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Module 2 - Activity 3

Maranan, Emanuelle Christian

Main Points

● HCI is the merger of two disciplines namely engineering and psychology.

● We can use psychology or our understanding of human behavior to design
● According to psychologists at Apple in 1992, humans tend to organize and pile
related documents together.
● This study resulted in the development of a computer that mimics the ability to
organize documents that is highly inspired from human behaviors.
● This computer with an interface that is influenced by human behavior helps the
humans in terms of organizing their workspaces.


Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) represents a fusion of engineering and

psychological principles, allowing designers to leverage insights into human behavior
when crafting user interfaces. By drawing upon psychological theories, developers can
create more intuitive and effective interactions between users and technology.

In 1992, researchers at Apple observed a fundamental aspect of human

organization—the tendency for individuals to group and stack similar items together.
Based on this discovery, they developed a computer system that mirrored these natural
behaviors, resulting in a more efficient and organized workspace experience for its

The impact of such designs extends beyond mere functionality; they enhance
usability, promote productivity, and ultimately improve overall user satisfaction. As we
continue to advance in the field of HCI, it becomes increasingly important to understand
and incorporate human behavioral patterns into technological solutions, ensuring
seamless integration between people and computers.

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