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”The role of scout enforcers in serving the community”

Ladies and gentleman have you ever realize, scout are not just young people
who are playing around . but, they more than that.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Good afternoon, the
honourable judges and my beloved audience. First of all let me introduce my
self. My name is Nayla Hasena tardy, you can call me Nayla. I’m from 41
vocational high school Jakarta. Let me tell you about the role of scout enforcers
in serving the community.
Scout enforcers are a specialized subgroup of scouts who focus on community
service and safety. They embody the values of scouting, including
trustworthiness, loyalty, and helpfulness, and they channel these principles into
serving their communities.
The origins of scout enforcers can be traced back to the early days of scouting,
where community service was an integral part of the movement's philosophy.
They evolved as a response to the need for dedicated individuals who could
assist in various community service tasks.
Scout enforcers are guided by a set of core values, including integrity,
responsibility, and leadership. These values drive their actions and decisions as
they serve the community.
The primary mission of scout enforcers is to serve the community. They engage
in a wide range of activities, from organizing food drives to assisting in disaster
relief efforts
One of the crucial roles of scout enforcers is promoting safety within the
community. They often serve as first responders during emergencies and
provide education on safety measures.
Scout enforcers are champions of environmental conservation. They engage in
tree planting, clean-up drives, and advocacy for sustainable practices to protect
our environment.
Beyond community service, scout enforcers focus on youth development. They
mentor young scouts, helping them build leadership skills and character.
Scout enforcers actively engage with the community, attending meetings,
participating in local events, and collaborating with other organizations to
address community needs effectively.
They understand the power of collaboration and often work hand-in-hand with
schools, non-profits, and government agencies to maximize their impact.
In conclusion, scout enforcers are unsung heroes who selflessly serve our
communities. They embody the values of scouting and work tirelessly to make
our world a better place.
I encourage all of us to support and appreciate the efforts of scout enforcers.
Whether you're a scout, a parent, or a community member, there are countless
ways to get involved and contribute to the noble cause of serving our
community. Together, we can make a significant difference. Thank you.

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