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ae Mock Examination2008 [t CANDIDATE | NAME ee sate eee eee | CENTRE CANDIDATE | NUMBER NUMBER a cE Bio.ocy 0572/03, = Papers = oS 1 hour 15 minutes 25S Accttonai Materia newer paper =) o> ead the following carefully before you start Wiite your Centre number, candidate number and name inthe Spaces provided atthe top of this page. DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES. Section A. Answer all questions. Wrlle Your answers Inthe spaces provided on the question paper. Section B q ‘Answer both questions, Write your anewers on the separate answer paper provided, Wile your centre umber, caneidate number and name on esch shet of answer Paper you use. atlon fasten all sheets of answer paper to this question paper using tho string > Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or comecton fh The numbor of marks is given in brackets {| atthe end of each question or part question, ‘You are advised to spend no longer than 40 minutes on Section A, lesrcenmareusel oT Josery'y i 2 Section A ‘Answer all questions in this section In the spaces provided. 1 Fig. 1.1 shows stages 1 to 4 in the reproductive cycle of a virus. scale) Fig. 1-1 (a) Label structure X shown inside the virus. (b) Complete Table 1.1 by matching each statement with the number of th stage in Fig. 1.1. Table 1.1 statement stage (diagram not drawn to e corresponding number of corresponding a viral nucleic material replicated virus damages host cell as new viral particles are released virus injects genetic material into host cell | virus attaches to host cell {31 3 } (c) Describe how the human body develops immunity after an infection. [4] (@) Figure 1.2 shows changes in the number of lymphocytes in a person infected with HIV. 4 x M4 eee number of lymphocytes pb time in years Fig. 1.2 ‘Suggest an explanation for the number of lymphocytes during periods X and Y. re Posto ¥ Period Y [4] [Total: 12] [Turn over 4 bean seeds harvested fr had been applied. Bean plants u 2 Figure 2.1 shows the amount of of a nitrogen-containing fertiliser proteins. 4.0: 3.0° yield/tonnes perhectare 2° 80 100 180 200 nitrogen fertiliser/ kg per hectare Fig. 2.1 he yield of beans. (a) (i) Describe the effects of the fertiliser on t! (4 Suggest an explanation for your answer in two signs of nitrogen deficiency in plants. (bp) State rom fields where varying amounts ise nitrogen for making 250 ‘eraniers Use (¢) Figure 2.2 shows a plant call, Fig. 2.2 (0 With reference to the lab: elled structures, describe in the assimilation of the hitrogen-containing fertil chloroplasts ‘mitochondrion ... chloroplasts _tibosomes — "mitochondrion how the cell in Fig. 2.2 is involved izers in protein synthesis. B ar ue [4] [otal: 11] [Turn over 3 Figure 3.1 shows rabbits A and B whic wore used in a breeding experiment. Rabbit A was Fata balanced aiet while Rabbit B was fed a ciet deficient in iron. After several weeks it was found that Rabbit A had normal active behaviour ‘and rabbit B appeared tired and showed little movement. Cos) Rabbit A (black patched) Rabbit B (wholly white) Fig. 3.1 (a) Explain why rabbit B showed the symptoms observed. [4] (b) Explain why the symptoms observed in the rabbit cannot be passed onto its offspring (c) The cost colour of rabbits is determined py two alloles, R andr. Allele R gives wile coat ‘and fs dominant to allele r, which gives black patch. With the aid of a genetic diagram, aaaribe how you could tind out the genotype of @ ‘wholly white rabbit. is Total: 10] ei examiners Use 8 Section B Answer both questions. Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided 5 Figure 5.1 is a diagram of a dicotyledonous plant showing organs W, X, ¥ and Z. Fig. 5.1 (a) Identify organs X, Y and Z and describe their role in water uptake and transport through the plant. (91 (b) (I) State two uses of water in plants. a] (ii) What would happen to organ Y if the plant lost water faster than it was gaining it? [1] {c)_ The speed of air blowing on the plant in Fig. 5.1 increases. Explain how this change will affect the rate of water transport by the plant, (3 (Total: 15] 6 (a) Explain what is meant by drug: (i) tolerance, i) addiction and (ili) withdrawal symptoms. [4] (b) With reference to tar and carbon monoxide, describe the harmful effects of cigarette smoking. fis (c) Explain why an overdose of alcohol may lead to death. 3] (4) Suggest three ways in which the abuse of marjuana may be controlled. 81 (Total: 15] Penrision 1 rpredue tome where ire;pay owned sll rleaes by expe nauced has bon sought andcleared where posal Every ransoneele stl hasbeen mad byte publisher (BEC) to race copright Fad, but fan Hons requir castaes have ubwinay been neced, th publ wl Be casos make amanda the ears posstie oppor - BEC 2007 os7203I0nN07

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