Family Nursing Care Plan (Autorecovered)

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Accident Hazards specifically Fire Hazard

Oshia Cassandra U. Escubio Level: 2-A NURSING 10/31/2022

SUBJECTIVE: Health Problem Shorth term Shorth term
“ (Health Threat)  Establish -Home Visit
After 3 days of nursing Rapport to -Short interview After 3 days of nursing
Inability to provide intervention the the Family -Health teachings, intervention the
a home family will able to:  Discuss what questions about family is able to:
OBJECTIVE: environment is a fire the conversation
conducive to  Understand hazard all are asked often to  Understand
 The house health what is fire about. aid in better what is fire
made by maintenance and hazard all  Educate the retention. hazard all
mix personal about. family about about.
materials development due  Be aware of benefits of Resources are the  Be aware of
that can to: the necessary avoid and following: the necessary
cause fire. -Lack and proper removing fire  Printed and proper
 The family of/inadequate action to hazard in their Brochure action to
uses gas knowledge of prevent a fire. home.  Visual aids prevent a fire.
stove or preventive  Knowing the Discuss what are the  Knowing the
LPG measures. need and advantage of having need and
 The ceiling benefit of a free fire hazard benefit of
in their removing fire home, like; removing fire
home's threats from  Preventing threats from
kitchen is the home. fire from the home.
built of spreading, the
wood and Long-term community. Long-term
is too low. After 1 month of  Provide an After 1 month of
 The house nursing intervention alternative nursing intervention
is too close the family will able to methos to the family is able to
together. prevent fire
 The only  Gain from  Gain
door in the knowledge and spreading knowledge and
house, as understanding understanding
far as I can by putting the by putting the
tell, serves advised advised
as both the interventions interventions
residents' into practice. into practice.
entrance  Can identify  Can identify
and exit. the methos of the methos of
preventing fire. preventing fire.
 Provide a fire  Provide a fire
extinguisher extinguisher
and know how and know how
to use it to use it.
Accident hazards specifically Exposed Electrical Wiring


SUBJECTIVE: Health Problem Short Term
“ Exposed Electrical
Wiring (Health After 4 days of
Threat) nursing intervention
the family will able
OBJECTIVE Inability to provide a to:
home environment
conducive to health
maintenance and
development due
to: Inadequate
family resources
specifically; Financial
financial resources

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