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Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Ministry of Basic, Higher and Technical Education

Poblacion I, Parang Maguindanao

A Detailed Lesson Plan

in Mapeh
Grade II – A

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. identify the different expression of feeling
b. describe how and why emotions are important


A. Topic : Positive Expression of Feeling

B. References : Music, Art, Physical Education and Health 2. Oabel, Edna C., et. al.
DepED.2013. pp.397-400
: Music, Art, Physical Education and Health 2. Oabel, Edna C., et. al.
DepED. 2013.pp.401-405

C. Materials : Strips of paper with different emotions

: Cartolina paper and marker
D. Procedure : 4As


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer

“Before we start our class today, may I request - The pupils will pray.
Muslim, to please stand for our prayer. Okay!

2. Greetings -Good morning ma’am, good morning

“Hello, Good Morning class” classmates, it’s good to see you again.

3. Reminders

“Okay, class please arrange your chairs and sit -Okay ma’am
down properly”
-Student’s arranging their chairs and
4. Checking of Attendance sits properly.
“Ok class, let’s check your attendance.
Very good! There’s no one are absent today!” Clap
your hands” -Student’s claps their hands.

5. Review

Before we start our lesson this afternoon, let us

review first what we have learned last meeting.
Anyone who can tell what was our lesson yesterday? - Good eating habits

Very Good!
-thank you ma’am
“A well-balanced diet provides all of the: energy
you need to keep active throughout the day. Nutrients
you need for growth and repair, helping you to stay
strong and healthy and help to prevent diet-related

“So class, you need to eat regularly that were healthful

for you, okay.”
-Yes ma’am
“Moving on to our next lesson and it’s all about
positive expression of feeling, what comes up in your
mind when you heard that word expression?”
-your feelings
“Okay Avyanna”

“Most people like to feel good, and positive emotions

just plain feel good. They don't necessarily need a
reason or cause behind them for us to enjoy them; we
just do. Experiencing emotions like happiness,
excitement, hope, and inspiration is vital for anyone
who wants to lead a happy and healthy life.”

“So what are the positive expressions of feeling that I

mentioned class?”

“Very good” -Happiness, excitement, and hope.

6. Motivation -Thank you ma’am!

“Before we proceed to our discussion for today we
have here the different expression of feeling, which is
your activity then, okay”
-Okay ma’am, Yeheyy
“Class, eyes on the board and look all the emoji’s”
“What is the expression of this emoji?”

“Very good Class!”

“Another, this one?”

“Another, this one?” -Excitement

“Another, this one?” -Hope

“Wow!, I think you were ready for your activity” -loved

“For your activity, you should choose and get the

emoji’s on the board on what you feel right now, Okay
-yes ma’am.
7. Analysis
*Student’s go to the board and choose
*Call students name and let explain the emoji’s they emoji’s”*
get on the board”

“Okay, Nasrah, please stand and face your classmates

and tell them why did you get that expression”
-Hello Classmates, I choose this emoji
“Wow, I’m glad that you are happy Nasrah, thank you because I’m very happy right now.
please be seated, a round of applause to Nasrah class”
*student’s clapping their hands”
“Next we have Imann, please stand and tell your
classmates about that emoji you get” -hello classmates, I get the love emoji
because my parents loves me.

“Wow that’s so sweet, thank you Imann”

*student’s clapping their hands*
“Okay class, I’m happy to see and to hear that you
participated well. I guess you understand our lesson. A *student’s clapping their hands*
big round of applause to everyone”

8. Abstraction

"Today were guessing game and learn about emotions

or feelings together"

"I will give you 5 seconds with every image. You have
to guess the emotion or feeling in that time."

"Are you ready class?"

*teacher showing the pictures of different emotions or -yes ma'am
*students guessing the different
emotions or feeling*
"Moving on to the next topic which is why emotion's
are important"

"Very good! Nice idea" -to help us build better relationship

"That's because being aware of our emotions can help
us talk about feelings more clearly, avoid or resolve
conflicts better, and move past difficult feelings more
easily. Some people are naturally more in touch with
their emotions than others"

9. Application

"Now class, bring out your books and open page 17,
task 3."
*Pupils followed instructions*
"Read the directions carefully and we're going to
check it later okay"
-Okay ma'am
"Class, give me an example of emotions or feelings"

"What else?" -Happy

"Very good"
"Why do we need to know the positive expression of
-Teacher to help us to know what we
need and want or don't want
"Very good! That's right. For us to be aware of the
emotions of others especially ourselves.

Presentation - 10 points
Cooperation - 10 points
Mastery - 10 points
Neatness - 5 points
Total - 35 points

Match the word’s to the pictures below of different positive expression of feeling.







Describe the different expression of feeling by looking at the pictures.

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