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**Outline Note Taking Method:**

**I. Renaissance Period**

- Definition: "REBIRTH"
- Timeframe: Early 1400s to about three hundred years
- Revival of interest in:
- Art
- Architecture
- Literature
- Culture of the classical world
- Major Innovations:
- Introduction of oil painting
- Foreshortening
- Single-point perspective
- Source of Knowledge: Giorgio Vasari

**II. Impressionism Art (1865-1885)**

- Characteristics:
- Short, quick brushstrokes
- Separation of color
- Sketch-like finish
- Modern subject matter
- Influence: First distinctly modern movement in painting
- Aim: Capture momentary, sensory effect
- Technique: Painting en plein air
- Criticisms: Unfinished appearance, amateurish quality
**III. Post Impressionism Art (1885-1910)**
- Characteristics:
- Subjective visions
- Symbolism
- Abstraction
- Reaction Against Impressionism
- Continued use of:
- Vivid colors
- Thick application of paint
- Real-life subject matter
- Emphasis on:
- Geometric forms
- Distorted form for expressive effect
- Unnatural or arbitrary color

**IV. Neo Impressionism Art**

- Technique: Applying dots or brush strokes of complementary colors
- Leading Figures:
- Georges Seurat
- Paul Signac
- Approach: Relying on viewers' eyes to blend colors

**V. Age of Symbolism to Expressionism**

- Symbolism Art:
- Suggests ideas through symbols
- Emphasizes meaning behind forms, lines, shapes, and colors
- Development of new abstract expressions
- Notable Artwork: "Death and the Masks" by James Ensor

**VI. Art Nouveau (1890-1910)**

- Characteristics:
- Long sinuous organic line
- Used in architecture, interior design, jewelry, glass design, posters, and illustration
- Design Philosophy: Art becomes part of everyday life
- Notable Artists: Jules Cheret, Alphonse Mucha
- Famous Glassware Artists: Emille Galle, Louis Comfort Tiffany

**VII. Fauvism Art (1900-1935)**

- Characteristics:
- Expressive color, line, and brushwork
- Bold surface design
- Flat composition
- Technique: Pure, brilliant color applied aggressively
- Notable Artworks:
- "Woman with the Hat" by Henri Matisse
- "The Dance" by Andre Derain
- "The Gardener" by Maurice de Vlaminck

**VIII. Expressionism Art**

- Characteristics:
- Distortion of form
- Strong use of colors
- Depicts subjective emotions and responses
- Technique: Distortion, exaggeration, primitivism, fantasy
- Notable Artworks:
- "The Scream" by Edvard Munch
- "The Dresden" by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

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