GuruCool PRD

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Guru Cool - PRD

Problem Statement
Design an asynchronous educational course within the upskilling space that
achieves high completion rates and impactful learning outcomes.

Design and implement engaging features within the asynchronous educational
course to

1. Increase user motivation - Perceived Value / expectation setting

2. Foster community interaction / peer-learning / case-studies / hackathon /


3. Facilitate learning assistance

Survey Form:

Self paced courses Survey

A self-paced course is a course that you purchase on Udemy,
Coursera etc., which allows learners to progress through the
material at their own speed, without fixed schedules or

Market research

Detailed view - click here

Guru Cool - PRD 1

Problems in the ed-tech industry
Unable to maintain credibility for courses.

No proper structure for live courses as promised during counselling call.

Inefficiency to manage students and Teaching Assistance team.

Problems with recorded courses - Upgrad:

The Avg tenure of course is between 8-13 months which act as a low
motivational point for most of the users pursuing course as they may or may
not have sufficient time to complete the course.

Perceived value < True value

Perceived value

Councellors set the expectation that the course will turn out as a
Eureka moment

Assessment on the skills that I am learning

Job guarantee focus

Guru Cool - PRD 2

high scholarship on first come first base leading to create FOMO.

True value

High discount and anytime seat

Less value addition and low depth content

No course engagement by the buddy or teaching assistors as



₹1.8 - 4 Lakhs

Competitive Analysis

You can most

Some courses are
courses for free,
Individual courses archived, meaning
including ones in
are usually free to you can still access
longer programs
audit for a limited them but can't earn
(great for testing out
edX amount of time; a certificate;
a longer certificate
certificates and Charges one lump
program before
longer programs sum for courses
committing to it);
vary in price. instead of a
financial assistance
subscription fee
is available

Individual courses
are usually free to
Many programs No financial
audit; certificates
charge a monthly assistance for
and longer programs
fee, so the faster Coursera
vary in price. You
you finish, the more MasterTracks; you
can also sign up for
Coursera money you save; can only audit one-
an annual Coursera
financial assistance off courses (you will
Plus subscription
available; offers have to pay for ones
($399) and get
some free that are part of a
access to 90% of
certification courses Specialization)

Guru Cool - PRD 3

Short video classes
broken down into
digestible segments;
A LinkedIn Learning Less interactive; no
certifications go
subscription is way to submit
right on your
$19.99/month homework
LinkedIn Learning LinkedIn profile;
(annually) or assignments or
$29.99/month reinforce what
occasionally makes
(month-to-month). you've learned
popular career
courses free for a
limited time

Easy to use on
mobile; offers a
You can pay a one-
huge range of
time fee per course Less interactive;
course offerings;
or subscribe to a harder to reinforce
popular bootcamps
Udemy Personal or test what you've
Udemy are updated
Plan for learned; not all
frequently so you're
$29.99/month for courses come with
working with the
unlimited access to certificates
latest information;
all Udemy courses
frequent sales on

User Persona
Persona 1 - Aisha: Persona 2 - Raj: Persona 3 - Simran:

1. Objective: 1. Objective: 1. Objective: Deepen

Kickstart career Advance expertise in digital
after college with career marketing for
relevant skills. through career growth.
upskilling in
2. Challenges: 2. Challenges:
Uncertain career Balancing job and
path, navigating 2. Challenges: personal
job market as a Limited time, commitments,
fresher. fear of finding relevant
outdated content.
3. Preferences:
Structured 3. Preferences:
learning, Asynchronous
by course
mentorship, entry- learning, industry
level courses. expert-led
3. Preferences: courses,
4. Values: Practical
Self-paced networking
application, job
learning, opportunities.

Guru Cool - PRD 4

5. Background: 20- projects, 4. Values:
year-old college real-world Applicability,
graduate eager to relevance. content quality
enter the assurance.
4. Values:
Practical 5. Location &
exercises, Occupation: 32-
community year-old Marketing
engagement Manager in Pune
for support. at a consumer
goods company.
5. Location &
developer in
Bangalore at

User Pain Points

1. Lack of motivation due to length of course.

2. Lack of interaction (Peer learning, virtual and real)

3. Lack of hands-on experience

4. No customer support

Proposed Solutions

📌 To address above pain points we proposed below solutions which we have

divided based on impact

High Priority Solutions: Medium Priority Low Priority Solutions:

1. Gamified 1. Hands-On
Engagement: 1. Concise Learning Experience
Formats: Integration:
Introduce Solution: Offer Solution:
gamification shorter, Incorporate
elements like concise practical
leaderboards, learning elements like
badges, and formats such case studies,

Guru Cool - PRD 5

credits to as podcasts assignments,
motivate and shorts to and
users, cater to users hackathons
coupled with with time to provide a
incentivization constraints. hands-on
through Ensure diverse learning
collaborative content lengths experience.
challenges for varied
2. Cost
and preferences.
2. Clear Expectation
2. Peer-Centric Setting:
Solution: cost
Solution: Improve course structures
Facilitate peer descriptions and explore
learning and and marketing financial
virtual strategies to assistance
interaction align options or
through a expectations scholarships
dedicated with content. to increase
community Introduce a course
platform. selection accessibility.
Implement a criteria process
3. Immersive User
ChatGPT- based on user
driven virtual responses for
assistant for clearer Solution:
personalised enrolment Implement
support. expectations. immersive
features like
3. Personalised
3D learning
and role-
Solution: simulations
Implement Gan for a
AI for captivating
personalisation, user
creating a experience.
repository for
content, and
real-life case

Guru Cool - PRD 6

studies for

Feature set
→ Leaderboard, Badges, Credits, Collaborative Challenges, Hackathons
→ Community Platform, ChatGPT-driven Virtual Assistant, Peer Learning Features.
→ Podcasts, Shorts, Summaries, Key Concepts, Teasers.
→ Improved Course Descriptions, Marketing Strategies, Selection Criteria Process.
→ Gan AI Model, User Repository, Real-life Case Studies.
→ Case Studies, Assignments, Hackathons.
→ Cost Evaluation, Financial Assistance Options, Scholarships.
→ 3D Learning, Role-based Simulations, Enhanced User Interface.

User Flow


Guru Cool - PRD 7

Success Metrics

⭐ North star: AVG course completion rate

Productivity game to help user to upskill

Business Metrics: Product Metrics:

Enrollment/Subscription per Average Session Time: This metric

week/month/year: This metric measures the average amount of
measures the number of new time a user spends within a single
enrollments or subscriptions your session on your course platform. It
course platform receives over a indicates how engaged users are
specific period, such as weekly, during their visit.
monthly, or yearly. It helps track the
Average Time on Page: This metric
growth and popularity of your
calculates the average amount of
courses over time.
time users spend on each page of
Number of Course Purchases per your course content. It helps you
Month (Overall): This metric counts understand how engaging and
the total number of courses valuable your content is to users.
purchased by customers within a
Video Session Rate: This metric
month. It helps track the volume of
tracks the percentage of users who
sales and can indicate trends in
engage with video content within
course popularity or demand.
your course. It shows how many
DAU (Daily Active Users): DAU users are consuming video
measures the number of unique materials, which are often crucial

Guru Cool - PRD 8

users who engage with your course for delivering complex concepts
platform on a daily basis. It shows effectively.
how many users are actively using
Bounce Rate: Bounce rate
your platform each day.
measures the percentage of users
MAU (Monthly Active Users): MAU who visit only one page of your
measures the number of unique course platform and then leave
users who engage with your course without further interaction. A high
platform within a month. It provides bounce rate may indicate that users
insight into the overall user are not finding what they are
engagement and retention on your looking for or that the page content
platform over a longer period. is not engaging.

Dropout Rate: Dropout rate Course Completion Rate: This

calculates the percentage of users metric calculates the percentage of
who start but do not complete a users who successfully complete
course. It helps identify potential the entire course. It indicates the
issues with course content, user effectiveness of your course
experience, or engagement content, structure, and engagement
strategies. strategies in keeping users
motivated to finish.
Customer Satisfaction Score:
Customer satisfaction score is a Retention Rate: Retention rate
metric used to measure how measures the percentage of users
satisfied customers are with your who continue to engage with your
course platform or specific courses. course over time. It shows how well
It is usually collected through your course is able to retain users'
surveys or feedback forms and interest and keep them coming
helps you understand areas for back for more content.
Session Duration: This metric
Referral Rate: Referral rate measures the duration of each
measures the percentage of user's session on your course
customers who refer others to your platform. It provides insights into
course platform. A high referral rate how long users are spending on
indicates satisfied customers who your platform and can help identify
are willing to recommend your trends in user behavior.
platform to others, which can help
Engagement Rate with Features
drive organic growth.
(AI/Virtual Assistant, Chatbot,
NPS (Net Promoter Score): NPS is a Community): This metric tracks
measure of customer loyalty and how often users interact with
satisfaction based on the likelihood specific features within your course
of customers to recommend your platform, such as AI or virtual
course platform to others. It is

Guru Cool - PRD 9

calculated through a survey where assistant functionalities, chatbots,
customers rate their likelihood to or community forums.
recommend on a scale from 0 to 10.
Customers are then categorized as
promoters (9-10), passives (7-8), or
detractors (0-6). The NPS is
calculated by subtracting the
percentage of detractors from the
percentage of promoters. NPS
provides insights into overall
customer sentiment and can help
identify areas for improvement.

Edge cases
It is an existing system

Web application. No Android/iOS application.

User has already signed up

There is no issue with the lead generation flow

The sales cycle has been completed

The user is starting with one of the async courses

Guru Cool - PRD 10

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