West and elsewhere; rather it
is a strategy for political goals in a nation with a complex history, and one that achieves the opposite of its
stated intentions. The attempt to have a Uniform Civil Code has long been discussed as a means to realize a
secular Indian state. The overlap between religion and state has created tension between supporters of
Indian form of secularism and the supporters of Hindu nationalism. Hindu nationalists use the Uniform Civil
Code platform to agitate their base, even though there has been no actual implementation. They characterize
secularism as practiced in India as "pseudo-secularism", a camouflaged hypocrisy for the political
"appeasement of minorities". As of 28 July 2020, there were pleas going on Supreme court of India to remove
the words secular and socialist from the Preamble to the Constitution of India.

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