Arts 10 Unit II Long Quiz

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Arts 10 Unit II

Lesson 1-4

Long Quiz

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is known as the computer-generated and or manipulated form of art.

A. Computer Art
B. Digital Art
C. Technology-based Art
D. Visual Art

2. In wha t year did computer/ digital art began?

A. Early 1950’s
B. Early 1940’s
C. Early 1960’s
D. Early 1920’s

3. what do you call an artist who produces artworks through digital ways?
A. Digital Artist
B. Digital Artwork
C. Digital Worker
D. Digital Photographer

4. The following are some of the basic elements of technology-based arts EXCEPT _____.
A. Harmony
B. Balance
C. Proportion
D. Rhythm

5. This method means an artwork has been generated in a random automated manner by a
computer program using mathematical algorithm.
A. Digital Installation Art
B. Genrative Art
C. Computer Graphics
D. Computer/Digital

6. What type of computer art that is the most lucrative area of computer art and involves using
specialized software to create computer images? The images can range from something quite
basic (like company logo).
A. Computer Graphics
B. Digital Installation
C. Genratie Art
D. Computer/ Digital Illustration

7. The word “Phablet” came from the words ______.

A. Phone and Laptop
B. Phone and Tablet
C. Smartphone and Tablet
D. Photo Shoot

8. The following apps can be used for editing a mobile photo, EXCEPT _____.
A. Artweaver
B. Doodle Booth
C. Aibrush
D. Phtogrid

9. Which of the following application for android allows you to make a collage?
A. Doodle Booth
B. Flipagram
C. Pixlr
D. Photogrid

10. What rule in photography is called that involves dividing up your image using two
horizontal lines and two vertical lines?
A. Rule of fifth
B. Rule of fourth
C. Rule of third
D. Rule of second

11. Who is the creator of the Game toy called Game Boy and Virtual Boy and what we called
now Nintendo Entertainment System?
A. Ganpie Yukoi
B. Gunpie Yukio
C. Ganpie Yokoi
D. Gunpie Yokoi

12. What do you called an electronic medium used to record, copy, broadcast and display
virtual media that can be transported as an analog or digital signal in a wireless broad cast,
film making, video production that can make a complete moving picture?
A. Video Games
B. Digital painting
C. Animation
D. Video

13. The following are some characteristics of Digital Painting EXCEPT _______.
A. Distortion
B. Balance
C. Repetition
D. Embossing

14. What process is called that alters, edits, or move text or data in a computer, that also
involves the changes you make to the appearance of a photo for various purposes such as
advertisement, magazines, books, and gallery artwork?
A. Printing
B. Digital Enhancement
C. Light setting
D. Computer Manipulation

15. It is the process of setting technologies related to produced an altered image in a

frequency spectra with the purpose of rendering a more usable image?
A. Printing
B. Digital Enhancement
C. Light setting
D. Computer Manipulation
Test II. Identification

who is the artist?

A. Ronald Davis B. lga Kisseleva C. George Nees

16.________________ 17.________________ 18.__________________

What characteristics does the image represent?

A. Transparency B. Distortion C. Repetition D. Embossing
E. Symmetry F. Texture G. perfect Circles







Answer key

1. c
2. c
3. a
4. a
5. b
6. a
7. b
8. a
9. d
10. c
11. d
12. d
13. b
14. d
15. b
16. b
17. c
18. a
19. a
20. e
21. b
22. c
23. d
24. f
25. g

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