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- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

1(a) 160 (mm) (1) 2

242 − 82 (1)

1(b) 920 (mm of mercury) 1

2(a) 21 (cm ) 1

2(b) 0.2(0) (cm ) (1) 4
(average volume of one drop) =
4(.0) / 20 (1)
(volume = 25 − 21 =) 4(.0) (cm )
total volume = number of drops
(average) × volume of one drop

3(a) use of at least 3 turns 1

(mark string and) measure 1

distance (between marks) and
divide by number of turns
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

3(b) any one from: 1

• stretching of string
• thickness of string
• thickness of mark
• gaps between turns
• winding of turns at an angle

4(a) measuring cylinder / graduated B1


4(b) balance B1 accept spring balance

accept (weighing)

4(c) find mass of empty cylinder B1

find mass of cylinder liquid B1

subtract values B1 NOT if stated the

wrong way round
accept valid alternative

5(a) 3 points correctly plotted to ½ B2

- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

5(b) (vertical) spacing not uniform / B1

equal OR points not on a
straight line OR points do not
line up OR difference in
gradients between points

[Total: 19]

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