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Quote: "One Eva Smith has gone—but there are millions and millions and millions of Eva Smiths
and John Smiths still left with us."
Analysis: The reference to "millions of Eva Smiths" highlights Eva as a symbol of the plight of the
socially disadvantaged, representing many others facing similar struggles.

2. Quote: "She was young, pretty, and warm-hearted—and intensely grateful. I became at once the
most important person in her life—as she in mine."
Analysis: The description portrays Eva as a vulnerable young woman, making her later struggles
more poignant.

3. Quote: "She was very pretty—with soft brown hair and big dark eyes."
Analysis: This description humanises Eva, allowing readers to empathise with her later hardships.

4. Quote: "You think you can do what you like, don't you?"
Analysis: This quote reflects the frustration of those who feel oppressed by the upper class, a
feeling that Eva eventually acts upon.

5. Quote: "She was out of work. She was in great distress."

Analysis: This quote emphasizes the economic struggles faced by Eva, leading her to desperate

6. Quote: "I want to be a lady."

Analysis: Eva's desire to improve her social standing reveals her aspirations and determination to
escape her current circumstances.

7. Quote: "I know I'm to blame and I'm desperately sorry."

Analysis: Eva's remorse and acceptance of responsibility demonstrate her sense of morality and
personal growth.

8. Quote: "But after all, it's better to ask for the earth than to take it."
Analysis: Eva's comment on Gerald's ambitious desires suggests her belief in honesty and integrity
rather than exploiting others for personal gain.

9. Quote: "I couldn't go back to it. I felt I'd never be able to go there again."
Analysis: This quote reveals the impact of Eva's experiences, leaving her unable to return to her
previous life.

10. Quote: "I felt rotten about it at the time, and now I feel a lot worse."
Analysis: Eva's guilt and regret illustrate her capacity for self-reflection and growth.

11. Quote: "I'm not a child, don't forget."

Analysis: Eva's assertive statement shows her determination to be taken seriously and treated as
an adult.

12. Quote: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry."

Analysis: This quote demonstrates Eva's respect for privacy and her polite demeanour, despite her
difficult circumstances.

13. Quote: "I'd been happier than I'd ever been before—except for that horrible feeling of being
Analysis: Eva's brief happiness indicates the potential for joy in her life, but also hints at the
pressures that will eventually overwhelm her.

14. Quote: "I'm afraid I don't feel the same way."

Analysis: Eva's honesty and refusal to lead Gerald on reveal her integrity and self-respect.

15. Quote: "I'll be glad if I can help her."

Analysis: Eva's willingness to assist others, even when she herself is struggling, showcases her
compassionate nature.

16. Quote: "I told you—I was in that state when a chap easily turns nasty."
Analysis: Eva's explanation to the Inspector demonstrates the precariousness of her situation and
the vulnerability of those in need.

17. Quote: "I want to make them pay too—otherwise, I wouldn't feel right about this."
Analysis: Eva's desire for justice showcases her strong sense of fairness and determination to seek

18. Quote: "I think you did something terribly wrong, and that you're going to spend the rest of your
life regretting it."
Analysis: This quote reflects Eva's perception of consequences and her belief in karma, indicating
her sense of justice.

19. Quote: "I suppose I'll have to go in and take a chance."

Analysis: Eva's resilience and willingness to face the unknown demonstrate her courage and

20. Quote: "I went to the manager at Milwards and told him I couldn't go on any longer."
Analysis: This quote reveals Eva's bravery in standing up for herself and refusing to accept

21. Quote: "I had to go and look for lodgings. It was rough."
Analysis: Eva's struggle to find housing exemplifies the hardships faced by the socially

22. Quote: "I couldn't even remember what her name was."
Analysis: This quote illustrates Eric's internal conflict and the emotional toll of his actions.

23. Quote: "I'm telling you. There was something curious about him. He was our police inspector all
Analysis: Eva's certainty about the Inspector's identity suggests his unusual and mysterious nature.

24. Quote: "But then, when you're married, you'll realise that men with important work to do
sometimes have to spend nearly all their time and energy on their business."
Analysis: Eva's understanding of the demands of Arthur Birling's work hints at her empathy and
awareness of his situation.

25. Quote: "I've told you—I was in that state when a chap easily turns nasty—"
Analysis: Eva's repetition emphasizes the vulnerability of those in desperate situations, indicating
her willingness to share the truth.
26. Quote: "It's what happened to the girl and what we all did to her that matters."
Analysis: This quote emphasizes Eva's status as a representation of collective responsibility and
societal flaws.

27. Quote: "I was the only one of you who didn't give in to him."
Analysis: Eva's refusal to be manipulated or controlled showcases her strength and independence.

28. Quote: "I was in that state when a chap easily turns nasty."
Analysis: This quote illustrates Eva's recognition of the precariousness of her situation and her
vulnerability to exploitation.

29. Quote: "It frightens me the way you talk."

Analysis: This quote reflects Eva's discomfort with her family's dismissive and callous attitudes
towards Eva Smith's death.

30. Quote: "It's you people who are to blame for this."
Analysis: Eva's accusation towards the Birlings

and Gerald indicates her belief that they are collectively responsible for her fate.

These quotes and their respective contexts showcase Eva Smith as a significant character,
symbolizing the struggles and injustices faced by the socially disadvantaged, while also serving as a
catalyst for introspection and moral reflection among the other characters in the play.

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