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“The Outbreak of COVID-19”

KHARL: Hello everyone my name is Kharl Marco Nadonza and today I’m happy to present my Puppet
Show titled “The Outbreak of COVID-19 “hope you enjoy!

CINDY: Daddy… Daddy! I’m bored and I want to go out with my friends…

DAD: Cindy I know that you feel bored but you know the current situation right now, COVID 19 active
cases increases day by day so we should stay at home for our safety and to help our front liners. If I were
you, I will just listen to what the government says as simple as that.

CINDY: I understand our situation today but I don’t have any activities to do instead I’m just going to sit
and rest all day like as in doing nothing at all which makes me unrelieved and tired always.

DAD: Don’t worry Cindy we can do a lot of things/activities that will help us from COVID-19 like doing
exercises, having your virtual classes, reading books, starting an indoor garden, and much more you can
do while you’re at home.

CINDY: Thanks Dad for the advices you gave me and that I shouldn’t worry a lot about the COVID-19

DAD: No problem! It’s just a small thing but It can help us save from the virus also don’t forget to wash
your hands always.

DAD: Anyways if you’re still bored, I can be your live newscaster so just stay relax and watch my news.

CINDY: Sounds Interesting Dad! I want to hear it from you.

DAD: “GOOD MORNING AMERICA! Reporting live from New York City as of today we have 159,937
active cases and the hospitals here really need PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) from other
countries, this is Kharl reporting leaving with a message to Stay Home and be safe.

CINDY: That was a sad and depressing news but thank you dad for the information you gave.

KHARL: Always remember that each day thousands of people are dying because of this pandemic
outbreak so please pass this message to stay at home and keep social distancing.

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