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The Effect of Tranexamic Acid and

Gender on Intraoperative Bleeding in

Orthognathic Surgery—A Randomized
Controlled Trial
Jesper Jared Secher, DDS,* Johannes Jakobsen Sidelmann, PhD,y Janne Ingerslev, DDS,z
Jens Jørgen Thorn, DDS, PhD,x and Else Marie Pinholt, DDS, MSc, DrOdontk
Purpose: The purpose of this randomized trial was to measure the effect of intravenously administered
tranexamic acid (TXA) on intraoperative blood loss (IOB) in patients undergoing bimaxillary orthognathic
surgery (OS).
Materials and Methods: The authors designed and implemented a double-blinded placebo-controlled
trial composed of patients eligible for OS at the Hospital of South West Denmark (Esbjerg, Denmark) from
August 2014 through September 2016. The primary predictor variable was a single intravenous dose of
TXA 1 g administered preoperatively or an equivalent saline placebo. The primary outcome was IOB deter-
mined by milliliters of blood in the suction canister and gauzes deducted from the volume of saline used
Results: The study population consisted of 96 patients. The TXA group (n = 51) and the placebo group
(n = 45) showed a median IOB of 275 and 403 mL (P = .005), respectively. A significant effect of TXA was
detected in women (median IOB, 153 mL [96 to 233 mL] in TXA group vs 329 mL [185 to 582 mL] in pla-
cebo group; P < .001), whereas no significant effect of TXA on IOB was detected in men (median IOB,
367 mL [275 to 472 mL] in TXA group vs 429 mL [275 to 655 mL] in placebo group; P = .23). No corre-
lations were found between IOB and procedure length, procedure type, or hematologic markers (platelets,
hemoglobin, and hematocrit).
Conclusion: In contrast to other studies, this double-blinded randomized controlled trial found a hemo-
static effect of TXA in women and none in men who underwent bimaxillary OS. To focus on the specific
effect of TXA in men, future studies should include larger male samples.
Ó 2017 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 76:1327-1333, 2018

Orthognathic surgery (OS) carries an innate risk of such surgery. Blood transfusions are performed from
intra- and postoperative bleeding because of the richly time to time, although increasingly infrequently in
vascularized tissues of the facial skeleton involved in OS because of hemostatic advancements and

*PhD Student, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Conflict of Interest Disclosures: None of the authors have a rele-
Hospital of South West Denmark, Esbjerg; Department of Regional vant financial relationship(s) with a commercial interest.
Health Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr Secher:
Southern Denmark, Esbjerg, Denmark. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital of South
yAssociate Professor, Unit for Thrombosis Research, Department West Denmark, Finsensgade 35, DK-6700 Esbjerg, Denmark;
of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark, e-mail:
Esbjerg, Denmark. Received June 15 2017
zConsultant, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Accepted November 13 2017
Hospital of South West Denmark, Esbjerg, Denmark. Ó 2017 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
xConsultant, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 0278-2391/17/31435-0
Hospital of South West Denmark, Esbjerg, Denmark.
kProfessor, Department of Regional Health Research, Faculty of
Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg, Denmark.


optimized surgical protocols.1 Because OS consists of exists on the effect of TXA according to patient
an elective group of procedures, and morbidity can gender within the respective patient populations.12
evolve from anemia and allogenic blood transfusions,2 Most previous OS studies focused on the intravenous
procedures that aim to decrease surgical bleeding are (IV) administration of TXA,7,13-15 although decreased
clinically relevant.3 Hypotensive anesthetic regimes, bleeding by topically administered TXA has been
surgical techniques, and the use of antifibrinolytics, reported.16
including tranexamic acid (TXA), are the methods of The length and extent of surgery and the experience
choice.4-9 level of the surgeon are other factors influencing IOB
TXA is a synthetic lysine analogue with antifibrino- in OS,4 whereas gender and age have not been consid-
lytic abilities because of its reversible binding to ered relevant in these instances.12 However, recent
lysine-binding sites on plasminogen molecules. By research by the authors showed a gender-specific vari-
this binding, plasminogen cannot bind to the fibrin ation in IOB during bimaxillary OS performed without
clot, thereby decreasing the subsequent activation TXA. In that study, men displayed markedly higher IOB
of plasminogen to plasmin induced by tissue-type levels compared with women, which correlated to an
plasminogen activator10 (Fig 1). The decreased fibri- increased fibrin turnover in women.18
nolytic susceptibility of the clot lessens bleeding. The primary aim of the present trial was to test the
The clinical effect of TXA is well documented and effect of IV-administered TXA compared with saline
meta-analyses have shown TXA decreases overall in- placebo on IOB in patients undergoing bimaxillary
traoperative bleeding (IOB) by one third across OS and secondarily to investigate the effect of gender
various surgeries, including cardiac, orthopedic, on IOB.
head and neck, obstetrics and gynecology, urologic, To address this matter, the following null hypothesis
breast cancer, and OS.11,12 Similar decreases in IOB was investigated: administering IV TXA or saline in pa-
have been reported in OS, but the total number of tients undergoing bimaxillary OS would result in no
trials is limited.7,13-17 Furthermore, no information meaningful difference in IOB.

FIGURE 1. Theoretical model of the antifibrinolytic action of tranexamic acid. T, tranexamic acid; tPA, tissue plasminogen activator. Adapted
from Dunn and Goa.10
Secher et al. Tranexamic Acid and Intraoperative Bleeding. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2018.


STUDY DESIGN AND SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Primary predictor Intervention type (TXA vs
A double-blinded randomized controlled trial was variable control)
designed and executed from August 2014 through Secondary predictor Age (yr)
September 2016 at the Department of Oral and Maxil- variables
Male vs female gender
lofacial Surgery at the Hospital of South West Denmark
(Esbjerg, Denmark). The study was approved by the
Oral contraceptive use
national competent authorities and classified as a Platelet count at t0 (109/L)
phase IV drug trial (ID number 2013-005473-52) and Hemoglobin at t0 (mmol/L)
monitored by and conducted according to the regula- Hematocrit at t0
tions of Good Clinical Practice. Procedure type: bimaxillary
Patients with a diagnosis of maxillary or mandibular sectioned vs un-sectioned
deficiency, excess, or asymmetries and in need of treat- maxilla
ment with bimaxillary OS with or without maxillary Primary outcome Intraoperative bleeding (mL)
segmentation or additional genioplasty were screened variable
for inclusion. Patients were excluded as study subjects Secondary outcome Procedure duration (minutes)
if the following criteria were present: younger than
Platelet count at t5 (109/L)
18 years; pregnancy; history of thromboembolism,
Hemoglobin at t5 (mmol/L)
cramps, diabetes, connective tissue disorders, or can- Hematocrit at t5
cers; known allergy to TXA; ocular complications; kid-
ney deficiency; or intake of u-3 fatty acids, garlic, Abbreviations: t0, baseline; t5, 5 hours after start of surgery;
ginseng, and gingko biloba up to 10 days preoperatively. TXA, tranexamic acid.
A power calculation was considered from previ- Secher et al. Tranexamic Acid and Intraoperative Bleeding. J Oral
Maxillofac Surg 2018.
ously reported data, which stated that a mean IOB
of 436 mL (standard deviation, 208 mL) was to be ex-
pected in the placebo group.4 The desired difference
in blood loss to be detected between the TXA and Alternova, Skaelskør, Denmark), cefuroxime 1.5 g (B.
placebo groups was at least 100 mL4 and the antici- Braun, Melsungen, Germany), metronidazole 1 g
pated dropout frequency was 10%. To fulfill these as- (5 mg/mL; Baxter A/S, Søborg, Denmark), and dexa-
sumptions and reach a power of 0.8 and an a of 0.05, methasone phosphate 8 mg (Dexaven 4 mg/mL;
a minimum of 80 patients had to complete the trial KRKA, Novo Mesto, Slovenia) administered intrave-
(40 in TXA group; 40 in placebo group). Study sub- nously at induction of anesthesia and cefuroxime
jects were allocated by block randomization to 1.5 g and metronidazole 500 mg once more after 3
blindly receive IV TXA 1 g or the equivalent IV and 11 hours. Cefuroxime was continued with
dose of saline placebo. 750 mg 3 times a day for the next 2 days. Dexaven
The trial drug was prepared by the hospital phar- 4 mg was continued after 3, 9, and 15 hours. Two
macy and delivered to the anesthesiologist who admin- hours preoperatively, the patients received low-
istered it from the onset of anesthesia to the start of molecular-weight heparin 3,500 IU subcutaneously
surgery. Patients and anesthetic and surgical teams (Innohep; Leo Pharma, Ballerup, Denmark). Throm-
were kept blinded to the type of intervention drug. bosis prophylaxis included compression stockings
The primary predictor variable was intervention on the day of surgery. Participants received controlled
type (TXA vs placebo) and the primary outcome vari- hypotensive anesthesia (mean arterial pressure,
able was IOB measured in milliliters (Table 1). 60 mmHg measured invasively). Anesthesia was
Secondary predictor variables were patient’s induced by sufentanil 0.25 to 0.30 mg/kg (Sufenta;
gender, age, and weight, procedure type according Janssen-Cilag A/S, Birkerød, Denmark), propofol
to the extent of osteotomies performed, and hemato- 1.5 to 2.5 according to patient response (10 mg/mL
logic markers of platelets, hemoglobin, and hematocrit by injection, infusion fluid, or emulsion; Fresenius
at baseline (Table 1). Secondary outcome variables Kabi, Bad Homburg, Germany), and remifentanil 3 to
were length of surgery and hematologic markers at 4 mg/kg administered over 30 seconds followed by
5 hours after the start of surgery. an initial maintenance dosage of 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg per
minute (Ultiva 50 mg/kg; GlaxoSmithKline Pharma
A/S, Brøndby, Denmark) until surgery was started.
SURGICAL AND ANESTHETIC PROCEDURE All patients were intubated with an endotracheal
The patients were medicated preoperatively with tube through the nasal route. Before surgery, another
acetaminophen 1 g orally (Panodil 500-mg tablet; dose of sufentanil 0.15 mg/kg was given, and

anesthesia was maintained by desflurane (inhaled con- CALCULATION OF INTRAOPERATIVE BLEEDING

centration, 5 to 7%; minimum alveolar concentration, The bleeding volume was calculated by deducting
1%; Suprane; Baxter A/S), remifentanil 0.3 to 0.4 mg/ the weight of the contents of the suction canister and
kg per minute, and sufentanil 0.75 to 1.0 mg/ soaked gauzes from the weight of saline used during sur-
kg (50 mg). gery. This included weighing the tubing from the water-
No antifibrinolytics were administered aside from cooling systems, the plastic bags of saline, and the
the possibly active intervention drug. The patients empty suction canister taking into account the weight
were placed in a reverse Trendelenburg position of the dry units of gauze, tubing, and plastic bags.
with the head positioned 30 above the rest of the The weight of blood in grams was considered equal
body. Local anesthesia consisted of Marcaine (bupiva- to the volume in milliliters because of the negligible
caine hydrochloride and epinephrine injection) difference between blood and water mass volume.
20 mL with 0.5% epinephrine (AstraZeneca, Copenha-
gen, Denmark) administered as infiltrations and nerve DATA HANDLING AND ANALYSES
blocks immediately before the start of the mandibular
Statistical calculations were performed using SPSS
procedure and another 20 mL before the maxillary
21.0 (IBM Corp, Armonk, NY). The c2 test was used
procedure. A bilateral modified Obwegeser sagittal
for comparison of dichotomous variables. The
mandibular split osteotomy and a standardized Le
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used for the evaluation
Fort I osteotomy were performed with sectioning of
of distribution of data. The Mann-Whitney U test was
the maxilla in 4 parts in most instances. Osteotomy
applied to compare differences between men and
lines were consistently mended with particulate autol-
women with respect to the primary and secondary
ogous bone or bone blocks harvested from the
outcome variables. Spearman correlation analysis
mandibular rami during sagittal splits from the tooth-
was used for determination of correlations between
bearing segment of the lower jaw, from the bottom
the primary outcome variable and the secondary
of the nasal cavity in cases of impaction, and from
outcome variables.
the pterygoid plates during maxillary procedures. An
additional genioplasty was performed in a few cases.
All operations were performed by 1 of 2 experienced
surgeons (J.I. or J.J.T.) occasionally attended by resi- One hundred four patients were included in the
dent trainees. study and 96 completed the trial according to the

Assessed for eligibility (n= 115)

Excluded due to
Pre-existing conditions (n= 1)
Withdrawal of participation
after initial consent (n= 1)
Delays due to protocol
amendment (n= 9)

Randomized (n= 104)

Allocated to TXA (n=52) Allocated to control (n=52)

Received allocated intervention (n=45)
Received allocated intervention (n= 51 ) Did not receive allocated intervention due to
Did not receive allocated intervention due to logistic difficulties (n=6) and late withdrawal
technical error (n= 1)! from study subject (n=1)

Analysed (n= 51) Analysed (n= 45)

Male (n=26) Male (n=22)
Female (n=25) Female (n=23)

FIGURE 2. Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) flowchart. TXA, tranexamic acid.
Secher et al. Tranexamic Acid and Intraoperative Bleeding. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2018.

protocol (TXA, n = 51; placebo, n = 45). Twenty-six

men and 25 women received the active drug, and 22
men and 23 women received the placebo. The main
reason for subject exclusion was challenges related
to intermediate protocol amendments (Fig 2). Results
are presented as median and interquartile range.
A significant difference in IOB was found between
the intervention groups, with an IOB of 275 mL (143
to 408 mL) in the TXA group and 403 mL (215 to
609 mL) in the placebo group (P = .005; Fig 3A), con-
trary to the null hypothesis.
A significant difference in IOB was found in women,
with a median IOB of 153 mL (96 to 233 mL) in the
TXA group and 329 mL (185 to 582 mL) in the placebo
group (P < .001; Fig 3B).
No significant difference in IOB was found between
the TXA and placebo groups for men (367 mL [275 to
472 mL] vs 429 mL [275 to 655 mL]; P = .23; Fig 3B).
In the placebo group, the IOB in men was 100 mL
lower (329 mL; 185 to 582 mL) than in women
(429 mL; 275 to 655 mL; P = .21). A significant differ-
ence in IOB was detected between men and women in
the TXA group (367 mL [275 to 472 mL] vs 153 mL [96
to 233 mL]; P < .001; Fig 3B).
Age, gender, body mass index, platelet count, hemo-
globin, hematocrit, and the distribution of sectioned
versus un-sectioned osteotomies were comparable in
the TXA and placebo groups (P > .1; Table 2). Oral con-
traceptive (OC) use (n = 10) did not appreciably affect
IOB compared with OC nonuse (n = 36; 167 mL [67 to
417 mL] vs 202 mL [143 to 414 mL], respectively).
No significant effect of TXA versus placebo was
seen for any of the secondary outcome variables
(P > .1; Table 3).

The primary finding of this study was a general
decrease in IOB in patients undergoing bimaxillary
OS concomitantly receiving TXA 1 g versus placebo
preoperatively. The secondary finding was that TXA
notably decreased IOB in women, whereas a minor
trend toward a lower IOB was observed in men. More-
over, women treated with TXA bled considerably less
than men receiving TXA. Therefore, the null hypothe-
sis was rejected.
The primary finding is in agreement with results ob- FIGURE 3. A, Intraoperative blood loss according to intervention
group. B, Intraoperative blood loss according to patient gender
tained in studies in other fields of surgery11 and in the and intervention group. Kruskal-Wallis 1-way analysis of variance
orthognathic setting.12 However, the present trial on ranks showed no effect of oral contraceptive use on intraopera-
included a larger sample with an equal gender distribu- tive bleeding compared with nonuse. TXA, tranexamic acid.
tion and a fixed TXA dosage as opposed to the variable Secher et al. Tranexamic Acid and Intraoperative Bleeding. J Oral
dosages used in other studies.7,13-15 Maxillofac Surg 2018.
Factors, such as the length of OS and the experience
of the surgeon,5 can contribute to IOB in OS. However, experience because 2 experienced surgeons per-
the present study showed no meaningful association formed all procedures. Resident trainees routinely at-
between the length of surgery and IOB or surgeon tended operations, but this did not influence IOB.


TXA (n = 51) Placebo (n = 45) P Value

Age (yr) 21 (19.0-28.8) 22 (20.0-27.5) .45

Men/women 26/25 22/23 .85
Weight (kg) 75 (65.5-82.8) 73.5 (61.0-83.0) .78
Platelet count at t0 (109/L) 216 (174-250) 208 (170-258) .72
Hemoglobin at t0 (mmol/L) 8.3 (7.7-8.8) 8.3 (7.5-8.9) .55
Hematocrit at t0 (1) 0.39 (0.37-0.42) 0.39 (0.36-0.41) .14
Osteotomy sectioned/un-sectioned 45/6 42/3 .50*

Abbreviations: t0, baseline; TXA, tranexamic acid.

* By Fisher exact test.
Secher et al. Tranexamic Acid and Intraoperative Bleeding. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2018.

Moreover, patients receiving TXA were comparable to reported in any of the OS trials of TXA. The
patients receiving placebo for age, weight, hematolog- gender-specific differences in IOB observed in the pre-
ic variables, and surgical procedures performed. sent study could have been caused by the fixed dose of
Fibrin formation and fibrin stability are important TXA used in all patients regardless of body weight.
determinants in wound healing. The effect of TXA This explanation is unlikely, because no correlation
on the interaction between plasminogen and fibrin was seen between IOB and weight (P = .25; Table 2).
has a major influence on the stability of the fibrin by The mechanism behind the gender-related effect of
ensuring delayed fibrin degradation and efficient tissue TXA on IOB remains elusive, although female sex hor-
repair after surgery. Thus, the pronounced effect of mones have been suggested to influence bleeding
TXA observed in the present study shows that IOB in levels in hepatic surgery through a protective effect
OS is meaningfully affected by the efficacy of the on vascular integrity.21 Thus, attention should be
fibrinolytic system, and that decreased fibrinolytic drawn to the fact that women receiving OCs were
susceptibility of the fibrin clot is an important determi- included in the study. The hemostatic system is mark-
nant of IOB. edly affected by OC use, and in particular the plasma
TXA has a profound effect on bleeding in women; it concentration of plasminogen is clearly affected by
is used to decrease heavy menstrual bleeding19 and to OC, suggesting an upregulation of the fibrinolytic sys-
decrease bleeding after cesarean section. Rajesparan tem.22 In the present study, the authors did not
et al20 investigated the efficacy of IV TXA 1 g in observe a noteworthy effect of OC on IOB.
patients undergoing total hip replacement on bleeding The study shows that preoperatively administered
and found a similar bleeding pattern, with a pro- IV TXA decreases IOB in OS by approximately one
nounced decrease in bleeding in female TXA recipi- third as reflected in previous studies. TXA decreased
ents and an overall male tendency to bleed more. IOB considerably in women, whereas no clear effect
The OS trials concerned with TXA7,13-15 used was seen in men. Because the authors cannot rule
dosages set according to the weight of the patients out the possibility of a type II error for the male sample
and no gender-specific differences in IOB were found or a dosage-related response, further trials are needed.
between intervention groups. Gender-specific IOB These should include a larger male sample and prefer-
within the respective intervention groups was not ably TXA dosages according to weight.


TXA (n = 51) Placebo (n = 45) P Value

Procedure length (minutes) 240 (219-272) 254 (218-270) .40

Platelet count at t5 206 (174-252) 198 (169-265) .92
Hb at t5 8.0 (7.4-8.8) 7.9 (7.3-8.6) .27
Hct at t5 0.39 (0.35-0.41) 0.37 (0.35-0.40) .15
Abbreviations: Hb, hemoglobin; Hct, hematocrit; t5, 5 hours after start of surgery; TXA, tranexamic acid.
Secher et al. Tranexamic Acid and Intraoperative Bleeding. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2018.

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