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Xiao Lu: Impossible Dialogue 肖鲁:语嘿 is the first retrospective of leading contemporary
Chinese artist Xiao Lu. The exhibition is anchored by Xiao Lu’s performance
work Dialogue from the landmark China/Avant-Garde exhibition at the National Art
Gallery, Beijing, in February 1989. This work, in which the artist fires a gun at her own
art installation, is a milestone in the development of contemporary art in China. It has
also has been read as a critical turning point in China’s recent history.
While Dialogue remains an iconic work of that era, it is also one of the most
misunderstood pieces of contemporary Chinese art. Xiao Lu: Impossible Dialogue 肖鲁 :
语嘿 examines Xiao Lu’s creative interest in deep emotion, extreme action, and chance.
Spanning a period of 30 years, the exhibition presents significant performance works by
Xiao Lu including a new commission that explores the artist’s ongoing connection to

肖鲁:语嘿 是中国当代著名艺术家肖鲁的首次回顾展。展览开始于肖鲁 1989 年 2 月在北京

是当代中国艺术中最容易被误解的作品之一。 《肖鲁:语嘿》考察了肖鲁对深刻情感、极
端行动和机会的创造性兴趣。该展览跨越 30 年,展出了肖鲁的重要表演作品,其中包括

Xiao Lu (born 1962, Hangzhou) works with performance and installation. She is a
graduate of the Subsidiary School of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing and
Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (China Academy of Art), Hangzhou. Her graduation
work Dialogue was included in the China/Avant-Garde exhibition in Beijing in 1989 and
became famous after she fired a gun at it, which led to her temporary arrest and an
extended period of residence in Sydney. Xiao Lu’s fictional memoir Dialogue《对话》,
published in Chinese and English in 2010, exposed powerful forces affecting women
artists in contemporary China. Xiao Lu’s work has been included in important
international exhibitions, most recently Performer and Participant, Tate, London (2018)
and Art and China After 1989: Theatre of the World, Guggenheim Museum, New York
(2017), and been collected by public and private institutions including the Tate, London;
Museum of Modern Art, New York; Taikang Insurance Group Art Collection, Beijing; and
White Rabbit Collection, Sydney. Xiao Lu lives and works in Beijing and Australia.

肖鲁(1962 年生于杭州)从事行为表演和装置艺术。她毕业于北京的中央美术学院附
属中学,和杭州的浙江美术学院(中国美术学院)。她的毕业作品《对话》在 1989 年
北京的中国现代艺术展览中展出,她在开枪成名后被临时拘捕,之后长期居住在悉尼 。
肖鲁的虚构回忆录《对话》中英版于 2010 年发行,此书揭露了影响当代中国女性艺术
与者》,泰特,伦敦(2018 年)和《1989 年之后的艺术与中国:世界剧场》,纽约古
根海姆博物馆(2017 年)。其作品被公共和私人机构收藏,包括:伦敦泰特美术馆;
Xiao Lu: Impossible Dialogue is produced and presented by 4A Centre for Contemporary
Asian Art. This exhibition and associated programming are supported by the Australian
Government through the Australia-China Council of the Department of Foreign Affairs
and Trade, the Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellowship project led by Dr
Claire Roberts Reconfiguring the World: China. Art. Agency. 1900s to
Now (FT140100743), and the Faculty of Arts, School of Culture and Communication,
The University of Melbourne.

《肖鲁:语嘿》由 4A 当代亚洲艺术中心制作和展出。通过澳中外事与贸易理事会、罗清
1900 年至今》(FT140100743)以及墨尔本大学文化与传播学院艺术系,本次展览及相

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