Carbamate Condenser

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(11) EP 3 700 888 B1

(45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.:

of the grant of the patent: C07C 273/04 (2006.01) C07C 273/14 (2006.01)
22.12.2021 Bulletin 2021/51 B01D 5/00 (2006.01) B01D 19/00 (2006.01)
F28F 9/02 (2006.01) F28F 21/08 (2006.01)
(21) Application number: 18812375.6 F28D 7/06 (2006.01)

(22) Date of filing: 26.10.2018 (86) International application number:


(87) International publication number:

WO 2019/083367 (02.05.2019 Gazette 2019/18)



(84) Designated Contracting States: (72) Inventor: POPA, Dorin

PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR (74) Representative: V.O.
P.O. Box 87930
(30) Priority: 27.10.2017 EP 17198990 2508 DH Den Haag (NL)

(43) Date of publication of application: (56) References cited:

02.09.2020 Bulletin 2020/36 EP-A1- 0 464 307 US-A1- 2015 086 440

(73) Proprietor: Stamicarbon B.V.

6135 KW Sittard (NL)
EP 3 700 888 B1

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1 EP 3 700 888 B1 2

Description pect to a high pressure carbamate condenser comprising

a shell-and-tube heat exchanger which comprises a ves-
[0001] The invention pertains to a high pressure car- sel which comprises a shell and at least one tube bundle,
bamate condenser. The condenser comprises a shell- wherein the shell encloses a vessel space, wherein the
and-tube heat exchanger which comprises a tube bundle 5 tube bundle comprises tubes having ends, and wherein
mounted in a shell. The high pressure carbamate con- a shell space is provided between the tubes and the shell,
denser can in particular be used for condensing car- wherein the heat exchanger further comprises a redistri-
bamate in urea production plants of the stripping type. In bution chamber located in said vessel space, wherein
some embodiments, corrosive solutions comprising car- said redistribution chamber comprises a wall for sepa-
bamate are present in operation at both the shell side 10 rating a first fluid in the shell space from a second fluid
and the tube side, in particular both inside at least some inside the redistribution chamber, wherein a plurality of
tubes of the tube bundle and in the space between the said tubes are connected to a single redistribution cham-
tubes. ber such that said second fluid can flow between said
tubes and said redistribution chamber, wherein the con-
Introduction 15 denser further comprises a duct extending from an open-
ing for the second fluid in said shell through said vessel
[0002] A commonly used type of carbamate condenser space to said redistribution chamber, such that the sec-
is the pool condenser described in "A lower cost design ond fluid can flow between a tube end and said opening
for urea", Nitrogen no. 222, July-August 1996, page for the second fluid in said shell through said redistribu-
29-31. Such a pool condenser comprises a tube sheet. 20 tion chamber and said duct.
Tube sheets are more generally a typical part of high [0007] The invention also pertains to a urea production
pressure carbamate condensers of the shell-and-tube plant comprising a high pressure urea synthesis section
heat exchanger type. The tube sheet is typically a planar comprising a reactor, a stripper and a high pressure car-
metal plate delimiting the shell space in the condenser bamate condenser, wherein the high pressure car-
from a header. The tube sheet furthermore seals off one 25 bamate condenser is as described, and wherein option-
end of the typically cylindrical shell. The tube sheet is ally the reactor and the high pressure carbamate con-
provided with numerous bore holes. The tubes are in- denser are combined in a single vessel which vessel has
serted through the bore holes or are joined to the tube a liquid outlet connected to the stripper.
sheet aligned with the holes, such that fluid can flow be- [0008] The invention further pertains to a urea produc-
tween a header and the tubes. The tube bundle often 30 tion process wherein urea is formed in a reactor to give
has a very large number of tubes, e.g. more than 100 urea synthesis solution, at least a part of said urea syn-
tubes or even more than 1000 tubes. The header is used thesis solution is stripped in a stripper to give stripped
for distributing fluid from an inlet to a plurality of tubes, urea solution, and wherein gas from the stripper is con-
or for collecting fluid from a plurality of tubes to an outlet. densed in a high pressure carbamate condenser, where-
[0003] In known carbamate condensers, the tube 35 in the process is carried out in a plant as described and/or
sheet generally needs to be able to withstand high pres- wherein the high pressure carbamate condenser is as
sure. Furthermore, preventing corrosion is a challenge described.
because carbamate is highly corrosive, especially at the [0009] More generally, the invention also pertains to a
high temperatures of high pressure carbamate conden- shell-and-tube heat exchanger comprising such a vessel
sation. To achieve high mechanical strength and high 40 and comprising such a shell, tube bundle, redistribution
corrosion resistance, known tube sheets are frequently chamber and duct. The shell-and-tube heat exchanger
made from carbon steel lined with a layer of highly cor- is e.g. configured for condensation of compounds other
rosion resistant steel such as duplex stainless steel alloys than carbamate, and/or for operation at pressures below
on the side (or sides) exposed to corrosive medium. This 100 bar, and/or for heat exchange processes other than
increases construction costs, for example because of the 45 condensation. The heat exchanger can be used in urea
difficult welding of the tubes to the tube sheet. production and in other plants and processes.
[0004] A known tube sheet for a kettle type carbamate
condenser in a urea plant is illustrated in EP 0464307 Brief description of the drawings
and in US 4082797.
[0005] The construction of the tube sheet is generally 50 [0010]
challenging and expensive. The present invention gen-
erally addresses disadvantages of known high pressure Fig. 1 illustrates a reference carbamate condenser
carbamate condensers with tube sheets, such as the high not according to the invention with a tube sheet.
construction costs associated with the tube sheet. Fig. 2 illustrates an example of a high pressure car-
55 bamate condenser according to the invention.
Summary Fig. 3 schematically illustrates an example of a urea
plant according to the invention.
[0006] Accordingly, the invention relates in a first as-

3 EP 3 700 888 B1 4

Detailed description invention. Furthermore a vertical condenser with a tube

bundle with tube ends at the top can be provided with
[0011] In this application, for process streams (i.e. not redistribution chambers and ducts according to the in-
for steam lines), high pressure (HP) is above 100 bar, vention, these are e.g. placed at the top of the condenser.
for instance 120 to 300 bar, typically 150 to 200 bar. Me- 5 [0015] The high pressure carbamate condenser pref-
dium pressure (MP) is for example 10 to 70 bar (including erably has a horizontal configuration, with (the straight
intermediate pressure of 30 to 70 bar), in particular 15 to part of) the tubes in horizontal arrangement with respect
25 bar, and low pressure (LP) is for example 0 to 10 bar, to gravity, when installed in the urea plant. For example,
in particular 1 to 8 bar or 2 to 5 bar. As used herein, the high pressure carbamate condenser with horizontal
"carbamate" refers to ammonium carbamate. 10 orientation can be configured for condensation in the
[0012] The high pressure carbamate condenser is tubes and for receiving cooling fluid in the shell space.
preferably a submerged condenser, as opposed to a fall- For instance a kettle type carbamate condenser, e.g. as
ing film condenser. In operation of a submerged con- described in EP 0464307 or US 4899813, can be modi-
denser, the condensation is carried out in a space with fied with a redistribution chamber and duct as described
liquid as the continuous phase and with the gas to be 15 herein.
condensed dispersed in the liquid. A liquid level is hence [0016] In an embodiment the condenser is configured
present in the condensation space. For example, the as a horizontal submerged condenser. This advanta-
tubes are covered by the condensed liquid in operation geously allows for lower height of the plant. In a preferred
(on the inside or on the outside of tubes), and preferably embodiment, the condenser is configured as a horizontal
the tubes are submerged in the condensed liquid. The 20 submerged condenser operated with the condensation
submerged condenser comprising a shell-and-tube heat on the shell side (i.e. in the shell space). This provides
exchanger is configured for condensation inside the the further advantage that the condenser volume can be
tubes or in the shell space. Suitably, the condensation is easily designed for a longer residence time of the con-
carried out in the shell space. The shell space is the empty densate. This may also be used to create a pool reactor.
space to which the outer surface of the tubes is exposed. 25 The condensation on the shell side also leads to having
The shell space is confined by the shell. Condensation the high pressure medium on the shell side which makes
in the shell space is one option for providing a relatively the condenser easier to manufacture and in particular
simple construction wherein the condensate has suffi- allows for a simpler design of the redistribution chamber.
cient residence time in the condenser. This allows ad- [0017] Hence, in a preferred embodiment, the vessel
vantageously for a part of the urea to be formed already 30 comprises a gas inlet to the shell space, for gas to be
in the condenser. A longer residence time can also be condensed. The gas inlet comprises an opening in the
provided in case of condensation in the tubes by using shell. The gas inlet allows for operation with condensa-
more tubes and/or tubes with a larger diameter. tion in the shell space and cooling fluid(s) in the tubes.
[0013] The condenser is e.g. a high pressure car- The vessel furthermore comprises an outlet for liquid
bamate condenser configured as submerged condenser 35 from the shell space, such as for a carbamate-containing
with condensation carried out in the shell space, for ex- liquid stream. The outlet comprises an opening in the
ample based on the pool condenser design, but modified shell. The vessel preferably comprises a gas distributor
to have one or more such said redistribution chambers connected to the gas inlet. The gas distributor preferably
and ducts. An example pool condenser design is illus- comprises a plurality of passageways for gas from the
trated in Nitrogen No. 222, July-August 1996, pages 40 gas inlet into the shell space. The gas distributor can be
29-31. Preferably, cooling fluid is provided in the tubes. used for distributing gas to be condensed over and into
In the present invention, the cooling fluid is e.g. a process the shell space, in particular into the liquid in operation.
stream, such as a solution comprising urea and car- The gas distributor is preferably arranged below the liquid
bamate, which solution is heated when passing through level in operation. The gas distributor for instance com-
the tubes, optionally water (process condensate) is in 45 prises a sparger with one or more tubes extending in the
addition used as cooling fluid. length of the vessel, said tube provides with arms ex-
[0014] The high pressure carbamate condenser has tending in the width of the vessel at both sides of said
for instance a vertical configuration, with (the straight part tubes, wherein the arms have numerous openings for
of) the tubes in vertical arrangement with respect to grav- gas (e.g. more than 50 openings per arm) at the upper
ity, when installed in the urea plant. Generally, the vertical 50 side of the arms. Gas to be condensed is e.g. a mixture
carbamate condenser is configured for condensation in comprising CO2 and NH3 from a high pressure stripper.
the shell space or in the tubes, preferably in the shell The vessel furthermore preferably comprises a liquid inlet
space. The condenser has e.g. a U-shaped or straight to the shell space, for introducing into the shell space a
tube bundle, preferably a U-shaped tube bundle. For in- liquid stream comprising ammonia and/or carbamate re-
stance a vertical carbamate condenser that is of the type 55 cycle stream. In an example embodiment, a carbamate
described in US 6518457 and/or which has a tube bundle recycle stream, e.g. from a medium pressure section of
with tube ends at the bottom can be modified with redis- a urea plant, is introduced into the shell space through
tribution chambers and ducts according to the present an opening in the shell at the top of the shell. This can

5 EP 3 700 888 B1 6

provide for improved mixing because the carbamate re- a length of 20 - 90 % of the length of the vessel, e.g.
cycle liquid has a higher density than the condensing preferably at least 30%, at least 40%, at least 50%, or at
mixture in the shell space. The opening in the shell for least 60%, and/or e.g. up to 90%, up to 80%, or up to
carbamate recycle is preferably in length direction 70% of the length of the vessel. In some embodiments,
spaced less than 1 m from a redistribution chamber. This 5 the straight parts of the tubes have a length of 60 to 90%
provides for good mixing of fluids in the shell space near of the length of the vessel, and preferably the condensate
the redistribution chamber. obtained by condensation in the condenser is supplied
[0018] The carbamate condenser has e.g. a horizontal to a high pressure reactor. In some embodiment, the
or vertical arrangement. In case of a horizontal car- straight parts of the tubes have a length of 20 to 60% of
bamate condenser with a gas distributor, the gas distrib- 10 the length of the vessel, and preferably the condensate
utor extends horizontal and in parallel with (the straight obtained by condensation in the condenser is supplied
parts of) the tubes, so as to introduce gas to be con- to a high pressure stripper. For instance the condensate
densed in the shell space at various outlets of the gas is supplied directly to the stripper such that the high pres-
distributor which are spaced apart in horizontal direction. sure stripper receives condensate having the same com-
In this embodiment, the length direction is also horizontal. 15 position as at the liquid at the outlet of the condenser. In
The tubes are preferably U-shaped. a urea plant according to such embodiment, the reactor
[0019] The condenser preferably comprises a liquid and condenser are combined in a single vessel.
distributor for distributing liquid into the shell space at a [0023] In some embodiments, redistribution chambers
plurality of openings. These openings are preferably are provided at both ends of the tubes (preferably of a
spaced apart in the length direction of the condenser. 20 straight tube bundle) and the redistribution chamber(s)
The liquid distributer is e.g. connected to an ammonia are spaced apart from the vessel by a distance, in the
supply member, such as with a liquid flow connection to length direction, of at least 1%, at least 5%, at least 10%,
a compressor for ammonia feed. Typically the liquid dis- or at least 20% at the length of the vessel, at one or both
tributor (e.g. ammonia distributor) is connected to an ends of the tube bundle. A larger spacing between the
opening in the shell, and is in operation for instance sub- 25 redistribution chamber and vessel, at one or both ends
merged in liquid present in the shell space. of the tube bundle, gives a relatively larger shell space
[0020] A tube bundle generally comprises a plurality for condensate and may contribute to a larger residence
of tubes, wherein the tubes comprise or consist of straight time of condensate in the shell space. This may allow for
tube parts. Typically the straight parts of the tubes are urea formation to occur and e.g. for operation as pool
arranged in parallel and are spaced apart from each oth- 30 reactor. The condensed carbamate is typically sent to a
er. As used in this application, if condensation is carried urea reactor and is in some embodiments sent directly
out in the shell, the tubes of a single tube bundle comprise to the stripper in operation. Especially for larger tube
the same cooling fluid. Accordingly, a redistribution lengths (based on the straight tube part), such as above
chamber is preferably connected to tubes of a single tube 5 m, above 10 m, above 20 m, or above 30 m, the man-
bundle. In a further embodiment two or more cooling flu- 35 ufacturing of straight tubes can be simpler than for U-
ids are used in the tubes (with separate supply members), shaped tubes.
and the condenser contains a plurality of tube bundles. [0024] In further embodiments, the tube bundle is a
The tube bundles can be combined in a combined tube bundle of U-shaped tubes, wherein each tube comprises
bundle. The straight parts of all tubes in a combined tube a bend and two legs, the legs being straight tube parts.
bundle are preferably parallel to each other. 40 The carbamate condenser optionally comprises a reactor
[0021] In order to have sufficient heat exchange sur- part between the bend of the U-shaped tube bundle and
face, the high pressure carbamate condenser has one the shell (opposite of the tube legs), for example but not
or more tube bundles with for instance at least 300 tubes exclusively in case of a pool reactor. An example pool
in the bundles in total, typically 1000 to 4000, such as reactor is described in US 5767313. The straight parts
1500 to 3000 tubes in total, with e.g. at least 100 tubes 45 of the tubes of the U-shaped tube bundle are arranged
in each tube bundle. Tubes have for instance constant in the length direction of the shell. In some embodiments,
internal diameter over their length. Preferably, each re- the shell comprises an essentially cylindrical middle part,
distribution chamber is connected to only inlet ends or having a diameter and a length, and with cap parts at
only outlet ends of a single tube bundle. both ends. In case of a U-shaped tube bundle, for in-
[0022] In some embodiments, the tube bundle com- 50 stance a substantially hemispherical cap (optionally with
prises straight tubes with tube ends at opposed sides of a manhole) is joined to the end of the middle part that is
the tube bundle in the length direction. Redistribution close to the bend of the tube-bundle of the tube bundle
chambers can be provided at each end of the tube bun- as well as at the other end of the middle part. In the prior
dle. In principle, also a tube sheet can be used at one art, e.g. as in US 5767313, a tube sheet is provided at
end and a redistribution chamber at an opposed end. 55 end away from the bend of the U-shaped tube-bundle,
The tube bundle can be located at any position in the to connect the tube ends with feed and drain lines through
length of the vessel, e.g. at an end or in the center of the a header.
vessel. The straight part of the tubes have for instance [0025] The invention is broadly based on the judicious

7 EP 3 700 888 B1 8

insight to place a redistribution chamber inside the shell [0032] Advantageously, the walls of the redistribution
and to connect tubes of the tube bundle to the redistri- chamber can be less thick than the known tube sheets,
bution chamber, and to provide a duct connecting the because of the smaller dimensions of the redistribution
redistribution chamber with a feed or drain line through chamber compared to a tube sheet. In particular, the re-
an opening in the shell. The duct is arranged inside the 5 distribution chamber has a smaller surface area in cross
shell and allows the redistribution chamber to be spaced section perpendicular to the length of the vessel com-
apart from the shell. The duct is in operation at one side pared to the shell and to a tube sheet sealing off the shell.
in contact with a cooling fluid and at the other side with This leads to significantly smaller forces (stresses) for
the gas to be condensed and/or the condensate formed which the redistribution chamber walls need to be de-
in the condenser. The same applies for the wall of the 10 signed.
redistribution chamber. In embodiments with condensa- [0033] In a preferred embodiment, a (plate) element
tion on the shell side (outside the tubes), the shell is the with bore holes of the redistribution chamber (or common
equipment part that contains the high pressure condens- to a stack of redistribution chambers) has for instance
ing medium and that is on the inside in contact with that only a relatively small flange around the tube bundles,
medium. At outside the shell is typically exposed to am- 15 such as less than 40 cm, less than 20 cm, or less than
bient. 10 cm around each tube bundle at each side, from the
[0026] In a typical embodiment, every tube of the tube outer tubes of each tube bundle.
bundle has two tube ends, and for each tube one tube [0034] The redistribution chamber can for instance be
end is connected to an inlet redistribution chamber (for provided with an internal load-bearing structure, such as
distributing fluid to a plurality of tubes) and the other tube 20 a spacer. The walls of the redistribution chamber can be
end to an outlet redistribution chamber (for collecting fluid made of, or consist of, a single sheet of corrosion resist-
from a plurality of tubes). ant material, such as duplex stainless steel. The weld
[0027] In a preferred embodiment, the vessel compris- connections of the tubes to the redistribution chamber
es two tube bundles, for instance for two different cooling are easier to manufacture for the preferred embodiment
fluids, each tube bundle with an inlet redistribution cham- 25 with a single sheet wall, especially because there is no
ber and an outlet redistribution chamber, such that the risk of carbon steel exposure.
vessel contains four redistribution chambers. [0035] Furthermore, advantageously the walls of the
[0028] The redistribution chamber comprises a wall. redistribution chambers also contribute to the heat ex-
The wall includes a wall part with bore holes. In operation changing surface since in operation they can be at one
fluid flows between the redistribution chamber and the 30 side in contact with cooling fluid and at the other side with
tubes connected to it through the bore holes. However, condensing medium.
unlike a conventional tube sheet, this wall part, and more [0036] The invention also pertains to a urea production
particularly the entire redistribution chamber, is spaced plant, comprising a high pressure urea synthesis section
apart from the shell. Hence, typically no part of the redis- comprising the high pressure carbamate condenser as
tribution chamber is in direct contact with (the internal 35 described, a reactor and a stripper. The reactor, con-
surface of) the shell. denser and stripper each operate at high pressure. The
[0029] The redistribution chamber is connected to tube stripper has a gas flow line to the condenser, the con-
ends. In particular the wall part with bore holes is con- denser has a liquid flow line to the reactor, and the reactor
nected to tube ends, for example with crevice-free joints. has a liquid flow line to the stripper for at least part of the
[0030] Accordingly, at least some tube ends are locat- 40 urea solution. The reactor and condenser are optionally
ed inside the space enclosed by the shell (the vessel combined in a single vessel, which is for instance hori-
space) and are connected (for fluid flow) to an opening zontally placed, and from which condensate is supplied
in the shell through a redistribution chamber and a duct directly to a stripper. Such a single vessel e.g. comprises
extending between the redistribution chamber and the a condenser part and a reactor part. Also in the case of
shell. The redistribution chamber is spaced apart from 45 a condenser and a reactor provided as separate vessels
that shell opening, e.g. by at least 5 cm, at least 10 cm (typically with a vertical reactor vessel) optionally already
or at least 40 cm. The redistribution chamber is also some urea is formed in the condenser. The plant for ex-
spaced apart, preferably entirely, from the shell, prefer- ample comprises a gas flow line from the stripper to the
ably by at least 5 cm, at least 10 cm or at least 40 cm. shell space and a liquid flow line from the stripper to the
These spacing are preferably provided by empty space 50 tube bundle of the carbamate condenser; or the plant for
that in operation can be filled with cooling fluid or con- example comprises a gas flow line from the stripper to
densing medium. Support elements can be present be- the tube bundle and a liquid flow line from the stripper to
tween the redistribution chamber and the shell, as well the shell space of the carbamate condenser; wherein
as the ducts. said flow line to the tube bundle is through a duct and a
[0031] Advantageously, in a preferred embodiment 55 redistribution chamber as described.
with cooling fluid(s) in the tubes, the high pressure is on [0037] In operation, the urea synthesis stream from the
the outside of the redistribution chamber, not on the in- reactor comprising urea, water, and CO 2 and NH3 (in part
side. as carbamate) is supplied at least in part to the stripper.

9 EP 3 700 888 B1 10

Carbamate is dissociated into CO2 and NH3 in the strip- at high pressure in the condenser) are usually made from
per and a part of the unreacted components is removed corrosion resistant materials, in particular urea grade
from the solution as gas. In the stripper, dissociation of steel, such as an austenitic-ferritic duplex stainless steel
carbamate is promoted by heating and counter-current (duplex steel). For instance the shell is at the inside typ-
contact with a strip gas to promote dissociation. The strip- 5 ically provided with overlay welding (i.e. a weld overlay)
per uses heating and for instance a supply of high pres- or internal lining made of urea grade steel or other cor-
sure CO2 as stripping agent, so-called thermal stripping rosion resistant metal, e.g. duplex austenitic-ferritic stain-
is also possible. The heating in the stripper is typically less steel, AISI 316L steel, or INOX 25/22/2 Cr/Ni/Mo
indirect heat exchange with steam, typically with steam steel. Such internal lining is typical for the shell of a high
on the shell side and the urea synthesis stream in the 10 pressure carbamate condenser. The outside shell is e.g.
tubes of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger used as strip- a carbon steel shell and is e.g. at least 30 mm or at least
per. Stripped urea solution, still containing some car- 40 mm thick.
bamate and NH3, is typically expanded to a lower pres- [0043] In some embodiments, the HP carbamate con-
sure and supplied to a recovery section wherein more denser comprises two tube bundles. This can be used
carbamate is removed from the urea solution; the recov- 15 to implement a process wherein two different cooling flu-
ery section includes e.g. MP recovery with LP recovery ids are used, for instance a first tube bundle for producing
section downstream in series, or only LP recovery. The steam from water, and a second tube bundle wherein an
mixed gas stream from the stripper containing NH3 and aqueous solution comprising urea and carbamate is
CO2 is supplied to the high pressure condenser, either heated to cause dissociation of carbamate.
to the tubes or to the shell space. 20 [0044] Such a condenser can for instance be used in
[0038] In a preferred embodiment, the mixed gas a plant and process as described in US 2015/0119603.
stream is supplied to the shell space, through an opening [0045] In an embodiment the HP condenser with two
in the shell. One or more cooling fluids are supplied to tube bundles is used in a urea production process where-
the tubes, through a duct and a redistribution chamber in in a first tube bundle steam is produced from water
as described (with separate ducts and redistribution 25 (also referred to as condensate). In a second tube bundle
chambers for different cooling fluids). Liquid condensate a solution containing carbamate (and typically also urea)
is formed and is in this preferred embodiment present in is heated by the heat of condensation received from the
the shell space, with optionally gas at the top part of the high pressure process medium on the shell side, such
shell space. The condensed liquid is in contact with the that at least part of the carbamate in the solution in the
tubes such that the condensate is typically subcooled. 30 second tube bundle dissociates into NH3 and CO2. The
[0039] In this preferred embodiment, a gas distributor, solution is for instance obtained as the stripped urea so-
such as a sparger, is used to distribute the gas to be lution from the HP stripper, or as a part of the urea syn-
condensed in the shell space, in particular for distribution thesis solution from the reactor that is not stripped in the
in the length direction of the condenser. The sparger is HP stripper. For example a urea solution that is a part of
e.g. a tube having an inlet connected to an inlet opening 35 the liquid from the reactor (optionally, from combination
of the shell, optionally with arms, and having plurality of vessel comprising the condenser and the reactor) and/or
outlet openings for gas, wherein the outlet openings are urea solution that is at least a part of the liquid from the
spaced apart in the length direction. The arms extend in stripper, is supplied to the second tube bundle, in partic-
the width of the vessel and have openings for gas. A ular through the inlet redistribution chamber and the inlet
preferred carbamate condenser comprises such sparg- 40 duct to the second tube bundle, optionally with interme-
er. For horizontal condensers, both the gas distributor diate steps such as expansion and gas/liquid separation
and the straight parts of the tubes extend in parallel in (flashing). For instance, all or a part of the urea solution
the length direction; preferably at least a part of the gas exiting the stripper is expanded, optionally flashed, and
distributor is arranged below the straight parts. This ad- optionally further expanded and supplied at medium
vantageously provides for improved distribution of heat 45 pressure (e.g. 10-35 bar) to the second tube bundle.
of condensation in the shell. [0046] In some embodiments, the second tube bundle
[0040] In some embodiments, ammonia is also intro- receives a carbamate containing solution, for instance in
duced into the shell space, e.g. using a liquid distributor, urea production processes involving supplying a urea so-
especially if a CO2 stripper is used. lution to the second tube bundle directly or indirectly from
[0041] In some embodiments, the heat of condensa- 50 the reactor (or reactor part), e.g. from the reactor, the
tion is at least in part withdrawn by producing steam (wa- stripper, or from a recovery section, preferably through
ter vaporization) in at least some of the tubes in case of an inlet duct and inlet redistribution chamber. In such
condensation in the shell space, and in the shell space embodiments thermal dissociation of carbamate (to CO2
in case of condensation in the tubes, the steam is e.g. and NH3 gas) can take place in the second tube bundle.
formed from process condensate. 55 [0047] The high pressure condenser can for instance
[0042] The parts of the carbamate condenser that are be used in a urea production process of the stripping
in contact with process medium, especially at higher tem- type, wherein a part of the urea solution from the reactor
perature (for example the process medium condensing is sent to a high pressure stripper, and another part of

11 EP 3 700 888 B1 12

the solution bypasses the stripper and is sent to a medium concentric fashion (in particular in cross-section in the
pressure treatment step involving dissociation of car- length-height plane). Alternatively, the arrangement can
bamate by heating the solution at medium pressure. The be AABB which would give e.g. two sets of bends, within
invention also pertains to such a process. An example each tube bundle concentric and the two sets arranged
of such a process, using a different type high pressure 5 above each other.
condenser, is described US 2004/0116743. In the oper- [0050] In a preferred embodiment of the urea produc-
ation of the high pressure carbamate condenser of the tion plant of the invention, the high pressure carbamate
present invention, and in a preferred process of the in- condenser comprises a tube bundle that is connected
vention, the medium pressure treatment step is for in- through a redistribution chamber and a duct to a feed
stance carried out by passing the urea solution through 10 line. The feed line is used for feeding urea solution that
the (second) tube bundle of the high pressure carbamate also contains carbamate to the tubes of the tube bundle.
condenser in indirect heat exchanging contact with con- The feed line is connected to the stripper for receiving
densing gases in the condenser that are received from stripped urea solution from the stripper and/or is connect-
the stripper. In a further embodiment, the carbamate con- ed to the reactor for receiving a part of the urea solution
denser is used for raising steam (e.g. in a tube bundle), 15 from the reactor. In a preferred embodiment, the feed
which steam is used for supplying heat to a medium pres- line comprises an expansion device and preferably a
sure dissociation step of urea solution obtained from the gas/liquid separator for separating gas from the expand-
stripper or non-stripped urea solution from the reactor. ed urea solution. Preferably the feed line is configured
[0048] For conventional HP carbamate condensers, a for supplying at least a part of the expanded urea solution
challenge in case of having in operation carbamate con- 20 to the duct.
taining liquid(s) in at least some of the tubes as well as [0051] In a preferred embodiment, the tube bundle (re-
in the shell space is the risk of corrosion, and the manner ceiving urea solution also comprising carbamate) is con-
of tube to tube sheet connection, e.g. for the pool con- nected through an outlet redistribution chamber and a
denser with a tube sheet as illustrated in US duct to a gas/liquid separator. The gas/liquid separator
2015/0119603. The present invention provides the im- 25 preferably has a liquid flow connection to a recovery sec-
portant advantage that the redistribution chamber, in par- tion and a gas flow connection to a second condenser.
ticular the wall part with bore holes, that is on both sides The ammonia and CO2 obtained by thermal dissociation
exposed to corrosive carbamate-containing solution, can of carbamate in the tubes, is condensed at least partially
in an embodiment be made of (and consist of) single in the second condenser. Preferably the second con-
sheet corrosion resistant steel, such as single sheet du- 30 denser operates at medium pressure. Preferably the con-
plex stainless steel. This is in particular the case when densation is carried out in heat exchanging contact with
the condensation is on the shell side. Multi-layered walls an evaporation section of the urea plant, such that the
of the chamber are also possible, especially if all layers heat of condensation is used for evaporation of water
are of corrosion-resistant material. In some embodi- from a urea solution. Preferably the second condenser
ments, the thickness of the wall part with bore holes for 35 has a liquid flow connection for a carbamate recycle
the tubes is 0.5 ⎯ 2 times the thickness of any other part stream to the high pressure carbamate condenser, and
of the wall of the redistribution chamber, the wall part with more preferably to the shell space.
bore holes being a flat plate. For instance, if the other [0052] The HP condenser may in addition comprise a
parts of the redistribution chamber have walls of 1 ⎯ 2 second tube bundle connected to a feed line for process
cm thickness, the wall part with the bore holes for the 40 condensate (i.e. water) and connected to a drain line for
tubes has a thickness of 0.5 ⎯ 4 cm. In some embodi- steam.
ments, the thickness of the wall part with bore holes for [0053] In a preferred embodiment, the condenser com-
the tubes is 0.9 - 1.1 times the thickness of the other parts prises one or more pairs of the ducts, each pair including
of the wall of the redistribution chamber. An advantage an inlet duct and an outlet duct. The condenser preferably
of the invention is that the wall part with the bore holes 45 comprises one or more pairs of the redistribution cham-
for tubes does not need to be a very thick plate such as bers, each pair including an inlet redistribution chamber
in the case of a tube-sheet. for distributing cooling fluid feed from the inlet duct to a
[0049] In an example embodiment, the condenser plurality of tubes and an outlet redistribution chamber for
comprises two U-shaped tube bundles arranged with, in combining heated cooling fluid from a plurality of tubes
vertical direction, ABBA, wherein A is a straight part of 50 to the outlet duct. For each pair the redistribution cham-
the first tube bundle and B is a straight part of the second bers are typically arranged at the same side of the straight
tube bundle, or wherein A is a straight part of the second tube parts, in case of a U-shaped tube bundle, or at op-
tube bundle (in operation used e.g. for carbamate disso- posed sides (in length direction) of the tubes in case of
ciation) and B is a straight part of the first tube bundle (in straight tube bundle.
operation used e.g. for raising steam), and preferably 55 [0054] In a preferred embodiment, the redistribution
with a vertical stack of four redistribution chambers con- chamber comprises a plurality of elements (such as plate
nected to the two tube bundles. In such embodiment, the elements) and is hence not completely unitary. These
bends of the U-shaped tube bundle can be arranged in elements together provide the wall of the redistribution

13 EP 3 700 888 B1 14

chamber. At least one of the elements is provided with the shell space, and preferably the entire inner surface
bore holes for the tube, and the same or another element of the shell is in contact with the shell space. Preferably
(e.g. other plate) is provided with a hole for a duct. Pref- each duct extends through the shell space. Preferably
erably, at least one other element is openable and clos- each duct comprises a length segment wherein the entire
able, e.g. removable, thereby providing access to the in- 5 outside wall of the duct is exposed to the shell space.
side of the redistribution chamber. The element is for Preferably the front plate of a (or each) box shaped re-
instance a cover plate. This element can be used for mak- distribution chamber (with holes for connecting with tubes
ing the inside of the redistribution chamber accessible, in an opposite back plate) is on the outside side exposed
e.g. for humans and/or for devices. In this way the inside to the shell space.
of the redistribution chamber, i.e. the space for receiving 10 [0060] In some embodiments, at least one redistribu-
the fluid, is accessible for maintenance and inspection tion chamber is in operation at least partly submerged in
of the redistribution chamber inside and the tubes, in par- condensed liquid, preferably each redistribution chamber
ticular for inspection of the tubes insides and for plugging is at least partially submerged in condensed liquid and
of tubes. The plugging of tubes can involve placing a plug preferably at least one redistribution chamber is entirely
in a tube at a tube end connected to a redistribution cham- 15 submerged in condensed liquid, wherein the condensed
ber. In a preferred embodiment, the redistribution cham- liquid is condensed in the shell space.
ber comprises fasteners for fastening the openable ele- [0061] In a preferred embodiment, the shell comprises
ment to at least one other element, such as bolts. For an essentially cylindrical middle part and two cap parts.
instance, a box shaped redistribution chamber having an Each cap part may comprise a plurality of shell parts. A
openable front plate may comprise a front plate having 20 cap part is for instance a substantially hemispherical part,
openings and side plates with recesses (e.g. a threaded optionally with a manhole and plate. The two cap parts
hole) aligned with the openings. The openings and re- close the middle part at opposed ends, in particular at
cesses can receive a fastener such as a bolt. opposed ends in the length direction. Preferably the shell
[0055] The redistribution chamber may furthermore space is a single shell space defined by the middle part
comprise spacers for spacing wall parts (e.g. plate ele- 25 and cap parts. Preferably the shell space is not divided,
ments) from each other, e.g. to provide resistance e.g. by dividing walls; yet can include baffles. Preferably
against compression forces. fluid can flow from the gas distributor to both of the cap
[0056] The vessel preferably comprises supports for parts.
the redistribution chamber, for instance arranged below [0062] High pressure carbamate condensers are dif-
the redistribution chamber and on the shell. For example 30 ferent from other types of heat exchangers, in particular
support elements can be provided below (and e.g. at the hot gas coolers, by a number of features, which are pre-
same position in the length direction of the vessel as) the ferred for the inventive carbamate condenser. A horizon-
wall part provided with bore holes. The support may com- tal carbamate condenser configured for condensation in
prise a recess for receiving a lug of a redistribution cham- the shell may for instance include baffles (or partitions),
ber for locking the redistribution chamber in place. The 35 which divide the shell space in compartments in the
redistribution chamber or e.g. a stack of redistribution length direction and which extend from the bottom of the
chambers are e.g. provided with fixation means for hold- vessel, but not entirely to the top thereby leave a gas
ing the chambers in place in the shell. discharge area at the top of the shell; the top of the baffles
[0057] Preferably, the surface area of the transversal define the liquid level of the condensate in operation.
cross-section of a redistribution chamber (cross section 40 Some of the baffles can have openings e.g. at the vertical
perpendicular to the length axis of the vessel) is less than height of the tube bundle. Typically, the most down-
90% or less than 80% or less than 40% of the surface stream baffle has no opening in it, such that liquid con-
area of the cross-section of the vessel (in particular, of densate flows over the baffle top to the liquid outlet in the
the surface area enclosed by the shell in that cross-sec- shell. Hence, the shell section comprises a weir. This
tion). 45 allows for control of the level of the condensate in the
[0058] In case of a (vertical) stack of redistribution condenser, especially to completely submerge the tube
chambers, the surface area of the cross-section of the bundle. Furthermore typically the tube bundle, especially
stack in the width-height plane (perpendicular to the cen- U-shaped tube bundle, has a once-through configuration
tral length axis of the vessel) is e.g. less than 90% or less or each cooling fluid (urea solution and/or process con-
than 80% or less than 70% of the surface area of the 50 densate).
cross-section of the vessel (in particular, of the surface [0063] A carbamate condenser with condensation in
area enclosed by the shell in that cross-section). the tubes, e.g. of the horizontal kettle type, comprises for
[0059] Preferably, the shell space is a single undivided example an ejector at the inlet of the carbamate solution,
space wherein all parts of the space are in fluid commu- and for instance comprises a mixing zone for inlet of gas
nication with each other; also in such embodiments the 55 to be condensed and carbamate solution. The carbamate
shell space can include baffles to divide the shell space condenser has for instance a conduit for recycle car-
in compartments which are not completely sealed off bamate solution from an outlet end of a tube to an inlet
from each other. Preferably the shell is in contact with for gas to be condensed.

15 EP 3 700 888 B1 16

[0064] In case of a vertical carbamate condenser which outer surface of the duct is exposed to the shell space.
is configured for condensation in the shell space, the con- [0068] The duct may consist of one or more duct parts,
denser comprises for instance a packed part at the top, e.g. duct parts arranged in series and connected with
e.g. a part with a packing for scrubbing off-gas with a each other.
solution supplied through an inlet of the shell above the 5 [0069] The first duct end is connected to a redistribu-
packed part, in particular an inlet for carbamate solution, tion chamber, e.g. with a weld. The first duct end is for
and a down pipe arranged below the packed part but example placed radially outwardly of the tube ends con-
above the U-bend of the tube bundle to a part of the nected to that redistribution chamber, i.e. further re-
condenser below said bend. The vertical carbamate con- moved from the central length axis of the vessel in a
denser preferably has an outlet for liquid of the shell, 10 direction perpendicular to the length. In an example em-
optionally with a down pipe, such that in operation a liquid bodiment with a box-shaped redistribution chamber with
level is maintained above the U-bend of the tube bundles, a bottom, top, front, back and two side plates, the duct
wherein tube ends are at the bottom of the vessel. end is for instance attached to a side, top or bottom plate,
[0065] The ducts preferably comprise, or are made of, and the tube ends are attached to the back plate and the
a corrosion resistant steel, such as a duplex stainless 15 front plate is e.g. a cover plate that can be opened for
steel. For instance the ducts are made entirely of such maintenance and inspection. In principle, the duct can
steel. The wall parts of the redistribution chambers, and also be connected to the back plate or to the front plate.
any internal structures such as spacers that are in oper- In an example embodiment with a box shaped redistri-
ation in contact with carbamate, are preferably made of bution chamber, a duct is connected to the front plate
corrosion resistant steel, such as duplex stainless steel. 20 and a side plate can be opened.
The tubes, and the preferred internal lining of the shell, [0070] In a preferred embodiment a plurality of redis-
are preferably made of corrosion resistant steel, such as tribution chambers are stacked on each other, to give a
duplex stainless steel. stack, preferably of box-shaped redistribution chambers
[0066] Suitable duplex stainless steel for said parts of and preferably a vertical stack. Preferably a plate element
the carbamate condenser include for example the steel 25 is common to the stacked redistribution chambers, pref-
available as Safurex ® steel and having composition erably a plate element with bore holes. Preferably the
29Cr-6.5Ni-2Mo-N, which is also designated by ASME tube bundle contains U-shaped tubes wherein each tube
Code 2295-3 and by UNS S32906, or e.g. steel available has a bend and two legs. Preferably the stack of redis-
as DP28W (TM) steel and having composition 27Cr- tribution chambers includes an inlet redistribution cham-
7.6Ni-1 Mo-2.3W-N, which is also designated by ASME 30 ber and an outlet redistribution chamber connected to
Code 2496-1 and by UNS S32808. Safurex (R) steel has the same U-shaped tube bundle.
for instance the composition (% by mass): C: max. 0.05, [0071] In case of a (vertical) stack of preferably box-
Si: max. 0.8, Mn: 0.3 - 4.0, Cr: 28 - 35, Ni: 3 - 10, Mo: 1.0 shaped redistribution chambers, various plates can be
- 4.0, N: 0.2 - 0.6, Cu: max. 1.0 W: max. 2.0 S: max. 0.01 common to the redistribution chambers of the stack, this
Ce: 0 - 0.2, balance Fe and (unavoidable) impurities. 35 can be the case e.g. for a back plate (e.g. with bore holes
Preferably the ferrite content is 30-70% by volume and for connecting with a tube bundle) and for a side plate.
more preferably 30-55%. More preferably, the steel con- A horizontal plate can be common to two adjacent cham-
tains (% by weight): C max. 0.02, max. 0.5 Si, Cr 29 to bers, providing a top plate and a bottom plate, in particular
33, Mo 1.0 to 2.0, N 0.36 to 0.55, Mn 0.3 to 1.0, balance when the chambers receiving fluid at the same pressure
Fe and impurities. Also suitable is a duplex stainless steel 40 in operation. In case of a vertical stack of four or more
having the composition weight% (wt%): C max 0.030; Si redistribution chambers, for the top redistribution cham-
max 0.8; Mn max 2.0; Cr 29.0 to 31.0; Ni 5.0 to 9.0; Mo ber a duct can be connected to a top plate, for a bottom
less than 4.0; W less than 4.0; N 0.25-0.45; Cu max 2.0; redistribution chamber a duct can be connected to a bot-
S max 0.02; P max 0.03; balance Fe and unavoidable tom plate, and for the redistribution chambers in the mid-
occurring impurities; and wherein the content of Mo+W 45 dle ducts can be connected to a side plate. In a preferred
is greater than 3.0 but less than 5.0 (wt.%), furthermore embodiment, a redistribution chamber is provided with
preferably with a steel composition as described in WO ducts at two opposed side plates, and these are in oper-
2017/014632. In some embodiments the shell comprises ation for example used both as inlet or both as outlet.
an internal lining made of such steels. This may advantageously contribute to good distribution
[0067] Each duct has a first duct end connected with 50 of fluid over the tubes and efficient removal of fluid from
a wall of the redistribution chamber and a second end the tubes. In particular because in some embodiments a
connected with the shell. The first duct end is aligned box shaped redistribution chamber has a width (from side
with an opening in the wall and the second duct end is to side) that is longer than the height of the redistribution
aligned with an opening in the shell, such that fluid can chamber, and wherein the same applies for the area of
flow from outside the shell to the redistribution chamber 55 the back plate that is provided with holes.
through the duct. The duct is at least in part located in [0072] In an example embodiment with a stack of re-
the vessel. The first duct end is located in the vessel. The distribution chambers, all ducts connected to that stack
duct extends through the vessel space. Furthermore, the extend to the top of the shell. In combination with e.g.

17 EP 3 700 888 B1 18

support structures for the tube bundle in the vessel be- [0078] In an embodiment wherein a redistribution
tween the shell bottom and the tube bundle, this may chamber is provided with a plurality of ducts, these ducts
allow for adapting to expansion and/or contraction of the are optionally connected to a header (or joint segment)
equipment. In case of a stack of redistribution chambers, which can be placed inside or outside the vessel. In some
the chambers may have e.g. a common shared back 5 embodiments, the duct comprises a joint segment (e.g.
plate, and for a vertical stack also common shared side T-joint) which connects at least three duct segments.
plates. With such a duct, two duct ends can e.g. be connected
[0073] In some example embodiments, the spacing in to the redistribution chamber and one duct end to the
the length direction between a first and second end of a shell. In an example embodiment, an inlet duct is con-
duct is for one or more ducts (or even for all ducts) less 10 nected to a bottom plate of a bottom redistribution cham-
than 20% or less than 10% of the length of the vessel, ber of a vertical stack of redistribution chambers by two
or less than 20% or less than 10% of the length of the or more duct segments each connected to the bottom
straight parts of the tubes. plate, at least one duct segment connected to the shell,
[0074] In a further embodiment, one or more ducts ex- and a joint segment located inside the vessel space join-
tend in the length direction, for example with the ducts 15 ing the duct segments. The at least two duct segments
arranged substantially parallel (e.g. less than 5° devia- connected to the redistribution chamber can be spaced
tion) with the (straight parts) of the tubes. In some exam- apart from each other for optimally distributing fluids over
ple embodiments, the spacing in the length direction be- the tubes.
tween a first and second end of a duct is for one or more [0079] The condenser can be constructed for example
or even all ducts, more than 10% or more than 20% of 20 with a method comprising mounting a tube bundle in the
the length of the straight parts of the tubes. shell (having at least one open end), such as on support
[0075] Generally, for a redistribution chamber, the baffles. The invention also pertains to such a construction
number of tubes connected to that redistribution chamber method. The method can comprise connecting the redis-
is at least 10 times higher than the number of ducts con- tribution chambers to the tube ends before or after mount-
nected to that redistribution chamber, e.g. at least 50 25 ing the tube bundle, e.g. using internal bore welds. For
times or at least 100 times higher. Accordingly, the ducts instance a tube bundle connected to a stack of redistri-
generally have a surface area in transversal cross section bution chambers is mounted in the shell. The method
(perpendicular to the flow direction) of the internal flow may involve connecting the ducts to the redistribution
space of the duct that is at least 10 or at least 20 times chamber after mounting the tube bundle. The ducts can
larger than that of a tube. 30 be inserted through the shell before or after the mounting.
[0076] Each duct has at least two duct ends, wherein The method may involve closing the vessel by e.g. joining
duct ends refers to end parts and not only to the side a closing cap (e.g. a hemi-head) to an essentially cylin-
edge. A duct may also have e.g. three duct ends in case drical middle part of the vessel having at least one open
of a Y-shaped duct. A duct ends is connected to the re- end, e.g. at the middle part end where the redistribution
distribution chamber. For instance, a duct edge may be 35 chamber is located.
adjoined to a (planar) side of a redistribution chamber [0080] Example embodiments of the invention are il-
wall with a crevice-free joint. A duct end may also be lustrated and discussed in connection with the drawings,
inserted through an opening in a redistribution chamber these drawings do not limit the invention or the claims.
wall, for instance with the crevice between the wall and [0081] Figure 1 shows a reference high pressure car-
duct part being sealed off by a weld. 40 bamate condenser not according to the invention. The
[0077] In the same way, a duct end (end part) is con- condenser (100) is provided as a shell-and-tube heat ex-
nected with the shell, e.g. a duct end may be adjoined to changer (101) and is configured as a horizontal sub-
the shell, for instance with a crevice free joint. In case merged condenser with a U-shaped tube bundle (103)
the shell wall includes a carbon steel element and the for cooling fluid and having in operation the gas to be
fluid to be transported through the duct includes car- 45 condensed in the shell space (105). A part of the bottom
bamate, the duct end or a part of the duct can be inserted half of the condenser (100) is shown in Figure 1. The
through an opening in the shell. A crevice between the heat exchanger (101) comprises a vessel (102), the ves-
inserted duct part and the hole surface of the shell (in- sel comprises a shell (1) and a tube bundle (103). The
cluding any exposed carbon steel) can be closed off by shell is designed to withstand high pressure and encloses
welding also at the inner side of the shell as the well place 50 a vessel space (104). The vessel (102) also comprises
will be accessible. Optionally, a duct part such as a sleeve a header (107). The header (107) is not enclosed by the
(e.g. of duplex stainless steel) is first inserted through a shell (1) and is outside the vessel space (104). The tubes
hole, the crevice is sealed off e.g. by welding, and the (2) of the tube bundle (103) are provided in the vessel
inserted duct part (e.g. sleeve) is connected to another space (104). The space between the tubes (2) and the
duct part e.g. by internal bore welding. For instance the 55 shell (1) is the shell space (105) for receiving gas to be
condenser comprises a duct end part inserted through condensed. Accordingly, the vessel comprises a gas inlet
an opening in the shell and having a sealed crevice be- (4) to the shell space (105), and an outlet (5) for liquid
tween the inserted duct part and the shell. from the shell space (104), and respective openings for

19 EP 3 700 888 B1 20

process medium in the shell (1). The vessel furthermore mogenous duplex stainless steel plates having a thick-
comprises a carbamate recycle inlet (13) comprising an ness (e.g. 30 to 60 cm) sufficient to contain the high pres-
opening in the shell (1). The vessel further contains a sure medium are not feasible to manufacture, at least in
gas distributor (6) that is connected to the gas inlet (4). a practically acceptable way.
The gas distributor (6) is configured for distributing the 5 [0085] In US 2015/0086440 a construction method is
gas to be condensed (e.g. mixed gas from a high pres- described wherein sleeves are inserted in bore holes
sure stripper of a urea plant) in the shell space (105). through the tube sheet such that the sleeves extend
[0082] The vessel (102) further comprises a tube sheet through the tube sheet. The sleeves are much shorter
(108). The tube sheet separates the shell space (105) than the tubes. The sleeves can be (externally) welded
from the header (107) and therefore needs to withstand 10 on both sides of the tube sheet, such that the carbon
large pressure differences. One open end of the essen- steel layer of the tube shield is sealed off from the fluid
tially cylindrical shell (1) is sealed off by the tube sheet in the shell space (105) and from fluid in the header (107).
(108).The tube sheet contains bore holes (110) for cool- At one side of the tube sheet, the sleeves are subse-
ing fluid. The ends (3) of the tubes (2) are connected to quently connected with the legs of the U-shaped tube
the tube sheet (108), such that fluid can flow between 15 bundle with an internal bore weld. Hence, after welding
the tubes and the header (107). The header is provided the sleeves to the tube sheet, the tube ends are connect-
with an opening (109) that is used as inlet or outlet, such ed to the sleeves by welding from the inside by inserting
that cooling fluid flows between the opening (109) to a the welding probe in the sleeves from the low pressure
large number of tubes (2), e.g. more than 100 tubes. The side (header side) and forming an internal bore weld.
tube sheet (108) is for instance an essentially circular 20 [0086] Accordingly, the external welding of the sleeves
metal plate and is typically a thick carbon steel plate (e.g. to the tube sheet is carried out prior to connection of the
about 30 to 60 cm carbon steel) lined with corrosion re- sleeves to the tube bundle, because otherwise the tube
sistant steel on the side exposed to the shell space (105), bundle (with a large number of closely spaced tubes)
such as with a duplex stainless steel alloy lining (which prevents access at one side of the tube sheet. However,
includes e.g. a weld overlay). 25 a disadvantage is that for each tube three welds are nec-
[0083] For the reference carbamate condenser of Fig- essary, causing high construction costs.
ure 1 (not according to the invention), the construction [0087] If in the method of US 2015/0086440 the sleeve
of the tube sheet (108) is challenging and expensive, in would be omitted and the tubes were directly connected
view of the need to withstand high pressure, the exposure to the tube sheet with internal bore welding, the carbon
of at least one side to the very corrosive process medium, 30 steel plate inside the tube sheet would exposed at the
and the very large number of tubes. Furthermore any bore holes to the carbamate present in the urea solution
crevices between the tubes and tube sheet introduce a used as cooling fluid inside the tubes. This would induce
high risk of crevice corrosion because they are in contact corrosion. If the tubes were inserted into the bore holes,
with carbamate containing medium. Crevices are present a crevice would be present between the tube ends in-
for instance in case of tube legs extending through the 35 serted in the bore holes and the tube sheet, i.e. a gap
bore holes, e.g. with a bore diameters (slightly) larger between the outside of the tube and the inside of the
than the outer diameter of the tube. Crevice corrosion is tube-sheet hole, allowing process medium to contact the
particularly severe for metal parts in contact with car- carbon steel part of the tube sheet. In the present inven-
bamate. Crevice corrosion can refer to the difficulty of tion the wall of the redistribution chamber (including the
maintaining a passivation layer on the steel with passi- 40 wall part with bore holes as in a conventional tube sheet)
vation agents (such as oxygen) in crevices due to the can advantageously be made of single sheet duplex
restricted flow in crevices. Corrosion also occurs in crev- stainless steel, such that an urea solution containing car-
ices if carbon steel is exposed in such crevices. Therefore bamate which is used as cooling fluid can be contacted
in known pool condensers the tubes are frequently not with the surface of the bore holes without inducing ex-
inserted into the bores, but are joined to the tube sheet 45 cessive risk of corrosion.
in a crevice free manner using e.g. internal bore welding. [0088] In order to have a longer residence time of the
The exposure of the carbon steel part of the tube sheet condensate in the shell space in the condenser of Figure
to process condensate and steam in the bores is not prob- 1, one option is increasing the diameter of the shell, such
lematic. that the shell has much larger surface area in cross sec-
[0084] In case that a urea solution which also contains 50 tion than the tube bundle, e.g. as illustrated in US
carbamate is provided as cooling fluid into header (107), 5767313. A disadvantage is that the diameter of the tube
such as when used for a process as described in US sheet also increases, because the tube sheet is used for
2015/0119603, a corrosion protective layer is also nec- sealing off one end of the shell, and hence the stress
essary on the side of tube sheet (108) exposed to the induced by the pressure differences also increases.
header (107), and the carbon steel surface of the bore 55 [0089] Figure 2A illustrates an example of a car-
holes (110) should not be exposed to the cooling fluid. bamate condenser (100) according to the invention. Fig-
The alternative of a single sheet duplex stainless steel ure 2B shows an enlarged part. Instead of a header (107)
alloy tube sheet is not practically feasible, because ho- and a tube sheet (108) as in Figure 1, the carbamate

21 EP 3 700 888 B1 22

condenser (100) contains a redistribution chamber (7) connection to the stripper S. The urea synthesis solution
with a wall (8). The wall (8) is configured for separating USS also contains carbamate, ammonia and water,
fluid in the redistribution chamber (7) from fluid in the which are to be removed (at least in part) from the final
shell space (105). These two fluids generally have a dif- urea product using the stripper S and a recovery section
ferent composition in operation. The redistribution cham- 5 REC comprising a low pressure section and e.g. consist-
ber (7) is provided inside the vessel space (104) and is ing of a low pressure section without medium pressure
therefore enclosed by the shell (1). The shell (1) is con- section. Downstream of REC optionally an evaporation
figured for holding fluid that is in fluid contact with the section EVAP is provided for water removal to give a urea
outer surface of the tubes (2). A plurality of tubes (2a, melt UM that is optionally solidified in a finishing section
2b) are connected to each single redistribution chamber 10 FINISH to give solid urea product SU. The stripper S has
(7), such that fluid can flow between the tubes (2) and a gas connection for mixed gas SG to the condenser
the redistribution chamber (7), through openings (12) HPCC. The condenser HPCC comprises two U-shaped
(e.g. bore holes) in the wall (8) that are provided in a part tube bundles T1 and T2. Each tube bundle (T1, T2) com-
(11) of the wall (8). The ends (3) of the tubes (2) are prises numerous tubes (e.g. more than 100 tubes). Each
attached to the wall (8) such that an openings of the tube 15 tube is connected with one end to a inlet redistribution
end is aligned with an opening (12) of the wall (8). This chamber RC1A, RC2A and with the other end to an outlet
is schematically illustrated in Figure 2C, with the diam- redistribution chamber RC1B, RC2B. The inlet redistri-
eter of the tubes (2a, 2b) enlarged compared to the re- bution chamber (RC1A, RC2A) is connected to an inlet
distribution chamber (7). The attachment of the tube end duct D1a, D2a. The outlet redistribution chamber (RC1B,
(3) is e.g. with an internal bore weld. The redistribution 20 RC2B) is connected to an outlet duct (D1b, D2b).
chamber (7) is connected to an opening (10) in the shell [0092] Condensation is carried out on the shell side of
(1) for (cooling) fluid by a duct (9). The duct (9) is placed HPCC, to which also the NH 3 feed is supplied. The strip-
in the vessel space (104) and is preferably exposed to per S has a liquid flow connection for stripped urea so-
the shell space (105). The duct (9) extends between the lution SUSS through an expansion device (e.g. expan-
opening (10) of the shell (1) and the redistribution cham- 25 sion valve) V1 to a flash vessel F1 for gas/liquid separa-
ber (7), more in particular to an opening (14) of the re- tion. Flash vessel F1 has a liquid connection for medium
distribution chamber (7). In this way, cooling fluid can be pressure urea solution MPUS which still contains car-
transported between the opening (10) in the shell (1) and bamate to tube bundle T2. In tube bundle T2, the MPUS
the tubes (2) through the redistribution chamber (7) and solution is heated and carbamate in MPUS accordingly
the duct (9) while the cooling fluid is separated from proc- 30 decomposes. From the outlet of tube bundle T2, the
ess medium fluid in the shell space (105). In operation, MPUS solution is sent to a gas/liquid separator, e.g. a
the duct (9) is on the inside in contact with cooling fluid flash vessel (F2). The gas G1 is sent to a condenser MPC
and on the outside in contact with process medium in the typically operating at medium pressure (MP) and in heat
shell space (105). As illustrated in Figure 2A and 2B, the exchange e.g. with the evaporation section EVAP. The
carbamate condenser (100) also contains a manhole 35 liquid US1 from separator F2 is sent to e.g. a low pressure
(106) and baffles (15). recovery section (REC) for further removal of carbamate
[0090] Figure 2D schematically illustrates a cross sec- and water, and then as urea solution US2 to the evapo-
tion view perpendicular to the length of an example em- ration section EVAP. In the recovery section REC, the
bodiment. The carbamate condenser (100) comprises urea solution is subjected to dissociation of carbamate
vertical stack of 4 box-shaped redistribution chambers 40 by heating typically at low pressure, the removed gases
(7) each having a duct (9), the part (11) with bore holes are condensed into liquid carbamate recycle stream
is indicated in each redistribution chamber (7). The ar- CR2. The condenser MPC may also receive the gas G2
rangement of the ducts (9) in Figure 2D is schematic, from flash vessel F1, and non-condensed gases G3 from
numerous variations are possible. The ducts (9) gener- HPCC and (not shown) off-gas from R. The condensate
ally extend from the redistribution chambers outwardly 45 from MPC is sent using a pump (not shown) as liquid
to an opening (1) in the shell (1). Reference numbers carbamate recycle CR1 to the synthesis section, in par-
which are the same for Figures 1 and 2 preferably have ticular to the shell space of the HPCC condenser, usually
the same features in Figure 2 as described in connection combined with a liquid carbamate recycle (CR2) from a
with Figure 1. recovery section REC. The condenser HPCC has a liquid
[0091] Figure 3 illustrates an example urea plant ac- 50 flow connection for condensate C to the reactor. Alter-
cording to the invention. The plant comprises a high pres- natively or in addition, a part of USS can be sent from R
sure synthesis section comprising a urea reactor R, a to tube bundle T2, e.g. to F, bypassing the stripper S. In
stripper S, and a HP carbamate condenser HPCC. The tube bundle T1 water (typically condensate) is trans-
reactor R has a liquid flow connection for urea synthesis formed into steam (not shown).
solution USS to the stripper S which uses CO2 feed for 55 [0093] As used herein "a" and "an" includes one or
stripping, in addition to heating by indirect heat exchange more. The term "comprising" allows for the presence of
with steam. Optionally, reactor R is combined with the other elements than those recited. Various illustrative
condenser HPCC in a single vessel having a liquid flow embodiments have been described above, in part with

23 EP 3 700 888 B1 24

reference to the accompanying drawings, but the inven- 3. A high pressure carbamate condenser according to
tion is not limited to these embodiments. Features of the claim 2,
separately described embodiments can generally be wherein the condenser comprises at least two of said
combined with each other as will be clear for the skilled ducts including an inlet duct and an outlet duct, and
person. Steps of the production processes can be imple- 5 comprises at least two of said redistribution cham-
mented with corresponding units and fluid flow connec- bers, including an inlet redistribution chamber for dis-
tions of the inventive plant. The process of the invention tributing cooling fluid feed from said inlet duct to a
preferably is carried out in a plant as described and using plurality of tubes and an outlet redistribution chamber
the high pressure carbamate condenser as described for combining heated cooling fluid from a plurality of
with all preferred device features applying equally for the 10 tubes to said outlet duct.
process. Reference signs in the claims to the drawings
provide example illustrations only and do not limit the 4. A high pressure carbamate condenser according to
claims. claim 3, wherein the condenser is configured for be-
ing horizontally positioned in operation, wherein said
15 tubes comprise or consist of straight tube parts, and
Claims wherein said gas distributor and said straight tube
parts are parallel arranged.
1. A high pressure carbamate condenser (100) com-
prising a shell-and-tube heat exchanger (101) which 5. A high pressure carbamate condenser according to
comprises a vessel (102) which comprises a shell 20 claim 4, wherein the tube bundle contains U-shaped
(1) and at least one tube bundle (103), wherein the tubes wherein each tube has a bend and two legs.
shell (1) encloses a vessel space (104), wherein the
tube bundle (103) comprises tubes (2) having ends 6. A high pressure carbamate condenser according to
(3), and wherein a shell space (105) is provided be- claim 5, wherein the condenser comprises a reactor
tween the tubes (2) and the shell (1), 25 part between the bend of the U-shaped tube bundle
and the shell.
wherein the heat exchanger further comprises
a redistribution chamber (7) located in said ves- 7. A high pressure carbamate condenser according to
sel space (104), wherein said redistribution any of claims 2-6,
chamber comprises a wall (8) for separating a 30
first fluid in the shell space (105) from a second wherein the shell comprises an essentially cy-
fluid inside the redistribution chamber (7), lindrical middle part and two cap parts closing
wherein a plurality of said tubes (2a, 2b) are con- said middle part at opposed ends,
nected to a single redistribution chamber (7) and wherein said shell space is a single shell
such that said second fluid can flow between 35 space defined by said middle part and cap parts
said tubes (2a, 2b) and said redistribution cham- such that fluid can flow from said gas distributor
ber (7), to both of said cap parts.
wherein the condenser (100) further comprises
a duct (9) extending from an opening (10) for 8. A high pressure carbamate condenser according to
the second fluid in said shell (1) through said 40 any of the preceding claims, wherein the redistribu-
vessel space (104) to said redistribution cham- tion chamber comprises a plurality of elements pro-
ber (7), such that the second fluid can flow be- viding the wall of the redistribution chamber, and
tween a tube end (3) and said opening (10) for wherein at least one of said elements is openable
the second fluid in said shell through said redis- and closable, for providing access to the inside of
tribution chamber (7) and said duct (9). 45 the redistribution chamber.

2. A high pressure carbamate condenser according to 9. A high pressure carbamate condenser according to
claim 1, any of the preceding claims,

configured for condensation of carbamate in the 50 - wherein a plurality of redistribution chambers

shell space (105), are stacked on each other,
wherein the vessel comprises a gas inlet (4) to - and wherein a plate element with bore holes
the shell space (105) and an outlet (5) for liquid is common to said plurality of redistribution
from the shell space (105), chambers.
wherein the vessel further comprises a gas dis- 55
tributor (6) connected to said gas inlet (4) for 10. A high pressure carbamate condenser according to
distributing gas to be condensed in the shell claim 9,
space. wherein the tube bundle contains U-shaped tubes

25 EP 3 700 888 B1 26

wherein each tube has a bend and two legs, and utor connected to said gas inlet for distributing gas
wherein said plurality of redistribution chambers in- to be condensed in the shell space.
cludes an inlet redistribution chamber and an outlet
redistribution chamber of the same U-shaped tube 17. A urea production plant according to claim 16,
bundle, arranged in the same stack of redistribution 5 wherein the feed line comprises an expansion device
chambers. and a gas/liquid separator for separating gas from
the expanded urea solution, and wherein the feed
11. A high pressure carbamate condenser according to line is configured for supplying at least a part of said
any of the preceding claims, wherein each duct has expanded urea solution to said duct.
a first duct end connected with a wall of the redistri- 10
bution chamber and a second end connected with 18. A urea production plant according to claim 16 or 17,
the shell. wherein said tube bundle is connected through a re-
distribution chamber and a duct to a gas/liquid sep-
12. A high pressure carbamate condenser according to arator having a liquid flow connection to a recovery
claim 11, wherein the first duct end is aligned with 15 section and a gas flow connection to a second con-
an opening in the wall and the second duct end is denser.
aligned with an opening in the shell, such that fluid
can flow from outside the shell to the redistribution 19. A urea production plant according to claim 18,
chamber through the duct; wherein the duct is at least wherein said second condenser operates at medium
in part located in the vessel; wherein the first duct 20 pressure and the second condenser is in heat ex-
end is located in the vessel; wherein the duct extends changing contact with an evaporation section of the
through the vessel space, and wherein the outer sur- urea plant, and wherein said second condenser has
face of the duct is exposed to the shell space. a liquid flow connection for carbamate recycle to the
high pressure carbamate condenser.
13. A high pressure carbamate condenser according to 25
claim 11, wherein the first duct end is connected to 20. A urea production plant according to claim 15,
said redistribution chamber, e.g. with a weld. wherein the reactor and the high pressure carbamate
condenser are combined in a single vessel which
14. A high pressure carbamate condenser according to vessel has a liquid outlet connected to the stripper.
claim 13, wherein the first duct end is placed radially 30
outwardly of the tube ends connected to that redis- 21. A urea production process wherein urea is formed
tribution chamber. in a reactor to give urea synthesis solution, at least
a part of said urea synthesis solution is stripped in a
15. A urea production plant comprising a high pressure stripper to give stripped urea solution, and wherein
urea synthesis section comprising a reactor, a strip- 35 gas from the stripper is condensed in a high pressure
per and a high pressure carbamate condenser, carbamate condenser, wherein the process is car-
wherein the high pressure carbamate condenser is ried out in a plant according to any of claims 15-20
according to any of the preceding claims, and where- and/or wherein the high pressure carbamate con-
in optionally the reactor and the high pressure car- denser is according to any of claims 1-14.
bamate condenser are combined in a single vessel 40
which vessel has a liquid outlet connected to the 22. A urea production process according to claim 21,
stripper. wherein at least one of said ducts is on both the inside
and the outside of the duct in contact with a solution
16. A urea production plant according to claim 15, containing carbamate, and wherein the tubes of at
wherein the high pressure carbamate condenser 45 least one tube bundle are on both the inside and the
comprises a tube bundle that is connected through outside in contact with a solution containing car-
a redistribution chamber and a duct to a feed line for bamate.
urea solution that also contains carbamate, wherein
said feed line is connected to the stripper for receiv- 23. A urea production process according to claim 22,
ing stripped urea solution from the stripper and/or 50 wherein the gas from the stripper is supplied to the
wherein said feed line is connected to the reactor for shell space of the condenser, wherein at least a part
receiving a part of the urea solution from the reactor; of the stripped urea solution, and/or a part of the urea
wherein the high pressure carbamate condenser is synthesis solution that is not sent to the stripper, is
configured for condensation of carbamate in the shell expanded while also comprising carbamate, and
space, 55 wherein at least part of the expanded urea solution
wherein the vessel comprises a gas inlet to the shell is, optionally after gas/liquid separation, supplied to
space and an outlet for liquid from the shell space, a tube bundle of the high pressure carbamate con-
wherein the vessel further comprises a gas distrib- denser through a duct and a redistribution chamber

27 EP 3 700 888 B1 28

as defined in claim 1, and is heated in the tube bundle von Rohren und eine Auslass-Umverteilungskam-
by heat exchange with the condensing process me- mer zum Kombinieren von erhitztem Kühlfluid aus
dium in the shell space, such that carbamate in said einer Vielzahl von Rohren zu dem Auslasskanal, um-
urea solution decomposes in the tube bundle. fasst.
4. Hochdruck-Carbamatkondensator nach Anspruch
Patentansprüche 3, wobei der Kondensator konfiguriert ist, dass er im
Betrieb horizontal positioniert ist, wobei die Rohre
1. Hochdruck-Carbamatkondensator (100), umfas- gerade Rohrteile umfassen oder aus ihnen beste-
send einen Rohrbündelwärmetauscher (101), der ei- 10 hen, und wobei der Gasverteiler und die geraden
nen Behälter (102) umfasst, der einen Mantel (1) und Rohrteile parallel angeordnet sind.
wenigstens ein Rohrbündel (103) umfasst, wobei der
Mantel (1) einen Behälterraum (104) umschließt, 5. Hochdruck-Carbamatkondensator nach Anspruch
4, wobei das Rohrbündel U-förmige Rohre enthält,
wobei das Rohrbündel (103) Rohre (2) mit En- 15 wobei jedes Rohr eine Biegung und zwei Schenkel
den (3) umfasst, und wobei ein Mantelraum hat.
(105) zwischen den Rohren (2) und dem Mantel
(1) bereitgestellt ist, wobei der Wärmetauscher 6. Hochdruck-Carbamatkondensator nach Anspruch
ferner eine Umverteilungskammer (7) umfasst, 5, wobei der Kondensator einen Reaktorteil zwi-
platziert in dem Behälterraum (104), wobei die 20 schen der Biegung des U-förmigen Rohrbündels und
Umverteilungskammer eine Wand (8) zum dem Mantel umfasst.
Trennen eines ersten Fluids in dem Mantelraum
(105) von einem zweiten Fluid innerhalb der Um- 7. Hochdruck-Carbamatkondensator nach einem der
verteilungskammer (7) umfasst, Ansprüche 2 - 6, wobei der Mantel einen im Wesent-
wobei eine Vielzahl der Rohre (2a, 2b) mit einer 25 lichen zylindrischen Mittelteil und zwei Kappenteile,
einzigen Umverteilungskammer (7) verbunden verschließend das Mittelteil an gegenüberliegenden
ist, so dass das zweite Fluid zwischen den Roh- Enden, umfasst,
ren (2a, 2b) und der Umverteilungskammer (7) und wobei der Mantelraum ein einzelner Mantelraum
fließen kann, ist, definiert durch das Mittelteil und die Kappenteile,
wobei der Kondensator (100) ferner einen Kanal 30 so dass Fluid von dem Gasverteiler zu beiden der
(9) umfasst, sich erstreckend von einer Öffnung Kappenteile fließen kann.
(10) für das zweite Fluid in dem Mantel (1) durch
den Behälterraum (104) zu der Umverteilungs- 8. Hochdruck-Carbamatkondensator nach einem der
kammer (7), so dass das zweite Fluid zwischen vorhergehenden Ansprüche, wobei die Umvertei-
einem Rohrende (3) und der Öffnung (10) für 35 lungskammer eine Vielzahl von Elementen umfasst,
das zweite Fluid in dem Mantel durch die Um- bereitstellend die Wand der Umverteilungskammer,
verteilungskammer (7) und den Kanal (9) fließen und wobei wenigstens eines der Elemente öffenbar
kann. und verschließbar ist, zum Bereitstellen von Zugang
zu dem Inneren der Umverteilungskammer.
2. Hochdruck-Carbamatkondensator nach Anspruch 40
1, konfiguriert zur Kondensation von Carbamat in 9. Hochdruck-Carbamatkondensator nach einem der
dem Mantelraum (105), vorhergehenden Ansprüche,

wobei der Behälter einen Gaseinlass (4) zu dem - wobei eine Vielzahl von Umverteilungskam-
Mantelraum (105) und einen Auslass (5) für 45 mern übereinander gestapelt sind,
Flüssigkeit aus dem Mantelraum (105) umfasst, - und wobei ein Plattenelement mit Bohrlöchern
wobei der Behälter ferner einen Gasverteiler (6) der Vielzahl von Umverteilungskammern ge-
umfasst, verbunden mit dem Gaseinlass (4), meinsam ist.
zum Verteilen von Gas, das in dem Mantelraum
zu kondensieren ist. 50 10. Hochdruck-Carbamatkondensator nach Anspruch
9, wobei das Rohrbündel U-förmige Rohre enthält,
3. Hochdruck-Carbamatkondensator nach Anspruch wobei jedes Rohr eine Biegung und zwei Schenkel
2, wobei der Kondensator wenigstens zwei der Ka- hat, und wobei die Vielzahl von Umverteilungskam-
näle, einschließlich eines Einlasskanals und eines mern eine Einlass-Umverteilungskammer und eine
Auslasskanals, umfasst, und wenigstens zwei der 55 Auslass-Umverteilungskammer desselben U-förmi-
Umverteilungskammern, einschließlich einer Ein- gen Rohrbündels, angeordnet in demselben Stapel
lass-Umverteilungskammer zum Verteilen von Kühl- von Umverteilungskammern, einschließt.
fluidzufuhr aus dem Einlasskanal an eine Vielzahl

29 EP 3 700 888 B1 30

11. Hochdruck-Carbamatkondensator nach einem der 17. Harnstoffproduktionsanlage nach Anspruch 16, wo-
vorhergehenden Ansprüche, wobei jeder Kanal ein bei die Zuführungsleitung eine Expansionsvorrich-
erstes Kanalende , verbunden mit einer Wand der tung und einen Gas-/Flüssigkeitsabscheider zum
Umverteilungskammer, und ein zweites Ende, ver- Trennen von Gas aus der expandierten Harnstofflö-
bunden mit dem Mantel, hat. 5 sung umfasst, und wobei die Zuführungsleitung zum
Zuführen wenigstens eines Teils der expandierten
12. Hochdruck-Carbamatkondensator nach Anspruch Harnstofflösung zu dem Kanal, konfiguriert ist.
11, wobei das erste Kanalende mit einer Öffnung in
der Wand ausgerichtet ist und das zweite Kanalende 18. Harnstoffproduktionsanlage nach Anspruch 16 oder
mit einer Öffnung im Mantel ausgerichtet ist, so dass 10 17, wobei das Rohrbündel über eine Umverteilungs-
Fluid von außerhalb des Mantels in die Umvertei- kammer und einen Kanal mit einem Gas-/Flüssig-
lungskammer durch den Kanal fließen kann; wobei keitsabscheider mit einer Flüssigkeitsstromverbin-
der Kanal wenigstens teilweise in dem Behälter plat- dung zu einem Rückgewinnungsabschnitt und einer
ziert ist; wobei das erste Kanalende in dem Behälter Gasstromverbindung zu einem zweiten Kondensa-
platziert ist; wobei sich der Kanal durch den Behäl- 15 tor verbunden ist.
terraum erstreckt, und wobei die Außenfläche des
Kanals dem Mantelraum ausgesetzt ist. 19. Harnstoffproduktionsanlage nach Anspruch 18, wo-
bei der zweite Kondensator bei mittlerem Druck ar-
13. Hochdruck-Carbamatkondensator nach Anspruch beitet und der zweite Kondensator in Wärmeaus-
11, wobei das erste Kanalende mit der Umvertei- 20 tauschkontakt mit einem Verdampfungsabschnitt
lungskammer verbunden ist, z. B. mit einer der Harnstoffanlage steht, und wobei der zweite
Schweißnaht. Kondensator eine Flüssigkeitsstromverbindung zur
Carbamatrückführung zu dem Hochdruck-Carba-
14. Hochdruck-Carbamatkondensator nach Anspruch matkondensator hat.
13, wobei das erste Kanalende radial außerhalb der 25
Rohrenden, verbunden mit dieser Umverteilungs- 20. Harnstoffproduktionsanlage nach Anspruch 15, wo-
kammer, positioniert ist. bei der Reaktor und der Hochdruck-Carbamatkon-
densator in einem einzigen Behälter kombiniert sind,
15. Harnstoffproduktionsanlage, umfassend einen wobei der Behälter einen Flüssigkeitsauslass , ver-
Hochdruck-Harnstoffsyntheseabschnitt, umfassend 30 bunden mit dem Stripper, hat.
einen Reaktor, einen Stripper und einen Hochdruck-
Carbamatkondensator, wobei der Hochdruck-Carb- 21. Harnstoffherstellungsverfahren, wobei Harnstoff in
amatkondensator nach einem der vorhergehenden einem Reaktor gebildet wird, um eine Harnstoffsyn-
Ansprüche ist, und wobei optional der Reaktor und theselösung zu ergeben, wenigstens ein Teil der
der Hochdruck-Carbamatkondensator in einem ein- 35 Harnstoffsyntheselösung in einem Stripper gestrippt
zigen Behälter kombiniert sind, wobei der Behälter wird, um eine gestrippte Harnstofflösung zu erge-
einen Flüssigkeitsauslass , verbunden mit dem ben, und wobei Gas aus dem Stripper in einem Hoch-
Stripper, hat. druck-Carbamatkondensator kondensiert wird, wo-
bei das Verfahren in einer Anlage nach einem der
16. Harnstoffproduktionsanlage nach Anspruch 15, wo- 40 Ansprüche 15 - 20 durchgeführt wird und/oder wobei
bei der Hochdruck-Carbamatkondensator ein Rohr- der Hochdruck-Carbamatkondensator gemäß ei-
bündel umfasst, das über eine Umverteilungskam- nem der Ansprüche 1 - 14 ist.
mer und einen Kanal mit einer Zuführungsleitung für
Harnstofflösung verbunden ist, die ebenfalls Carba- 22. Harnstoffherstellungsverfahren nach Anspruch 21,
mat enthält, wobei die Zuführungsleitung mit dem 45 wobei wenigstens einer der Kanäle sowohl innerhalb
Stripper, zum Aufnehmen von gestrippter Harnstoff- als auch außerhalb des Kanals mit einer Lösung,
lösung aus dem Stripper, verbunden ist, und/oder enthaltend Carbamat, in Kontakt ist, und wobei die
wobei die Zuführungsleitung mit dem Reaktor, zum Rohre wenigstens eines Rohrbündels sowohl inner-
Aufnehmen eines Teils der Harnstofflösung aus dem halb als auch außerhalb mit einer Lösung, enthal-
Reaktor, verbunden ist; wobei der Hochdruck-Car- 50 tend Carbamat, in Kontakt sind.
bamatkondensator zur Kondensation von Carbamat
in dem Mantelraum konfiguriert ist, 23. Harnstoffherstellungsverfahren nach Anspruch 22,
wobei der Behälter einen Gaseinlass in den Mantel- wobei das Gas aus dem Stripper dem Mantelraum
raum und einen Auslass für Flüssigkeit aus dem des Kondensators zugeführt wird, wobei wenigstens
Mantelraum umfasst, wobei der Behälter ferner ei- 55 ein Teil der gestrippten Harnstofflösung, und/oder
nen Gasverteiler, verbunden mit dem Gaseinlass, ein Teil der Harnstoffsyntheselösung, der nicht dem
umfasst, zum Verteilen von Gas, um in dem Mantel- Stripper zugeführt wird, expandiert wird, während er
raum kondensiert zu werden. auch Carbamat umfasst, und wobei wenigstens ein

31 EP 3 700 888 B1 32

Teil der expandierten Harnstofflösung, optional nach 3. Condenseur de carbamate haute pression selon la
einer Gas-/FlüssigkeitsTrennung, einem Rohrbün- revendication 2, dans lequel le condenseur com-
del des Hochdruck-Carbamatkondensators durch prend au moins deux desdites canalisations incluant
einen Kanal und eine Umverteilungskammer, wie in une canalisation d’entrée et une canalisation de sor-
Anspruch 1 definiert, zugeführt wird, und in dem 5 tie, et comprend au moins deux desdites chambres
Rohrbündel durch Wärmeaustausch mit dem kon- de redistribution, incluant une chambre de redistri-
densierenden Prozessmedium in dem Mantelraum bution d’entrée pour distribuer une alimentation en
erhitzt wird, so dass Carbamat in der Harnstofflö- fluide réfrigérant à partir de ladite canalisation d’en-
sung in dem Rohrbündel zersetzt wird. trée jusqu’à plusieurs tubes et une chambre de re-
10 distribution de sortie pour combiner du fluide réfri-
gérant chauffé à partir de plusieurs tubes jusqu’à
Revendications ladite canalisation de sortie.

1. Condenseur de carbamate haute pression (100) 4. Condenseur de carbamate haute pression selon la
comprenant un échangeur de chaleur calandre-et- 15 revendication 3, dans lequel le condenseur est con-
tube (101) qui comprend une cuve (102) qui com- figuré pour être positionné horizontalement en fonc-
prend une calandre (1) et au moins un faisceau de tionnement, dans lequel lesdits tubes comprennent
tubes (103), dans lequel la calandre (1) enferme un ou consistent en parties de tube linéaires, et dans
espace de cuve (104), dans lequel le faisceau de lequel ledit distributeur de gaz et lesdites parties de
tubes (103) comprend des tubes (2) ayant des ex- 20 tube linéaires sont disposés parallèlement.
trémités (3), et dans lequel un espace de calandre
(105) est fourni entre les tubes (2) et la calandre (1), 5. Condenseur de carbamate haute pression selon la
revendication 4, dans lequel le faisceau de tubes
dans lequel l’échangeur de chaleur comprend contient des tubes en forme de U dans lequel chaque
de plus une chambre de redistribution (7) dis- 25 tube présente une courbure et deux pieds.
posée dans ledit espace de cuve (104), dans
lequel ladite chambre de redistribution com- 6. Condenseur de carbamate haute pression selon la
prend une paroi (8) pour séparer un premier flui- revendication 5, dans lequel le condenseur com-
de dans l’espace de calandre (105) d’un second prend une partie de réacteur entre la courbure du
fluide à l’intérieur de la chambre de redistribution 30 faisceau de tubes en forme de U et la calandre.
dans lequel plusieurs desdits tubes (2a, 2b) sont 7. Condenseur de carbamate haute pression selon
raccordés à une seule chambre de redistribution l’une quelconque des revendications 2-6, dans le-
(7) de sorte que ledit second fluide peut s’écou- quel la calandre comprend une partie de milieu es-
ler entre lesdits tubes (2a, 2b) et ladite chambre 35 sentiellement cylindrique et deux parties de bouchon
de redistribution (7), fermant ladite partie de milieu aux extrémités oppo-
dans lequel le condenseur (100) comprend de sées,
plus une canalisation (9) s’étendant à partir et dans lequel ledit espace de calandre est un seul
d’une ouverture (10) pour le second fluide dans espace de calandre défini par ladite partie de milieu
ladite calandre (1) à travers ledit espace de cuve 40 et les parties de bouchon de sorte que du fluide peut
(104) jusqu’à ladite chambre de redistribution s’écouler à partir dudit distributeur de gaz jusqu’aux
(7), de sorte que le second fluide peut s’écouler deux desdites parties de bouchon.
entre une extrémité de tube (3) et ladite ouver-
ture (10) pour le second fluide dans ladite ca- 8. Condenseur de carbamate haute pression selon
landre à travers ladite chambre de redistribution 45 l’une quelconque des revendications précédentes,
(7) et ladite canalisation (9). dans lequel la chambre de redistribution comprend
plusieurs éléments fournissant la paroi de la cham-
2. Condenseur de carbamate haute pression selon la bre de redistribution, et dans lequel au moins un des-
revendication 1, configuré pour une condensation dits éléments peut être ouvert et fermé, pour fournir
de carbamate dans l’espace de calandre (105), dans 50 un accès à l’intérieur de la chambre de redistribution.
lequel la cuve comprend une entrée de gaz (4) dans
l’espace de calandre (105) et une sortie (5) pour du 9. Condenseur de carbamate haute pression selon
liquide de l’espace de calandre (105), l’une quelconque des revendications précédentes,
dans lequel la cuve comprend de plus un distributeur
de gaz (6) raccordé à ladite entrée de gaz (4) pour 55 - dans lequel plusieurs chambres de redistribu-
distribuer du gaz à condenser dans l’espace de ca- tion sont empilées les unes sur les autres,
landre. - et dans lequel un élément de plaque avec des
perforations est commun auxdites plusieurs

33 EP 3 700 888 B1 34

chambres de redistribution. 15, dans laquelle le condenseur de carbamate haute

pression comprend un faisceau de tubes qui est rac-
10. Condenseur de carbamate haute pression selon la cordé par l’intermédiaire d’une chambre de redistri-
revendication 9, bution et une canalisation à une ligne d’alimentation
dans lequel le faisceau de tubes contient des tubes 5 pour une solution d’urée qui contient également du
en forme de U dans lequel chaque tube présente carbamate, dans laquelle ladite ligne d’alimentation
une courbure et deux pieds, et dans lequel lesdites est raccordée à l’épurateur pour recevoir une solu-
plusieurs chambres de redistribution comprennent tion d’urée épurée de l’épurateur et/ou dans laquelle
une chambre de redistribution d’entrée et une cham- ladite ligne d’alimentation est raccordée au réacteur
bre de redistribution de sortie du même faisceau de 10 pour recevoir une partie de la solution d’urée du
tubes en forme de U, disposées dans le même em- réacteur ; dans laquelle le condenseur de carbamate
pilement de chambres de redistribution. haute pression est configuré pour une condensation
de carbamate dans l’espace de calandre,
11. Condenseur de carbamate haute pression selon dans laquelle la cuve comprend une entrée de gaz
l’une quelconque des revendications précédentes, 15 dans l’espace de calandre et une sortie pour du li-
dans lequel chaque canalisation présente une pre- quide à partir de l’espace de calandre, dans laquelle
mière extrémité de canalisation raccordée avec une la cuve comprend de plus un distributeur de gaz rac-
paroi de la chambre de redistribution et une seconde cordé à ladite entrée de gaz pour distribuer du gaz
extrémité raccordée avec la calandre. à condenser dans l’espace de calandre.
12. Condenseur de carbamate haute pression selon la 17. Usine de production d’urée selon la revendication
revendication 11, dans lequel la première extrémité 16, dans laquelle la ligne d’alimentation comprend
de canalisation est alignée avec une ouverture dans un dispositif d’expansion et un séparateur gaz/liqui-
la paroi et la seconde extrémité de canalisation est de pour séparer du gaz de la solution d’urée expan-
alignée avec une ouverture dans la calandre, de sor- 25 sée, et dans laquelle la ligne d’alimentation est con-
te que du fluide peut s’écouler à partir de l’extérieur figurée pour introduire au moins une partie de ladite
de la calandre jusqu’à la chambre de redistribution solution d’urée expansée dans ladite canalisation.
à travers la canalisation ; dans lequel la canalisation
est au moins en partie disposée dans la cuve ; dans 18. Usine de production d’urée selon la revendication
lequel la première extrémité de canalisation est dis- 30 16 ou 17, dans laquelle ledit faisceau de tubes est
posée dans la cuve ; dans lequel la canalisation raccordé par une chambre de redistribution et une
s’étend à travers l’espace de cuve, et dans lequel la canalisation à un séparateur gaz/liquide ayant un
surface externe de la canalisation est exposée à l’es- raccordement d’écoulement de liquide à une section
pace de calandre. de récupération et un raccordement d’écoulement
35 de gaz à un second condenseur.
13. Condenseur de carbamate haute pression selon la
revendication 11, dans lequel la première extrémité 19. Usine de production d’urée selon la revendication
de canalisation est raccordée à ladite chambre de 18, dans laquelle ledit second condenseur fonction-
redistribution, par exemple avec une soudure. ne à une pression moyenne et le second condenseur
40 est dans un contact d’échange de chaleur avec une
14. Condenseur de carbamate haute pression selon la section d’évaporation de l’usine d’urée, et dans la-
revendication 13, dans lequel la première extrémité quelle ledit second condenseur présente un raccor-
de canalisation est placée radialement vers l’exté- dement d’écoulement de liquide pour un recyclage
rieur des extrémités de tube raccordées à celles de de carbamate dans le condenseur de carbamate
la chambre de redistribution. 45 haute pression.

15. Usine de production d’urée comprenant une section 20. Usine de production d’urée selon la revendication
de synthèse d’urée haute pression comprenant un 15, dans laquelle le réacteur et le condenseur de
réacteur, un épurateur et un condenseur de carba- carbamate haute pression sont combinés dans une
mate haute pression, dans laquelle le condenseur 50 seule cuve laquelle cuve présente une sortie de li-
de carbamate haute pression est selon l’une quel- quide raccordée à l’épurateur.
conque des revendications précédentes, et dans la-
quelle éventuellement le réacteur et le condensateur 21. Procédé de production d’urée, dans lequel de l’urée
de carbamate haute pression sont combinés dans est formée dans un réacteur pour fournir une solution
une seule cuve laquelle cuve présente une sortie de 55 de synthèse d’urée, au moins une partie de ladite
liquide raccordée à l’épurateur. solution de synthèse d’urée est épurée dans un épu-
rateur pour fournir une solution d’urée épurée, et
16. Usine de production d’urée selon la revendication dans lequel du gaz de l’épurateur est condensé dans

35 EP 3 700 888 B1 36

un condenseur de carbamate haute pression, dans

lequel le procédé est réalisé dans une usine selon
l’une quelconque des revendications 15-20 et/ou
dans lequel le condenseur de carbamate haute pres-
sion est selon l’une quelconque des revendications 5

22. Procédé de production d’urée selon la revendication

21, dans lequel au moins une desdites canalisations
se trouve sur les deux de l’intérieur et l’extérieur de 10
la canalisation en contact avec une solution conte-
nant du carbamate, et dans lequel les tubes d’au
moins un faisceau de tubes se trouvent à la fois sur
l’intérieur et l’extérieur en contact avec une solution
contenant du carbamate. 15

23. Procédé de production d’urée selon la revendication

22, dans lequel le gaz de l’épurateur est introduit
dans l’espace de calandre du condenseur, dans le-
quel au moins une partie de la solution d’urée épu- 20
rée, et/ou une partie de la solution de synthèse
d’urée qui n’est pas envoyée dans l’épurateur, est
expansée tout en comprenant également du carba-
mate, et dans lequel au moins une partie de la so-
lution d’urée expansée est, éventuellement après 25
séparation gaz/liquide, introduite dans un faisceau
de tubes du condenseur de carbamate haute pres-
sion à travers une canalisation et une chambre de
redistribution comme défini dans la revendication 1,
et est chauffée dans le faisceau de tubes par échan- 30
ge de chaleur avec le milieu de procédé de conden-
sation dans l’espace de calandre, de sorte que du
carbamate dans ladite solution d’urée se décompo-
se dans le faisceau de tubes.





EP 3 700 888 B1

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EP 3 700 888 B1


This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Patent documents cited in the description

• EP 0464307 A [0004] [0015] • US 20150119603 A [0044] [0048] [0084]

• US 4082797 A [0004] • US 20040116743 A [0047]
• US 6518457 B [0014] • WO 2017014632 A [0066]
• US 4899813 A [0015] • US 20150086440 A [0085] [0087]
• US 5767313 A [0024] [0088]

Non-patent literature cited in the description

• A lower cost design for urea. Nitrogen, August 1996, • Nitrogen, August 1996, (222), 29-31 [0013]
(222), 29-31 [0002]


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