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Part 3

Task: You recently took part in a recycling campaign organised by an NGO. As the secretary of
your school Recycling Club, write a report to your teacher advisor about the campaign. Your report
should include:
● the purpose of the campaign
● the target group of the campaign
● the effectiveness of the campaign

To: Teacher Advisor of SMK Subang Bestari Recycling Club

From: The Secretary of SMK Subang Bestari Recycling Club

Report on Recycling Campaign Organized by MRA

I am writing this to provide you with a comprehensive report on the recent recycling campaign
organized by a non-government organization, called Malaysia Recycling Alliance also known as
MRA. The campaign was attended by the secretary of our school recycling club on 26-th
September 2023. This report aims to give you insight into the purpose, target group, and three key
campaign effectiveness indicators.

Purpose of the Recycling Campaign

The primary purpose of the recycling campaign organized by MRA was to raise awareness about
the importance of recycling and promote sustainable waste management practices within our
community. The campaign sought to educate participants on the environmental impact of improper
waste disposal and encourage responsible recycling habits.

Target Group
The campaign specifically targeted a diverse audience, including students, parents, and local
residents. This approach aimed to engage a wide cross-section of the community and foster a
collective commitment to recycling. By involving individuals of various age groups and
backgrounds, the campaign aimed to create a lasting impact on our environment.

Campaign Effectiveness Indicators

One of the key indicators of the campaign's effectiveness was a noticeable increase in recycling
participation within our community during and after the event. This was evident through higher
volumes of recyclable materials collected, which were tracked before, during, and after the
campaign. Secondly, its effectiveness could be seen through public engagement and awareness
during the campaign. The workshops, seminars, and interactive sessions held during the
campaign, received positive public engagement and gained a greater understanding of recycling
principles. These were proven by the feedback forms and surveys administered to participants
showing a significant improvement in participants' knowledge about recycling and its
environmental benefits. Eventually, the campaign has successfully mobilized our local community
to take ownership of recycling initiatives. Many individuals expressed interest in joining our
school's recycling club, and local businesses have offered support in recycling collection points
and sponsorships for future environmental projects.
In conclusion, the recycling campaign organized by MRA achieved its purpose of raising
awareness about recycling, targeted a diverse audience, and demonstrated effectiveness through
increased participation, enhanced public awareness, and strengthened community involvement.
These outcomes align with the goals of our school's recycling club and present opportunities for
future collaboration and environmental initiatives. We are excited about the potential for future
partnerships between our school and MRA to continue promoting sustainability and responsible
recycling within our community.

Yours faithfully,

Siti Aishah
Secretary of SMK Subang Bestari Recycling Club

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