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ĐỀ THI THỬ NĂM HỌC 2023 - 2024

Khóa ngày 07/6/2023
SBD: ………….. Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
Đề có 05 trang gồm 100 câu

Lưu ý: Thí sinh làm bài trên tờ giấy thi, ghi theo đúng thứ tự câu từ 1 đến 100.


* Bài nghe gồm 3 phần, mỗi phần được ghi âm 2 lần. Giữa các phần và các lần ghi âm của mỗi
phần có một khoảng thời gian chờ. Mở đầu và kết thúc bài nghe có tín hiệu nhạc.
Part 1: Listen to the conversation and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F). (6 pts)
You will hear a conversation between Mathew and his mother.
1. Mathew had intended to catch the bus this morning.
2. Mathew thought his mother knew he wanted the car this morning.
3. Mathew is going to help Alan to repair his car.
4. Mathew needs the car next wednesday.
5. Mathew's mother agrees she made a mistake.
6. Mathew has the car in the end.
1. F 2. T 3 F 4 . F 5. T 6. T

Part 2: Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with the missing information. Write ONE
WORD or A NUMBER taken from the recording for each answer in the spaces provided. (8 pts)
omplete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Transport Survey
Travelled to town today: by ……….bus……….
Name: Luisa 7……………
Address: 8…………… White Stone Rd
rea: Bradfield
Postcode: 9……………
Occupation: 10……………
Reason for visit to town: to go to the 11……………
Suggestions for improvement:
● better 12……………
● have more footpaths
● more frequent 13……………..
Things that would encourage cycling to work:
● having 14…………… parking places for bicycles
● being able to use a 15…………… at work
● the opportunity to have cycling 16……………. on busy roads
Part 3: Listen to the recording and choose the best option (A, B or C ) for the following statements
and questions. (6 pts)

New city developments

17. The idea for the two new developments in the city came from
A local people.
B the City Council.

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C the SWRDC.
18. What is unusual about Brackenside pool?
A its architectural style
B its heating system
C its method of water treatment
19. Local newspapers have raised worries about
A the late opening date.
B the cost of the project.
C the size of the facilities.
20. What decision has not yet been made about the pool?
A whose statue will be at the door
B the exact opening times
C who will open it

1 Hardie
2 19
3 GT8 2LC
4 hairdresser
5 dentist / dentist’s
6 lighting
7 trains
8 safe
9 shower
10 training
11 A
12 C
13 C
14 A


Part 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. (2 pts)
21. A. sound B. pound C. wound D. mouth
22. A. breath B. smooth C. teeth D. length

Part 2: Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group. ( 2 pts)
23. A. affect B. machine C. canal D. people
24. A. history B. factory C. disagree D. recognize
01. D 02. C
Part 1: Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) which best completes each sentence. (10 pts)
25. Visitors to the local museum are mostly attracted by____________________rocking chair.
A. an old wooden European beautiful B. a beautiful old European wooden
C. an old beautiful wooden European D. a wooden old beautiful European
26. So far they___________________very hard day and night in search for new products.
A. have been working B. are working C. had been working D. work
27. Vi-Dam singing, two kinds of folk music from Nghe An and Ha Tinh province, has been……. to
generations and is still very much alive today.
A. handed down B. landed on C. passed by D. taken over
28. The pointless war between the two countries left thousands of people dead and seriously__________.
A. injured B. wounded C. spoilt D. damaged
29: The president_____________________tribute to all the people who had supported him.
A. made B. paid C. gave D. told
30: Eager to be able to discuss my work______________________in French, I hired a tutor to help polish my
language skills.

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A. expressively B. articulately =clearly C. ambiguously D. understandably
31: She is a rising star as a standup comedian, always able to bring down the_____________________
during each performance.
A. house =làm ai cười nghiêng ngảB. rain C. roof D. kennel
32 . By the age of twenty-five he had ………..his ambition of becoming a pianist.
A. reached B. completed C. achieved D. obtained
33. He ……….some unusual educational beliefs.
A. keeps B. carries C. holds D. takes
34. Our thoughts …………..on our four missing colleagues
A. based B. centered C. imposed D. depended
Part 2: Put the verbs given in brackets into the appropriate tenses or forms. (7 pts)
35. John would rather ……HAVE SLEPT…………….than worked last night. (sleep)
36. He feels as if someone (try) is trying__ to open the front door, so he turns on the light.
37. I could feel the robber (come) ........COMING.............. from the backdoor.
38. Tommy admitted (throw) .....THROWING/ HAVING THROWN........... the rock through the window.
39. (not have)……Not having the keys, the children had to wait outside in the rain until their parents came
40. Mary (not steal)…can’t /couldn’t have stolen ….your money because she was going out with me at that
41. I wish our neighbors (not play) ……wouldn’t play ……….music aloud every night.
Part 3: Complete each sentence with appropriate form of the word in block capitals. (8 pts)
42. It is a contest which ___PARTICIPANTS____ have to read two poems in English. (participate)
43. Falling coffee prices have ___________IMPOVERISHED _____ many Third World economies.
44. Some of my _RELATIVES____ live in the city (relate )
45. It may be ______COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE________ to force them into making a decision, and if
you upset them they're quite likely to overact. PRODUCE
46. Barack Obama is the first President of The United States with…… MULTIRACIAL …..…background.
47. His family suffered from his … OVEREXPENDITURE EXPEND
48. You look rather .. PREOCCUPIED..... Are you worried about something? OCCUPY
49. There’s nothing worse than the ..... FRUSTRATION.... of being stuck in a traffic jam. FRUSTRATE
Fill in each blank with a suitable prepositỉon given in the box. There are more prepositions than
needed. Write your answer in the corresponding numbered boxes on the answer sheet.

feel up fall for step down make out hand down take up sit round

50.Suddenly the lights went out. and she wasn’t able to make out _________ where the exit was.
51. Her father decided to hand down _________ his entire estate to her.
52.I have a splitting headache and I certainly don’t feel up _________ to going to watch a concert.
53.While the office computer system was being fixed, there was nothing to do so we just sat around
54. She wasn’t interested in his money She fell for __=like __________ his sense of humour.
Part 5: Each of the following sentences contains ONE mistake. FIND and CORRECT it. (5 pts)
55. 1. The mean of transport he often uses is taxi. = means
56. She always trains hard to be a good-qualified teacher. Well- qualified
57 . Rocks can be broken apart by water that seeps into the cracks and freeze in low temperatures. frozen
58. The teacher told the students don't to discuss the take-home exam with each other. not
59. Knowledges about cultures provides insights into the learned behaviors of groups. Knowledge
Part 1: Choose the word that best fits each of the blanks in the following passage. Choose A, B, C or D
to indicate your answer. (8 pts)

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Despite complaints about the widening generation gap in modern society, in an increasing (60)
…………… of households the generation gap is shrinking or disappearing thanks to changes in parents'
attitudes and (61) ……………. Parents also want to be closer to their teenage children.
A lot of parents have changed their approach to discipline. Instead of forcing their children to (62) ______
things in a very controlling way, parents try to reason with their children and explain what they expect them
to do and why.
It is also true that family members have become more open to each other. Topics (63) ……………
sex and drugs, (64) …………… used to be avoided in family conversations, are now more common.
In addition, parents nowadays are more (65) …………… in appearance and attitudes. It is common
to see parents joining in activities such as rollerblading or in-line skating with their children.
(66) ……………, the most important factor is that more and more parents and teenagers have found
some common interests. They may (67) …………… the same tastes in music, films, or other forms of
Some people worry that when the generation gap is disappearing, children may have less respect for
their parents and the older generations. This may happen; that is why parents always need to be alert and
interfere if they notice any danger signs.

60. A. amount B. number C. volume D. weight

61. A. behavior B. behave C. behaving D. behaved
62. A. do B. work C. make D. find
63. A. rather than B. for sample C. such as D. or else
64. A. that B. which C. who D. when
65. A. respective B. young C. complex D. youthful
66. A. Therefore B. Nevertheless C. However D. Moreover
67. A. share B. get C. make D. practice

Part 2: Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in
each gap. (8 pts)
One of the greatest problems with holidays, (68) … apart ………… from the usual travel
complications and accommodation difficulties, is the expectations people have of them. When we go on
holiday we expect to leave all the stresses and strains of our daily lives behind us. We imagine we will be
able to escape to (69) …… such ……… a degree that we even tend to believe, consciously or not, that we
can change our own personalities and become completely different people. The average business-person,
tense, preoccupied, short-tempered (70) … unable ………… to relax, envisages herself/himself as from the
moment of locking the office door, a radically different (71) …… kind / type…… of person: carefree, well-
humored, ready to relax and enjoy whatever adventures present (72) themselves …………… In practice, we
take ourselves with us wherever we go, and the personality that is shaped over years of stress and tension is
almost impossible to (73)… shake ….. off ( = get rid of) at a moment’s notice. It is no wonder so many
holidays are a disappointment, no (74) … matter ………… how smoothly they go or how lovely the
weather is. In fact, the frequent problems that crop up during the average holiday are probably a welcome
(75) distraction from the nagging feeling that we are not enjoying ourselves as much as we should.
68. apart 69. such 70. unable 71. kind 72. themselves 73. shake
74. matter 75. distraction

Part 3: Read the following passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D) to each of the
questions. (5 pts)
Whether they’re cheering in the stadium, yelling at the referee from the sofa, or singing th eir team’s
victory song, sports fans exist all over the world. The long-term attchment to a particular sport or team
appears to develop around the age of eight or nine, and the sport or team a person decides to follow is
largely influenced by their social circle rather than their personal participation in a sport. Research into the
psychology of sports fans has revealed some common principles that apply to the behaviour of most fans.
Have you ever heard a sports fan boasting, ‘We thrashed the other team today!’ or ‘We are top of the
league at the moment’? Clearly the fan was not personally involved in achieving either success, yet they use
the pronoun ‘we’ to report their team’s performance. Fans’ use of ‘us’ and ‘we’ to talk about their favourite

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team is common behaviour. It demonstrates the strong sense of identity fans feel great and enjoy
experiencing the victory as if they had played a part in the success themselves.
The opposite of this often happens after a team suffers a defeat. Fans in this case may refer to the team as
‘they’ in order to distance themselves from their team’s disappointing match result. A dissatisfied fan is
more likely to say ‘they played really badly’ as they want no responsibility for the depressing final score.
Furthermore, they will be unlikely to wear any clothing that pinpoints them as a supporter after losing to a
rival team. However, research shows that this is not the case with fiercely loyal or ‘true’ fans. They will
carry on wearing their team scarf even when their team performs badly and will say with genuine sadness,
‘they beat US three nil’.
Finally, and perhaps most interestingly, is the way in which sports fans swear by their superstitions or
lucky charms. Wearing a certain item of clothing or carrying a lucky object is common practice of many.
People who may not be superstitious in other aspect of their life will claim that wearing a certain item of
lucky clothing will make their team play better. Equally, an action performed while the team lost will be
considered bad luck and will be avoided in future for fear of jinxing the team. Of course in reality it makes
no difference what kind of hat you wear or whether you have your lucky coin, but superstitions are taken
very seriously by sports fans and I for one would not like to try and persuade them otherwise.
Adapted from Gold experience by Kathryn Alevizos, Suzane Gaynar & Megan Rodeck
76: Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. Sports fans B. Superstitions
C. Success and failure in sports D. True sports fans
77: According to the first paragraph, what does writer say about children?
A. Children are more likely to become sports fans than adults.
B. Playing a sport is seldom the main factor in choosing a team to support.
C. Children are too easily influenced by friends and family.
D. A child experiences important developments at the age of eight or nine.
78: Which of the following is TRUE about true fans in paragraph three?
A. They are more willing to show their true feelings than less loyal fans.
B. Their mood is more affected by the success and failures of their team.
C. They are unlikely to change the way they report their teams’ results.
D. They are critical of the way some fans only support successful teams.
79: The word “jinxing” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to
A. joining in B. backing up
C. bringing good fortune D. bringing bad luck
80: What can be inferred about the writer’s attitude towards fans’ superstitions and rituals?
A. He recognises the benefits of fans having their personal superstitions and rituals.
B. He is doubtful of their positive effect but would be reluctant to share his opinion with a fan.
C. He makes fun of the way some people let superstitions influence their decisions in life
D. He criticises the belief of many fans that their actions can affect the performance of their team.


Part 1: Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it. (10 pts)
81 Be sure to say good bye to your mother before you leave.
You MUST SAY good bye to your mother before you leave.
82. Don’t run away with the idea that the tasks are easy.
You’d better NOT run away with the idea that the tasks are easy.
83. I never thought of changing my job.
The thought of changing my job HAS NEVER COME TO MY MIND./ crossed my mind.
84. Not many people came to his wedding party.
85. She lost her job last month and has been out of work ever since.
86. Ann’s work has hardly got any better at all this term.
→ There has _ been hardly any improvement in Ann
87. I wasn’t brave enough to enter the burning building again.

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→ I didn’t have enough courage to enter the building again
88. He was so enthusiastic that he apparently ignored any warning signs.
→ Such __ was his s enthusiasm that he.
89. A couple’s happiness depends on their frequency of communication.
→ The more frequently a couple communicate, the happier they are ____.
90. As her notes are incomplete, Sharon wasn’t concentrating very hard in the lesson.
→ Sharon can’t t have been concentrating very hard in the lesson as her notes
are incomplete
86. been hardly any improvement in Ann
87. I didn’t have enoough t have enough courage to enter the building again
88. was his s enthusiasm that he
89. frequently a couple communicate, the happier they are
90. Sharon can’t t have been concentrating very hard in the lesson as her notes are incomplete

Part 2: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
including the word given. (5 pts)
91. Mary felt entirely comfortable when her boss was around. (EASE)
1. → Mary felt entirely __ at ease around _________________ her boss.
92. He said their marriage has been successful as they are tolerant of each other. (PUT)
2. → He ______ put off their marriage due to________ the fact that they are tolerant of each other.
93. It would be impossible for us to redecorate the house at the moment because we don’t have
enough money. (QUESTION)
→ Redecorating the house is _ out of the question ______ at the moment because we don’t have
enough money.
94. These days people regard that kind of behaviour as normal. (COME)
3. → That kind of behaviour these days comes across____ as normal.
95. I don’t understand one word of this document. (HEAD)
4. → I can’t _ make head or tail of__________ this document.
5. at ease around
6. put off theư marriage due to
7. . out of the question
8. these days comes across
9. make head or tail of
Part 3: Use the words/ phrases given to make meaningful sentences. (5 pts)
96. If/ it/ sunny/ tomorrow, /we/ go/ ecotour.//
97. Rosy/ told/ her friends/ she/ come back/ there/ following year.//
98. Gao Giong Ecotourist Park/ established/ the 1980s/ located about 20 kilometers/ Cao Lanh Town/
southern Dong Thap Province.//
99. It/ very necessary/ raise people’s awareness/ important role/ water/ their daily activities.//
100. Our fitness instructor/ warn/us/ not /work out/ more/ thirty minutes/ day.
96. If it is sunny tomorrow, we will go on an ecotour.
97. Rosy told her friends (that) she would come back there the following year.
98. Gao Giong Ecotourist Park, (which was) established in the 1980s, is located about 20 kilometers
from Cao Lanh Town in southern Dong Thap Province.
99. It is very necessary to raise people’s awareness of the important role of water in their daily
100. Our fitness instructor warned/ warns us not to work out (for) more than thirty minutes a/ per/
every day.

----- THE END -----

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