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HUMAN | THE SCIENCE OF MAN THE SCIENTIFIC DEFINITION AND PROOF OF GOD AND THE COSMIC ORDER OF THE UNIVERSE WHAT IS CREATION AND HOW iv CAME TO BE PLEIADES CONNECTION VOL. VII BY VIOLINIO. GERMAIN & GYEORGOS CERES HATONN/ATON "dharma" A PHOENIX JOURNAL COPYRIGHT POSITION STATEMENT AND DISCLAIMER ‘The Phoenix Journals are intended as a ‘real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events andthe relationships ofboth tothe physical and spiritual destinies of mankind, Al of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cease it to happen, Ifthe many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the “end times” (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, lc.). That would put us in the “sorting* period and only a few short years from the finish lin. God has said that in the end-times would come ite WORD-to the four corners of the world-so that each could decide hisMher own course toward, or away from, divinity~based upon TRUTH. ‘So, God sends His Hosts~Messengers~to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. ‘Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not bbe copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except ‘SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is “fction"). ‘The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publi Which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory thatthe ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent ‘upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were. Ifthe Truth is to reach the four comers of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free todo that, Keeping it in context, of cours. HUMAN - ‘THE SCIENCE_OF MAN THE SCIENTIFIC DEFINITION AND PROOF OF Gop AND THE COSMIC_ORDER OF THE UNIVERSE WHAT_IS_CREATION_AND HOW IT CAME TO BE PLEIADES CONNECTION VOL. Vil ISBN 0-922356-51-3, First Edition Printed by America West Publishers, 1991 Published by AMERICA WEST PUBLISHERS P.O, Box 986 ‘Tehachapi, CA. 93581 Printed in the United States of America 10987654321 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER AGE INTRODUCTION, od ONLY SPIRIT MATTERS CHAPTER 1 TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1991 LIVING AND DYING ‘THE DIVIDED AND THE UNDIVIDED. FIGURE 18, 19, 20, 21 & 22 (CHAPTER 2 NATURE IS NOT COMPLEX. COMPARE A SOUND-VIBRATION WITH LIFE ‘AND DEATH 2d YOU SET YOUR OWN LIMITATIONS. 14 UNIVERSAL BALANCE WHEEL ne 24 FIGURE 23 ene 25 FIGURE 24 & 25, 26 LET US STOP AND DRAW SOME CONCLUSIONS........27 CHAPTER 3 ones 9 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1991 aes) REINCARNATION... nnn 9 ILLUSION OF DISAPPEARANCE AND REAPPEARANCE, CHANGING SOUND BODIES.... ‘THE ILLUSION OF REPETITION CONTINUITY.. eat EXPLANATION: REVERSAL OF POTENTIAL. no 38 MORE CONSIDERATIONS... CONCEPTS WHICH MAY SEEM AMAZING AND NEW. 36 NATURAL FACTS WHICH ESCAPE YOU... 37 DESIRE TO MANIFEST IDEA IS THE FULCRUM OF THE UNIVERSE!. 7 CHAPTER 4 FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1991. (NEW YEAR'S EVE) . GERMAIN: THE SUPREME MYSTERY OF THE AGES. GOD CREATES ONLY ONE FORM. " FIGURE A. ‘THE CUBE-SPHERES OF SPACE. ‘A. SUPREME DISCOVERY... CHAPTER 9 2... SUNDAY, AUGUST 18, 1991 ANSWERS WITHIN EXTENSION OF SOURCE ... OMNIPRESENT/OMNIPOTENT. TIME. REAL OR ILLUSION? COMFORT THE SICK....... ANOTHER LOOK AT DREAMS AND HYPNOSIS. CHAPTER 6 7 SUNDAY, AUGUST 18, 1991 BANK BAILOUTS FOR BUDDIES BY BUSH: THE ‘BIG_B-WORDS! CHAPTER 7 MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1991 LETTER FROM AIRLINE PILOT TO HATONN CHAPTER 8 . oe MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1991 DEEPER CONSIDERATIONS WHAT IS MOTION? NEW VIEWPOINT. . POSTULATES. AND AXIOMS. FIGURE 28. FIGURE B. SUMMARY. CHAPTER 9 ‘TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1991 KNOWLEDGE ‘THREE FACES OF ISRAFT GLOBALISM. CHAPTER 10, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1991 PHYSICAL BODIES ONLY EXTENSIONS KNOWLEDGE MAKES YOU MASTER ENERGY IS MIND, NOT IN MATTER EXAMPLES OF SOUL ENERGY ... THE COSMIC ILLUSION. ‘THE ONE REALITY. WHAT THIS KNOWLEDGE MEANS TO YOU TO CONTROL. MATTER--FIRST CONTROL SELF n 7% 16 283 3 3 8 3 92 9s 95 98 104 105 108 108 109 un 1 us 47 118 119 CHAPTER 11 SOME THOUGHTS TO PONDER. A BIT OF SUMMARY THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1991 HUMANIST’ MANIFESTO 1 QUOTE: HUMANIST MANIFESTO 1 HUMANIST MANIFESTO I RELIGION ETHICS THE INDIVIDUAL... DEMOCRATIC SUCIETY WORLD COMMUNITY... HUMANITY AS A WHOLE, CHAPTER 12. FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1991 PROOF? WHAT HAPPENED IN’ RUSSIA? BACK TO "HUMANISM" CHAPTER 13, SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1991... TRANSIENT MATTER AND THE OMNIPRESENT ZERO, MISINTERPRETATION OF TWO KINDS OF ELECTRICITY WAVES ARE MOTION FORCE OF GRAVITY ALLOWS CREATION OF BODIES. IMMORTALITY. DIMENSION ... WHEKE 1S REALITY? CHAPTER 14. MENTAL BEINGS PRAYER AND MISCONCEPTION CAUSE AND EFFECT... WHAT MAN FORGETS WHEN HE PRAYS.. FAITH WILL NOT DO YOUR WORK. PERFECTION OF GOD'S LAW BODIES BELONG 10 THE DIVIDED UNIVERSE OF DIVIDED BALANCE oo... PERFECTION IS EVERYWHERE INCONSISTENCIES OF NON-THINKING PEOPLE. 13 120 nm ira) 176 128 BL 133 BS 136 136 ne 140 143 143 143 147 149 187 137 137 163 168 164 2167 169 169 m “13 16 “176 181 182 182 182 SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 1991 BODIES ARE CHEMICAL, MACHINES. VALUE OF FAITH AND Bi So or Ua MARE SOME CONCLUSIONS PURPOSE OF CREATION, DECREES...... APPENDIX FIGURES 26 8 270.0000 BOOKLIST & ORDERING INFORMATION 135 185 188 9 190 192 198 197 INTRODUCTION REC #3 ATON SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 1991 4:23 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 009 Aton present to share with you briefly as you move into this hoak of information. You are coming into the great Truths of the Cosmic Universe ang aclual Creation and qedey.~ What you glean from this information is solely up to you for you are given to experience as You choose. is sven, Rowever, hat as of you who wish ind Peay pel uae your Sous, may, oo aw ot he any ap ‘There are no secrets kept-only now ae you feady for the Peat sep inca ota scetnment adden of akon cab valid, When the world asks, "What of the teacher, what message has he for us that is greater than all others," you may answer: Behold, every LIFE, no matter how humble, no matter how tragic, ng mallgy hos broken and thwarted, hay a meaning and an inner slory and is precious in God's sight. HA et sie uth comes ff a thousandfold to exery from sage ay ral i i hg sw as Ea Sioid of blime conttonaion 1d ae Wy for the regiving. ‘There have been many artists within the chronicles of men but few there have been, capable of conscious communion with Me; yet I tell you itis a responsibility that does crush the weaker brethren. imust learn to, come within communion for each is precious and IS an artist of great value unto My needs. Go. gt tat is Nah om aan advan and walk a ways knowing that ‘tus! tender its accounting 9 Me- My Love shal ard you 50 that you falter pot-L HM Lae a a a [ae 3 rg Yo cat Sol come into the ty ‘partaking of the Koowledge How can you fail to go forward, sure and calm and free? Use all that has been given unto vow Mind and Soul Spi IF you have yf ip ‘Yop yall find failure leaves of your a SEED yt ae or etter cation aad al inclion exposed Jo Facih's vibrations for the-Laws are give I, af (ollowed, Keep you ever ip balance and hatmony with all that “The Creation's perfast order. oy do and ae pokes f the Spit pours ypon ‘or ip the heavens can do more than help if you but KNOW. when you are prepared je reaped. At this t ihe tro Mie pes fone wes ei realty. Tell you that we bing them tansfigured ceality tha move them ang win them. We shail bring Truth in such simplicity tate at KNOW a en digs sal at th widual being forthe choosing. gies made pl va ; none have been broken; I give you strong loyalty Soe eat sae Means When" ect CAUSES You donera. temember My words of promise anf be ‘Hau and remember that You age nol made scone (y Tape alld nes eS hal ‘your communion will fe” “You shall Wea Brpperly so that vou can rem i MY PRESENCE and, ot Uy ee ar your whims of physteal sheice Poa eat must grow and a twig must be tained to be straight and all as the perfect tree--so shall you learn. fullness of oe EEF ae “Thore are yet principles at stake of which men have no knowledge, there are polices in progress that have no explanations, preat works do manifest but men's eyes sce them not. ‘Only J sce the wlumat, nly the Wise Ones know of the attsinings, ouly Wose wlio have con ered their own Spirits behold the vast pattem By which men are Tae pariaet “Let-the world's dead be buried by those who are TE FETE there are no dead save of the mortal but there are thowe refusing wisdom and might better be dead. As I make it known to Sou m wisdom of that which ttanspres, you shall cleaty Know that which causes yov So eumbls~i ul ehaave Yay «2 ook My com mandments Lo, those come to you who have been the spirits of the great in ev- ery age; they come to you sustaining you; they come to you be- seeching you; they say in their beseeching to heed. Not all of them are with you for many come again, yet in your future, and some you know noi ever; others you have knowledge of; they come and go in 2 your affairs, unseen as well as seen, They come that they might share in the Knowledge as you unfold into wisdom, Lo, these blessed ones come not in their olden roles at present; some come to you as artisans, and yea, of humble callings. If you be- stowed upon these ones in your prior experience age that which re tums cou The times ate upon you when those you hae Known -a5 humble persons shall stand forth as marvels, challenging your intellects; you have Fnown them verily se angele of radiance, ‘ow you behold them as drawers of water. Verily do you see them a hewers of wood-well, they are actually hewers of men's eternal Seine Many of you walked with My son ypon your own place and hays OWE apaih alga His return in His quin growth and honor fot deny the memories of your own pathways unto excellence lest ou ibs your own praduaon, Have you or aud, “Fare law to walk again and serve with this Maser, lt me raaniest wath aa have you not said 1? “Take that wy agit. 1 say it shall fil yee ae fhe a re rea wh our wsdon te Shall cowie a gueat billige, you Shall sit wi dg heart ot Fave walked with Mysel! by imany'sM waters and you have talked in many wheatfelds with Me-rise up and greet Me now that in memory we might abide togeths, You aug 1 ONLY SPIRIT MATTERS Tow speak to your intellects. [take you with me into wisdoms—I give you a shepherding into sheepfolds of mysteries. in that you love Men will ask proof: What is size? What is time? What is space? Harken to My logic; I bequeath you a reasoning. Know that the Father's universe has no such thing as size for size has a quality of ‘measurement by comparison and that which is great seems the earthly. has no meaning but you shal x the wis io ive that perspective and definition unto your brother. Know that J think only in projection of Thought--I need no i an Lead ny ok Space transcends size, yet I say it comes not alike to all created or ders. You perceive that you are. "men", that your stature has a "size". Some perceive your "size" to be "small", but I ask you if you would greater profit if you stood high as the mountaine?

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