Farid Ahmadov CV FL

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FARID AHMADOV farid.ahmadov.93@gmail.


FLUTTER DEVELOPER click for linkedin

+994 77 635 97 77

click for GitHub

I am a Mobile Developer with nearly one year of experience.I focus on creating architecture, writing
clean and scalable code in Flutter applications. I love seeing people use the app I made on their
phones. This is the biggest inspiration for me. As a Flutter Developer, I developed applications for
famous companies and organizations such as Emiland, İRƏLİ İCTİMAİ BİRLİYİ, and Taxo LLC.

Dart RESTful Api State Management Navigation Responsive design S.O.L.I.D One Signal Push
Flutter FireBase Provider/Bloc/Getx Git Adaptive design Principles Notification

Flutter developer/ Novomber, 2023 - Now AA Studio Baku
Developing varios mobile applications for production

Flutter developer/ May, 2023 - November,2023 Digital Silk Road,Baku

I am actively involved in new projects, providing support and development expertise.
I have developed several well-known applications, such as Emiland and Raffle.
The Raffle application is positioned as an alternative to the Idealz auction application.
The projects are currently undergoing testing and are available on TestFlight. I have gained experience
with both the Apple Store and Play Store, managing the deployment of the company's projects to
these platforms.And also getting an experience with Firebase Push Notification Service.
I also attended development process of Taxo Taxi Application

Flutter developer/JuniorJune, 2022 - Jan,2023 Arpaci,Baku

Developing applications for IOS and Android platforms.
Working with skilled developers to develop new features.
Fixing potential bugs and substituting unclean code with clean code.
Gather specific requirements and suggest solutions
Stay up to date with new technology trends
Participate in code reviews to improve quality and promote learning opportunities

Chemical Engineering,Bachelor
Baku Engineering University 2017 - 2022

"Parisa" Tale Fairytale application for children available on Play Store
"Emiland " Emiland Tailoring application will be available both Apple&Play Store
Taxo Taxi" Taxo Taxi application will be available both Apple&Play Store
"Raffle" Raffle Auction application will be available both Apple&Play Store
"İrəli İctimai Birliyi" İrəli İctimai Birliyi application will be available both Apple&Play Store

English-Upper Intermediate (IELTS) click here to see certificate overall: 6

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