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Argumentative Writing-
-get the reader to understand that your claim is valid
-offers facts, reasons and evidence with claims to show the author has valid points, logic based
-acknowledge opposing claims, may compare ideas to establish position
-may present multiple sides, but author’s side is clear, tone is calmer towards reader

Persuasive Writing-
-combines facts with emotions, emotion based
-ignores counterclaims, presents ideas that only help establish position
-one sided, claims without evidence, tone is more aggressive

Accuracy- refers to the level of correctness and precision of a text

Effective- writing is readable, clear, accurate and concise


Outline of an argumentative essay

1. Introductory Paragraph- present the topic in an interesting way, may use humor.

2. Thesis Statement- it states the topic and purpose of the essay

3. Body Paragraph- it supports and develops the thesis statement

4. Conclusion- summarizes the essay

Thesis Statement

- A sentence that expresses the main ideas of your paper, it answers the questions in the
paper and a summary of what will be discussed to the paper.

5 types of argument claims

1. Fact- whether the statement is true or not

2. Definition- dictionary meaning of what you’re arguing, personal understanding of it
3. Value- significance of argument
4. Cause and effect- causes of the dilemma in your essay and its effects
5. Policy- why readers should care and what to do about it after reading
Informative Essay

-educates readers by imparting straightforward information and facts

-gives understanding of some topics you may be unfamiliar with
-answers the questions why? and how?

Informative Essay Types

Definition Essay- provides detailed explanation of an idea

Cause and Effect Essay- explains the connection of two or more events
Opposing Side Essay- shows both sides of an issue, whether an advantage or disadvantage
Process Essay- gives a step-by-step explanation on how something works

Informative Essay Structure- I + MID + C (Introduction + Main Idea, Details + Conclusion)

Persuasive Essay
-convinces readers of the validity of writer’s arguments
-arguments are mostly on opinion and factual arguments
-presents only his side, intends to make readers do certain things

Persuasive Essay Structure- I + B3R + C (Introduction + Body & 3 Reasons + Conclusion)

Argumentative Essay

-aims to change reader’s mind by convincing them to agree to your point of view
-the argument is elaborated and explained along with its pros and cons

Informative Essay Structure-

I-C/T + B-PCR + C (Introduction-Claim/Thesis Statement + Body-Pros, Cons, Refutation +


Movie Review- is an analysis of the film by one person expressing opinions, summing up
author’s personal impression and critical evaluation of the film. Its main purpose is to inform,
analyze, convince and entertain.

Parts of an effective movie review:

1. Film Intro- introduce the film and share your opinion about it
2. Plot Summary- summarize the story and include the characters, especially the main
3. Setting Spotlight- discuss how the setting contributed to the effectiveness of the film
4. Character Limelight- evaluate how actors played their roles in the movie
5. Likes and Dislikes identify the parts of the movie that you like or dislike, explain it why
and describe specific scenes
6. Lesson Learned- share the lessons that you learned or inspired you in the movie
7. Recommendations- identify the type of people that will enjoy the movie

Literary Criticism

-practice of interpreting and writing about the literature as the latter, in turn, strive to make
sense of the world
-its purpose is to broaden reader’s understanding of author’s work by summarizing,
interpreting, and exploring its value

Formalist Approach- analyzes, interprets and evaluates the inherent features of a text, it
reduces the significance of its historical, biographical and cultural background.

Literary Devices

Simile- indirect comparison between two unrelated things or objects, uses word “like” or “as”
Metaphor- direct comparison of two unrelated things or objects
Imagery- engages the sense to deepen the reader’s comprehension of what is happening and
how it feels
Symbolism- uses symbols which can be human, things or locations to represent something
beyond the literal meaning
Personification- giving human attributes to nonhuman things
Hyperbole- deliberately showing exaggeration to emphasis something
Irony- use of phrases to convey a certain meaning by stating the opposite of it
Paradox- literary device the contradicts itself but contains a plausible kernel of truth
Oxymoron- conjunction of two things that have meanings that contradicts each other
Antithesis- focuses on the magnitude or size of something

Sound Devices- are special tools for poets to create certain effects in the poem

Rhyme- matching vowel sounds at the end of words or lines

Repetition- repeating of any word, phrases or sentences in the poem
Assonance- repetition of vowel sounds within words
Alliteration- repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of the words
Onomatopoeia- uses of sounds that imitate sounds of natural things
Moralist Approach- is a type of literary critique that judges based on its moral and ethical
teaching. It determines whether works of literature are both true and significant

Marxist Approach- focuses on the power struggles of characters. This concerns class
differences economic as well as the implication and complication of the capitalist system.
Marxist Critics are also interested in how the lower working classes are oppressed in everyday

Feminist Approach- explores the gender inequality, aiming to understand its roots and nature.
It explores social relationships and roles of men and women. It draws on ideas of feminism
theory, considering how literature portrays and is influenced by patriarchal narratives.

Historical Approach- sees literature as both a reflection and a product of the times and
circumstances in which it is written. It involves looking beyond the literature at the broader
historical and cultural events occurring during the time the piece was written.

Reader Response- literature may be judged according to how reader perceives it and what the
author intends. The text itself has no meaning until it is read by a reader. Analysis of the
reader’s role in the production of meaning makes someone’s reading a function of personal
identity. Readers create meaning to the text rather than find

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