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KIU Journal of Humanities

KIU Journal of Humanities Copyright©2020

Kampala International University ISSN: 2415-0843; 5(3): 33–40

Effects of Youth Unemployment and its Consequences on Economic Growth in Nigeria


Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijagun, Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State, Nigeria

Abstract. This study investigated the effects of youth of unemployment problem in Nigeria. Also, National
unemployment and its consequences on economic Directorate of Employment should be allowed to give
growth in Nigeria. One of the greatest challenges loans to people with viable and profitable projects
facing the Nigeria economy is unemployment. The that could guarantee employment through the product
problem of unemployment in Nigeria is a national of both industrial and agricultural consumable
issue that should be handled with care as the rate of products and goods.
unemployment in Nigeria since 1973 has been
growing in a geometric progression. Its source could Keywords: Effects, Unemployment, Growth,
be traced to the diversification of Nigeria economy Nigeria, Economic Development.
into oil sector that only provides less than 10%
employment opportunity to its labour force. 1. Introduction
Descriptive research design of survey type was used
while multi-stage sampling technique was employed One of the greatest challenges facing the Nigeria
in selecting 600 respondents. Two research questions economy is unemployment which has maintained a
and three research hypotheses were tested using rising trend over the years. The problem of
Effect and Consequences of Youth Unemployment unemployment in Nigeria is a national issue that
Questionnaire (EACOYUQ). Data were analyzed should be handled with care. The rate of
using frequency counts, percentages and Pearson unemployment in Nigeria since 1973 has been
product moment correlation. The results showed that growing in a geometric progression and the issue has
there is significant relationship between youth become a world-wide phenomenon demanding for
unemployment rate and Nigerian economic growth increased attention as the impact is more devastating
(r=0.820, P<0.05), between youth unemployment rate (Ejikeme, 2014). According to the National Bureau
and government’s programmes to solve the problem of Statistics (2012), Nigeria rate of unemployment
(r=0.924, P<0.05), and between government’s stand at 19.7%. In fact, Akeju & Olanipekun, (2014),
programmes to solve the problem and government’s identifies unemployment as one of the major
possible ways in ensuring the reduction of challenges confronting the Nigeria - economic
unemployment level in Nigeria (r=0.765, P<0.05). development. The menace of unemployment in
The result further showed that rapid growth of Nigeria since early 1980s has been an issue of great
population (89.1%), massive corruption (81.7%), concern to the economists, policy makers, economic
growth of labour force (81.5%), lack of employable managers, individuals, government and many others
skills (80.6%), lack of industries/factories (79.2%) (Bello, 2003). The effect of financial crisis on public
and cultural barriers (64.3%) were major causes of and private sectors has led to renew attention on the
youth unemployment while the study also revealed phenomenon. Fadayomi (1992) and Osinubi (2006),
that the use of youth as political thugs (87.5%), the argued that unemployment is as a result of the
use of youth in various anti-social vices (81.5%) and inability to develop and utilize the nation’s
the use of youth to destabilize and truncate the manpower resources effectively.
democratic and development process in the state
(71.7%) were the consequences of youth Nigeria is a country that is endowed with enormous
unemployment. Based on this it was recommended resources, both human and material. Despite the
that government should encourage entrepreneurial abundant resources endowed on Nigeria by nature, its
activities which are believed to be the remote cause citizens are still struggling to survive due to

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economic hardships or difficulties in the country underemployment cases in which people receive
(Ekpo, 2008). Undoubtedly, parts of the incomes that are inadequate to support their basic
macroeconomic goals which the government strives needs, in terms of food, clothing and shelter. There
to achieve are the maintenance of stable domestic are also cases of disguised unemployment where
price level and full-employment. Macroeconomic people take up jobs that are below their educational
performance is judged by three broad measures- attainment and experience. The worst case of all is
unemployment rate, inflation rate, and the growth that of people seeking for job opportunities but who
rate of output (Fadayomi, 1992). Unemployment is cannot find any either in the public or the private
generally seen as a macro-economic problem as well sector. Some people are willing and ready to set up
as socio-economic problem. It has been categorized enterprises themselves and engage in one type of
as one of the serious impediments to social progress. economic activity or the other but are constrained by
Apart from representing an enormous waste of a the prevailing poor macroeconomic environment. All
country’s manpower resources, it generates welfare these have contributed significantly to the high level
loss in terms of lower output thereby leading to lower of unemployment and poverty in Africa. The rise in
income and well-being (Ejikeme, 2014; Ekpo, 2008). the unemployment rate was largely attributed to the
Unemployment arises as a result of insufficient and increased number of school graduates with no
non-availability of jobs to correspond with the matching job opportunities, a freeze on employment
growing population, even those who are employed in many public and private sector institutions as well
sometimes lives with the fear of being unemployed as the slow disbursement of the capital budget by the
due to job insecurity and retrenchment of workers. Federal Government (Adebayo, 1999; Arewa &
There is employment if factors of production are Nwakanma, 2012). Alanana, (2003) opines that
engaged in production. unemployment is potentially dangerous as it sends
disturbing signal to all segments of the Nigerian
Fajana (2000), defined unemployment as a situation Society. The rate of youth unemployment in Nigeria
where people who are willing and capable of working is high, even at the period of economic normalcy i.e.
are unable to find suitable paid employment. He said the oil boom of the 1970s (6.2%); 1980s (9.8%) and
further that the higher the rate of unemployment in an the 1990s (11.5%).
economy, the higher the level of poverty and
associated welfare challenges. It is a widely accepted Daniels and Ejara (2012) opined that there are many
view in economics that the growth rate of the Gross types of unemployment in Nigeria: structural
Domestic Product (GDP) of an economy increases unemployment, cyclical unemployment, frictional
employment and reduces unemployment. The Nigeria unemployment and classical unemployment. The
economy has had a truncated history. In the period of structural unemployment occurs due to globalization
1970-1980, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and technological advancement which replace the
recorded 3.1 percent growth annually. During the oil workers with the machinery that causes the layoffs in
boom era, roughly 1980-1988 GDP grew positively the economy. It is also caused by mismatch of skills
by 6.2 percent annually; a remarkable growth. of workers from the underlying jobs. Cyclical
However, in the 1990s, GDP had a negative growth unemployment occurs when the aggregate demand of
rates. In the period of 1998-2007 which constitutes the economy is not sufficient to give the jobs to
the period of structural adjustment and economic everyone who wants to work, because aggregate
liberalization, the GDP responded to economic supply of goods and services exceed from the
adjustment policies and grew at a positive rate of 4.0 aggregate demand that can discourage the production
in the years after independence, industry and and consequently it reduces the workers. Frictional
manufacturing sectors had positive growth rates unemployment occurs when the skills of the workers
except for the period 1990-1998 where industry and are mismatched with the underlying jobs, it is like a
manufacturing grew negatively by -3.2 percent and - structural unemployment but it is short run in nature
2.9 percent respectively. According to Okun (1962), while structural unemployment has long lasting
the negative relationship between movements of the effect. Classical unemployment arises when
unemployment rate and the real gross domestic government set the wage rates above the equilibrium
product (GDP) was as a result of changes in prices that cause labour to rush for the jobs in the
aggregate demand, industry changes their production labour market which exceeds from the existing
pattern which leads to changes in demand for labour vacancies. They concluded that the analysis of
which alter the unemployment rates. employment data in the last decade shows that the
rate of new entrants into the labour market has not
According to Oni (2006), unemployment problem in been uniform. The rate was on the increase from
Nigeria has different dimensions. There are 2007 to 2009, but declined significantly from 2009 to

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2010, and increased again from 2010 to 2011. educational system that is not adequate to equip
“Within the five-year period, there has been an youths with requisite technical and entrepreneurial
average of about 1.8 million new entrants into the skills.
active labour market per year”.
Scholars have written widely on unemployment issue
Walterskirchen (1999) argued that higher and its effects on the growth and development of
employment among low skilled workers leads to Nigeria. According to Anyadike, Emeh & Ukah
higher growth because it becomes more profitable to (2012), every nation's economy is characterized by
invest in human capital when this is combined with both active and inactive populations. They observed
more low skilled workers. Higher employment also that the economically active ones are those
implies more human capital accumulation if this populations willing and able to work, and include
occurs mainly through learning the job. An effect those actively engaged in the production of goods
working in the opposite direction is however, that and services and those who are unemployed. The
higher employment is likely to reduce the average International Labour Organisation in their
time spent in the education system before students contribution has it that the unemployed are numbers
enter the labour force (Storesletten & Zilibotti, 2000). of the economically active population who are
Adebayo & Ogunrinola (2006), noted that without work but available for and seeking for work.
unemployment in Nigeria increased by 69 percent They also include people who have lost their jobs and
from 6.1 in 1985 to 19.7 in 2009 while in 2010 and those who have voluntarily left work (World Bank,
2011 experienced an increased to 21.1 and 23.9 1999). On the part of Bassey & Atan (2012),
percent respectively. The economy grew by 72 Nigerian has the potential for rapid economic growth
percent from 281,407.4 in 1995 to 814,407.0 in 2011. and development, with her rich human and material
What this means, is that, as unemployment was resources, yet the country's economic performance
increasing, the economy was equally growing, why? has been described as being truncated, erratic, dismal
The rate of unemployment increases as a result of and largely unimpressed (Ajayi, 2002; Akeju &
increase in the population of the country. An increase Olanipekun, 2014; Ekpo, 2008). The poor growth
in population signals an increase in labour supply. performance of the economy is depicted in the rising
incidence of poverty, massive and graduate
It should be noted that the average contribution of the unemployment, skyrocketing inflation, worsening
oil sector to the GDP between 1995 and 2011 is 26.7 balance of payments disequilibrium, monumental
percent, while agriculture which is the main source of external debt burden, widening income disparity and
gainful employment in the country contributed 39.3 growing fiscal imbalances which takes into
percent just a difference of 12.6 percent from that of consideration the Nigeria crises of
oil that employs less than 10 percent of the labour underdevelopment. This is why Ekpo (2008) in
force. In 1995, agriculture contributed 34.1 percent to Bassey & Atan (2012), affirmed that all these
the GDP and 43.5 percent in 2011; this represents an problems are rooted in the pervasive distortions
increase of 9.4 percent with this sector employing existing within the economy.
over 50 percent of labour in the country, there should
have been a decrease in the rate of unemployment but Unemployment, takes a doomsday scenario in
rather the rate of unemployment increased by 69 Nigeria as it developed a decade after Nigeria had her
percent (CBN, 2012). This can be attributed to the independence. Akintoye (2008) opined that the rate
neglect of the important sectors such as agriculture of unemployment rise from 4.3% to 6.4% and further
where the country has comparative advantage rose to 7.1% in 1987. This rise in unemployment rate
(Adebayo & Ogunrinola, 2006). Other causes of this came as a result of economic depression which
abnormal situation include: Gross mismanagement of engulfed the nation and spread its effects that resulted
national resources leading to wasteful spending and to massive closure of businesses and retrenchment of
misappropriation of funds and priorities (Bassey & workers. This was followed by the placement of
Atan, 2012); weak infrastructural facilities in the embargo on recruitment which further worsened the
country that did not aid rapid industrialization situation. Bassey & Atan, (2012) opined that the
(Akintoye, 2008); and lack of political will to Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) had a
implement certain policies that could open up the salutary effect on job creation leading to a sharp fall
Nigerian economy to private sector participation in unemployment figure from 7.1% in 1987 to 3% in
(Bello, 2009). One of such is the unwillingness on the 1994. However, the rate of unemployment in Nigeria
part of the government to implement full deregulation kept on increasing. Oyebade (2003) asserted that,
in the downstream sector of the oil and gas. Bello Nigeria’s unemployment can be grouped into two
(2003) also added that another cause is the weak categories: first, the older unemployed who lost their

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jobs through retrenchment, redundancy, or The level of unemployment in Nigeria has grown
bankruptcy; and second, the younger unemployed, large as it affected the youth and the economic
most of whom have never been employed. In the development of the country from a broad spectrum of
words of Awogbenle & Iwuamadi (2016), a statistics socio-economic perspective. It is obvious that
from the Manpower Board and the Federal Bureau of unemployment especially that of graduates impedes
Statistics indicated that, Nigeria has a youth Nigeria’s progress in several ways. Apart from the
population of 80 million, representing 60% of the economic waste it brought to the nation, it also
total population of the country. Also, 64 million of constitutes political unrest for the country. Thus, the
them are unemployed, while 1.6 million are under- situation is disturbing and even more disheartening
employed. that the country’s economic condition cannot absorb
an optimal proportion of its labour force. This
In fact, Feridum & Akindele (2006); George and situation has contributed to the increase in crimes and
Oseni (2012); Ezie (2012) and Ede, Ndubisi & other social vices experienced in our society in recent
Nwankwo (2013), identifies unemployment as one of time. Based on this aforementioned reason, the study
the major challenges confronting the Nigeria- sought to investigate the effect of youth
economic development. The menace of unemployment and its consequences on economic
unemployment in Nigeria both now and in the recent growth in Nigeria.
past has been an issue of great concern to the
economists, policy makers, economic managers, 3. Research Questions
individuals, government and many others (Bello,
2003). This earliest thinking on economic issues did RQ1: What are the causes of youth unemployment in
not fail to give a central point of reflection on the Ogun State, Nigeria.
undesirability of unemployment (Njoku & Ihugba, RQ2: What are the consequences of youth
2011). Unemployment has been defined as a situation unemployment in Ogun State, Nigeria
people who are willing and capable of working are 4. Hypotheses
unable to find suitable paid employment (Fajana,
2000). He said further that the higher the rate of The following hypotheses were tested to guide the
unemployment in an economy, the higher the level of study:
poverty and associated welfare challenges.
Ho1: there is no significant relationship between
The issue of unemployment brought about some youth unemployment rate and Nigerian economy
social and economic consequences such as; increase growth
in crime rate, loss of respect and identity, reduction in Ho2: there is no significant relationship between
purchasing power, psychological injuries, corruption youth unemployment rate and government’s
among others. Muhammed, Inuwa & Oye (2011) programmes to solve the problem
submitted that unemployment constitutes a series of Ho3: there is no significant relationship between
serious development problems and is increasingly youth unemployment rate and government’s possible
more serious all over Nigeria. They said further that ways in ensuring the reduction of unemployment
the implication of unemployment on gross domestic level in Nigeria
product in Nigeria over the period of nine years
(2000-2008) showed that unemployment has an 5. Methodology
enormous effect on the Nigerian GDP and there exist
an inverse relationship between unemployment and Research Design - The study adopted a descriptive
gross domestic product, which implies that as research design and a survey type was employed as
unemployment increases, gross domestic product the manipulation of variables was not possible.
falls. Alanana (2003), argued that unemployment is
potentially dangerous as it sends disturbing signals to Population - The population for the study comprised
all segment of the economy. Ejikene (2014), assessed of all the unemployed youth from three local
the link unemployment and poverty has on security in government areas that were randomly selected in
Nigeria and concluded that both unemployment and Ogun State, Nigera.
poverty have direct link to security challenges in
Nigeria. Sample and Sampling Techniques - The sample of
the study was selected using the multi-stage sampling
2. Statement of the problem procedure. First, simple random sampling technique
was used to select Ogun East Senatorial District from

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the three senatorial districts in Ogun State. Second, instrument has 18 likert scale items with four options
simple random sampling technique was used to select ranging from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree”
three local government areas from the nine local while 7 other items were not likert scale items. The
government areas in Ogun-East Senatorial district. instrument was pilot tested on fifty unemployed
Lastly, convenience sampling technique was applied graduate youths from a local government that was not
in selecting 600 respondents form the population. part of the real study sample and a reliability
coefficient of 0.83 was recorded using crombach
Instrumentation - Data were collected using well alpha reliability. The administration of the instrument
structured questionnaire with title - Effect and was coordinated by the researcher. 589 copies of the
Consequences of Youth Unemployment instrument were found to have been properly
Questionnaire (EACOYUQ). The questionnaire completed and returned at the end of the exercise.
consists of three sections. Section A contained the
demographic data of the respondents; section B Method of Data Analysis - The data collected were
contained information to elicit responses on the effect analyzed using descriptive statistic of frequency
of youth unemployment on while section C contained counts and percentages while the hypotheses were
information to elicit responses on the consequences analyzed using inferential analysis of Pearson
of youth unemployment in Ogun State. This Product Moment Correlation.

6. Result Findings

RQ1: What are the causes of youth unemployment in Ogun State, Nigeria.

Table 1: Causes of youth unemployment

Causes of youth unemployment SA A D SD Total
Rapid growth of population 350 167 45 18 580
60.3% 28.8% 7.8% 3.1%
Rapid growth of labour force 362 96 54 50 562
64.4 % 17.1% 9.6% 8.9%
Lack of employable skills 335 128 67 45 575
58.3 % 22.3% 11.7% 7.8%
Massive corruption 360 120 87 20 587
61.3 % 20.4% 14.8% 3.4%
Lack of industries / factories 349 89 48 67 553
63.1 % 16.1% 8.7% 12.1%
Cultural barrier 225 117 103 86 531
42.4 % 22.0% 19.4% 16.2%

Table 1 revealed that rapid growth of population was ranked first with response percentage of 89.1%. This was
followed by massive corruption (81.7%); rapid growth of labour force (81.5%); Lack of employable skills (80.6%);
Lack of industries/factories (79.2%) and the least of the causes of youth unemployment in the state was the cultural
barrier with response percentage of 64.4%.

RQ2: What are the consequences of youth unemployment in Ogun State, Nigeria

Table 2: Consequence of youth unemployed in the state

Consequence SA A SD D Total
Youth as political thugs 251 154 104 67 576
43.6% 26.7% 18.1% 11.6%
Youth as local militants 280 117 106 81 584
47.9% 20.0% 9.6% 18.2%
Youth as an instrument for anti- social 376 102 49 60 587
vices 64.1% 17.4% 8.3% 10.2%

The result of Table 2 revealed that the use of youth as an instrument for anti-social vices is one the major
consequence of youth unemployment in the state, this represented 81.5% of the respondents. This was followed by
the use of youth for political thugs with 70.3% of the respondents agreeing with this. The Table 2 further revealed
that 67.9% of the respondents were of the view that unemployed youth were utilized as local militants to attack,
destroy properties and lives which affect the socio-economic status of the state.

Re-statement of Hypotheses

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Ho1: There is no significant relationship between youth unemployment rate and Nigerian economy growth
Ho2: There is no significant relationship between youth unemployment rate and government’s programmes to solve
the problem
Ho3: There is no significant relationship between youth unemployment rate and government’s possible ways in
ensuring the reduction of unemployment level in Nigeria


Table 3: Correlation matrix of the three variables

Unemployment rate Government’s programmes Government’s possible ways in ensuring the
to solve the problem reduction of unemployment level in Nigeria
Unemployment rate. 1 .820** .924**
Sig. (2- tailed)
.000 .000

589 589 589

Government’s programmes to .820** 1 .765**
solve the problem
Sig. (2- tailed) .000 .000

589 589 589

Government’s possible ways in .924** .765** 1
ensuring the reduction of
unemployment level in Nigeria .000 .000
Sig. (2- tailed)
589 589 589
*Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Table 3 reveals that there is significant relationship migration, rapid growth of population, lack of
between unemployment rate and government’s employable skills, lack of vibrant industrial sector
programmes to solve the problem (r=0.820, P<0.05). and massive corruption.
The table also shows that there is significant
relationship between unemployment rate and The result of Table 2 revealed that the use of youth as
Government’s possible ways in ensuring the an instrument for anti-social vices is one the major
reduction of unemployment level in Nigeria (r=0.924, consequences of youth unemployment in the state
P<0.05). The table further reveals that there is also a and this represented 81.5% of the respondents. This
significant relationship between government’s implies that youth were made to become willing tools
programmes to solve the problem and government’s of arson, assault, abduction, stealing, armed robbery,
possible ways in ensuring the reduction of terrorism, sex offences and so on. The findings also
unemployment level in Nigeria (r=0.765, P<0.05). revealed that 70.3% of the respondents agreed that
youth were used as political thugs in the state. This
7. Discussion of Findings implies that youth were made to become willing tools
in the hand of politicians as they were used for anti-
Table 1 revealed that various factors cause the youth social and dirty political activities. This has the
unemployment in the state. These factors range from potential to destabilize and truncate the democratic
rapid growth of population to cultural barrier. The and development process in the state and Nigeria at
rapid growth of population was ranked first with large. The table further revealed that 67.9% of the
response percentage of 89.1%. This was followed by respondents were of the view that unemployed youth
massive corruption (81.7%); rapid growth of labour were utilized as local militants to attack, destroy
force (81.5%); lack of employable skills (80.6%); properties and lives which affect the socio-economic
lack of industries/factories (79.2%) and the least of status of the state. This finding was in agreement
the causes of youth unemployment in the state was with the findings of Awogbenle & Iwuamadi (2016),
the cultural barrier with response percentage of Ejikeme (2014), Osinubi (2006) and Fadayomi
64.4%. This finding agrees with that of Adebayo & (1992).
Ogunrinola (2006), Alanana (2003), Awogbenle &
Iwuamadi (2016) and Ayinde (2008) who equally Table 3 reveals that there is significant relationship
observed that, among the causes hindering between unemployment rate and government’s
unemployment of youth in Nigeria were rural urban- programmes to solve the problem (r=0.820, P<0.05).

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The implication of this is that the programme from regulated means on the lending rate from banks to
the government is good enough to solve the problem encourage youths to borrow money in order to invest
of unemployment rate. The table also shows that more on small scale business as lack of access to
there is significant relationship between finance or high interest rate contributed to the major
unemployment rate and government’s possible ways problems of entrepreneurship development in
in ensuring the reduction of unemployment level in Nigeria. The government should also concentrate on
Nigeria (r=0.924, P<0.05). This implies that Nigerian cautioning the rising unemployment rate in Nigeria.
government has in many ways established and This could be achieved by the establishment of
initiated various policies and programmes that have programmes that will encourage the unemployed
helped to eradicate unemployment in the country, but populace in skill development which invariably leads
in view of these initiatives like; National Directorate to self-employment irrespective of their locations. If
of Employment (NDE), National Economic this is done, a reduction in waste of manpower will
Employment and Development Strategy (NEEDS), be observed and this will contribute to the buoyancy
National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP), of the nation’s growth. Furthermore, government
amongst others, the objective of the initiated spending should tend towards local production to
programmes and policies is yet to be realized owing caution inflationary condition in the economy.
to high level of corruption and nepotism in the
country. References

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