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Hfsi - new age highway

This is a project about energy saving or in other words energy conservation.

In this project, we have displayed various possibilities how we can optimize the use of
energy and we have also displayed wireless transmission by the use of sensors. We have
used ldr..
Let me explain you what is ldr..
Ldr stands for light dependent resistor or in simple words it is also called as dusk -dawn
Ldr changes its resistance according to the ambient light falling over it.
In this particular application we have used ldr to control the street lights.
During the day time the intensity of light is high so ldr gives maximum resistance and its
resistance decreases as the darkness progresses. So, during night time or in the late evening
these street light turn on automatically and turn off automatically during the daytime or as
the sunlight falls on the ldr.
During the day time or as the sunlight falls on ldr the solar panels ca as a source of radiant
energy, which is converted into electric energy which can be stored and can be later on used
for different applications such as street lights or any other electric appliances.
Now lets talk about wireless transmission of power!
Since have been constantly advancing and finding global solutions for mean of
transportation, we have see ev cars and e bikes . The technology has taken its leap! We are
here to demonstrate a step further!
For charging these ev cars , ev bikes one has to connect the vehicle or the battery to their
charging plug points but we have come up with a technology where in the car can be
charged wherever you park or even wireless while you are driving.
This world is moving towards electric vehicles to reduce the pollution caused by the fuel,
moreover electricity is cheaper and also since it can come for renewable sources like solar
and wind.
This dynamic charging or in other words “charge on the go” technology will help electric
vehicles to charge wireless by use of magnetic coils also will help them to cover long
distance without need for plugging the charger.
We are ready to put our bit in globalization are your ready to support us?!

Project by:(6b) nirvan teckchandani, prayaan gangwar, atharva watve, prithvi jhadav

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