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13 JULY 2023
GS Paper 1
Table of Contents
GS Paper 1
• Anthropocene epoch: What it means, significance2 IT MEANS, SIGNIFICANCE
GS Paper 2 Syllabus: Geomorphology
• Tenure extension system: SC asks ED chief to quit 3
Context: According to the Anthropocene Working Group
(AWG), sediments at Crawford Lake in Canada’s Ontario have
GS Paper 4
provided evidence of the beginning of the Anthropocene ep-
• Moral atonement 4 och.

Content for Mains Enrichment AWG:

• Musk calls Zuck a ‘cuck’ 5 ● It is an interdisciplinary research group dedicated
• Human-Stray Dog conflict 5 to the study of the Anthropocene as a geological
time unit.
Facts for Prelims (FFP) ● It was established in 2009 as part of the Subcom-
mission on Quaternary Stratigraphy (SQS), a constit-
• Kui language 5
uent body of the International Commission on Stra-
• Sangam literature 5 tigraphy (ICS).
• Shelf cloud 6
• Association of World Election Bodies (A-WEB) 6 Earth’s geological timeline:
• Atal Vayo Abhyuday Yojana (AVYAY) 6
• UPI QR codes for CBDC transactions 7
• Change in colour of world’s Ocean 7
• Brucellosis 7
• Guillain-Barre syndrome 7
• Dudhwa Tiger Reserve 8

• Ecuador8

● The geologic time scale is the calendar for events in

Earth’s history.
● It subdivides all time into units of abstract time called
(in descending order of duration) - eons (about a bil-
lion years), eras, periods, epochs, and ages.
● Each of these categories is further divided into
sub-categories. For instance, Earth’s history is char-
acterised by four eons, including -
○ Hadeon (oldest),

○ Archean, Evidence The presence of plutonium (due
○ Proterozoic, and
to the detonation of nuclear
○ Phanerozoic (youngest).
weapons) gives us a stark indica-
● The enumeration of these geologic time units is
tor of when humanity became
based on stratigraphy, which is the correlation and
classification of rock strata - which contains differ- such a dominant force that it could
ent kinds of fossils characterising different intervals leave a unique global ‘fingerprint’
of time. on planet Earth. But these find-
● Officially, we’re in the Phanerozoic eon, Cenozoic ings don’t mean that they have
era, Quaternary period, Holocene epoch and the proved the advent of the Anthro-
Meghalayan age. pocene epoch.

The Holocene epoch: Insta Links: Geological time scale

● The Holocene is the current geological epoch, which
began approximately 11,700 years ago. Mains Links:
● It follows the Last Glacial Period and the Holocene Q. The scale of geologic time is vast, currently estimated at
along with the preceding Pleistocene forms the Qua- nearly 4.6 billion years. During that time, life evolved into
ternary period. the familiar forms we see today. Elaborate upon the impor-
● The Holocene, which has been identified with the tance of studying geologic time scale (GTS).
current warm period, corresponds with the rapid
proliferation, growth and impacts of the human
species worldwide. GS Paper 2
What is the Anthropocene epoch?
The term was first Nobel Prize-winning chemist Paul TENURE EXTENSION SYSTEM: SC
coined by Crutzen and biology professor Eu-
gene Stoermer in 2000
Denotes The present geological time inter- Syllabus: Statutory, Regulatory and various Quasi-ju-
val, in which the Earth’s ecosystem dicial Bodies
has gone through radical changes
due to human impact, especially Context: The SC asked the ED Director to quit (4 months
since the onset of the Industrial before his third extension ends) even as it upheld statutory
Revolution. amendments which facilitate the tenures of Directors of the
Phenomena associ- Such as global warming, sea-lev- CBI and the ED to be stretched.
ated with this epoch el rise, ocean acidification, mass-
scale soil erosion, the advent of The timeline which leads to the recent verdict:
deadly heat waves, deterioration ● The current Enforcement Directorate (ED) Director
of the biosphere and other det- (Mr SK Mishra) was appointed for a two-year term
rimental changes in the environ- in 2018.
ment. ○ In 2020, the original appointment was retro-
spectively amended to make it a three-year
Impact Many of these changes will persist tenure.
for millennia or longer and are al- ● In 2021, the SC directed the government to stop giv-
tering the trajectory of the Earth ing extensions to the ED Director.
System, some with permanent ef- ● In order to tweak the above verdict, amendments
fects. were enacted in 2021 to the Central Vigilance Com-
mission Act, the Delhi Special Police Establishment
What have the geol- In a major development that could
ogists found? change the Earth’s official geolog-
○ This allows a maximum of 3 annual exten-
ical timeline, distinct and multiple sions (taking a total term of 5 years) to the
signals show the start of the An- Directors of CBI and ED on the recommen-
thropocene epoch around 1950, dation of High-Level Committees.
when human activity started to ○ Earlier, CBI and ED chiefs have fixed tenures
have a significant impact on the of two years.
Earth. ● He was given two annual extensions in 2021 and
2022, despite crossing the age of superannuation.

The High-Level Committees: Insta Links: Parliamentary panel recommends new law to
● A five-member panel composed of the Central Vig- define power, functions of CBI
ilance Commissioner and Vigilance Commissioners
had to recommend if an ED Director was worthy of Mains Links:
an extension in service. Q. What is a quasi-judicial body? Explain with the help of
● In the case of the CBI Director, a High-Level Commit- concrete examples. (UPSC 2016)
tee of the Prime Minister, Opposition Leader and the
Chief Justice of India had to recommend.
● These committees were required to record reasons
in writing in support of their recommendations.
The recent verdict:
Syllabus: Ethics

Context: In the editorial article, Shashi Tharoor discusses

the issue of colonial-era artefacts and the need for moral
atonement alongside financial reparations.

What is Moral atonement?

It refers to the act of acknowledging and taking responsi-
bility for one’s moral wrongdoings or harmful actions and
seeking to make amends or seek forgiveness. It involves a
sincere effort to make things right on a moral level.
● The back-to-back service extensions given to the ED
Director in 2021 and 2022 were illegal, as they were Recent Example: Netherlands will return hundreds of co-
not as per the recommendations of the High-Level
lonial-era artefacts — including a bejewelled, ceremonial
cannon—to Sri Lanka. Also, British and German museums
● By upholding the 2021 amendments, the court dis-
returned the so-called Benin Bronzes stolen from Nigeria
agreed with the argument that the Centre could use
the service extensions as a ‘carrot and stick’ policy during a large-scale 1897 British military expedition.
- against the principle of insulating these agencies
from government pressure. Other examples:
• Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in 2016 apol-
Takeaways from the SC’s verdict: ogised on behalf of Canada for denying permission
● A setback to the cause of protecting institutional for the Indian immigrants on the Komagata Maru to
independence. land in Vancouver (in 1914), thereby sending most
○ While the part of the judgement quashing of them to their deaths.
the extensions given to the ED Director, may • Willy Brandt (Chancellor of Germany) sank to his
be welcomed, the rest of it is a free pass to knees at the Warsaw Ghetto in 1970 to apologise to
the government to undermine the autono- Polish Jews for the Holocaust.
my of these agencies. Example from daily life:
● Even though Parliament can remove the basis for Imagine you accidentally break your friend’s favourite mug
any judgement through legislation, it cannot nullify while visiting their house. You feel guilty and understand
a court direction. that you have caused them distress.
○ The Court’s earlier observation that such ex-
tension should be given to those who have To make moral atonement, you would take the following
attained superannuation only in “rare and steps:
exceptional cases”, was ignored by the gov- • Acknowledge your mistake: Admit that you broke
ernment. your friend’s mug and understand that it was your
• Apologize: Express sincere remorse for your actions
Conclusion: and apologize to your friend for the damage caused.
At a time when there is a cloud of suspicion over the mis- • Take responsibility: Offer to replace the mug or
use of government agencies against political opponents, the compensate your friend for its value as a way of tak-
Court’s endorsement of a tenure extension system designed ing responsibility for your actions.
to undermine their independence is not conducive to the • Learn from the experience: Reflect on what hap-
rule of law. pened and learn from your mistake. Promise to be
more careful and considerate in the future.

Other ethical words involved: • View 1: Advocates representing the district panchayat
Restitution refers to the act of returning or restoring highlighted the case of an 11-year-old boy who was fa-
something that was taken, stolen, or lost to its rightful tally attacked by stray dogs. Several such cases of dog
owner. It involves making amends or compensating for attacks have come across throughout India.
past injustices or wrongdoings.
• For example, returning cultural artefacts or artworks to • View 2: Animal rights activists emphasized that local au-
their country of origin, which were acquired through thorities should strictly implement animal birth control
colonialism or looting, can be seen as a form of resti- rules and prevent cruelty towards stray dogs. Instances
tution. of hanging, poisoning, and drowning of stray dogs have
been reported, and activists are advocating for their pro-
Reparation refers to the act of making amends or provid- tection
ing compensation for harm or injustice caused. It involves
acknowledging and addressing past wrongs to achieve The ethical issues involved in the human-stray dog conflict
justice. include the treatment of animals, the balance between hu-
• For example, providing financial compensation or sup- man safety and animal rights, and the implementation of ef-
port to individuals or communities who were victims fective and humane solutions.
of slavery or other forms of historical oppression can
be considered reparations. Use: The issue can be taken as a case study from the ethical
point of view and dilemmas involved in finding a humane
Insta Links:
Essence Determinants and Consequences of Ethics
Facts for Prelims (FFP)

Content for Mains Enrichment KUI LANGUAGE

MUSK CALLS ZUCK A ‘CUCK’ Context: The state cabinet of Odisha has approved the rec-
ommendation to include the Kui language in the eighth
schedule of the Constitution of India.
The launch of Meta’s social media platform Threads led to
heightened tensions between Mark Zuckerberg and Elon
Kui Language
Musk. Musk called Zuckerberg a “cuck” in a tweet, follow-
• Kui language is a vernacular tribal language of Odi-
ing a screenshot of a conversation between Zuckerberg and sha.
Wendy’s. • It is also referred to as Kandh, Khondi, Kanda, Kodu,
Ethical Issues: The ethical issues involved in Musk calling • It is a South-Eastern Dravidian language mainly spo-
Zuckerberg a “cuck” include the use of derogatory language, ken by the Kandhas or Kondhs.
perpetuating misogyny, and engaging in online harassment. • It is written in the Odia script.
This behaviour promotes a toxic online environment and
undermines respectful communication. According to information available on the UNESCO site, the
Koi language status situation is potentially vulnerable.
Usage: The example can be used to show how leaders/Ce-
lebrities should not behave in public spaces. Significance of inclusion in the 8th schedule
• The inclusion of the Kui language in the 8th schedule
will help in the preservation, promotion and propa-
gation of this language and associated culture.
Context: The Supreme Court of India has agreed to hear dif-
ferent perspectives to find a humane and long-lasting solu-
tion to conflicts between humans and stray dogs, particular-
Context: The Tamil Nadu Text Book and Education Services
ly in the state of Kerala.
Corporation has published a collection of ten idylls called
• The court was responding to a plea by the Kannur dis-
Patthuppattu, one of the earliest Sangam poetry collections.
trict panchayat to euthanize stray dogs deemed to be
• The publication pays tribute to U.Ve. Swaminatha
“suspected rabid” and “extremely dangerous.” Iyer, dedicated himself to finding ancient palm leaf
manuscripts containing Tamil literary works.
Two views:

About Sangam Period:
• The Sangam period or age, particularly referring to
the third Sangam period, is the period of the his-
tory of ancient Tamil Nadu, Kerala and parts of Sri
Lanka (then known as Tamilakam), spanning from
Context: Chief Election Commissioner Shri Rajiv Kumar led
c. 6th century BCE to c. 3rd century CE.
• Historians and Ideologists regard the Sangam period a delegation from the Election Commission of India (ECI) to
as the ‘classical age’ of the Tamils analogous to the attend the 11th meeting of the Executive Board of the As-
age of the classics in Greece and Rome and to that sociation of World Election Bodies (A-WEB) in Cartagena,
of the Renaissance of later period in Europe. Colombia.
• The term ‘Sangam’ literally means ‘confluence’
About The Association of World Election Bodies (A-WEB)
(founded 2012; HQ: Seoul, South Korea):
• It is the largest association of Election Manage-
SHELF CLOUD ment Bodies (EMBs) worldwide and aims to foster
efficiency and effectiveness in conducting free, fair,
Context: A viral video on social media shows the formation transparent and participative elections worldwide.
of spectacular clouds known as shelf clouds or Arcus clouds • Composition: Membership currently consists of 118
during heavy monsoon rains in Haridwar, India. EMBs as members and 20 Regional associations as
• The video, shared on Twitter, depicts a towering
wall of clouds with a horizontal rotation. The au- associate members.
thenticity of the video has not been independently
confirmed. India has been closely associated with A-WEB since its incep-
tion and has actively participated in capacity-building pro-
About Shelf Clouds: grams and knowledge-sharing initiatives. The India A-WEB
Shelf clouds are wedge-shaped formations that appear Centre has been established in New Delhi to document and
on the leading edge of storms. They occur when cold and research best practices and provide training and capacity
dense air is forcefully driven into a warmer air mass during building for A-WEB members.
the downdraft of a thunderstorm.

How it is formed?
Shelf clouds form when warm, moist air is lifted rapidly by ATAL VAYO ABHYUDAY YOJANA
an advancing thunderstorm or cold front. As the warm air
rises, it cools and condenses, forming a cloud. The rising air
creates a boundary between the cool, downdraft air from
Context: The Atal Vayo Abhyuday Yojana (AVYAY) is a scheme
the storm and the warm, updraft air ahead of it. The shelf
launched by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empower-
cloud is usually dark and ominous-looking due to the con-
ment in India to empower senior citizens and ensure their
densation and the presence of rain or hail within the storm.
well-being and social inclusion.

About AVYAY:
Aspect Details
Scheme Name Atal Vayo Abhyuday Yojana
Scheme Type Central Sector Scheme
Former Name National Action Plan for Senior Citizens
Aim The scheme aims to address the finan-
cial, healthcare, and social needs of el-
derly citizens, recognizing their valuable
contributions to society.
Vision To create a society where senior citi-
zens, live a healthy, happy, and empow-
ered life
Components 1. Integrated Program for Senior Citizens
(IPSrC) 2. State Action Plan for Senior Cit-
izens (SAPSrC)

1. IPSrC Establishing homes for improv-
ing the quality of life of senior
citizens, especially indigent ones OCEAN
• Providing basic amenities and
entertainment opportunities - Context: A new study published in Nature reveals that cli-
Encouraging productive and ac- mate change has caused a change in the colour of 56 per
tive ageing cent of the world’s oceans.
• The study found that waters in the tropics, partic-
2. SAPSrC Each state/union territory is expected ularly the southern Indian Ocean, have turned
to formulate its own action plan for the green. Green-coloured water indicates an increase
welfare of senior citizens in phytoplankton, microscopic plant-like organisms
Grant-in-Aid Provided to NGOs/Voluntary Organiza- that are crucial for marine life and carbon dioxide
tions (VOs) for running and maintain- absorption.
ing old age homes and Continuous Care
Homes Phytoplankton, which are microscopic plant-like or-
Five Schemes 1. Poshan Abhiyan for the elderly
ganisms that live in the ocean. Phytoplankton contains
under the Um- 2. Livelihood and skilling initiatives for chlorophyll, a pigment that gives them a green colour.
brella Scheme senior citizens The change in ocean colour is an indicator of alterations
3. Scheme on promoting the silver econ- in the phytoplankton communities.
4. Awareness generation and capacity The researchers analysed data from the Moderate Resolu-
building for the welfare of senior citizens tion Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the Aqua
5. Channelizing CSR funds for elderly satellite, which has been monitoring ocean colour for two
care decades. They observed long-term trends and used mod-
Nodal Agency Ministry of Social Justice and Empower- els to simulate scenarios with and without greenhouse gas
ment emissions.
Other compo- The scheme also includes the Rashtriya
nents: Vayoshri Yojana (RVY), which provides BRUCELLOSIS
assisted living devices to senior citizens
suffering from age-related disabilities. Context: A seven-year-old student from Kollam, India, has
tested positive for Brucellosis, a bacterial infection that can
A national helpline called Elderline of- spread from animals to humans.
fers free information, guidance, emo- • The girl was admitted to the hospital with symptoms
tional support, and intervention in cases including severe fever, increased platelet count,
of abuse or rescue for senior citizens and a swollen face.

About Brucellosis:

UPI QR CODES FOR CBDC TRANS- Brucellosis is commonly found in cattle, and humans can
ACTIONS contract the infection through close contact with animals
or animal products. If not treated promptly, the infection
Context: RBI announced that customers will soon be able can be life-threatening.
to use QR codes of the Unified Payment Interface (UPI) net-
work for transactions using digital currency.

Advantages: The interoperability of QR codes will facili-

tate more transactions using central bank digital currency Context: Peru has declared a state of national emergency
(CBDC). Previously, merchants had to go through a separate due to a surge in cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, a neuro-
onboarding process and have a specific QR code for CBDC, logical disorder that can lead to paralysis.
causing delays. • The country has witnessed an “unusual increase”
in cases, prompting concerns about the strain on
In 2022, RBI launched CBDC, known as the Digital Rupee. health services.
It is a digital form of currency issued and regulated by RBI,
representing a digitized version of India’s official currency. It The health minister expressed concerns about a potential
is based on blockchain technology. It is being issued in the shortage of immunoglobulin, a standard treatment for
same denominations as paper currency and coins. Guillain-Barré syndrome.

About Guillain-Barré syndrome: Mapping
Guillain-Barré syndrome is a rare disorder where the im-
mune system mistakenly attacks the peripheral nervous
system. It can range from mild weakness to severe paral- ECUADOR
ysis. The causes are still unknown. Also, there is no known
cure. However, treatments can help alleviate symptoms and The port city of Guayaquil in Ecuador (a route for cocaine
complications. trafficking from neighbouring Colombia to the United
States and Europe) is grappling with a devastating battle for
DUDHWA TIGER RESERVE control among criminal gangs, leaving the country broken.
The violence has escalated dramatically in recent years, mak-
Context: Four tigers died within two months in the Dudhwa ing Ecuador the fourth most violent country in Latin Amer-
Tiger Reserve in Uttar Pradesh, India. ica, surpassed only by Venezuela, Honduras, and Colombia.
Dudhwa Tiger Reserve:
• The Dudhwa Tiger Reserve is a protected area in Ut- Ecuador is on South America’s west coast. Its diverse land-
tar Pradesh located on the India-Nepal border. scape encompasses the Amazon jungle, Andean highlands
• It stretches mainly across the Lakhimpur Kheri and and the wildlife-rich Galápagos Islands. Ecuador’s role in
Bahraich districts. the drug trade dates back to the 1980s, when it was a transit
• It is the only place in Uttar Pradesh where both Ti- route for Peruvian coca base trafficked into Colombia.
gers and Rhinos can be spotted together.
• It is one of the finest examples of exceedingly di-
verse and productive Terai ecosystems.

Terai Arc Landscape (TAL) is composed of 14 Indian and

Nepalese trans-border protected ecosystems of the Terai
and nearby foothills of the Himalayas and encompasses 14
protected areas of Nepal and India.


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