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1. Quote: "You don't understand anything. You never did. You never even tried.

Analysis: The use of repetition in "You never did. You never even tried." emphasizes Eric's
frustration with his family's lack of understanding and empathy towards him.

2. Quote: "I didn't even remember—I didn't even remember—"

Analysis: Eric's repetition of "I didn't even remember" suggests his struggle with memory and the
emotional weight of his actions, revealing his internal conflict.

3. Quote: "You killed them both—damn you, damn you—"

Analysis: Eric's emotional outburst showcases his guilt and anger at his own actions, emphasizing
his remorse for his role in Eva Smith's death.

4. Quote: "I wasn't in love with her or anything—but I liked her—she was pretty and a good sport—"
Analysis: The phrase "I liked her—she was pretty and a good sport" reveals Eric's initial superficial
attraction to Eva Smith, emphasizing his growth and self-awareness.

5. Quote: "I wasn't in love—or anything—but I liked her—she was pretty and a good sport—"
Analysis: Eric's repetition of "she was pretty and a good sport" reflects his honesty about his initial
feelings towards Eva Smith, demonstrating his maturity in acknowledging his mistakes.

6. Quote: "Why shouldn't they try for higher wages?"

Analysis: Eric's questioning tone reflects his empathy towards the workers' struggles and his belief
in their right to fair wages.

7. Quote: "I don't see why she should have been sacked."
Analysis: The phrase "I don't see why" illustrates Eric's questioning nature and his refusal to accept
unjust treatment, showcasing his sense of justice and fairness.

8. Quote: "Because you're not the kind of father a chap could go to when he's in trouble."
Analysis: The use of "not the kind" emphasizes Eric's disappointment in his father's lack of support
and understanding, highlighting their strained relationship.

9. Quote: "You'll see."

Analysis: Eric's mysterious statement indicates his knowledge of future events, creating tension and
foreshadowing further revelations.

10. Quote: "I don't think it's a very good idea."

Analysis: The use of "I don't think" showcases Eric's hesitancy and lack of enthusiasm towards his
family's attempts to hide the truth, indicating his unwillingness to participate in their deception.

11. Quote: "I can't even remember what her name was."
Analysis: Eric's use of "I can't even remember" reflects his emotional turmoil and shame over his
actions, showcasing his internal struggle.

12. Quote: "It's what happened to the girl and what we all did to her that matters."
Analysis: The phrase "what happened to the girl" emphasizes Eric's focus on the consequences of
their actions, rather than deflecting blame or avoiding responsibility.

13. Quote: "You mustn't try to build up a kind of wall between us and that girl."
Analysis: Eric's use of "us" showcases his belief in collective responsibility and his determination to
connect with the plight of Eva Smith, revealing his compassion.

14. Quote: "No, not really, it was my own fault."

Analysis: The phrase "my own fault" indicates Eric's willingness to accept responsibility for his
actions, showcasing his growth and maturity.

15. Quote: "But these girls aren't cheap labor - they're people."
Analysis: The use of "but" indicates Eric's divergence from his family's dismissive view of the
workers. His use of "people" emphasizes his empathy and recognition of the workers' humanity.

16. Quote: "I suppose we're all nice people now."

Analysis: Eric's sarcastic tone suggests his disbelief in his family's sudden attempts to portray
themselves as innocent and respectable, highlighting his skepticism.

17. Quote: "Yes, except for all last summer, when you never came near me."
Analysis: Eric's use of "all last summer" indicates his frustration with his father's lack of presence
and attention, showcasing their strained relationship.

18. Quote: "And if I could help her now, I would."

Analysis: The conditional statement "if I could help her now" reveals Eric's regret and his desire to
make amends for his past actions, demonstrating his growth and empathy.

19. Quote: "It frightens me the way you talk."

Analysis: Eric's use of "frightens" reflects his discomfort with his family's dismissive and callous
attitudes towards Eva Smith's death, indicating his emotional sensitivity.

20. Quote: "You began to learn something. And now you've stopped."
Analysis: Eric's observation reflects his disappointment in his family's reluctance to acknowledge
their mistakes and the Inspector's message, emphasizing his desire for growth and progress.

21. Quote: "She was young, pretty, and warm-hearted—and intensely grateful. I became at once the
most important person in her life—as she in mine."
Analysis: Eric's description of Eva Smith showcases his vulnerability and emotional connection with
her, revealing his capacity for love and empathy.

22. Quote: "My God—I'm not likely to forget."

Analysis: The exclamation "My God" conveys Eric's shock and horror at his own actions, revealing
his emotional response and regret.

23. Quote: "I'm not a child, don't forget."

Analysis: Eric's assertive statement reflects his desire to be taken seriously and treated as an adult
by his parents and the Inspector.

24. Quote: "Yes, I remember."

Analysis: Eric's direct acknowledgment shows his willingness to face his past actions and take
responsibility for his role in Eva Smith's tragedy.

25. Quote: "I was in that state when a chap easily turns nasty."
Analysis: Eric's use of "turns nasty" implies his understanding of how power dynamics can lead to
mistreatment and abuse, indicating his empathy towards Eva Smith.
26. Quote: "You can't even take

a joke—"
Analysis: Eric's criticism of his family's inability to take a joke suggests his frustration with their
seriousness and lack of empathy towards others.

27. Quote: "I wasn't in love with her or anything."

Analysis: The phrase "wasn't in love" showcases Eric's honesty about his relationship with Eva
Smith, as well as his refusal to hide his past mistakes.

28. Quote: "I don't see why she should have been sacked."
Analysis: The phrase "I don't see why" illustrates Eric's questioning nature and his refusal to accept
unjust treatment, showcasing his sense of justice and fairness.

29. Quote: "I've told you—I was in that state when a chap easily turns nasty—"
Analysis: Eric's repetition of "I was in that state" suggests his desperation to be understood and his
desire for his family to acknowledge his struggles.

30. Quote: "Because you're not the kind of father a chap could go to when he's in trouble."
Analysis: The use of "not the kind" emphasizes Eric's disappointment in his father's lack of support
and understanding, highlighting their strained relationship.

These quotes and their respective analyses highlight Eric Birling's character development, emotional
struggles, and his journey towards taking responsibility for his actions throughout the play.

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