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‘100 One Word Substitution By – PARMAR SIR’

1. A man who hates marriage - Misogamist

2. One who hates women - Misogynist

3. A person who is talkative - Garrulous

4. A cure for all diseases - Panacea

5. A paper written by hand - Manuscript

6. A place for keeping bees - Apiary

7. One who cannot speak - Dumb

8. A government by the officials - Bureaucracy

9. Murder of a brother - Fratricide

10. A place where gambling is practised - Casino

11. One who eats human flesh - Cannibal

12. Murder of a man - Homicide

13. Instrument which records earth's tremor -


14. A number of stars grouped together - Constellation

15. Animal that feeds on plants - Herbivorous

16. One who lives among strangers - Alien

17. Difficult or impossible to read - Illegible

18. Something that causes death - Fatal

19. Place where wine is made - Brewery

20. The study of birds - Ornithology

21. A disease which is spread by direct contact -


22. One who knows many languages - Polyglot

23. Fear of height - Acrophobia

24. A game in which no one wins - Drawn

25. An instrument used to record sound - Phonograph

26. The highest point - Zenith

27. One who cannot be corrected - Incorrigible

28. One who hates mankind - Misanthropist

29. Science of the races of mankind - Ethnology

30. The killing of a whole group of people - Genocide

31. Subject to death - Mortal

32. One who is present everywhere - Omnipresent

33. One who is interested in reading books and nothing

else - Bibliophilic / Bookworm

34. That which can be seen through - Transparent

35. A poem of mourning - Elegy

36. That which can not be seen - Invisible

37. A number of ships - Fleet

38. Fear of strangers - Xenophobia

39. One who compiles a dictionary - Lexicographer

40. The story of a person’s life written by that person -


41. One who can speak two languages - Bilingual

42. A sudden serious situation requiring immediate

action - Emergency

43. One who cuts precious stones - Lapidist

44. Place that provides refuge - Asylum

45. Someone who doesn't eat meat - Vegetarian

46. A sweet music - Melody

47. A war of religions - Crusade

48. A person who gambles or bets - Punter

49. One who loves and collects books - Bibliophile

50. A person who can be cheated easily - Credulous

51. A thing which can be easily broken - Brittle

52. One who does not make mistakes - Infallible

53. One who knows everything - Omnipotent, Almighty

54. Government in which all religions are honoured -

55. The study of ancient civilizations - Archaeology

56. Able to use both hands equally well - Ambidextrous

57. A person who writes decoratively - Calligrapher

58. That which can not be defeated - Invincible

59. A person who looks to the bright side of things -


60. A speech made to oneself - Soliloquy

61. One who possesses many talents - Versatile

62. Loss of memory - Amnesia

63. Science of the influence of the stars on human
affairs - Astrology

64. Examination of dead body - Autopsy

65. A sound that cannot be heard - Inaudible

66. The story of a person’s life written by somebody

else - Biography

67. A government by the people, of the people and for

the people - Democracy

68. Killing one's wife - Uxoricide

69. One who doesn't know reading and writing -

70. Instrument to measure atmospheric pressure -

71. Science of universe with sun, moon, stars and

planets - Astronomy

72. A Speech delivered without any preparation -


73. Murder of oneself - Suicide

74. Collection of living birds and animals - Zoo

75. One who works for the welfare of women - Feminist

76. An order that certain activities / movement are

prohibited - Curfew

77. That which can be explained - Explicable

78. A person who believes in existence of God - Theist

79. A lover of mankind - Philanthropist

80. A person who has come into a foreign country to

live there permanently - Immigrant

81. One who lives and works for the welfare of others -

82. List of books and other articles - Catalogue

83. Person who does not speak too much - Taciturn /


84. Government by one person - Autocracy

85. One who leads others in any field - Pioneer

86. One who leaves one's place of residence or country
to live elsewhere - Emigrant

87. Art of map making - Cartography

88. A lover of womankind - Philogynist

89. A person who loves his own country - Patriot

90. Boundary of an area - Periphery

91. A wild and noisy disorder - Pandemonium

92. One who is hard to please - Fastidious

93. Art of beautiful hand writing - Calligraphy

94. A person who dies for his country - Martyr

95. That which cannot be seen through - Opaque

96. Words of similar meaning - Synonyms

97. A person who is unable to pay his debts -


98. A person who does not believe in god - Atheist

99. A place where dead bodies are kept before post -

mortem - Mortuary

100. An inscription on a tomb - Epitaph

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